Theirs to Hold (Hazard County Threesomes) (3 page)

BOOK: Theirs to Hold (Hazard County Threesomes)
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Chapter Four

Dedra couldn’t believe what she was doing. She’d come home for two weeks to visit her best friend and found herself first in bed with him, and now at a party given by some locals. Brad Lofton wasn’t a guy who ever invited her to anything he’d hosted in the past, but Kirby, her best friend since she was seven, swore it would be fun. It all felt very high school-ish again but she had to admit that added to the allure. It was nice being home and not having to think about work or real responsibilities.

Brad hung with Mario who was just about the hottest guy in Hazard County—outside of Kirby that was. He also didn’t know she existed. She’d spent enough years looking longingly at him, wishing she was one of the big-busted girls who seemed to hold his attention. Sadly, she’d never been very gifted in the boob area. Going off to college and then putting nearly four more years between coming home didn’t change that any. At twenty-six she was still less than ample in the chest department.

Brad’s house was large. He and his family had somehow managed to make a killing, but she wasn’t sure how since as far as she knew they were farmers. Brad had built his own place on the family land. She could still remember hearing about the parties he’d throw back when they were all in school. His parents hadn’t much minded having a bunch of partying teens around. This was the first of Brad’s infamous parties she’d ever been invited to and she was well into her twenties now. The Lofton gatherings were legendary in Hazard County. Much drinking, much partying and much fun to be had.

She had to admit, so far she’d had a great time. Kirby eased up alongside her, his arm snaking around her waist. She smiled up at him, his blond hair flopping into his blue eyes. “I’m glad you surprised me.”

“I’m glad too.”

“You work too much,” he said, his fingers lacing with hers. He tugged her close and bent his head, his lips finding hers. The act was so simple yet it made her smile and glow.

“I know,” she said. She did work too much, but it was hard to get ahead and she wanted to succeed. She had enough guilt about how busy she’d been at college. She didn’t come from money like Kirby did. She’d had to pull together enough to head off to school and bust her butt while there, waiting tables after classes to make it all happen. Kirby had gone off to a fancy college for brainiacs and she’d attended a state school that was closer to her price range. Then she’d landed a job right out of school that took her up north. She’d taken off and not looked back. Times like this when they could be together were few and far between. He’d changed so much. For the better even.

He’d grown into his tall frame, looking less boyish and more manly. And there was a certain suaveness in him now that he’d lacked before. He seemed sure of himself.

She liked it. And she especially liked how skilled he was in the bedroom. Who knew her nerd was hiding moves like the ones he had? She was wet just thinking about how good he felt inside her.

“My turn to surprise you,” he said, tugging on her hand, leading her to the side of the room.

“You have a surprise for me? Really?”

“Yep. Follow me,” he said, ushering her down a long, darkened hall to a back bedroom. He closed the door behind them and she had to strain to see, the lights were dimmed so low.

She laughed. “We’re going to make out at Brad’s place? Kinky. I like it.”

“Oh, we are, but we’re not going to do it alone,” Kirby added, motioning with his head to the other side of the room.

As a tall, muscular man stepped into focus, she gasped.

Mario Moreno, local sports hero and hometown boy, was there, his shirt off, and his jeans barely up. The fly to them was open and from what she could tell, he wasn’t wearing any underwear. The temperature in the room rose quickly to the point that beads of sweat trickled down the back of her neck. How the hell had the man managed to get even sexier?

Life was not fair.

Not fair at all.

Kirby laughed and put his hands on her hips, inching up her sundress a bit. She stilled. He tugged her dress higher, exposing her thighs to Mario.

Mario’s chocolate gaze snapped to them and then her. “Hi, Dedra.”

She nearly fainted. Mario knew her name? How? The guy barely made eye contact with her all through school.

Kirby snickered and kissed at her neck. “She’s shy.”

“I see.” Mario came around the bed and walked right to her. He boldly touched her chin and she couldn’t breathe with him this close. He held her chin roughly and then bent his head, his lips feathering over hers ever so lightly. He released his hold on her. “Hello, Dedra.”

“Hi,” she managed with a breathy sigh.

Kirby swatted her ass cheek, making her yelp. He then jerked her against him and she could feel his erection through his pants. Back when they were teens sShe’d had him in her mouth before, though she’d never taken him into her pussy. She’d wanted to but neither had been totally ready for that before they’d headed off to school. So much had changed with him.

She looked between the men in the room with her, noticing the way they shared knowing looks and the way something else buzzed between them. As far as she’d known, Mario had never paid any attention to Kirby through school unless he was being mean to him or letting his group of friends calls Kirby names. But it was clear by the way they looked at one another that much had changed between them.

They couldn’t have been more opposite if they tried. Kirby with his blond hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Mario with his chocolate gaze, black hair and caramel skin.

Kirby stepped around her and faced her fully. He touched her cheek, his smile warm and loving as always. “Dedra, my surprise for you tonight is

“Us?” she echoed.

He grinned wider. “Yes. The two of us, with you.”

Mario was who Kirby had been on the phone with back at the house? He was who overheard her sucking Kirby’s cock before Kirby made her come so hard her toes still tingled from it?

The expression on Mario’s face said it all.

He was the one.

Stunned, she took the smallest of steps backwards, her gaze darting from her best friend to Mario, who looked like walking sex. Her brow furrowed. “Why me? The two of you could have anyone you want.”

“We want you,” Mario said, his voice deep and commanding.

She shook her head. “You don’t.”

Kirby laughed. “Yes. We do, Dedra. We’ve been planning this for some time, just waiting for you to come home.”

She pointed to Mario. “He doesn’t even know I exist.”

“Oh, he more than knows. He’s had a crush on you for years.” Kirby stroked her cheek and then ran his hand down her neck to the top of her sundress. “And he’s wants you like I want you.”


“Say no and it’s over,” Mario said sternly.

She knew if she said she wanted to leave, they’d let her without question. The thing was she didn’t want to go. The idea of them wanting her excited her beyond belief. She wasn’t a virgin anymore. She’d given that away to some guy she met at college. He’d been on the lacrosse team and seemed like a good first choice. He’d done the deed but she’d been left unfulfilled. He’d not made her come. Then she’d had a one-night stand with an executive she’d met while away on business. He was good in bed but he hadn’t made her come either. Kirby had been the only man to ever make her come.

“You in or you out?” asked Mario.

Her lips trembled as she spoke, “I’m in.”

He flashed a winning smile and moved closer to her. Mario snaked an arm around her waist, smelling of beer. He kissed her and she kissed him back. Kirby touched her ass, his hand running over her dress a moment before it slipped under it. Her body went into sensation overload and she simply allowed them to touch her all over as she tipped her head back, moaning softly.

It felt so good, so right to be between them.

“Kirby here talks about you all the time,” Mario said, his lips moving to her neck.

Kirby skimmed a finger under her panties and kissed her shoulder. “I do talk about you all the time. I can’t help myself.”

Mario kissed her lips again. “Mmm, he said he’s wanted to fuck you for a very long time but that he was too nervous to act on it. But I heard you both today. You more than acted on it. He fucked the living hell out of you and you loved every second of it.” He boldly cupped her breast through the opening in her dress. “I told him next time you were home I’d walk him through how to share you. And now here we are, ready to do what I promised.”

She gasped. She didn’t doubt for a moment Mario could show anyone how to please a woman. She’d heard the girls from town talk about him and his abilities in the bedroom. She’d been envious of them for years.

He grinned. “Damn, you’re even sexier than when we were in school together. How can that be?”

Sexy? He’d thought she was sexy?

Kirby swatted her ass cheek and laughed. “I told you he had the hots for you.”

“He didn’t,” she protested. This couldn’t be happening. Mario didn’t have a thing for her. He was the catch all the girls wanted. And she was just…her. “He was mean to me in school. He threw gum in my hair.”

Mario caught her chin. “To get you to notice me.”

She couldn’t look away from his dark gaze. She wasn’t sure she believed him, but she didn’t care. His touch felt good. So did Kirby’s. She’d never been this free with her sexual desires. This outgoing in regards to pleasure. She trusted Kirby fully. Trusted that if he believed in this, she could too.

He unbuttoned her sundress and then pushed it off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He glanced past her at Mario and nodded. Mario eased against her back and rubbed his body to hers. He unhooked her bra and let it fall away.

Kirby went to his knees and tugged on her silky white panties. As Mario slipped his arms around her and cupped her breasts, she sank against his embrace.

This was too much. It felt too good.

Chapter Five

Mario couldn’t believe he finally had his hands on Dedra. Her small frame, long brown hair kissed with sun streaks, and bright green eyes had taunted him all through school. Damn. He’d wanted to fuck her since he understood what fucking was. She was so quiet. So reserved, only ever letting Kirby near her as she got lost in her own little world of art and reading. Now, here she was, in his arms, ready to let him and Kirby please her.

Kirby’s text had come, telling him to meet them at Brad’s place for a party. Mario had long since grown out of wanting to drink beer around bonfires at Brad’s house, but with the mention of Dedra being there, he dropped everything and went. Now here she was, seemingly ready to submit to them. He just hoped it was more than a one-shot deal.

Cross that bridge later.

His gaze met Kirby’s. Kirby nodded and pulled Dedra’s panties off the rest of the way. He stood and Mario took his position, kneeling before Dedra. She kept a tiny thatch of hair on her pussy that he found sexy as hell. He swatted her pussy gently, eliciting a yelp from her before she rubbed her lower region against his hand.

“Oh,” she breathed.

“Like that?” he asked.

She nodded.

He repeated the action and she leaned against him. Kirby smiled and removed his clothing. He stroked his cock, watching as Mario spread Dedra’s thighs and thrust a finger into her wet cunt. Damn. She was tight, just like he knew she would be.

Mario used his free hand to swat her pussy again and she ground herself on his fingers. He smiled up at her. “Kirby, sit on the bed and then lie back. Dedra, lean over him and suck him. I want your ass in the air for me. I want to see it and lick it.”

She gasped, her cheek reddening.

“Now,” he ordered.

He could see how hot she was at his command. She bit her lower lip and nodded, excitement shining through her green eyes. Kirby did as instructed and Dedra took her position. The minute her mouth slipped over Kirby’s cock, Mario’s dick responded. It hardened to the point he thought it might break free from his jeans. He undressed and then ran his hand down the length of his shaft, staring at Dedra’s creamy ass. He couldn’t seem to stop himself as he swatted her ass cheek. She gasped but kept sucking Kirby’s dick. Mario spanked her again.

Cream dripped down her inner thighs and Mario smiled, knowing she was the perfect woman for them. So responsive. So perfect.

He spanked her again and she wiggled her ass, as if wanting more. He gave her what she wanted, spanking her again and again. Her ass pinked up prettily and Mario bent and separated her ass cheeks. He pushed his face in and licked her pussy. She shuddered and he licked her slit.

Kirby moaned and Mario suspected the man was close to coming. He stood and spanked Dedra’s sexy ass again. He then lined up with her entrance and locked gazes with Kirby as he pushed into Dedra’s cunt.

Dedra stiffened and her pussy nearly clenched his cock right off. “Fuck!” he shouted, pumping into her more, loving the feel of her. Each time Mario thrust into Dedra, her pussy milked his cock. She was better than he’d ever imagined her to be and he’d imagined a whole hell of a lot. He kneaded her right ass cheek as he drilled into her wet cunt. She moaned on Kirby’s cock and Mario smiled down at his friend and lover.

Kirby looked up at him with nothing short of pure rapture on his face. The man hadn’t been fucked this good in a while. Mario was proud to be a part of it.

He moved his hand around and tweaked Dedra’s clit. She bucked against him and rotated her hips. He pounded harder into her and knew his orgasm was close. He rubbed her clit faster and she broke. The walls of her pussy tightened more and he knew she was coming. He met Kirby’s gaze.

“Come,” he ordered, as he took hold of Dedra’s hair and gently pulled her head from Kirby’s cock as Mario’s own cock jetted cum deep into Dedra’s pussy.

Kirby jerked at his shaft, his jaw going slack right before an arch of seed launched up and onto Dedra’s chest. Mario held her hair and kissed her cheek, his cock still buried in her as his ball sac continued to empty its contents. “Perfect.”

She smiled and turned, her lips meeting his. They kissed as Mario ran his hand through Kirby’s cum on Dedra’s breasts. He broke the kiss and looked at Kirby, nodding.

BOOK: Theirs to Hold (Hazard County Threesomes)
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