Read There's Levels To My Thug Online

Authors: Judith Tamalynn

There's Levels To My Thug (9 page)

BOOK: There's Levels To My Thug
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    The ladies arrived back just as the chefs were setting the dinner table. I don’t know what came over Savannah after dinner. Desiree took the girls up to bed, Savannah and I followed right behind. With them not knowing of Rico and I plans, I knew we all needed our rest. Savannah told me to go ahead and jump in the shower first. I agreed while she went to check on the girls. Within five minutes Savannah startled me opening the shower door, through the mist and steam I peeped she was butt ass naked with a smile and a white rose in her mouth. She stepped into the shower and walked straight to me. I snatched the rose out of her mouth filling it with my tongue. My soldier instantly hardened, Savannah giggled pulling me up against her on the shower wall. I slid my hand between her thighs fiddling with her clit.

Savannah grabbed my hands placing them on her ass, raising her legs around my hips as she kissed me. We couldn’t tell what was hotter, us or the shower. Savannah placed her hands on my dick stroking it, with each stroke the harder my dick got.  Before I knew it, she had me all up inside her fucking every inch of her pussy, while the water was running down our bodies. The deeper I went inside of her, the more she moaned
After a while, we moved from the shower to the bedroom. I laid Savannah on the bed spreading her legs kissing my way up in between her thighs. The closer I got to her pussy the more she moaned and squirmed grabbing my ears. Savannah came out of her shell. I’ve never seen her this way. At dinner she did go a little heavy on the wine, I believed it was due to her mama passing so we all understood. But tonight I thanked her and all the wine she drank.  I flipped her over on top of my face with her quickly turning over putting my dick to the back of her throat. We needed our rest indeed but it was no way I was turning this ass down. Before I knew it, I had put her to sleep.





















*Chapter Eleven*


A Funeral


    We arrived back in the city the evening after Mother’s Day. With me having to snap back to reality. Tameka set it up for her driver to drop her off so she could ride with me over to the funeral home. I hated how the morticians made-up the deceased. I refused for my Mama to go out not looking like herself. I couldn’t have everyone’s last memory of my mama looking like someone’s fucking clown. So I decided to do her hair & make-up myself.

Dragon didn’t think it was a good idea but I didn’t want to hear anything otherwise. The only reason he agreed for me to go was, Tameka was coming along for support. Dragon had been getting calls left & right since he did New York Fashion week, from all different buyers so he couldn’t go with me. He’s basically booked up with all types of clients plus he’s still getting ready for graduation on the 26
of May.

    Tameka arrived at 11 am just like she said she would. Dragon, the girls and I were all in the kitchen still eating breakfast. Tameka came into the kitchen as loud as ever.

“Auntie Tameka is here, ladybugs!”
Tameka said as she walked over to the girls kissing them on their foreheads.

“Come on girl, are you up for this?”
She said as she sat next to me at the table.

“Even if I’m not, I will be,”
I said while wiping my mouth with the napkin.

Desiree looked back over her shoulder at me.

    “Savannah, don’t worry about the dishes I got them. Just go do ya thing and get back in one piece. Actually once the girl’s and I are out and about, how about we do lunch or something?”
She said to me as she took my empty plate.

    “Come one Sugar, we got to go if we’re going to beat rush hour traffic,”
Tameka said to me.

    I walked out the kitchen up to my bedroom. Instead of going in my closet, I sat on the bed, thinking of things I wanted to say to mama. Not even trying to, I broke down into tears. Trying to think of who could be so evil to take her out like that and why. Before I knew it, Dragon was taking me by the hand, then in walked Tameka.

“Dragon, I got you and her. I postponed everything until we get thru this.”
Tameka said.

    He turned to her and thanked her for being here, within seconds Dragon and I both were in tears. Tameka put her arms around the both of us and gave us a hug. I knew my mama and Dragon were close but at the same time, he felt my pain. Tameka and I headed over to my closet so I could get myself together and dressed, shit I needed to fix my face after all that crying. I threw on an all-black cat suit with my Michael Kors black leather-riding boots. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and bumped my bang a little. I didn’t feel like doing too much with my make-up so I just thru on some eyeliner and glossed my lips and was ready to go.

    Riding down MLK Blvd headed to Newark NJ, Tameka and I started reminiscing about Mama. And all the many of times she’s caught us sneaking in or out the house. On our way over to the funeral home, I explained to Tameka that I was having Mama cremated after the services and her remains will be with me anywhere I go. We pulled up to Whigham Funeral Home, it took almost twenty minutes before I could get out the car. Tameka finally cut our conversation.

    “Look, babes, I don’t want to do this just as much as you. Savannah I got ya back girl like I always have. Whenever you need to take a break just say it, I’m right here.”
Tameka said as she unbuckled her seat belt.

    I never thought I’d be here at least not this early. Mama was robbed of seeing her granddaughters take their first steps and graduate from High school. Whoever did this was going to pay, I thought as we got out of Dragons truck. When we walked into the funeral home, Mr. Brown met us out in the front.

“Hello Savannah, I’m so sorry we’re seeing each other after all these years under these circumstances. Do you mind if I ask if the police have any leads on who did this to your mother?”
Mr. Brown asked me.

    “No sir, they’re still looking into it,”
I said with much doubt in my voice.

“OK well keep me posted on it, your mother didn’t deserve this at all. We usually don’t allow the victims family to come in and do dress the deceased. But only because of your mothers work in the community we’re making an exception for you. If at any time you think you can’t go through and need to stop just let me know.”
Mr. Brown said as he walked me back to my Mother.

I stood there at a standstill touching Mama’s hand. I leaned in and kissed my Mama on her forehead. Tameka and I talked to her as if she could hear everything we were talking about. Tameka started telling her how she Diddy Bop and Doo Wop Pop on the Stage now.

“Ms. Maria, I met your favorite Artist Patti Labelle. She smells awesome just as you said she would.”
Tameka said as she placed shoes on Mama’s feet.

“Let me tell you something Baby, I always knew you would be somebody famous,”
Tameka said trying to sound as if she was Mama talking.

    Just as I finished Mama’s make-up I heard a big clash on the floor. As I turned, Tameka started to yelp out crying as her body hit the floor. I ran over to her and grabbed her, telling her that it was ok and to just let it out. I knew she was bound to break at any given moment. All I could do was hug her and rock her until she was together enough to walk to the car.

“Come on Boo, let’s go ahead and meet up with Desiree. Then all we have to do is get through tomorrow.”
I said as I pulled her up.

    Desiree texted me that she was en route to her parents’ house to drop off the girls. Mrs. Rachel agreed to watch the girls for a couple of weeks while Dragon and I got things in order with the move and also she offered to hold my Mother Repast at her home. I was very grateful for Mrs. Rachel. She’s been riding with me since day one. She never once made me feel like an outsider, she’s always treated me with love.

There were a couple more ends I needed to tie up before Dragon’s party and three days after his party we’re due to officially move to Philadelphia. We stopped at the house before meeting up with Desiree and Dragon over at White Street. By the time we arrived Desiree had just been seated. We had time to gossip, we even had enough time to talk about Dragon’s upcoming Graduation and his Surprise party. Right before Dragon walked in, the girls and I were speaking on how tragedies tend to show who really has your back and who truly loves you. Dragon, Sonya, and Future joined us for dinner and drinks. We went back to our house for more drinks. Everyone was trying to keep my mind off Mama’s funeral tomorrow. Since everyone was riding with us in the family car, Dragon and I decided it would be best that they stayed the night.

    Dragon and I woke up around 7 am the next morning to get ready for Mama’s funeral; the viewing is set for 10 am this morning. The cars arrived to pick us up at 9 am, Dragon his parents Tameka and Desiree rode with me in the family car. When we walked into Whigham Funeral home, I could hardly stand. Everything just seemed so surreal my legs began to shake the closer we got to the casket. My mother’s casket was pure white with gold trim there were red white and yellow roses everywhere. I dressed her in the all white gown Dragon designed for her and her favorite Jimmy Choo’s. Dragon leaned over whispering something to Mama and then kissed her after placing a dozen roses inside of her casket with her he stepped aside to give me a moment. It didn’t feel like I was speaking my last words to my mother, at least, I didn’t want it to be.

    Just as Mr. Randall started to give the Eulogy, I could hear a lot of yelling and hollering coming from behind the chapel doors. All of sudden the doors were kicked open.

“I don’t know who in the Fuck you people think you are! How in the Hell do you think you’re going to have a home going for my sister and I not be here. You’re going to let me the Fuck in! Savannah, Savannah…. Where are you? You were going to let these people deny me saying my goodbyes to my only sibling?”
A lady yelled as she was being held.

Security grabbed her as she ran into the chapel.

    “Oh My God is that you Auntie? Aunt Anita? Let her go let her in.”
I demanded.

My Aunt was the spitting image of my mother, just petite and a little older. After we had got everyone settled back down into their seats, Mr. Randall continued on giving the Eulogy. Tameka went up after Papa Randall and sang mama favorite song
“I just can’t give up now”
by Mary Mary. Right after the services we headed over to Dragon parents’ home for the Repast, Mama Ashes should be ready for pick up in 48 hours. People kept going up to my Aunt Anita stating how much she resembled Mama. Eventually, Aunt Anita broke down and started apologizing for not being around. Not being too mad at her just for not being around because the fact I hadn’t spoken with my Mama since my Graduation party, we had an argument about the difference of my childhood up bringing from Faith & Hope. I felt very guilty and Dragon was the only person that knew about my feelings towards my mother. However, to know that I’ll have her with me, where ever I go it made me feel a little at ease.

    The whole ride home was quiet. Mrs. Rachal kept the girls so Desiree and I could ride down to Philly in the morning to take the last deposit to the club. Dragon looked over and grabbed my hand.

Babe I’ll love you until the end of time,”
Dragon said as he kissed my hand.

When we got home, Dragon went and ran us a bath. I truly enjoyed our alone time, as new parents and with Dragon being a new business owner, it’s hard to find time to ourselves. Dragon called me to come join him in the Jacuzzi. The bathroom smelt of green apples and vanilla. I stepped into the Jacuzzi sitting in between Dragon.

“Baby I don’t want any sex tonight for real. I just want to massage and wrap my arms around you baby, you’ve had a rough day and I just want you to relax and rest. You have the next couple days off and I just want you to rest.”
He whispered in to my ear.

    Honestly no matter if he was holding me or fucking me all crazy, a bitch like me I will be relaxed for sure. As much as I would love for him to be all up inside me maybe he was on the right path. Dragon gave me a sponge bath while massaging me at the same time. He blotted my body with the towel, he so hated when I would rub the towel all over me. He’d always mumble there she go again rubbing her skin off. Carrying me over to the bed Dragon started to
sing “I Can’t Stop Loving You”
by Kem. I laid my head on his shoulders enjoying every bit of him pampering me. Softly laying me across the bed, Dragon reached over and grabbed some oils off his nightstand. Dropping a few drops on my back, I could tell by the warmth of the drops he had it sitting in the warmer. Massaging me across my shoulders, slowly down my back, pausing for a few more drops he gripped my waist firmly pressing in as he massaged me deeper. Dragon started to grind all over my ass making me moan. I could feel he’d gotten an erection knowing just ten minutes ago neither of us had sex on the brain. Just from the touch of Dragon, I couldn’t help but want him even more. I quickly screamed out.

BOOK: There's Levels To My Thug
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