Thick: A Stepbrother Romance (14 page)

BOOK: Thick: A Stepbrother Romance
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              “Get in the car,” he said dropping me unceremoniously to the ground. “We gotta get the fuck out of here.”

              I did as he said, laughing the entire time. Just seeing him in the shop made my entire fucking day. I was definitely going to be telling Alex and mom about this later. They would get a good laugh at it as well. Who knew a big man could get scared so easily? I sure as hell didn’t. But damn it was priceless none the less.

              He dropped me off at my moms, screeching his tires as he left. I stood there laughing when the front door opened. My mom coming out onto the front porch, giant smile and all. She was leaning against the railing when I got to her. She looked me up and down with a knowing look on her face. It felt oddly weird to have her looking at me like this. Usually it didn’t bother me, but there was just that look on her face. As if she knew exactly what went on while we’d been gone today.

              “Have fun today?” She asked, gripping my shoulders leading me into the house.

              “Yeah, it was oddly cathartic.” I stated, going to the couch to sit.

              She sat down next to me, internally fighting with herself. She finally couldn’t hold it in anymore and had to ask. “How did Brad like the waxing?”

              At that I fucking lost it. Doubling over with laughter, I gripped my belly when it started hurting. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I continued to cackle with my laughter. “Ha. He just loved that. Said he needed to do it more often.”

              “I can just imagine now.” She said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

              We sat there for the longest time talking about what the day brought us. I left out all the parts about Brad and me. I didn’t need to deal with that pickle just yet. She told me how she met Henry, which was the sweetest thing ever. She was late for work one morning, only to have a flat tire on her way. She was on the side of the road, makeup a complete mess, clothes already wrinkling from the drizzle of rain. She was just about to give up when a man in a Range Rover pulled up behind her.

              He’d gotten out and come to ask her if she needed help. She explained that she felt such warmth when she gazed into his dove gray eyes. But she said he pulled off his jacket, put it around her and led her back to his vehicle. Henry Titan was a very, very busy man. But hearing how he carved minutes out of his day for my mother when she’d been in need, softened my heart even more toward the old man.

              We were crying, laughing, and damn near pissing ourselves when we had to part to get ready for dinner. I chose this time to call Alex. I hadn’t called her since I hit city limits yesterday. I was missing her something crazy, and needed to hear her voice. Grabbing my phone, I dialed her. When I got voicemail, I was slightly bummed. I tried again only to hear her voicemail again. I opted to send a quick text before getting ready.

              With the way my mom wanted me to dress, it would take me an hour alone just to get my makeup and hair right. Not wasting a moment I laid my gown out on my bed and went to the bathroom to start getting ready for the night. In some ways I was glad tomorrow would be just and mother and daughter day. That was something that both of us needed, desperately. Just dinner. That was the only thing in the way of being around my mother for a whole day. I was so excited, I couldn’t wait.

Chapter Fourteen


I was rocking this shit.

              Slipping into my stilettos, I went to the mirror to check myself out. I turned seeing the crisscrossing diamond straps at my back. The black satin dress I was donned in, was absolutely breathtaking. When I spotted it in the window of a shop in New York, I just had to have it. The gown hugged all my curves like a glove. It was diamond studded around my breasts, pushing them up giving me some ample cleavage. Even though I was absolutely exhausted from today’s events, I was looking forward to dinner. My mom told me that there was a surprise waiting for me at the country club. So that made all this playing dress up worth it.

              If I knew my mother like I thought I did, it was something big. Grabbing my clutch, I came out of my room. Meeting mom at the bottom of the steps we gushed over how great we both looked. However, we knew if we stood here too long fawning over each other, we would be late. Slipping out into the night, we made our way to the country club. We spent most of the drive talking and laughing.

              There had been so much to happen while I was gone. Most of the shit that did, had me cackling with laughter. I found out that Mr. Rogers was caught sleeping with Mrs. Simmons, by both of their spouses. It was the most hilarious thing ever. Not only were they cheating on each other, but it was like they swapped spouses. I didn’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life. What a way to be caught with your pants down? Literally.

              “So it’s just me and you tomorrow,” I clarified.

              She nodded her head with a big smile on her face. “Yup, just you and me kiddo.”

              “Great, because tomorrow is your bachelorette party.” I stated with an evil smile, raising my eyebrows up and down.

              She groaned. “No strippers, Claire. Just no.”


              “Henry is the only man I want to see that way. Ever,” she chuckled.

              “Ok…One, that’s just wrong. Two, you are such a party pooper.”

              “Only being honest, my dear.” She shrugged her shoulder, chuckling.

              I was lost in conversation I hadn’t noticed we’d made it to the club. The valet opened our doors, their mouths dropping open in delighted shock. I blushed from their reaction, taking the valets hand I got out of the car. My mother joined my side, and we began ascending the steps. Just as a doorman opened the door, Henry’s car pulled up. I stood back with my mother clutching my bag in front of me.

              The moment the men saw us standing there, their expressions went from being playful to sinful. Henry absolutely ate my mother up with his eyes. But that’s not what had me catching my breath. It was Brad standing there in a black tuxedo, with a lone red rose in his hand. His hair was perfectly gelled, he looked absolutely handsome. His presence quickly reminded me of the time he came to the house begging me to take him back. In that moment, I forgot how to breathe.

              He made his way toward me, his gaze taking me in. He stopped just in front of me, offering me the rose. It was the sweetest gesture that I felt my eyes beginning to tear up. A person clearing their throat drew my attention. Snapping out of my trance I saw Henry and my mother examining the situation with watchful eyes. Backing away from Brad, I felt a blush stain my cheeks. I couldn’t let myself get caught up in him, especially not in front of our parents.

              As custom for the club would have it. The men held their arms out to my mother and me. Slipping our arms through theirs, we made our way inside. The moment my arm touched his it felt like I’d been shocked. My body began thrumming with arousal. He was the only man to be able to send my body soaring from the simplest touch. I also knew in that moment, he would only ever be the one to make me feel this way.

              I really wished that our parents weren’t getting married. There was something still between him and me; something that I desperately wanted to pursue, but found I couldn’t. I knew he was feeling the same way when his eyes came to rest on mine. His brilliant blues were lit up with an emotion I was all too familiar with. He still loved me just as much as I did him. I wanted to openly sob, because there was no chance.

              My heart was totally on board being with Brad, but my head spoke differently. It was confusing. Should I listen to my heart, or listen to my head? With the way I was feeling right now, I would say heart most definitely. But thinking of the aftermath we could leave behind, I desperately needed to follow my head. There was absolutely no other option.

              We walked behind our parents toward our table when I felt his breath against my nape. “Claire, I know you can feel it. Why are you fighting us so hard? Just give in, love.”

              I fought the lump that grew in my throat. If only it were that easy. To throw caution to the wind, and just follow my heart. “It’s not right, Brad. I shouldn’t feel what I feel for you, but dammit, I can’t help it.”

              He briefly kissed my cheek, before whispering something into my ear that would rip my heart in two. “Just let go, Claire Bear. I will never let you fall, at least not alone. This I promise you…I will always be there to catch you.”

              Damn this man. I wanted to believe every word he was spouting. He made everything sound so easy, when in fact this was the hardest thing I’ve ever been met with. Dammit, if I didn’t think about what it would be like to be with him; and everyone around us approving of our relationship. With every fiber of my being I wanted to believe him. Being able to be with him would feel like heaven, especially after the years of hell I’d been living in. Would it be worth the plunge? To finally take what I wanted, to believe him.

As I sat down, my resolve broke. I found that I did believe him. If Brad was anything, he was honest. He wouldn’t have said those things if he didn’t believe them without a shadow of a doubt. My mind was calm since I was no longer fighting with the thought of there being something between us. I knew he would never let me fall; but that didn’t mean we couldn’t jump together. I was tired of fighting us. The way I felt about him, I was sure would never come again. No one would be able to fill the hole in my heart, except Brad. He was it for me.

“I’m sorry,” I said as everyone seated. “But I need to talk to you, in private,” I steeled my gaze on Brad.

“Is something wrong,” my mother asked?

I shook my head. Henry asked, “Are you ok?”

I nodded my head, a wide, bright toothed smile. “Yeah, never better.”

“How about a dance then,” Brad offered?

I graciously accepted, letting him take my hand and lift me from the chair. With his hand still clasps around mine, his fingers threaded through mine, I followed him to the dance floor, which was located in a different room, away from prying eyes. He twirled me with expert precision, before taking my waist in his hand. He swayed back and forth, waiting for me to start the conversation. I took a calming breath looking into his eyes, and began telling him what I figured out.

“Brad, I love you. There will never be anyone else for me. I know that now. It’s taken me what seems like forever to come to terms with it. I felt like this in New York too. Ever since you broke my heart all those years ago, I was never able to get you out of my head.” I started tearing up, he swing me in a circle before pulling me back to him. “I don’t care what anyone says about us; or how they perceive our kind of relationship. All I know is that, I want you. Today, tomorrow…forever. I don’t want to fall. No, I want to make the leap with you by my side.”

He seemed stunned by my words, not saying anything throughout the rest of the song or halfway through the next. He just stood stock still, letting my words wash over him. His eyes began to water as a big smile broke across his face. He picked me up, swinging me through the air before letting me down. I hugged him tightly to me. I was stepping up on my tip toes to kiss him, when he shook his head. I frowned, wondering why he was rejecting me after I professed my love for him.

He spoke softly, running the outside of his hand down my face. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for that? To hear those words come from your mouth again. I thought I was going to go crazy thinking that I would never have you in that way again. Claire, you’ve just made me the happiest man alive. I sincerely hope you know that.” He brought his forehead down to mine, closing his eyes. “You mean everything to me, love. You always have.”

I barked out a laugh as tears swiftly fell onto his hand. “Ditto, stink ass.”

He chuckled, pulling away from me. “You’re really going to have to think of a better nickname, love. That just ruins the whole moment,”

Inspiration hit me. “What about Brad ‘Thick Dick’ Titan,” I seduced.

He smiled. “Now that, we can work with.”

I attempted a second kiss, but he rejected me again. I was two seconds from grabbing his face planting a good one on him, the teasing bastard. But he spoke quietly into my ear, “We have to keep it quiet until we tell our parents, ok? I want to tell them together, you and me. So wait until the wedding love, that’s all I’m asking.”

I could see his reason. This was something that would throw them for a loop. It would be best to wait until the wedding. I would return to New York but only to gather my things and transfer to a PR firm down here. This was my home, how could I think otherwise. He was my home. I would never feel complete until I was with him, in our house with children running and playing around us.

“I agree.” I said before breaking out into a devilish grin. “After that…it’s on Thick Dick.”

He chuckled. “You can bet your sweet ass it is, love.”

              We made our way back to the table huge smiles on our faces. My mother gave me a sheepish look when I sat down, but I chose to ignore it. She would get her news Sunday, right before they left for their honeymoon. Not a moment sooner, or later. I was sure she was going to freak the fuck out. But in the state of mind that I was in, I didn’t care at all. I had Brad. So my entire world was drastically better.

Our waitress came over to our table, taking everyone’s orders. She stood there not saying a word as I focused on my menu. After I gave her my order I sipped at my wine, only to choke a second later when her voice rang out for the first time.

              “You hussy, you didn’t even notice me. Girl, you’re losing your game,” Alex rushed out, chuckling when my head snapped to hers. “Might want to slow down there tee-toddler.”

              I pushed my chair out, jumping up to throw my arms around her neck. I couldn’t believe that she was here. How…Why…Who? I broke the hug, glancing over at my mom and Henry. Both had warm smiles on their faces. I can’t believe they would do this for me. This was just over the top. Ever since coming back here, I’d felt lost without her. I was so fucking glad that she was here. I had so much to tell her. She would love me too, especially since I planned to blab everything.

              “Oh my God! You’re really here,” I gushed hugging her tighter to me.

              “You’re crushing me, sweets. Let…me…go,” she wheezed. 

              I pulled back, tears in my eyes, and took her in. She was dressed for the night and everything. No wonder I couldn’t get her on the phone when I had called earlier. She was in the air. I knew there was a reason she wasn’t answering me. That wasn’t like her, not at all. No matter what time it was in the day, she was always there for me. She was my sister more than she was my best friend.

              “Well who’s this piece of hot stuff?” She gestured toward Brad, drool practically from her open mouth.

              I let out a carefree chuckle. “That would be Brad, my soon-to-be Stepbrother.”

              Her wide eyes shot back to me, disbelief evident in her bright greens. “You’re shitting me? This is
Brad, and he’s going to be
Stepbrother.” At my nod she busted out laughing. “Wow, that’s a bitch.”

              We set down at the table, my chair being next to Brad and Alex’s next to my mother. She was talking to my mother about her wedding when my phone beeped with a text. It was a little weird that I was getting a text. The only people that every texted me were my mother and Alex, which were both at the same table with me. Opening my clutch, I saw a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: What are you wearing underneath that beautiful black gown?

My eyes snapped up, glancing all around me. I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but someone was definitely watching me. I swallowed the lump that began forming in my throat and texted back.

Claire: Who is this? How did you get my number?

Within seconds a new reply came through.

Unknown: Think about it, love. Who else would ask you what’s on underneath your gown?

I looked through my lashes to see Brad cracking up with laughter. He was currently talking to his father. Since he was the owner of a construction company his father didn’t press about him being on the phone. Brad had many sites that he needed to keep a close eye on, thus the usage of the phone. But his father would shit if he found out that he was texting for pleasure and not business. I typed out a reply, knowing it would rev him up.

BOOK: Thick: A Stepbrother Romance
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