Thirst [All-American Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (2 page)

BOOK: Thirst [All-American Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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The lady approached him, strolling slowly around him as she had done earlier, only this time she touched him with a stray brush of her hips against his buttocks, another light slide of her fingertips over his chest. She came to a stop directly in front of him and looked him straight in the eye. He could see desire and something else in those mysterious, blue depths. She reached out a hand and pulled loose the tie that held his hair back, just as all those other women had wanted to do but hadn’t had the courage. “Mmm, nice.” She licked her lips as she watched his hair fall in a sweep across his shoulders. “So tell me, Indian, where do you sleep?”

Hawk gestured to the ladder, not sure exactly how he should react to her boldness.

The lady laughed softly. “Shall we?”

He watched as she climbed the ladder, holding her long skirts in one hand. She seemed to have no trouble negotiating the ladder one-handed, and Hawk marveled to himself that she must be a lot stronger than she looked. When she reached the top, she peeked down at him. “Well, are you coming? I don’t have all night.”

Hawk considered leaving. He couldn’t forget the strange feeling he had gotten from her earlier, but he quickly discarded the idea. She was beautiful and fascinating. She smelled good. And she wanted to bed him. Why not? He was tired of whores. He moved to the ladder and began to climb.

By the time he reached the top, she’d already crossed to his makeshift bed and begun pulling free the laces on the front of her dress. She grabbed the loosened fabric and pulled it down. Her breasts popped free, and Hawk could see that the nipples were already plumped into mouthwatering points. He moved closer. When he got near her, he reached out and slowly traced his finger over one voluptuous mound. He bent to cover the tip with his mouth, suckling gently. She allowed the love play for a few minutes before she grabbed his hair and pulled his head up so their eyes could meet. “That’s sweet, Indian. But I don’t want sweet. I want savage. That’s what you are, right? A savage. I want you hard and rough and a little bit mean.” Then she ground her lips into his, forcing his mouth to part for the hard jab of her tongue.

He froze for a moment before grabbing her shoulders and pushing her away from him. He looked down at her swollen, damp lips and heaving chest. At last, he raised his gaze to meet hers. Of course, he knew exactly what she wanted from him. She wasn’t the first one to fantasize about fucking a wild Indian. She wanted to be ravaged like some captive maiden he’d stolen from some homestead. Well, he could oblige her. If that’s the way she wanted it, then that’s what she would get.

He wrapped his large hand around her neck, gripping her tightly, and pulled her body sharply against his. Lowering his mouth, he pressed his lips to hers. This time it was he who demanded entrance to the depths of her mouth. He held her head so that she could not move while he plundered, his tongue stabbing into her repeatedly as he backed her up to the edge of his mattress. He pushed, and she fell backward, sprawled before him like a trollop, her mouth a grinning smirk. Her eyes devoured him as he began stripping himself of his clothing. First he removed his shirt, which he flung to one side, and then his pants. When he stepped out of them, she avidly stared at his engorged cock.

He stepped forward and pulled her into a seated position, so that her mouth was level with his erection. “Open,” he ordered, pressing the head of his cock to her lips. Her lips parted eagerly, and he pushed himself inside, not giving her time to adjust to the feel of him in her mouth. If she wanted it savage, he would give her exactly that.

He threaded his hand through her hair and held her still as he began to fuck her mouth, pressing in deep and feeling his cock hit the back of her throat. She gagged slightly, but he ignored it, continuing to thrust roughly. He felt her tongue dragging over him as he withdrew and sucking him in greedily when he reversed the movement. Spittle welled at the corners of her mouth and dribbled down her chin. She looked like a bitch in heat. He could tell she liked it.

When he felt his balls pulling up tight, he knew he was about to come. He pulled his cock out of her mouth, ignoring her protests. “Lie down and lift your skirts,” he demanded roughly.

She eagerly complied, pulling the voluminous material up and revealing her wet pussy. It was hairless, and for a moment Hawk was dumbfounded. He’d never seen or heard of such a thing before. It made her appear a child, and for a moment he almost stopped. Then she reached down and stroked a hand over herself, and he remembered that this was no child he was dealing with. She plunged one finger into the folds and brought the moistness to her mouth. Her tongue curled around the wet digit so that she tasted herself. “Yummy,” she purred.

That was the last straw for Hawk. Unable to delay another second, he crawled on top of her, shoving her legs apart and using his cock to rub over her pussy lips. Then he was poised at her entrance, pushing in just a tiny bit. He reached down a hand and forced her head up so that their eyes met. “My name is Hawk. Not Indian. My lady.”

And he shoved himself inside her. He fucked her hard, over and over, pounding himself into her, pushing her legs up and apart so he could get deeper inside her hot channel. She seemed to love the rough treatment, moaning and dragging her nails down his chest to leave a trail of welling scratches. She smiled at the sight and licked her lips. He reached up to cup one breast, tweaking the nipple, pinching it hard between his fingers. She moaned harder, and he felt her hips rising up to meet his with each powerful plunge.

He felt the contractions in her pussy as she began to climax, and he let those squeezes set off his own orgasm. He fell forward, jerking with the powerful spurts, until he was drained. She pulled his head over and kissed the side of his throat. “That was simply divine, Hawk, my sweet savage.” Then he felt a sharp pain in his neck as she bit him. Shocked, he tried to draw back, but she had him locked to her. He’d thought she was strong before, but it was nothing compared to the power in those arms and legs as they clung to him and held him helpless.

He sensed movement around him, saw shadows from the corners of his eyes. Then he felt another bite on his shoulder. He jerked in pain and, in dazed amazement, felt his cock begin to grow hard again inside the bitch’s body. Even as he struggled, his arm was lifted and sharp teeth sank into his wrist. He was powerless against them. He tried to cry out for help, but he had no voice left. His body began to move on its own, beginning to fuck the woman again. He had no control. He shook his head in denial. He heard a feminine chuckle in his ear.

“Oh, yes, my savage Hawk. Fuck me hard. Hard as you can.”

“Oh, Madeleine, he’s simply delicious.” Another voice came from his left.

“Absolutely. You chose well, sister.” This time the voice was masculine.

Hawk felt his body reach another climax, but it was a distant thing. He felt as though he were observing the scene in the loft rather than participating in it. The creatures that had him captive were not human, he dimly realized. Half-forgotten tales told over campfires when he was a boy came back to him. Tales that he and his friends had scoffed at as superstition and lies.
Spearfinger. The blood drinker. The eater of lives.

,” he managed to whisper weakly

Darkness began to fill his vision as he felt himself becoming weaker and weaker. His consciousness was fading, and there was no one who could help free him from these monsters. They were sucking the lifeblood out of him. With one last spurt of defiance, he tried to struggle, to throw off the ones who held him down and hurt him, but he couldn’t do it. He was helpless. They were killing him, and there wasn’t a single thing he could do to stop them.

Chapter One


Biloxi, Mississippi

Present day


Claire pulled her car into the employee parking lot of the Midnight Moon Casino and Resort. The parking garage was dark and gloomy, a welcome respite to her sensitive vampire skin after the short drive from her apartment. As a newly turned vampire, she was still quite vulnerable to the effects of even the lightest of the sun’s rays. It was not very smart of her to leave the safety of her home before full dark had settled, which was why the casino had its employees change shifts only after sundown and before dawn. Unfortunately, she had had no choice. Knowing the chance she was taking, she’d made sure she had some bottled blood on hand to repair any skin damage. Shakily she lifted her hand to her painfully burned cheeks. She grimaced. It wasn’t much worse than a really bad sunburn. However, it would certainly draw unwanted attention to her, so she twisted the top off the bottle and took a long swallow.

Claire hated being a vampire. When she’d first been turned, it had taken everything in her to drink blood from a live donor. She was not aggressive or predatory. She was squeamish and introverted, shy and quiet. In other words, she was absolutely everything that a vampire was not. If it weren’t so pathetic, it would be funny.

She took another drink of the bottled blood. She could feel the healing effects as her cells absorbed the precious liquid. Even after almost a year, she was still amazed at the restorative abilities of her new body. Sometimes she just felt so lost, like a stranger to herself. If it weren’t for her mission, she probably would have taken her own life right after she was turned. But she couldn’t. Not yet. Hell, who was she kidding? Probably not ever. She didn’t have the guts to do herself in. With disgust at her own ineptitude, she quickly downed the rest of the bottle before putting the cap back on it and setting it aside. Well, she might be incompetent as a vampire, but she would not let that stop her from doing what she had to do. It was all she’d thought about, all she’d lived for in the months since her life had spun crazily out of control.

She checked her appearance in the rearview mirror, wiping away a small drop of red from her bottom lip. After popping a breath mint in her mouth, she exited the car and made her way to the short tunnel that would take her into the building, admiring once again the planning that had gone into the building’s layout. The Midnight Moon Casino and Resort was very protective of its vampire employees, mainly because it was owned by the Buchanans, a pair of wealthy vampire brothers. Everything was geared toward making it easier for paranormals to blend into the human world. The brothers had a reputation for doing everything they could to assist any paranormals in the area, especially the newly made vampires, going so far as helping them find jobs at one of their own properties if necessary. That was one of the reasons why she felt so damn bad about what she was doing. But she had no choice. She pushed the twinge of guilt aside and, sighing, turned down the corridor where the employees’ break room was located. After stashing her purse in her locker, she clocked in and then walked toward the area that contained the tech department for the casino.

“Hey, Claire.” A hand on her arm caused her to jump nervously. “Whoa. Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Flustered, Claire looked over and met the eyes of one of her fellow workers. The casino had at least one programmer and several techs on duty at all times. Considering the number of computers that ran everything from security systems to the electronic games, it was vital that all computer problems be taken care of as soon as possible. She forced herself to smile naturally at her coworker. “No worries, Leanne. It was my own fault. My mind was a million miles away.”

The young werewolf grinned. “Yeah. I know that feeling. Sometimes I just zone off to a dark, moonlit beach or a hopping nightclub with wall-to-wall hotties. Hell, anywhere but work, right?”

Claire offered a weak smile in agreement.

“You just coming on duty?”

“Oh, ah, yes. I am.”

She’d never been very good at making casual conversation, even back in her human life, but it was necessary that she at least make an effort to fit in with her fellow employees. The last thing she needed was to stand out in any way. That was why she dressed so conservatively, usually in dark slacks and a simple blouse. With her long, blonde hair pulled back into a severe bun and her dark-rimmed glasses perched on her nose, she thought she fit the perfect image of the geek computer programmer—which is exactly what she was, or used to be anyway. She was certain no one would pay the least attention to her. Ironic that she was also a bloodsucking monster. Sometimes she wanted to laugh hysterically at the ridiculous turn her life had taken.

“Are you going off duty?” She already knew the answer to that question, but at least it gave her something to say into the somewhat awkward silence that had fallen. Nervously she glanced at her watch, wishing she could just be rude and walk away. She had timed her arrival to give herself maximum time in the computer room with the fewest number of people around. That way there would be less chance of being caught. Any delay would shorten her computer time, and that could mean she wouldn’t find the right files.

“Yep. You’re here early.”

Claire shrugged, already having an excuse ready. “I had a few things I didn’t get finished with last night, so I thought I’d get a head start tonight and catch up.”

“Anything I can help you with?” The girl looked at her own watch. “It’s still a few minutes before I’m supposed to leave. I could give you a hand if you need it.”

“No. I’ve got it under control. You go on.” She saw Leanne hesitate and urged her on. “I thought I saw Dean in the break room.” She knew that Leanne had a thing for the male werewolf. Just as she’d hoped, the girl’s eyes darted down the hallway, a flicker of excitement in their dark depths. “He was alone.”

“Oh, well, if you’re sure…”

“Go.” She gave the girl a last smile and watched for a few moments as Leanne moved eagerly down the hallway. She felt a little envious of the young werewolf. She was so outgoing and naturally friendly. In fact, Leanne had been one of the first people to speak to her when she’d come to work at the casino, which was a little odd since vampires and werewolves were natural enemies. But the Buchanans had worked hard to improve relations between the two species, and so far things were going very well. Leanne had even helped her find the apartment she was now staying in.

BOOK: Thirst [All-American Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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