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Authors: Jodi Redford

Three Ways to Wicked (25 page)

BOOK: Three Ways to Wicked
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But Jules isn’t too worried. She doesn’t do relationships, but she loves men and sex—and in her experience, most men are okay with that.

Judging from the raw emotions leaping from the images in Jules’s gallery, Mike senses there’s a lot going on beneath her flirtatious, slightly cynical exterior. He and Carlos are happy in their committed relationship, but they’ve always felt there’s a piece missing. They want a woman. Jules could be that woman.

A threesome with two committed men? Sounds like an emotionally risk-free dream come true for Jules. But when they make it clear they want more, her deepest fears push to the surface. Straining bonds forged in incredible heat to the breaking point…

Warning: The book features two hot men brave enough to climb cliffs, strip naked for erotic photographs, have sex in a portrait studio and on a cliff, and who have the courage to teach a commitment-phobic woman how to love.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
How to Love:

“What’s the neighbor like?” Carlos asked when Mike walked into the kitchen. He sat at the table, spooning Cheerios from a bowl to his mouth while he read the paper.

“Hot.” It was the first word that came to mind.

Carlos looked up at him and lifted one black eyebrow. “Yeah?”

Mike met his eyes and lifted one shoulder. “Oh yeah.”

“What was with the skin mag?”

Mike filled his coffee with what was left in the pot and turned it off. “It’s an
magazine,” he drawled. “She’s an
. A photographer.”

Carlos grinned. “She takes nude pictures of men?”

“Uh…I don’t know. I assumed men and women. She gave me her card. She has a gallery. Maybe I’ll go check it out.”

Carlos eyed him. “Yeah?”

“Why not? She seemed nice. Really…sexy.”

Carlos sat back in his chair. “Well.”

Mike shrugged sheepishly. “Whatever. She lives next door. We’ll see her again.”

“No doubt. Okay. Let’s get going. My afternoon is booked for a bike trip into the hills. And what are you doing?”

Mike sighed. “Payroll.”

“Don’t pretend you’re pissed about that. You love that crap.”

Mike smiled. “Yeah. I do. But I like getting out of the office and doing something physical too.”

Heh. He’d like to do something physical, all right, something physical with his sexy next-door-neighbor. He shook his head and turned his thoughts back to their business.

“Someone’s gotta do it.” Carlos rose from the table. He picked up his bowl and set it on the counter above the dishwasher.

Mike groaned.

“What?” Carlos looked at him.

“For god’s sake,
the dishwasher! Not
the dishwasher. How many times do I have to tell you?”

Carlos put the bowl in the dishwasher. “You just love riding my ass, that’s all.” He turned back to Mike and gave him a look, a heated, sexy look with those dark eyes rimmed with long dark eyelashes.

Mike’s groin tightened. “Oh yeah,” he drawled. “You got that right.” He eyed Carlos. “Speaking of doing something physical…” He moved closer, slid his hand around the back of Carlos’s neck and pulled his face in for a kiss.

“Don’t have time, babe,” Carlos murmured against his mouth.

“Sure we do.” Mike’s other hand moved to Carlos’s hip, then around to his ass and he hauled him against him. Mike’s dick swelled and lengthened and he rubbed against Carlos, who was also getting hard. Their mouths opened against each other, tongues sliding, the kiss getting deeper and hotter. Heat rushed through Mike’s veins.

“That new neighbor got you all hot and bothered,” Carlos muttered, grabbing Mike’s face in both hands.

Mike grimaced. “Maybe a little. But I’m always hot for you. You know it.”

“Yeah. But I also know you—”

Mike cut him off with another long, heated kiss and their hardening bodies pressed tighter. “C’mon,” he said. “Come back to bed.”

“Gotta go to work.”

“We’re the bosses. We can be a few minutes late.” He slid his hands up under Carlos’s shirt, sliding his palms over smooth skin and muscle. When he found Carlos’s nipples and flicked them, Carlos groaned. Mike smiled against Carlos’s mouth. He knew all his good spots, the ones that could make him moan and drop to his knees. “Wanna suck me?”


Three Ways to Wicked




Jodi Redford





Three ingredients for a hot summer: sun, sand, and sizzling sex.


Wicked Shores, Book 1

Following a nasty breakup with her ex, Kayla English is eager to get her erotic writing mojo back on track. Except progress on her current book has flatlined, right along with her belief in happily-ever-after.

Solution? Two weeks of solitude in the Florida sun thanks to some friends’ generous offer to house-sit their place on the beach. She didn’t count on having roommates—or on getting the sexiest peepshow of her life.

Seven years after an intimate encounter rocked their worlds, business partners Tyler Bishop and Gibb Masters have kept things strictly in the friend zone. A recent storm has left them homeless, though. They figure moving into Ty’s parents’ place is preferable to roughing it elsewhere, even if it means resisting the temptation to slip between the sheets with Kayla…and each other.

As the days heat up, so does their three-way attraction. But when emotions run deeper than any of them expect, three wary hearts must decide if it’s worth the risk to write their own HEA.


Warning: This book brings the dirty. We’re talking dirty sex in an outdoor shower, on a boat, and on the kitchen counter with a dirty-mouthed Casanova. In other words, all the good stuff with a side of glow-in-the-dark body paint.

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They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249


Three Ways to Wicked

Copyright © 2013 by Jodi Redford

ISBN: 978-1-61921-610-5

Edited by Sasha Knight

Cover by Angela Waters


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: December 2013

BOOK: Three Ways to Wicked
8.78Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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