Read Tightening the Knot Online

Authors: Amanda Hamm

Tightening the Knot (10 page)

BOOK: Tightening the Knot
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“It’s a big white box with the words ‘Our Big Day’ printed on all sides.
What did you think it was?”

“If it said ‘Your Mother’s Wedding Dress’ all over it, then you could yell at me.
I thought the box was there yesterday, like some sort of decoration.
Good grief, it’s not like there aren’t boxes all over this house.
I’ll get Ellie to try it on if that’s what you want.”

“Not now.
We’re about to have dinner.”

Tom threw his hands up.
After dinner, I’ll get it out of the box and then we’ll all be happy, right?”

Jeanette exchanged a look with Meredith.
She seemed relieved that Ellie would be trying on the dress, but not exactly happy.
She gave the plates to Meredith to take to the dining room and started handing glasses to Tom.
The Santa goblets were not going to cower in the cabinets because of one overzealous toast.

When they were done eating, Tom came back into the kitchen to put plates into the dishwasher, beginning with the one in his mother’s hand.
“I’ll take care of this.
Ellie’s going to try on the dress now.”

Jeanette dried her hands and motioned Meredith to come to the living room with her.
Judy followed.
Ellie came down wearing the much talked about wedding dress a short time later.
Her features were very young, and at twenty-four she could still pass for a teenager.
She looked awkward, a little like she was merely playing dress-up and not an actual bride-to-be.
The dress was clearly not made for her.
The empire waist was tight under her bust and the sleeves too short.
She kept tugging the dress down and then fidgeting the sleeves back into place.
None of the women seemed to know what to say.
Finally, Ellie said, “Well?” and they all turned to Jeanette.

“Um… there’s a full-length mirror in my room.
Let’s all look in there.”
She led the way to her bedroom and Ellie stood with her back to the other three as they all gazed at her in the mirror.
The reflection did not change her into a glowing bride.
She still tugged uneasily as they watched.
No one wanted to offend the dress’s owner or its wearer.
Jeanette broke the silence.
“You do look very pretty, but… but I’m just not sure it’s quite right for you.
I’m so much shorter, you know.”

Meredith suddenly found the situation incredibly silly.
Ellie was so obviously uncomfortable and the angle in the mirror made her appear a true giant compared to her future mother-in-law.
It was so quiet though; Meredith bit her lip hard to suppress the giggle she felt.
And then she noticed that Ellie was doing the same thing.
A minute later they were all enjoying a good laugh amid the relief that the dress could go back in the attic without hurting anyone’s feelings.

“I better change.
Thanks for letting me try it anyway… Jeanette.”

Jeanette beamed.
“Of course, dear.
And don’t worry, we’ll find you the perfect dress.

As Ellie went to re-box the dress, Meredith found Greg in the living room.

“I heard you all laughing in there.
Is the dress going to work out?”

Meredith just smiled and shook her head.

“Well, it sounded like everyone’s okay with that.”

I’m sure she’ll find something better.”

“Hey, maybe she should wear yours.”
He smiled jokingly and Meredith felt a slight flutter at the look he gave her.
It was an expression that had always made her knees a little weak and it had been too long since she’d seen it.





╣ Chapter 12 ╠





Jenna belonged to the same church as Meredith.
They had sat together during college.
Jenna returned to sitting with her parents after Meredith married Greg.
It was not that they asked her to move, quite the contrary.
But she held to her belief that church was a family activity, mostly because of her hopes of being joined by her own one day, and was fearful of intruding on someone else’s.

That Sunday, Jenna persuaded her parents to join her directly behind Meredith to more easily meet up with her afterwards.
They pretended not to notice the looks from the pew’s usual occupants. Jenna and Meredith had a lunch date, followed by a plan for some very last minute Christmas shopping.
Christmas was now only two days away and while Meredith was generally done much sooner, Judy’s gift was the last one again this year.
Greg was no help.
And she had a more difficult time than usual bugging him for ideas, given how little they had been speaking.

After the Mass, Greg renewed the acquaintance between his mother and Jenna’s parents.
Judy promptly invited them to lunch and Meredith and Jenna hurried out before they could get roped into joining the rest of the party.

As they waited for their food, Meredith asked Jenna for perhaps the hundredth time if she had any present advice and they had yet another variation of the same conversation.

“I still think a book of knitting designs would work.”

“But she makes all her blankets the same.”

“That’s why it’s a good idea.”

“No it’s not, because she’ll think I don’t like the pattern she uses now.”

“She won’t.”

“Well, alright.
We’ll look at the bookstore first if only because we might be lucky enough to avoid the mall.”

“It’s a plan.”

They sat silently for a moment, Meredith contemplating all the ways her mother-in-law might misinterpret a present and Jenna casting an eye over the church bulletin she had picked up on her way out.
Meredith rarely read the bulletin and Jenna typically only skimmed it for the singles events.
Something different caught her eye this week.
“Speaking of plans…” she started.

Meredith looked up.

“Are you… I mean, did you ever come up with any ‘man flowers?’”

She smiled.
“Actually… well, no ‘man flowers,’ but something you said did give me an idea, but then I changed my mind, or sort of.
I mean, it made me think of something else and I’m kind of keeping that as a back-up while I try to find something I like better.
But… sorry, I’m kind of babbling.
I don’t suppose you brought it up because you were about to suggest a fabulous idea?”

“I was.
At least it seems like a good idea to me.
I don’t know if you’ll like it better than whatever it was you were thinking of or not or maybe this is another back-up, but… here… read this.”
She slid the open bulletin over to Meredith’s side of the table and pointed to the text she had been reading.


Rejuvenate Your Marriage

All married couples are invited to a special New Year’s Eve party, held overnight at a Triangle-area resort.
Start the
new year
more in love with your spouse than ever after this exciting night of dinner, dancing, and marriage enrichment.
Fun activities build on the lifelong journey of love.
Call Mary at 555-2468 for more information or to register.

Space is limited.


“It sounds like it could be fun and the ‘marriage enrichment’ part could be like very, very short term marriage counseling, which I know you are opposed to, but this would just be one night and would show Greg your willingness I think.
Even if he doesn’t want to go, that title should be a pretty bold hint.”

Meredith read the ad three times before responding, partly because it was difficult to digest while Jenna was talking, then she began nodding.
“You know, I think this does at least approach fabulous.”

Jenna grinned.
“Who would believe I’m still single?”

“I know I don’t.
But as much as
I’m liking
this idea, I have to admit I’m a little nervous about it.
It just, it
of feels like asking him out… and it’s not like I’ve, I mean…”
As she struggled for the words, a completely different thought took over.
“Oh yeah!
I didn’t tell you that Mercy had her baby.”


It was a boy of course, and they named him Jackson.”

“That’s exciting.
I hope you’ll congratulate her for me.”

“Of course, as soon as I get to meet the little one.”
But Meredith didn’t know when that might be.
An odd change had come over her since hearing the news.
As much as she had found it irresistible to be around Mercy and hear about her pregnancy, now that the baby had been born, she felt just as strongly the urge to stay away.





╣ Chapter 13 ╠





Meredith and Jenna decided to temporarily forget there was a gift to find.
They entered the bookstore and went directly to the humor section, where they entertained each other with their discoveries.
Jenna pointed out various comics and Meredith read aloud passages from the books she picked up.
Eventually, Meredith’s eyes wandered to a display of calendars for the following year.
Jenna followed her and they flipped through several, gravitating to ones with very attractive and occasionally shirtless men.

BOOK: Tightening the Knot
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