Read Tinsel Town Online

Authors: Flesa Black

Tags: #Full-figured Heroine

Tinsel Town (5 page)

BOOK: Tinsel Town
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“Wait, Kate…damn…so hot…”

She groaned in agreement and attacked his lips with her own. He suddenly turned them over, bringing her beside him, and she cried out. He silenced her with a soft kiss.

“Do what I say. Remember.”

“Y-yes.” Her heart was hammering so hard she thought it might break her ribs. But the look in his eyes told her that he was hurting just as badly.

He sat up, stroked her cheek, then stood beside the bed. She was puzzled but didn’t protest, just waited to see what he wanted. Carefully, he positioned her on all fours then pressed his hand between her shoulder blades so that she was at a slight angle.

“If you don’t like this, tell me,” he whispered in a raw voice.

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She bit her bottom lip in anticipation of his touch. She loved this position, loved to be taken from behind, and was incredibly stirred that he would instinctively know it. She licked her lips as he pulled her underwear away then lifted her knees so he could discard them. Her hips wiggled involuntarily as she waited to feel his shaft press into her.

“You’re shaved, completely… Oh, God, I love it. Love it…”

He would take her now, she knew it, and she wanted it so badly she couldn’t think.

The slap on her bottom wasn’t what she’d expected. When his palm met her cheek she gave a little jump. He rubbed where he’d smacked, soothing her. He smacked again, creating little shock waves that raced down to her clit. She squirmed against the sheets, then moaned as her nipples brushed against the cool material.

His hand slapped again…and again…over and over with just enough strength to heat her skin and make her core painfully tight. She was panting when he finally stopped, his large, calloused hands smoothing over her flesh.

“You are so damned sexy,” he said between clenched teeth. “I’m going to come into you now, just like this.”


She bent lower and silently offered herself for more. Gripping her hips, he held her steady. Slowly, he eased closer, sliding easily against her moist lips. Instead of slipping inside, he slid down her slit, and the head of his cock nudged her clit. She screamed with joy, fisting her hands into the sheets. He pulled away slowly, then slid back down, the action rubbing her thrumming clit until she thought she might die.

His fingers dug in tighter, and even that was a pleasure-pain she couldn’t get enough of. Just when she thought she would scream for mercy, he slammed into her, his shaft spreading her walls wide as he filled her. Good Lord, he was large, so large, and her body was singing with unfulfilled need.

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He held himself still for a moment, his long hiss telling her that he was in dire need too. She started to move, but he held her tight, not allowing her any freedom. He stroked her bottom, stroked her thighs, let his fingers trail down her crevice.

As he stroked out, he flicked her clit. She nearly came off the bed. Sensations that she’d never experienced exploded like dynamite, searing every corner of her body. Her hips strained into him, taking his length. She gasped when he stroked her again, his finger rubbing over the tiny rise of flesh as he pushed inside.

He set a slow pace, driving her up with an ease that should have shocked her. Her entire being throbbed and pulsed, her skin slick with sweat, her thighs coated with her excitement. She could feel herself climbing, reaching, and still he wouldn’t allow her to jump over the edge into her orgasm.

She teetered, sobbing with need. “Please. Oh, God, please!”

“When I say, only when I say.”

She couldn’t deny him, couldn’t stop herself from letting him have the power. What he was doing she’d never experienced, and she knew, from somewhere deep inside, that he would give her exactly what she needed.

He pulled out, slipped along her slit, and nudged her clit with his cock again. She gasped and cried, felt the world contract down to the joining of their bodies. He stroked again, again, and pushed her further and further. Her orgasm began to shimmer along her nerves, taunting her with its closeness. She could almost feel it, almost reach it. He slid away one last time and, finally sinking into her body again, replaced the head of his shaft with his fingers.

The universe exploded behind her closed eyes. Her body went taut, her muscles tightening as she hurdled down through space, the fiery web of starlight caressing her as she bucked and bowed. The sensation went on and on, racing through her, over her, around her 32 Flesa Black

until she could barely breathe. From somewhere in the distance, she heard him crying out, felt him slam into her, join her in his own release.

Time seemed to stop, holding her prisoner as she gasped for air. When Clive finally collapsed beside her, he wrapped her in his arms and laid a gentle kiss on her head. Without another word, he drew the covers over them, securing her tightly. Moments later, she drifted blissfully into sleep.

* * * * * *

Morning light tickled her eyes open. Kate yanked a pillow over her head, reluctant to let go of the incredible dream she’d been having. In it, she was cocooned in a warm embrace, surrounded by the very masculine scent of man and the pungent aroma of sex. No, she wasn’t about to give that up. She would ignore time, ignore the red digits of her clock, ignore the pressing issue of her visit home. She’d stay in bed and wallow in her fantasy.

It would have been an excellent plan if she hadn’t heard the singing. She bolted upright, blinking against the rays of the sun that spilled in underneath the white blinds.

Singing? There was…what the hell?

She started to move, then gave a startled gasp. “Naked? Why am I --”

She stopped abruptly as scenes from the night before began to play in her head like a fast-forward video. Oh God. She’d slept with Clive. No, not just slept. She’d had mind-numbing sex. She’d let him have control of her. She’d let him spank her. She’d let him stroke and pet her. And she’d enjoyed every minute of it.

She tried to fight back the horror as she remembered how she’d begged. He’d been a master of her body, and she’d been a willing instrument for him to play. She’d had sex with a male escort.

Covering her face, she sat for a moment in bed and tried to figure out what the hell you were supposed to do after a night like she’d had. Did you tip? Did you write a nice thank-you note? Did you give a critique and a note of recommendation?

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She heard pots being shuffled and sighed. One thing was for sure. She wasn’t going to be able to hide out in here all day. No matter how tempting that idea was. She’d have to face Clive.

With as much pride as she could muster, Kate slipped on her pale blue robe and made her way to the kitchen. What she saw brought a quick quirk to her lips.

The lover from the night before had become the domestic man of the morning. He wore his dress pants and shirt but had a dishtowel tucked around his waistband in a rather efficient manner. He was whisking something in a glass bowl, his movements swift and impressive. He must have sensed her standing there, because he turned to give her a brilliant smile. Her heart did a little flip-flop, and she had to keep herself from running over to kiss him.

“Good morning, sweetheart. I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”

She fidgeted with her hands, decidedly uncomfortable. “Breakfast. Oh, um, thank you.”

“It’s the least I could do. Especially after last night.” He gave her a look that could have melted the polar ice caps. “Which was amazing, by the way.”

She knew her face had flared into a bright red, but she still clung to her pride. “Last night was…it was incredible. I’m not sure…that is, I don’t know what to do now.”

“What to do now?” He lifted an eyebrow and slowly set the bowl aside. “What we do now is sit down and plan the trip to Johnsburgh.”

“The trip, yeah. You know, I meant it when I said that dinner was all I wanted. Not that after wasn’t more than what I’d ever imagined. It’s just --”

He took two steps and was immediately in front of her, glaring down. “Here’s the deal, Kate. You need someone to go with you, and I don’t have any place to be during the holidays. You want to learn about sex, about your body, about things you might like, and I sure as hell want a chance to teach you. Let’s get this straight right now. I’ll be in charge of 34 Flesa Black

your body for the next few weeks, and you’ll be in charge of me when it comes to your family and friends.”

She was tempted to say yes, to give into him that easily. But her dignity demanded she fight. “My friend bought you without my permission.”

“Can you say you’re disappointed in your gift? Because if you are, I suppose you could always try to exchange me.”

The words were disarming, as she thought of carrying him like a boxed package and asking someone at customer service for store credit. She couldn’t stop the twitch of her lips or the way her insides melted when he reached out to stroke her cheek.

“I really enjoyed what we did,” he said softly. “You are a sexy, passionate woman, and I’d consider it a privilege to teach you all the things you’ve been missing.”

She couldn’t say no to him this morning any more than she could deny him last night.

With a quiet sigh, she finally gave in.

“All right, you’ll be in charge of my body.” She paused as a shiver of anticipation ran through her. “And I’ll be in charge of dealing with my family and friends.”

“Good.” He nipped her lip, laved the flesh with his tongue, and took a shaky breath. “I want you again. But first, sustenance.”

She grinned as he turned back to the kitchen. He wanted her, again, and she knew he wasn’t lying. An incredible warmth spread through her, bringing elation to life as it flowed through her veins. She had turned him on. She still turned him on, even in her ratty bathrobe, with her hair a mess, and her curves unrestricted.

Here, at long last, was what it felt like to be a real woman.

Tinsel Town


Chapter Four

Kate watched the snow-covered hills through the front windshield and wondered just how she’d gotten here. Heading home to spend the holidays with her family, with a fake boyfriend, bought and paid for, in tow. It was like a very bad episode of I Love Lucy. And she was Ethel.

“We should talk.”

Her gaze strayed over to the man behind the wheel. Ah, that’s right, this was how she’d gotten into her current situation. A night out with a decidedly hot man. A man who had warmed her, wooed her, and bedded her in less than four hours. Her body heated from the memory, her lower lips swelling and pulsing in anticipation. He’d promised to teach her, to show her all sorts of interesting things, and over the past few days, she’d proved to be a very willing pupil. No, it wasn’t the sex she was worried about. It was the playacting.

His gaze cut across to her, the silver-gray sparkling in the sunlight. “We need to go over everything before we get there.”

“Everything?” Lord help her, her brain felt like mush and was refusing to work.

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“Things like your favorite drink, your most embarrassing memory, what movie star you had a crush on when you were a teenager. With all the…activity the past few days, we haven’t really had a chance to sort out all the details.”

“Why would you need to know details? We’ve talked too, you know. You at least know a little about me.”

He sent her a crooked smile that made her heart give a hard leap. “To make this convincing. I mean, what sort of boyfriend doesn’t know if his woman prefers coffee cake or donuts with her coffee?”

“You’ve already fed me breakfast once.” The glib remark brought a hot blush to her cheeks and he chuckled.

“True, but I made you crepes; I didn’t go out to pick it up. The other mornings we’ve been so busy that we’ve missed breakfast all together and ended up going out to lunch or dinner. So, which is it? Coffee cake or donuts?”

His voice was filled with good humor, and she couldn’t stop herself from responding.

“Definitely coffee cake. And I prefer French Roast or Chicory coffee. A spoonful of sugar, with a dollop of cream. You?”

“I like coffee, period. Black, though, and with coffee cake if I can find it. My favorite alcoholic drink is whiskey, nonalcoholic is root beer.” He peered over at her. “Are you making notes?”

She laughed and shook her head. “I have an excellent memory. How else do you think I made it through school with high marks?”

“Ah, so you were valedictorian, right? And I’ll bet you made a speech that was framed and hung in your high school principal’s office.”

“I nearly threw up,” she admitted with a reminiscent smile. “I was terrified of standing up there and representing my class. If they would have just let me play my violin instead of reading off cue cards, I would have been happier.”

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He nodded in understanding. “Public speaking isn’t your forte, check. Favorite food?”

“Shrimp, any kind, and fudge, my mother’s in particular. Let me guess, you like steak and potatoes.”

“Actually, my favorite is low country boil, with lots of crawfish.” He gave her a wink.

“My dad is Creole.”


“Yep. He met my mother on an airplane. She was going back home to New Hampshire, and he was flying to a conference. She was afraid of flying, he had the seat next to hers. He said she looked completely frazzled and afraid, so he told her she could hold his hand if it made her feel better. She laughed him off until the plane started moving. She almost broke his knuckle bones she held on so hard. Needless to say, he decided right there that she was going to be his. He skipped the conference, stayed close to her for the week, and in the end she flew back to Louisiana with him.”

Kate sighed warmly. “That’s very romantic.”

“That’s my dad. My mother says she’d already decided on the plane that she would marry him, but she decided to make him sweat it out a bit. They’ve been married thirty-four years, run Thibodaux’s Sports, and worry about all of us. What about your parents?”

“High school sweethearts who haven’t spent more than a night apart since they were married. Of course, now that Dad’s retired, Mom wishes he would go back to work at the deli.”

BOOK: Tinsel Town
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