Read Together Forever Online

Authors: Kate Bennie

Together Forever (5 page)

BOOK: Together Forever
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“Thanks for today bro,” I said when I got out of my car. We were back in Palo Alto and in front of my dorm. “I needed it,” I said and hugged him. He hugged me back over the console.
“Anytime. Oh and don’t hesitate to give me a call, yeah? The headquarters isn’t far,” he assured and kissed my forehead.
“Totally,” I smiled and pulled away from his grasp. “Go visit Ryan, you know you missed him too. Oh and he’s rooming with Kyle. I’ll talk to him in the morning,” I told him.
“Sure will, goodnight,” he smiled at me.
“Goodnight,” I smiled back and he walked away from me towards his car. When I saw him drive away, I made my way to my room. When I opened the door, I almost jumped back out. “What the fuck?” I asked clutching my chest.
“I think I should be asking that,” he growled.
I sighed. “I’m sorry Ry,” I said and sat down on the bed, looking up at him, since he was leaning against my bed post. “I don’t have the right to tell you what to do, what sport to play, and whatever. You had a point,” I sighed.
“So, you’re sorry?” he asked.
“Yes,” I sighed and looked up pleadingly at him.
“I forgive you,” he told me, but he didn’t come any closer. I was expecting him to give me a hug and kiss me senseless apologizing as well. “Though, I don’t understand why you’d go out with another guy when you’re in a fight with your boyfriend,” he glared.
My eyes widened. I wanted to laugh, but I kept a straight face. “Dolciani, do you trust me?” I asked him.
“Yes,” he said seriously.
“Are you sure?”
I walked over to him and stopped right in front of him. “Do you really think I’d go out with somebody else when we’re fighting?”
He hesitated. “Is that a trick question?”
“No,” I said to him.
“Well, I don’t think so, but you know I’m paranoid,” I was starting to break his firm-front.
I tip-toed and pulled his head down to meet his lips to mine. “It was Nate.”
“Your brother? Are you serious?” he pulled away from me and smacked his forehead. “I got jealous of your brother?!” he said with a smug look on his face. “Damn,” He frowned. “This whole thing is fucked up,” he frowned, sitting down on the bed.
“Man, I love you so much that I love this jealous side of you,” I smiled and sat on his lap.
“You’re entertained?” he smirked at me.
“Yes,” I smiled.
He flipped us over so I was laying down and he was hovering over me. “How about now?”
“Still entertained,” I smirked.
“Really?” he whispered against my lips and attacked it. I chuckled and kissed him back.
“Ew, not here,” I heard Sam from the door.
“Cockblocker!” Ryan pointed at Sam and Kyle who was beside her.
“Please, even if we didn’t come in,
’s too pure for that,” Kyle scoffed. “You’re corrupting the poor thing.
I shrugged. “True,” I grinned. “Oh, and by the way guys, Nate’s on his way to your apartment,” I smirked.
Both boys looked at each other wide-eyed. “See you, call you later,” they both called out and sprinted out of the room.
“What the fuck?” Sam and I looked at each other, laughing.
“I will never get their
,” she looked at me with a laugh.
“He’s a keeper,” I said to myself and smiled.
… I have a feeling that’s not the last fight …






What The F.... udge.

“Mom, I already did everything. I have schoolwork and homework to do, you know?” I sighed sitting on my bed, with my earphone in my ear. “I’m a busy person too.”
“Don’t give me that. You have 24 hours in a day. You can sleep when you’re dead. You’re young, you have energy. Get it done,” she said before she hung up.
I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. I already did everything and she wanted me to fly to New York on a day that I was supposed to spend with Ryan to do the presentation. I already scheduled the original day, giving me that day free which was great because Ryan had practice. But now they rescheduled it on the day Ryan was off, and so was I. Meaning we don’t have any time together! Football and schoolwork had been getting in the way. Plus my conditioning for snowboarding for the upcoming season. It’s been hectic.
“Damn girl, relax,” Samantha said walking into the room with a tray of drinks.
“Tapioca!” I yelled running towards her and grabbing my milk tea tapioca drink. I immediately stabbed the top with a straw and took a sip. “Aaaah.”
“You needed that,” Samantha laughed.
“I did,” I sighed.
“So, what happened?”
“My mother”


“Ry, I’m sorry, it’s been crazy lately, and ugh, all this shit is getting in the way, I seriously do wanna spend time with you, but all this is fucking agh! I promise after they approve it, I’m all yours,” I said to him when I visited him later that day. He was in his room with a few of his football friends, meaning we were outside because we were still pretending we hated each other act. I’m not liking it.
“It’s okay,” he said smiling at me.
I looked at him. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll just plan something,” he shrugged.
“Okay, I’ll be leaving in two days. I’ll see you before I leave,” I said uneasily.
“Okay, bye,” he said kissing my cheek and walking back up the stairs.
I scrunched my eyebrows confused. Were we drifting away from each other? I mean, I don’t blame him that he has new friends. I know that he was a social butterfly. No matter where he is, he’d always be known. He’d always be popular. He’s Ryan Jerome Dolciani, for crying out loud. But he was also my boyfriend.
It’s been a week and a half since we’ve met up with my mom and it’s already been crazy. We’d see each other for 5 minutes a day or during our classes. We wouldn’t even have time to talk because the teacher would always call for our attention and we’d be actually be paying attention. After class, we’d go separate ways and after our classes, we’d do homework.
Sometimes we’d fall asleep during our homework. We’d occasionally text or talk on the phone, but we’d get interrupted often.
There are times that we would have free time, but he’d spend it with the guys in the team, since they don’t know he has a girlfriend, they pull him with them wherever they go. He’d just apologize and being myself, I don’t stop him. But being with the guys, it definitely meant that Audrey was there. Cheerleaders plus football players? What does that equal to? Hormonal teenagers.
It’s only been what? 12 days? How much more if it’s longer? It’s probably just because I had the report and stuff. Yeah, that must be it.
I snapped out of my trance when I was in front of my apartment already. I knew this route so well that I was so lost in my thoughts and I was still able to find my way home. I sighed and walked up the stairs and stuck my key in, and opened it.
“You’re home,” Kyle greeted me with a smile and a hug.
“You’re here,” I mumbled.
“Are you not happy to see me?” he asked a hand over his heart, as if it hurt him.
“You know I’m always happy to see you,” I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
“Off my boyfriend, girlfriend,” Samantha laughed.
I rolled my eyes. “So, what are you doing here late at night?” I asked Kyle.
He smirked. “Well, since your boyfriend and his buddies are messing up my chill-space, I’d rather get my
chill space
here,” he said. “If it’s okay with you.”
“Of course, it’s okay. You’re always welcome here,” I smiled at him. “I doubt I need to get inflatable beds,” I smirked.
“See! I told you there would be a use for using some of this space for queen sized beds!” Sam pointed at me. Yup, she bought us both Queen sized beds. She said ‘just in case’ or something like that.
“I guess,” I murmured. “I get the bathroom first, then I’m crashing. I’m going to New York in 2 days,” I said and walked into the bathroom. I did more thinking inside.
What if it doesn’t work out between us? What if he falls for Audrey? What if he leaves me?
God, I cannot bear to think of it like that. I know I sound desperate, I mean, I am independent. I can do things on my own, I don’t have to ask people to do stuff for me or go with me to take care of things. But Ryan is a whole different story. He
me find something to need him in.
Like my stressful days, I would just call him and everything would be alright. When I’m hungry, he’d drive over just to bring me food. When I miss my brother, he finds a way for me to see him. When I’m homesick, he comes over and one glimpse at him, I feel at home.
Wherever he is, is home to me.
… Shit. I need to snap out of this before it gets out of hand. I’m depending on him. I need to stop. It may come to a point that I wouldn’t be able to live without him. I can't let that happen. I spent most of my life building a good foundation for myself to be independent. I can't break that now.
I got out of the shower and changed into my pajamas. I then exited the bathroom and saw that the two lovebirds were cuddling. I smiled at them. “You know, I’d say get a room, but this is a room. Just don’t do anything you wouldn’t want to witness with other people,” I smirked and laid down on my bed.
“You know, I’d like to witness some stuff you and Ry do,” Kyle chuckled.
“You’re ridiculous,” I laughed.
“You were doing some thinking in the bathroom, huh?” he asked.
“Can I ask?”
“Ryan, me, independence,” I sighed.
“It’s a free country, I don’t think you should worry about that,” he laughed.
“Not funny,” I muttered. “It’s just that we’re drifting apart.”
“You’re not. You’ve just been busy, that’s all.”
“I guess.”
“It’s okay, he’s not taking any girls home. He doesn’t let a girl inside the room.”
“Really. He keeps them outside. Even when it’s super cold.”
“Oh, that’s my baby,” I yawned.
“You should sleep.”
“I shall,” I smiled with my eyes closed.
“Goodnight,” I heard him say.
“Goodnight Kyle.” I replied and drifted off to sleep.
“It’s approved!” Jeremy screamed out to me when we got back to the office.
“How would you know?!” I asked him, wide-eyed. I was very nervous throughout the whole thing. It was my first time that I actually made the proposal report AND the presentation.
“They just called in 3 seconds ago!” he screamed at me and gave me a hug.
“Oh my fuuuu,” I paused and looked at my mom. “uuuudgeeeee.” I finished and grinned at her. She raised an eyebrow at me and chuckled.
“Come to my office,” she said. “Both of you,” she finished and walked into her office.
“Yes?” I asked when we closed the door.
“Congratulations,” she smiled at me. “I’m proud of you and thank you for doing this.”
“Not like I had a choice,” I sighed.
“Anyways,” she started, ignoring what I just said. “Since you had part of this, you will have 30 percent of the profits,” she said to me.
“Whoa, damn,” I mumbled.
She shrugged. “It’s basically yours. 20 perfect go to the stock holders and the other 50 goes to the company,” she shrugged.
“You may leave, thank you,” she said and dismissed Jeremy and I. We looked at each other and awkwardly made our way out.
“That was weird,” he said.
“I know.”
“So, wanna go for coffee?”
“Totally,” I smiled and we got dressed in regular clothes, but I left my shoes on since I wanted to feel tall, because compared to Jeremy’s 5’10 frame, I felt short. But Ryan was roughly 6’1, but I didn’t mind, why’s that? I shook my head.
Don’t think about him!
“Oh fuck,” I muttered and grabbed my phone. I dialed my number one speed dial.
“You don’t seem too happy to hear from me,” I teased.
“Oh, hey baby, sorry, I thought you were one of the guys,” he chuckled.
“It’s okay, but! Guess what?!” I screamed to the phone.
“It got approved!” I squealed.
“Oh my gosh, that’s so awesome babe, I’m proud of you,” I could hear him smile.

Face time
me,” I said to him.
“Okay,” he said and I pulled my phone from my ear and watched my screen turn to the sight of him.
“Man, your face makes my day,” I smiled into the camera.
“Your smile makes my day,” he winked at me.
“Oh stop, you’re making me blush,” I chuckled.
“I live to make you blush,” he smirked at me.
“You’re dumb. Anyways, Jeremy and I are gonna go get something to drink and eat, then I’ll fly home once we’re done, kay?”
“Okay, call me when you board so I’d know when to pick you up.”
“No, I might come in late already, I’ll just take a cab or something.”
“A cab? Really? No,” he frowned.
“Baby,” I whined.
“No, you’re not taking a cab. Who knows what could happen!” he argued.
“Fine,” I pouted.
“Don’t give me that pout. It makes me miss you and your lips,” he frowned.
I pouted even more. “Come over here then,” I smiled.
“I would, but I have practice in a few minutes,” he said. “Call me when you board or when you arrive in Chicago or something,” he said getting distracted.
“Okay baby, I love you, bye,” I said. He just smiled at me and ended the call. What. The. Fuck

BOOK: Together Forever
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