Topped Chef A Key West Food Critic Mystery

BOOK: Topped Chef A Key West Food Critic Mystery
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An Appetite for Murder

“What fun! Lucy Burdette writes evocatively about Key West and food—a winning combination. I can’t wait for the next entry in this charming series.”

New York Times
bestselling author Diane Mott Davidson

“When her ex-boyfriend’s new lover, the co-owner of
Key Zest
magazine, is found dead, Hayley Snow, wannabe food critic, is the first in line on the list of suspects. Food, fun, and felonies. What more could a reader ask for?”

New York Times
bestselling author Lorna Barrett

“For a true taste of paradise, don’t miss
An Appetite for Murder
. Lucy Burdette’s first Key West Food Critic mystery combines a lush, tropical setting, a mysterious murder, and plenty of quirky characters. The victim may not be coming back for seconds, but readers certainly will!”

—Julie Hyzy, national bestselling author of the White House Chef mysteries and Manor House mysteries

“Burdette laces
An Appetite for Murder
with a clever plot, a determined if occasionally ditzy heroine, and a wealth of local color about Key West and its inhabitants. You’ll eat it up.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch

“Florida has long been one of the best backdrops for crime novels—from John D. MacDonald to Carl Hiassen—and Burdette’s sense of place and her ability to empathize with a wide strata of Key West locals and visitors bodes well for this new series.”

Connecticut Post

“An excellent sense of place and the occasional humorous outburst aren’t the only things
An Appetite for Murder
has going for it, though: There is a solid mystery within its pages…. Not only does Burdette capture the physical and pastoral essence of Key West, she celebrates the food…. Although you might want to skip the key lime pie, don’t skip
An Appetite for Murder
. Let’s hope it is just an appetizer and there will be a feast of Food Critic mysteries to follow.”

—The Florida Book Review

“Burdette cleverly combines the insuperable Key West location with the always irresistible hook, food…. Hayley is a vibrant young character to watch, and she writes scrumptious food reviews as well.”

Mystery Scene

“Hayley herself is delightful. Exuberant and naive, rocking back and forth between bravado and insecurity, excitable and given to motormouth nervousness, she’s a quick study who has a lot to learn. I’m sure that many readers will be happy to make her acquaintance and follow her through future adventures.”

Florida Weekly

Death in Four Courses

“In a crowded cozy market, Lucy Burdette’s Key West Food Critic series stands out among its peers.”

—The Florida Book Review

“Anyone who’s ever overpaid for a pretentious restaurant meal will relish this witty cozy.”

Publishers Weekly

“All the elements of a winning recipe: Key West, food, and fun! The not so secret ingredients? Lucy Burdette’s exquisite plotting and sly prose set her apart.
Death in Four Courses
is a full-course feast!”

—Julia Spencer-Fleming,
New York Times
bestselling author of
One Was a Soldier

“I’ll say it unashamedly:
Death in Four Courses
is mouthwatering. Hayley Snow is delicious. This humor-seasoned food for thought will tickle your mental taste buds.”

Florida Weekly

“This enjoyable mystery series, with its attractive tropical setting, is also seasoned by the appealing characters and meals. The novel, done in the style of the Joanne Fluke series, is sure to attract food-fiction fans and will also appeal to Key West readers, although the combination of the two here is unique.”


“By the second book, Hayley has settled into her role more, though we rarely see her at her computer and we agonize with her over looming deadlines. Then magically she turns in that stunning article. Would that it were that way in real life. Still Hayley and the series show growth, and I’m eagerly looking forward to
Topped Chef
, next up in the Hayley Snow series.”

—Story Circle Book Review

“The Food Critic series may feature Key West cuisine, but I’d compare these tasty books to Chinese food: After reading one, in a half hour you’ll be wanting to read another.”

Key West Citizen

Other Key West Food Critic Mysteries

An Appetite for Murder

Death in Four Courses


A Key West Food Critic Mystery

Lucy Burdette


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First Printing, May 2013

Copyright © Roberta Isleib, 2013

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ISBN: 978-1-101-60961-3


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

   The recipes contained in this book are to be followed exactly as written. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision. The publisher is not responsible for any adverse reactions to the recipes contained in this book.

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For John, the chocolate sauce and nuts
on my Mexican Sundae

Table of Contents

BOOK: Topped Chef A Key West Food Critic Mystery
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