Trusting Hearts (The Heart Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Trusting Hearts (The Heart Series)
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“Sounds like a plan. Call me.”

Rachel wanted to get out of the office quickly. Old feelings were starting to stir. Carson was her first love. They knew each other growing up and went all through Catholic school together. They had dated for two years in high school and even attended their sophomore and junior proms together. Everyone thought Carson and Rachel would end up married one day, but then bad boy Vinnie decided he was going to pursue Rachel. Vinnie always had a way of manipulating her, even back then. She ended up cheating on Carson one night with Vinnie and decided she had to end the relationship. She went right to Carson’s house after, to tell him what happened. She could have never continued to see Carson and lie about what happened with Vinnie. Carson was completely heartbroken and Rachel felt so guilty. He wanted to work it out but she thought Vinnie was the one for her. She started dating Vinnie and ended up falling in love with him. They were married at the age of twenty-four and had two kids by the age of twenty-eight. They were so happy. Sometimes in life, people make decisions that they regret. Leaving Carson was one of Rachel’s biggest regrets. Seeing him today brought back so many memories for her. She should have listened to her mother when she told her not to break up with Carson for Vinnie. She was still kicking herself for making the wrong decision so many years ago.

Chapter Two


Rachel was so busy that her cell phone never seemed to stop ringing. It was starting to get to her. She had to carry two cell phones: one for work and her personal phone. As her phone rang, she whipped it open and answered in an agitated tone.

“Hello?” Rachel answered with an attitude.

“It’s Gia. What’s your problem?”

“Nothing. How are you doing?”

“I’m good. Ready to have this baby! My back is killing me. How did you make out with Carson?”

“It went well. He’s going to take my case.”

“The most important thing is to get Vinnie out of your life,” Gia proclaimed.

“I can divorce Vinnie, but unless he gets taken out, he’s never going to be out of my life.”

“I didn’t hear that.”

“I just left. I’m on my way back to the office. Did you talk to Maria?”

“She just called me.”

“She told you about having cold feet.”

“Yeah. Did Carson tell you?”

“Yes, he did. Is she crazy? He’s a great guy.”

“I know. He seems to have bad luck with women.”

“You’re so funny! What did she say?”

“She’s not ready for this type of commitment. I think she’s cheating
on him. She didn’t come right out and say it, but I know these things. Don’t tell Carson that I said that.”

“I would never. Call me the minute you go into labor. I can’t wait to meet my nephew.”

“If my labor’s anything like yours, Brad will be the one calling you.”

“Uh, I had the worst pregnancy and delivery ever.”

“I remember. Vinnie called the house. He was a nervous wreck.”

“Time flies. There are so many good memories that I have that now seem so far away.” Rachel felt a sadness come over her.

“Now they are older and they will eventually leave me and this situation with Vinnie isn’t helping. Jason thinks he has a girlfriend and I just had to buy them both iPhones. This is too much for me.”

“They’re growing up.”

“I know. I’ll cry.”

“It’s time for another one.”

“With who?”

“Artificial insemination.”

“This conversation’s over. I’m at work now.”

Gia was laughing hysterically on the other end of the line. Rachel hung up the phone with Gia and
was shaking her head because she couldn’t believe that she would even suggest that she have another kid. Rachel was old and all alone. She wasn’t even sexually active.

God, I need a man.

Rachel was dreading walking into work. It had been a nightmare because Brad was out of the office for a while and everything was falling on her desk until he returned. She was promoted from administrative assistant to manager by Brad when he had gone down to Miami last year. She still held the title. He felt since she had proved herself in his absence, she may as well keep the title. Rachel was just looking for a job that allowed her to be a mother to her boys when she applied for the admin role at Roberts Technologies. The manager position allowed greater flexibility but it was highly demanding at the same time.

These damn elevators take forever.

Rachel finally made it to her office and the admin, Genene, who took over her role, advised her of the many messages waiting for her. Five of the messages were from Vinnie. He just didn’t get it.

“Genene, I’ll be in my office. Buzz me if it’s my sister, Mr. Roberts, my kids, my mother or my lawyer, Mr. Licciano only. Take a message
if it’s anyone else,” Rachel called out.

Rachel locked the door behind her, kicked off her shoes and threw her feet up on the desk. She had been working so much lately that her office was turning into her home. Rachel’s parents lived down the street from her, so her sons spend a lot of time over there. Vinnie’s parents lived four blocks away, so the boys were able to visit
whenever they wanted. Rachel never told them they couldn’t see their father. She let them make that decision on their own. He was actually a really great father. He was just a shitty husband.

I guess I better call this asshole back.

Vinnie picked up on the first ring. She dreaded talking to him but she always tried to keep the peace for the sake of her children.

“It’s about time you called me back!” Vinnie had no patience whatsoever. This was another one of his many flaws.

“Really, Vin? I’m busy. What do you want?”

“I wanted to hear your voice.”

“Well, your voice disgusts me,” she replied.

“Come on… Don’t you love me anymore?”

“I never said I didn’t love you. I’ll always love you as the father of my kids. As a person, I hate you. You hurt me. I trusted you with my heart. You broke it… more than once.”

“I’m sorry for what I did. I was an asshole. I treated you and your family like shit. I want to make it up to you. Let’s talk it through,” Vinnie begged.

“I have a lot of work to do. We’re through. I’m done talking.”

“Just meet me somewhere, please.”

“Vin, stop following me and calling me. You cheated on me, remember? I never cheated on you. I was a faithful wife, who took care of you. I cooked, cleaned, satisfied your needs and you repaid me by cheating. Wow, and you want to make it like I don’t want you. You’re amazing.”

“See, I knew you wanted me. It’s obvious.”

“I can’t deal with you right now.”

“Can I bring dinner to your office?”

“No, I already ate.”

“The boys were just here. They left for your Mom’s. They wanted to talk to you so that’s why I called.”

“They know my phone number. It’s programmed in the phones that I just bought for them. They know how to use them. Try again.”

Rachel was starting to get frustrated at this point. She didn’t even want to call him, but if she didn’t, he wouldn’t leave her alone.

“Can I go now, Vin?” She just wanted this conversation to be over with.

“Not until you say that you love me and you’ll take me back home.”

“It’s actually peaceful without you there.”

The sad part was that she knew she was lying to herself because it was actually lonely in the house.

The boys had each other and she had the television. They were at an age where they didn’t want to hang out with their mother anymore. They were hanging out with friends, playing baseball, yelling at video games and discovering girls. She would never tell Vinnie how alone she felt.

“I think you’re afraid to see me because you can’t resist me.” Vinnie knew how to get to her. He was trying to make her think that she wanted him.

“You’re delusional.”

Rachel knew he really wasn’t delusional. He was actually right. She had a weakness for him. The
sex with Vinnie was unreal and he used that against her.

Why does he have to be so frigging hot?

“Rach, come on. You made me suffer long enough. I want to come back home.”

“The only reason you want to come back home is because you’re tired of living with your mother.”

“No, it’s because I love you.”

“Vin, I want a divorce. I have to go.”

She had to hang up on him because talking to Vinnie on the phone was kind of like when the FBI taps a call… Too long and they’ve got you! It was only a matter of time before he showed up at the office.


Meanwhile, Rachel received a message from Colin. She was not getting any work done today. Colin wanted to take her to dinner that night because he was off from work. He lived so far away, so he would have to drive ninety miles to see her, or they would have to meet halfway. She needed to make an excuse because she was just not up for it. Rachel and Colin had only went out to dinner one time previously and she felt like she was being watched by Vinnie the entire time. She knew she was being paranoid, but she didn’t feel like being in the middle of a warzone when Vinnie started fighting with people. If he had found out that she was on a date with another man, that’s exactly what would have happened. Rachel has been talking to Colin around eight months now. He’s a doctor so he has a very busy schedule. Colin has his own family practice and works in the emergency room on weekends and holidays. The man always works. Rachel even told him that he needs to slow down. He replied by saying that he had nothing to slow down for. She guessed that he was hinting to her for more but she couldn’t get involved in a serious relationship. At least not until the divorce was final. She knew Colin was a great guy. He is romantic and absolutely gorgeous. He also understands her situation. Every once in a while Colin would ask her out to see if she caved yet, but something was holding her back. She just didn’t know what it was.

She texted him back.

“Hey Colin, I can’t go to dinner with you tonight. I have to work late with Brad being out of the office. I have good news and bad news, though.”

“Good news first,” he replied.

“I filed for divorce today.”

“Finally, and the bad news?”

My lawyer advised against me speaking to you while I’m going through the divorce. He doesn’t want Vinnie to have any ammo to use against me.”

Oh and by the way, my laywer is my ex-boyfriend. My life’s so fucked up.

“Do you want to stop talking to me?”

“Of course not, I just can’t get caught.”

“Rach, you have to decide what you want. I can’t keep talking to you like we are BFF’s. I want more. I want to start a relationship with you.”

“I know. It’s just not the right time. Once this is over, maybe we can go from there. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Thanks. Well, I’ll call you later. I have patients I have to see.”

Rachel felt so bad but she needed to deal with the issues at hand before jumping into another situation. Gia was rooting for her to be with Colin but Rachel was thinking that she just wanted to be by herself.

Chapter Three



Rachel’s office intercom buzzed loudly, interrupting her concentration.

“Yes, Genene,” Rachel said as she picked up the phone off of the receiver.

“I wanted to let you know that Vinnie called twice since you hung up on him. I was wondering, should I ask him what he wants for Christmas since I talk to him more than you?”

“I’ll call him back now.”

Rachel and Genene developed a friendship since they spent most of their time at the office. They usually joked around with each
other to make the day go by quicker.

“You can get him a present because the only thing he’s getting from me is a divorce.”

“I think you better call him back because he said he’s on his way here.”

“Oh, dear God. When he comes, you can probably just go home for the day. It might get ugly in here.”

“Ok. Thanks. Unless you need me here in case something happens…”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Great. Thanks a lot.”

About a half hour later, there was a knock at the door. It was Genene letting Rachel know that Vinnie was in the waiting area.

“Send him in. Then you can get out of here. It’s four o’ clock anyway.”

She sat at her desk because it put her in a better arguing position. Vinnie walked in like he owned the place. He had bags of Chinese takeout. He knew it was Rachel’s favorite. He was very good. She had to give him credit. He had on a sexy pair of faded jeans that hung on his hips just so and an Express button down shirt that was open at the collar. He was wearing her favorite cologne,
by Kenneth Cole and Rachel was intoxicated by the scent. He obviously came with a plan. Rachel would always tell him he looked like Hugh Jackman. The compliment had obviously gone to his head.

I will not give in. I will not give in.

“I brought you chicken and broccoli. Your favorite.”

Vin, come on…Why are you here?”

“Rach, I can’t do it. I can’t live without you. I try to go on, but it hurts.”

“It didn’t hurt when you were cheating on me with Clara. I just can’t get the image out of my head.”

“I haven’t even talked to her since the incident at the shore.”

“Did you fire her?”

“No, but I have a new secretary. I had her moved under Bill.”

“Oh, so now you have a new conquest, plus Clara’s still in your building.”

“The new one’s sixty-five.”

“And? That probably won’t stop you.”

“Listen, Clara came onto me. I resisted her for a while. I gave in. That was my fault. I admit it. I

can’t even look at another woman. All I think about is you.”

“That’s nice.”

Vinnie moved towards her with passion in his eyes. He stalked the corners of Rachel’s desk not breaking eye contact with her.

“Rach, please give me another chance.”

“Vin, my family hates you. My dad wants to kill you.”

“I know. I’ll apologize. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“I’ve heard this all before.”

He started to move closer. She had to think of something.

“I filed for divorce today,” Rachel blurted out.

“What the fuck?! Why?”

“You’re really going to ask that question?”

“I’m not going to divorce you.”

“Come on, Vin. Set me free. Let me go on with my life.”


“You should be getting paperwork in the mail soon.”

He started to back away from her. She was finally able to exhale as she slowly let out the breath she was holding.

“What do I have to do to convince you that I love you?! I’ve tried everything. Why are you fighting me, when I know you love me?”

All of a sudden, his eyes started to look crazy. Rachel had no idea what was going through his head.

“Who are the flowers from?”

Rachel looked around the room to see what he was referring to.

Oh shit. I forgot about those. They came yesterday from Colin. Think of something, quickly...

“They were for Genene from her ex. She didn’t want them and gave them to me.”

Rachel knew that was such a horrible lie but she couldn’t think of anything at the last minute. She didn’t even know why she was even lying. It’s not like they were together anymore.

“You know what… They are from a friend,” Rachel confessed.

“Are you fucking him?!” Vinnie demanded to know. His face was turning a violent shade of red right before her eyes.

“I’m not you. I don’t go around fucking everyone I meet!”

“So there is someone else?”

“No. He’s just a friend who’s been there for me during my painful time. You know, the time when

my husband cheated on me.”

Vinnie sat down in her guest chair, making himself comfortable.
Rachel  just wanted this visit to come to an end.

“You need to go.”

He completely ignored her as he rose from his chair. Closing the distance between then, he walked up to her and put his hands on her face.

“Rach, I love you.”

Vinnie kissed Rachel on the mouth. Her mind started floating. She felt torn. It was like a spell was being cast over her. Her body had goose bumps everywhere. He was getting her hot; she wanted to jump his bones right then and there, but she was having an inner war with herself. Rachel wanted to hate him desperately but she couldn’t. There was a force that made her cling to him. He began whispering obscenities in her ear.

“I need to take you right here on this fucking desk. I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you. I’m gonna go so deep inside you, you’ll forget about the guy who sent you those flowers.”

That brought Rachel back to the present. Rachel pushed him away. She was so hot at the moment, she needed a minute.

“The only reason you’re trying to
take me
is because you think I’m with another guy.”

“No! Are you fucking kidding me? I’ve been trying for eight months. I just found out about the florist ten minutes ago.”

Oh yeah…

“He’s not a florist, he’s a doctor.”

“You know what, I’m done! I’m tired of you playing hard to get! You want to be with me. I want to be with you. I love you and I want you back. When you decide to come to your senses, you know where to find me.”

Vinnie walked out the door, leaving her soaking wet, standing there in awe. She had never seen Vinnie just give up and leave. He also never knew about her and another guy before. She could have pleaded that there was nothing going on, but a part of her wanted Vinnie to be jealous. She knew he would be back. He always comes back.

BOOK: Trusting Hearts (The Heart Series)
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