Read Twelve Days of Xanthus Online

Authors: Shyla Colt

Tags: #romance, #holidays

Twelve Days of Xanthus (5 page)

BOOK: Twelve Days of Xanthus
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Violet returned to the car, and they headed out away from the cabin. The drive was more white broken up by buildings, cars, snow-covered trees, and telephone poles. Music played softly in the background and he listened to the words. Music wasn’t incorporated the same way in his culture. They used their instruments and musical compositions for ceremonies, but they weren’t a part of their everyday life.


When they pulled up into the parking lot, he was amazed at how many different cars were packed into the spaces.


“It’s not normally this busy, but it’s Christmas time. I know it’s not the ideal test run, but you’re going to need supplies and clothing when you leave the cabin. If we can find something in your size.” She gave him a slow once over. Her gaze heated his blood and his pheromones threatened to escape.


“Don’t you dare, Xanthus.”


The use of his full name snapped him out of the lust he’d been about to fall head long into.


“I refuse to act like a straight freak in the Walmart parking lot. I have to leave this experience with some of my dignity intact. Come on, let’s get in and out of here before those sex glands of yours open and I try to jump your bones.”


Her words were odd, but he got the meaning. Satisfaction spread through him. It was different from the contentment from excelling in training. He liked it.


§ § §


They left the store with a shopping cart filled to the brim. Violet smiled. Sharing Christmas with someone who was experiencing it for the first time was special. Apparently, even aliens couldn’t resist the lure of bright wrapping paper, ornaments, lights, and other decorative items. During the drive home, he asked numerous questions. Seeing the child-like awe prevalent in such a large man was irresistible. She wanted to hug him and ride him to completion in the same thought.


His silky smooth voice did strange things to her body. Her breasts grew swollen, her nipples stiffened, her body tingled, and her panties went from moist to drenched. The affection she’d developed during their time together was taking a dangerous turn. She pulled into the drive. Her face felt flushed, her clit was engorged, and her core hummed. Violet put the car in park and turned to look at Xan. Clothed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a cream colored thermal shirt, a gray sweater, and a thick, black overcoat, he was still drool worthy. She’d never been the type to be attracted to muscular men, but on him, it worked.
He glanced up, and she licked her suddenly dry lips. She wanted to kiss him. The personal nature of her thoughts stunned her.




She shook her head to clear it. “Yeah, let’s get our stuff inside.”


She pushed the door open, grateful for the frigid air that cooled her heated flesh, at least temporarily. The soles of her knee length, black suede boots crunched onto the packed snow as she made her way to the doorway. It took the two of them about ten minutes to complete their trips back and forth from the car to the cabin and put things away. Once they were settled in, the familiar electric current began to pulse through her body. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end and something in her belly tightened. Xan’s eyes darkened with lust, and the delicious scent began to pour from him. The odor was the same, the scent of the air before the rain only intensified. She ran her fingers through her dark tresses in an attempt to defuse the tension. Silence stretched out between them like a shadow. One word, one movement, and she’d fall on him. Her heart beat in her chest double time as her breasts heaved with the effort to breathe. Hot liquid ran from her cleft. His nostrils flared and she knew he could smell it. A fresh wave of his scent hit her and she moaned. The lusty sound bounced off the walls.


She peered down at his pants. The large bulge made her purr in the back of her throat. Their gazes held, and Violet peeled off her jacket and tossed it to the floor without breaking eye contact. His lips beckoned and she planned on indulging herself. From what he’d said about Zenton, she got the feeling his culture wasn’t big on kissing because it would be too intimate. With each day that passed, she grew closer to telling him goodbye. The day had become a looming black cold on the horizon. She and Xan fit together. The routine they’d eased into felt natural and right. She didn’t want him to leave. Yet, she had no right to ask him to stay when all he ever wanted was his freedom.


Time to stop struggling with the need to make love.
At least she could give him this gift and carve her own unique place in his memories. She needed to be more than some Earth lay he did out of some sense of misguided duty and biological instinct. Her steps were sure as she made her way to where he stood, transfixed by her. The thought made her want to burst into giggles. She had never been the kind of woman a man was riveted by.


Off went his jacket followed by the sweater she tugged over his head. She fingered his thick braid, and smirked at his quick intake of breath. This beautiful man needed to be worshipped with lips and fingers. She unwound his hair, ran her hand through his dark tresses, and tugged gently to bring his mouth down to her own. She pressed her lips against his and marveled at the trembles that shook his large frame. To see this warrior so moved by such a simple thing endeared him to her. Their mouths came together and mated until they were both breathless. Lust ran rampant but she fought down the ravenous beast that clawed at her belly to give him a proper loving. Violet eased her hands up his taut belly. His muscles jumped in response and she leaned in to press tiny kisses on his chest through the shirt.


“I think we need to get rid of the rest of our clothes, don’t you?”


“Yes.” His voice was husky and raw.


Their clothing hit the floor as they stripped down in record time. Lips reattached, they stumbled back to the rug in front of the hearth. The fire popped and crackled behind them.
We aren’t going to
make it to the bedroom.
The two sank down onto their knees and she attacked his mouth once more. He tasted like the caramel apple cider they’d purchased at the coffee shop next to Walmart and the unique flavor that was him alone.


They broke apart to breathe, she pushed him onto his back, and straddled his thighs. His stiff cock brushed against her wet lips. She arched her back and threw back her head. She rubbed against him, and the friction made her gush like a fountain. The world narrowed down to the feel of him as he slid against the place she needed him most.


He placed his hands on her hips and pressed her body against him. She rolled her hips against him and found a rhythm. Another moan ripped from her throat. His thick cock swelled and she shivered. It’d been over a year since she last had sex, and he was well endowed. She had a moment of virginal fear.
Would he fit?
Violet lifted her hips and reached down wrapping her hand around him. She stroked, once, twice, and lined him up. His bulbous head pressed at her entrance.


“Wait!” Blind panic flooded her as common sense stilled her body and held the lust at bay.


“What’s wrong?”


“We don’t have a contraceptive.”


“Those things aren’t needed, Violet. My people choose when we procreate. We control if our sperm’s viable.”


“The more I learn, the more I like you.”


She braced her hand against his chest and lowered herself onto him. She wiggled her hips to coat his hardness with her juices and ease her journey down his thick, hard cock. She’d never been filled so full in her life. Her breath caught in her throat, her fingers twitched, and she dug her nails into the tanned flesh of his chest. She reached the base and a delicious jolt of electricity shot through her body.




Her pussy fluttered and they both cried out. She wanted to take things slow, show him what it could be like, but the lust wouldn’t allow her to choose. The minute she was adjusted to his girth, she had to move. Violet rose up and slammed back down as she rode him like a prize stallion. Her heart beat so fast she thought it would explode. Her nipples were painfully hard and begged to be plucked.


“Please, touch my breasts, Xanthus!”


He sucked a full globe into his mouth and her stomach muscles clenched. Her body tensed and her walls tightened around him further. He hissed and she flexed her muscles and released, determined to make him feel the same bliss she was experiencing. His thrust came faster and he tilted her hips to hit a spot that made her scream his name. A few more strokes and she saw stars behind her eye lids.


Her legs threatened to fail, so Xan took over. He manipulated her body, lifted her up, and brought her down as if she weighed nothing. Her pussy clenched and gripped him tight and she came harder than she ever had in her life.


Chapter Four


This was why I risked everything to escape— for the chance to experience this peace and happiness at least once.
Xanthus watched Violet move around the kitchen as she prepared what she referred to as
a proper
Christmas dinner. She insisted he needed to celebrate the start of his new life now and not after the twelve day period ended because they wouldn’t be together on the actual date. The thought made his stomach queasy.


After their consummation in front of the fire place, they’d showered, changed, and ended up here in the kitchen. At times he swore he saw…something more than drug-induced desire in her eyes.
Wishful thinking.
Without his pheromones, she might still be helping him, but they would not be having intercourse. At least when they parted, he would have these memories. She kissed him!


His soul sang with joy as the memories replayed itself. Kissing was a new experience. He never understood how the practice of two lips meeting could mean so much until now. He’d often scoffed at the practice before. He realized now his jaded views of affection in the romantic sense were all due to Kala. The thought of his last Mistress filled him with anger and fear. She was a formidable enemy. He’d be a fool to discount that. He needed to come up with a contingency plan, so he’d be prepared when she arrived. Violet might have the heart of a lion but she was no match for the Zenth Queen. The thought of the seven foot plus woman getting her hands on Violet made his stomach churn more. No matter what, he’d make sure this woman with purple eyes and a generous soul was safe.


“Okay, it’s ready.”


He gave what he hoped passed for a smile. The movement was unfamiliar and felt awkward on his lips. The glow in her eyes was payment enough for his efforts.


“I know you’re picky so I didn’t go all out. It’s turkey, no stuffing, and mashed potatoes. I know they look weird, but I’ve never met a person who didn’t like them. Biscuits, no gravy, and cranberry sauce.”


He looked at the red, wiggling cylinder and frowned. The food here would take a lot of getting used to. His people ate mostly meat and vegetables with some fruits and breads. None of which looked anything like the things he’d seen Earthlings consume. The fruits on his planet were all brightly colored, blues, greens, and pinks with white or black speckling. Judging from the turkey he assumed was a bird, their cattle was just as different. The images his translation implant sent him of cows made his eyes widen. Their cattle was mostly four legged where his was six, and they were much smaller.






“Are you okay?”


“Yes, I was just comparing this food to that on my own world. This smells pleasing.”


“Thank you. I’ll give you small portions of everything.” She dished small servings on to a black plate, and placed it in front of him before she dished out her own. The concept of men coming first for
blew his mind. Even now he was struggling not to get up and attend her. He waited for her to sit down with her own plate before he began to sample the food. The meat was moist and easy on his palate. The mashed potatoes were a delightful surprise. Creamy and flavorful, they melted in his mouth. The spices infused in the white fluff danced along his tongue.


“This is very enjoyable.”


She beamed.


“I’m glad you like it.”


They continued to eat their meal in a comfortable silence. He tried the cranberry sauce, eventually. It was tart and sweet, but strangely addicting. Once they were finished with their meal, he helped her do the dishes, and moved into the living room in front of the fire. When they were seated on the couch, she turned to face him with a look he’d come to recognize as mischievous.


“Now we have to decorate a tree!”



BOOK: Twelve Days of Xanthus
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