Read Twin Pleasures Online

Authors: Suzanne Thomas

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

Twin Pleasures (15 page)

BOOK: Twin Pleasures
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“I can’t believe our thoughts are in trying to stay out of her bed when we still haven’t found the person behind all this.” The frustration in Donavan’s voice was a combination of the situations.

The police’s lack of results along with their own security's unsuccessful investigation had them both on edge. The bodyguards around Liana were staying until they caught the asshole. Liana didn’t like it, but this was another area that he and Chase were adamant about.

“She isn’t going to stop trying, you know. I can see the determination in her eyes. She’s a minx,” Chase said with a smile.

They sat in silence, each in his own thought, which was eerily the same. Another facet of being twins was that what one saw and felt, the other was feeling the same. They thought as one and usually came to the same conclusion.

They looked at each other and smiled.

“If we are careful and tie her securely, then she will not be able to hurt herself,” Donavan said.

“We can’t do any doubles for a while, but individually I think she can handle it,” Chase said.

Donavan plotted their woman’s seduction and relaxed for the first time in a while, contemplating the coming night.

* * * *

Upstairs a similar path of thinking was being plotted. She had come to crave them desperately. They had made her insatiable for their special touch. Not just the sex and not for the mind-blowing, glorious, fulfilling, irresistibly gratifying orgasms that each and together the boys gave her. She required them for her sanity. She laughed to herself at the notion but on reflection could find no better word to describe her feelings. The day they came into her life was the day she began to breathe.

The threat of an unknown assailant was distant and not worth worrying over, though she understood the boys’ determination to see to her welfare. The bodyguards and added security were things she didn’t like but could live with if it made her boys happy. She wasn’t going to tell them that, though.

She snuggled down into the vast bed, thinking of the coming night. She needed a shower, and she knew that the hair between her legs had started to grow back, causing her some irritation. She would have to be convincing enough that the irritation was causing her considerable discomfort. When she had them in the perfect position, they would be unable to deny her, she thought.

The conversation she had with Gabby really was funny when she reflected on it. Her big sister, the one that talked about all the men she had been with before marrying James, tried to talk her out of staying here. Gabby just didn’t understand. Liana didn’t quite understand all of it herself, but knew that just the thought of leaving them left an empty void in her soul. Her sister wanted to negate her feelings and put it all in a heap of spontaneous mistake. Her giggles filled the room, and she thought how there hadn’t been an impetuous bone in her body before meeting the boys.

She loved her sister and respected her opinion, but Liana knew that leaving here, going back to her previous life, was not an option. She felt the start of something special here, something binding and long-lasting. She just had to find out what that something was.

Her heavy eyelids battled to stay open as the excitement of the day caught up with her. Her last thought before sinking into oblivion was she wished the boys were cuddled on both sides.

The tickling sensation wouldn’t go away. She tried to move her hands, but for some reason her sleep-leaden body wouldn’t let her. She wrinkled her nose and moved her head from side to side. She suddenly felt something cold between her legs that had her eyes popping open, wide-awake.

Her gasp of surprise turned to a soft hiss as a hot towel replaced cold hands. She looked down at her sprawled body and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. They had tied her to the four corners of the bed and propped her ass in the air with pillows. She tried to move her legs, but with the bent angle and the added padding against either side, the inch she was able to win seemed infinitesimal. She didn’t know how they got her into this position without waking her up. She lifted her head and stared down at Chase as he calmly started to shave her pussy. Her outrage that they were doing what she had planned for them to do, but on her terms, crumbled at the first flick of his fingers. She tried to lift up into his caress and strangled on a scream when he lightly smacked her directly on her pussy. The resulting heat, radiating out from that light contact, had her trembling in a mixture of fear and want. She kept the moan buried in her throat, hiding her desire. She looked sideways, directly into the smoldering fire of Donavan’s gaze and knew she had somehow given herself away.

“Do that again, Chase.” Donavan’s voice sent chills across her breasts.

She whipped her head back to watch Chase land another smack against her pussy, this time catching a little of the moist clit. She cried out as the hand came down repeatedly. They weren’t hard hits, and they didn’t exactly cause her pain, more like a squeezing of a trigger before the resulting explosion. She also realized that with the way they had her tied, there was no way to lift up. They had immobilized her legs totally. She was at their mercy.

When Chase finally stopped, she was sobbing in frustration. Her fire-engorged clit pulsed with unfulfilled desire to the frantic beat of her heart. Her head thrashed back and forth as the overwhelming pressure centered in her pussy screamed to be released.

She couldn’t take much more and was about to demand them to finish what they started when her entire clit was covered, not by a hand, but by a mouth. Her body froze and then started to writhe as the mouth sucked her clit into its depths, showing no leniency. She cried out when Donavan's mouth took one of her breasts deep into his mouth and started to suck to the same pulsating rhythm between her legs. The dual sensations blended into one massive earth-shattering explosion, blossoming out from her womb to encompass her entire being. Her pussy grasped desolately at air as her internal sheath tried desperately to clutch at something that wasn’t there.

She alternately hiccupped and sobbed as her senses went into overdrive. She stared into Chase’s loving gaze as he crawled up between her splayed legs to settle his iron-hard cock against her ultrasensitive pussy.

“How are feeling, Kitten?” he asked softly against her trembling lips.

“I was going to seduce you guys,” she whispered into his mouth before it began to slowly kiss her, touching her tongue with his, bringing the taste of her arousal with it. Her moan was swallowed as he all but devoured her.

“We know,” was his reply when he released her lips, coming up for air.

He touched his nose with hers before claiming her mouth again. She felt him enter her in a smooth glide, inflaming all her little nerve endings. The soft brush of his pubic hair against her smooth pussy made the already sensitive area ignite. Her cries were ignored as he used his hips to pump up in a way that brought the root of his cock flush against her clit. She tried to wrench away from his mouth to scream, but his hands anchored her head to his in a firm grip. The increasing tidal wave of tension built with each touch of his crinkly hair against her swollen sex. He started to grind his cock in an ever-increasing rhythm. She felt the world shift as the breath in her lungs froze when lightning sizzled through her body encompassing every inch, and still he didn’t stop. Her frantic cries filled his mouth as another wave crested and exploded over her.

Her inner walls clutched his cock, milking the entire length, sending fragments of pleasure bordering on pain to her womb. Her inability to move gave them every opportunity to do whatever their hearts desired. She tensed as Chase slowly pulled his semi-hard cock out of her still-shuddering pussy. She watched as he and Donavan traded places.

“No, no, please.” That was all she got out before Chase’s lips descended onto her mouth. She felt the bed give as Donavan crawled up between her legs. He stroked the leg that was healing, following the edge with a soft, blunt finger. She trembled as the finger trailed a path to her sopping pussy. He used one finger to tease her swollen nub, going slow at first before picking up speed and applying greater pressure. She felt her sex exposed to the air as it escaped from its hood. The overworked little nub expanded with every manipulation on its surface. She tried to scream again, but the tensing of her body seized her throat muscles.

His sudden penetration deep into her channel sent her over the edge. With every thrust of his cock, a maelstrom of impressions flashed against her closed eyelids. She whimpered as each flash of light accompanied every downward thrust. She teetered on the brink of something so massive, so overwhelming, that she struggled to hold it off in fear of losing herself totally.

Her body seemed to detonate. She didn’t know how she kept conscious with the pleasure roaring throughout her system. The walls of her sex clamped down so hard in contractions that she didn’t know if he would ever be released.

She had no strength to complain or fight as Donavan's body settled on top of hers. She turned her head dazedly as tremors erupted from the onslaught of ecstasy. She blinked as he braced his arms on both sides of her body, looking down upon her.

“How do you feel, Kitten?” he whispered into her mouth.

She opened her mouth to answer, and all that came out was a moan as another tremor wracked her body. She shook her head slowly and closed her eyes in exhaustion.

It seemed like minutes but must have been hours when she opened her eyes to darkness. Her body lay curled between them, and neither her hands nor feet were tied. She could feel Donavan against her back and bottom, while Chase cradled her head on his chest. She felt the slight ache in her leg from the accident, but the ache centered between her legs flickered outward, diminishing all other concerns. She’d been well and truly loved by her men. Every cell of her body glowed from the attention of the dynamic duo.

She felt so at peace here between these two amazing men.

* * * *

Donavan felt her wake up as she snuggled deeper into his cock. He placed his lips against her neck to nibble at the delicate skin just behind her ear and smiled when she shuddered. He smoothed his hands over her shoulder and drew her back to become flush with his body. She sighed softly and let her body relax against his.

The previous night's loving made it clear that their woman's capacity for pleasure was phenomenal. She was a combination of a submissive and a she-devil in bed, a heady mixture, of which he had become an addict.

He thought of all the failed relationships he and his brother had been in, both with single partners and sharing one woman. Those disasters cured them of the thought that they would ever be happy unless they were together. He felt deep in his bones that Liana was the one. Her capacity to love them and her ability to fit into their lives as if she belonged added to the overall feeling.

He tightened his hand around her when she snuggled further into his body. She reached her hand back to his head and turned to present her lips for his kiss. Her pose lifted her breast up, so he took advantage, palmed the offered fruit, and leaned down to meet her lips. She opened for him and invited him in to taste her mouth's ambrosia.

When he felt her flinch at the touch of his hand, he stopped. The night’s passion had come with a price. He pulled the cover up and just held her as she fell back to sleep. He couldn’t wait for her to get better.

Chapter 10

Liana looked back and saw Giovanni follow her out of the house. She sighed to herself. Two weeks, nothing had happened, and still the security. The boys were adamant about the continued protection, but she thought there was no need for it. Her leg had mended perfectly, not even a limp. The scar was a sight, she thought, but the boys didn’t seem to care. They spent a lot of time kissing every inch, to help it heal, they said. She smiled, thinking of them.

She got into one of the Jeeps and waited for Giovanni to get in. She contemplated just driving off but knew it would get back to the boys and they would scold her.

“Thank you for waiting, Miss McCarty,” Giovanni said as he hopped into the passenger seat.

“Well, Chase and Donavan still think it’s necessary for some reason. I know you are just doing your job.”

“Until we find out who is behind the accident, both Donavan and Chase want you protected at all times. They come from a family that always had a security detail. They’re aware of the dangers they bring to someone special to them.”

BOOK: Twin Pleasures
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