Undefeated: Bad Boy Fighter Romance (Fighting For Gisele #4) (2 page)

BOOK: Undefeated: Bad Boy Fighter Romance (Fighting For Gisele #4)
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Chapter 3

Gisele woke up the next morning with the startling realization that her life had dramatically changed. Her mother was alive, knowledge that warmed her to her very soul. Yet panic followed, as her Russian father still held the power.

That would need to be dealt with, although Gisele wasn’t yet certain how to achieve that. She was glad that Micah was with her, as it would be too much to face alone. She looked over at him, sleeping peacefully. Yet she was aware that he’d tossed and turned much of the night, just as she had.

It was another day, and Gisele would have to face Yuri again. This time she wouldn’t be caught by surprise, but had a chance to prepare. She wasn’t looking forward to being in his presence, but she’d be allowed to speak to her mother.

Gisele nestled next to Micah and he stirred. When he opened his eyes, Gisele touched his lips and he kissed her fingertips. Then he dug his hands in her hair, pulling her close for a kiss. The taste of him was so male and sexy.

Micah dipped his tongue in her mouth, stroking it next to hers, and Gisele sighed into him. When he pulled back the sheet, she pressed close, feeling his warmth. Micah rolled over, straddling her, and grasped both her wrists.

Holding her arms above her head, Micah kissed her again, more passionately this time. He lingered, kissing her again, then licked across her lower lip. “You’re so sweet,” he said, his eyes flaming with desire.

Pinned to the bed, Gisele felt Micah’s hot mouth on her skin. With her arms up, she was vulnerable, and Micah took advantage. He kissed down her neck and over her breasts, then sucked at her nipples.

Gisele moaned softly, aroused and wanting. She squirmed as Micah descended, kissing her belly then over her hip. With her wrists held firmly in one of his hands, Micah teased her sex with his fingertips. When he ran two fingers along her wet slit, Gisele shuddered with pleasure.


When he released her, Gisele dragged her hands over his rounded shoulders and pressed her palms against his strong chest. She gazed at his huge cock and licked her lips. Reaching out, she put one hand around the base of it, Micah’s heat searing her skin.

Pre-cum seeped from the top of his wide knob, and the veins along his gorgeous shaft bulged. With his knee, Micah spread her thighs wider. “I want you,” he said in a guttural voice.

Gisele’s eyes half closed when his cock penetrated her. Shoving into her, Micah groaned, and she arched her back in response. He felt so good inside her. Gisele wanted more and she pushed up, taking him deeper.

With her hands on his powerful shoulders, and her legs wrapped around his muscled thighs, Gisele matched his rhythm. Micah panted, his breathing coming in deep gasps, and she held on to him. He stroked into her faster, stretching her so beautifully.

Pumping harder, his eyes glistening, Micah looked at her. “I love you,” he said through ragged breathing. Then he fucked harder, and even faster. “I love you.”

Gisele spiraled up to a heavenly plateau, every nerve ending alive and her body tingling with escalating arousal. She whined as he pounded into her, wanting him more than she could express, and unable to sate her desire.

Micah fucked with abandon, kissing her and biting her lip, as he stroked fiercely. Gisele soared to the edge, and his relentless loving pushed her into a delicious climax. She cried out as waves of sensation flooded her.

When she pulsed over him, Micah let go, filling her with his seed. His thick cock throbbed hard and he pumped into her until he was drained. Breathing hard, Micah rested his forehead against hers.

Gisele put her palms on his back, feeling him close and treasuring the intimacy. “I love you too,” she said softly.

When Micah kissed her lips, Gisele closed her eyes, willing the moment to last. If only the morning were a haven for her, a place to get lost, where she could avoid what was ahead. But even as she thought it, she knew the quiet moment had ended.

They slid from bed together, showered and dressed. They lingered, kissing and touching, delaying the inevitable separation. When Gisele finally had to face the day, Micah took her down for a late breakfast.

Looking across the table, Gisele saw the thoughtful look on Micah’s face. Both of them had one thing on their minds. “It’s interesting how Yuri is playing this,” Micah said.

“You mean because he hasn’t dragged me out of the complex at gunpoint and forced me to lead him to the diamond?”

Micah’s thin smile indicated just how worried he was. “That’s part of it. The man has got enough muscle behind him to enforce his demands. Assuming he has a more skilled crew than those losers that attacked me in the alley.”

“He could enforce his request.”Gisele sipped her steaming coffee. “I prefer to call it a
, because he will only get what he wants if I give it to him.”

“You are a stubborn one.” Micah smiled, for real that time. “But I’m sure he knows that.”

“He does, and I sought to remind him as well.” Gisele sat a little straighter. “I don’t like being pushed around. Circumstances are what they are, but that doesn’t mean I have to cower around Yuri like a dog he’s kicked once too often.”

“I suppose a loud, messy scene would be an extra annoyance for him. Why proceed that way when he can persuade you to turn over the gem without fuss?”

“Exactly, and I know him well enough to understand his thought process.” Gisele twirled her cup on the table.

Micah looked at his coffee, then back at her. “After all, when he’s ready to bump us off, he can do it quietly…maybe in a city like Chicago, where murders get lost in the morass of crime.”

The food was served, and Micah tasted his pancakes. He noticed that Gisele stirred her scrambled eggs around the plate, but he didn’t see any go into her mouth. “Today is about my mother.” Her eyes grew moist, but she didn’t cry.

“You’ll be able to talk to her. Are you ready for that?”

“I don’t know how to get ready…after all this time,” Gisele said. “It will just be so good to hear her voice.”

“I’m sure you’ll feel better once you do.”

Gisele looked into his deep brown eyes, sensing how much he cared. “I will feel better. But…how will I know for sure about her condition?”

“You’re right, calls are just voices. Much can be hidden.”

“I’m sure of it.” Gisele tossed her hair over her shoulder. “But I’m not going to let Yuri off easy.”

“What are you planning?”

Gisele took a big breath. “I’ll tell you later…if it works.”

When they finished eating, Zeke arrived to drive Gisele to the complex, and texted that he was out front. She knew Micah would have preferred going with her, but she talked him out of it. It wasn’t time yet for Yuri to be heavy-handed. Today was the day that he would allow her to speak to her mother, in an effort to gain her cooperation. That would set the tone for their meeting.

Micah hugged her tight, not seeming anxious for her to leave. He put his palms on her cheeks and kissed her. Drawing back, he said, “I’ll be at the gym, getting warmed up. The coach has agreed to start with exercises I’m able to do.”

“Your hand is good?”

“Better, a lot better,” Micah said. “I’ll just go easy on it for a day or so, test it out.”

Gisele put her arms around his neck and clung to him. For all her claim of boldness and standing up to Yuri, she was still nervous. She would have preferred to go to the gym with Micah, and avoid her meeting. But that was impossible. Her mother would be anxious to speak with her, and Gisele felt the same, so she brushed aside her fear.

“I’ll text as soon as I’m out,” Gisele said.

Micah released her reluctantly. “I have plans for later.”

“Is it something that I should look forward to?”

Micah grinned. “Sure, if a romantic date
with me
is something to look forward to.”

“Okay, Mr. Big Ego.” Gisele giggled. “I can’t wait.” Then she turned and headed toward the exit.

Zeke greeted her at the door and escorted her to the car. He felt like more of a friend than a bodyguard. He had certainly been pulled into their tenuous situation, although she was certain that Micah hadn’t filled him in on the details.

On the way, Gisele talked a little, warming up to her bodyguard. She trusted him, and that was something. Before the complex came in sight, she turned to him. “It is reassuring to have you outside waiting. But if anything should happen, how would you get in to rescue me?”

Zeke kept his eyes on the traffic ahead. “I
get in…don’t worry about that.”

Gisele studied him for a moment, and decided that he probably would. His all-business demeanor and powerhouse body was a confidence booster. Plus, she assumed he was armed with more than his fighting skill. She didn’t ask him to clarify how he’d get past the mob guards, just had faith that he would do his job.

“Okay, then. I’ll go in, and I’ll text if I need you.”

“You may not have a chance. Use a code. Just type any letter or number you can, and I’ll know that is a message of urgency,” Zeke said. “And if you aren’t out within a reasonable period, I’m coming in anyway.”

“I have a meeting with Yuri, so it’s difficult to say how long that will take. But I don’t expect to be in there more than a couple of hours.”

Zeke nodded. “I’ll be close by.”

When she got out, Gisele looked up at the condo towers, noting that the huge complex was intimidating. The place had been her home, but it was no longer welcoming. She walked to the entrance with butterflies in her stomach.

Once inside, it seemed unusually quiet. Maybe it had been before too. But now it struck her as ominous. Guards observed her from hidden posts or through surveillance cameras, like dark ghosts. Gisele shivered as she made her way down the marble hallway.

It wasn’t as though she expected Yuri to greet her at the door, but the long passage leading to the downstairs rooms echoed like a tomb. Gisele made an effort to breathe, trying to calm her nerves. Any conversation with Yuri would be a confrontation, and the prospect was unnerving.

Momentarily, she regretted not having Micah with her. But he wouldn’t have been allowed inside, so it didn’t matter. Yuri knew he had her in the most vulnerable position when she was alone, and he was right.

There was no one in the library or the main room. Gisele turned the corner to the dining room and found Alek sitting alone. He was eating a sandwich, lost in thought. For a moment, she watched him, wondering how he could play Yuri’s dirty games without a conscience.

Alek was her brother, and they had grown up together, bonding as only siblings could. Being close to the same age, they’d often conspired in defiance of their father, much to his chagrin. But after Gisele had arrived in Vegas, things had changed.

Her brother had considered it his duty to protect her, and rebellious games hadn’t been a part of that. Gisele had been fiercely independent, as she still was, and had been a handful for Alek. He’d told her more than once that he was responsible for her welfare, but she didn’t make it easy.

All that was true, but what was also true was that her brother had let her down in the most disappointing way. Alek had known that Gisele had been part of the family under false pretenses, yet he’d gone along with it. Over the years, he hadn’t uttered one peep about her actual situation.

Looking at Alek now, the insult hurt even more. That was all he thought of her, that she was the clueless younger sister. And he hadn’t had any qualms about deceiving her. Gisele loved her brother, or she had, and the truth hurt.

Gisele was about to turn away when Alek looked up. He waved her over. “Yuri’s not here yet. Come and sit down.” After a moment’s hesitation, she crossed the room and took a seat at the table.

Alek looked tired, and a bit distressed. That wasn’t hard to understand with Yuri staying there, most likely criticizing his son’s management of the situation. But Gisele found it difficult to sympathize. Her situation was so much worse, and her brother hadn’t been concerned about that.

“I want to talk to you about something,” Alek said.

Gisele shifted in her chair and glanced around the room. There were no guards in sight, but that didn’t mean anything they said wouldn’t be overheard. She’d have to forget about all the questions she’d like to ask him.

“We can talk openly,” her brother said. “I’ve shut off the listening system for now.”

Gisele widened her eyes. “You did?”

Alek nodded. “I don’t want to be overheard or recorded, because of what I’m about to say.”

Gisele held her breath, as she’d had enough surprises recently.

“I know what you think. I’d think the same thing in your position.”

“And what is that?” Gisele said, feeling defensive.

“That I’ve known all along, but didn’t tell you.” Alek looked at her, his expression sincere. Still Gisele was doubtful.

“I was a kid, just like you, when the theft took place.” Alek was clearly referring to the diamond.

“That was a long time ago,” Gisele said. “You could have told me about it after I moved to Vegas.”

Alek frowned. “I didn’t know.” He let that sink in.

BOOK: Undefeated: Bad Boy Fighter Romance (Fighting For Gisele #4)
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