Read Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) (16 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Encounter (Singleton)
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“Okay.” Lila went to the bathroom then paused in the doorway. “Wait, I wasn’t agreeing to your coming in here.”

“Give in, Lila,” Driscoll said. “They will do it anyway. When they know you have something important to do or an appointment, they make it their mission to make sure you get there on time.”

Lila opened her mouth then closed it, deciding not to debate it. She was only part of Driscoll’s world for now so she’d go with the flow. Lila went to get ready, partially closing the door. She hoped Driscoll came in to join her. She heard their voices in the other room but not what was being said. Lila cleaned up and got out of the shower. As she dried off, she heard,

“Stay right where you are, Dris,” Irene said firmly. “You are not going in there. She needs to go to work to kick some Fed ass. Then get that budget for new people for her department.”

“I know that.” Driscoll sighed. “Fine. I’ll stay here, but why do you sound so pissy about the Fed?”

“Oh, maybe because he was an asshole when we went to give everyone food and help out,” Aida said. “He had the gall to eat my food then treat me like I was nobody.”

Lila lifted her eyebrow. She hadn’t known that the two women had been there to meet the Federal agents.

“After Aida finished telling him about himself, he looked gobsmacked.” Irene snickered. “Then he seemed like he didn’t know if he should pull his gun to protect himself from the crazy woman who looked like she was ready to hit him or to haul her into his arms and kiss her.”

“Stop imagining things. That man…ohhhh.” Aida growled. “I hope Lila rips him a new one as she shows him not to mess with her office. Arrogant ass.”

“Do you want me to go beat him up?” Driscoll asked.

Lila wrapped the towel around herself then stepped outside into the bedroom. “I’ll take care of beating him up, at least verbally.”

Driscoll looked at her. He’d put on pajama bottoms and was standing by the window closest to the bathroom, with Irene and Aida on either side. He took a step toward her. Irene and Aida blocked him.

“We’ll be downstairs waiting for you,” Irene said.

“Come on, Dris.” Aida held his arm.

“I can just chuck the two of you out the door and lock it.” Driscoll walked with them past her.

“Nah, you know we’ll just pick the lock. Then there goes our agreement of not seeing you or Lila naked.” Irene pushed against his shoulder. “We’re trying to keep her, so don’t let her know how crazy we actually are,

“Too late,” Lila called after them.

They all laughed and exited the bedroom, closing the door behind them. Lila let the towel drop then went to get dressed. As she did, Lila couldn’t help but laugh at the antics of the women. They were indeed crazy, but in such a loveable, interfering way she didn’t really take offense to it. Soon she was dressed and checking herself out in the antique mirror. The suit, as usual, looked phenomenal on her. She pivoted on her heels and looked over her shoulder in the mirror.

“Time to kick some ass.” She strode toward the bedroom door.

In the hall, she stopped briefly to pet the fur babies then continued downstairs. As she reached the bottom, Driscoll, Irene and Aida came into the hall.

“Looking sharp.” Irene held open her hand. “You’re gonna need this.”

“What is that?” Lila took the lovely pearl and jewel encrusted hair comb.

“Dris can tell you,” Aida said.

The women left, both smiling.

“Interfering women,” Driscoll called after them, then turned and took the comb from her. He went to stand behind her then placed the comb in her hair before sliding his hand on her waist and leading her to the door. He opened it and she faced him. “My mom collected hair combs. She had them for every occasion. This one”—he fingered it—“was the one she wore most often. She said it was good luck. She’d been wearing it when she met my dad. When she passed, they came to me.”

“I can’t wear your mom’s hair comb.” Lila went to take it out.

“Think of it as luck.” He stopped her. “Of something of me with you as you go about your day.”

Lila kissed him then stepped back. “I will take care of it.”

“I know you will.” Driscoll touched her cheek. “Take care of yourself, too.”

“I will.”

“Now go and kick butt.” Driscoll again touched her hair comb. “See you later.”

“Later.” Lila turned and walked away.

In moments, she was inside Lancelot and had started him up. She smiled at how good he sounded. Glancing back at the house, she waved at Driscoll, who was standing at the rail of the porch, seeing her off. He lifted his hand and Lila grinned then left.

The happiness stayed with her all day as she went to her meeting with the various agencies then the meeting with the Fed. As she worked then had the budget meeting, she still had the giddiness. When that wrapped up, Lila decided to finish her day and headed for Driscoll’s.

She hummed along with the CD as she drove through his gate, remembering when she’d come that first time. But this time she wasn’t just there to check on him, she was there for him. Eager to see him, she parked Lancelot and hurried out of the vehicle to the steps, taking them two at a time as she went up. At the door—partially open as it usually was—Lila pushed it going inside before closing it after her.


“In the living room,” he called.

She went that way and paused in the doorway, taking him in. Driscoll was on his back while the puppy and kitten crawled all over him. Lila placed her hand over her heart, a warm feeling filling her.

“Did you kick ass?” He glanced at her with a smirk on his face.

“Yep.” Lila went to him, kneeling by his side. “The Feds will be working in conjunction with us. I got my budget approved so I can hire new people as soon as I do the interviews.” Lila leaned down and kissed him. “And I’m here with you. So it’s been a great day. Oh… Your mom’s hair comb did bring me luck. Let me give it back.” She sat up to take it out.

Driscoll settled beside her and touched her hand, stopping her. “You hold onto it. I like the idea of you having it and wearing it. I feel like I’m with you when you do.”

“Such a sentimental man.” Lila leaned against him. “I’ll think of you every time I have it on.”

“Good. I just found out today that I’ll be going out of town for about a week. I’ll be leaving next week.” Driscoll reached in his pocket and pulled out something. “I have this for you too. I know you worry about me leaving the door open for you.” He handed it to her.

Lila took it, staring at the key then looked at him. “You’re giving me a key to your house? Why?”

“So you can come and go any time you want. Even next week when I’m away you can come by. I like the idea that while I’m away you’re sleeping in my bed.” Driscoll pushed the strands that had come loose behind her ear. “Use the code I gave you initially for the gate to get in, then use the key to come into the house.”

She stroked her thumb over the key. “Okay. I’ll get one for you for my place too.”

“You don’t need to do that because I did.”

“Hush.” Lila kissed him. “I want to. I like the idea of you waiting for me at my house when I don’t come here. Maybe even naked and all ready for me.” She leered. “Definitely naked.”

“Naked I can do.” Driscoll started removing her clothing.

Lila went to remove his. She lifted up and straddled him.


* * * *


Lila fingered her hair, brushing against the smooth pearls. She sighed, shifting, and tried to shake off her funk. Driscoll had been gone for almost two weeks. The weeklong trip had been extended. Although she spoke with him each night, she still missed him.

“Ouch.” Lila frowned, reaching up to rub the side of her head. “Why’d you hit me?”

“Because I’m getting tired of your sighing and moping.” Aja rolled her eyes. “We’re here to have some fun so have some fun already. Dris will be back soon, so buck up.”

“She’s missing him.” Colby reclined on the floor before them.

Storm, who was resting with his back against the arm of the sofa, groaned. “Please tell me you all are not going to have another sighing session over how sexy Dris is.” He lifted his voice high, making it sound like a woman’s. “Or how sweet he is.” He spoke normally again. “’Cause if you are, I’m gonna leave.”

“Buddy of mine, you are not going anywhere.” Lila jumped off the couch and sat in his lap.

Colby shifted, resting over his legs. “You are staying right where you are.”

“If we have to suffer through the sighing and all the gushing about Dris, you do too. It’s in the friends’ code. When your girl who is a friend falls and acts like she is a lovesick loon, you have to be there to support her.” Aja put her arms around his shoulders, hugging him from behind. “Even if it is so sickeningly sweet that you want to knock her ass out if she mentions him one more time.”

“You’re just jealous that Lila has somebody,” Colby said behind Lila.

“Don’t think I didn’t see you eyeing one of the Locke men,” Lila added.

Aja stuck her head in the air. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“She’s talking about tall, dark and broody,” Colby replied.

“Ladies, please,” Storm said, pained. “Hello, man here. I don’t need or want to hear about any tall, dark and broody.”

“Okay. How about, sexy, curvaceous and couldn’t keep her eyes off you.” Lila cupped his cheeks.

“What?” Storm’s eyes widened.

“You really are oblivious.” Colby sighed. “Christ, now I’m sighing.” She poked Lila in the side. “You’re making it spread.”

“Stop that. We’re focusing on our friend Storm who needs to be more aware when someone is checking him out.”

“Who?” Storm scowled then shook his head. “I don’t want to know. I don’t care. I do not date. Ever.”

Lila stared into his gaze and the pain there had her heart aching for him. “Storm—”

“First Morgan falls for Bella. Now you’ve fallen for Dris.” Storm glanced up at Aja then past her at Colby. “Which one of you will be next?”

“Not me,” Colby and Aja said simultaneously.

“I’ve not fallen for Dris.” Lila shook her head. “That would be stupid since we are from different worlds. We want different things.”

“You what?” Colby came and sat beside Storm, staring at her with an expression that clearly showed she was waiting for her to explain. Storm and Aja had the same look.

“You all are acting like that’s a surprise.” Lila crossed her arms over her chest. “He’s Driscoll, for God’s sake.”

“Yes, that is his name,” Storm said slowly. “Driscoll, and he’s a man who puts on his pants one leg at a time, just like we all do.”

“Yeah bu—”

“But nothing. He’s into you, Lila.” Colby narrowed her gaze. “What I don’t get is why you, who are usually so blunt, aren’t being truthful to yourself?”

“I’m being truthful.” Lila lowered her arms. “You want blunt, here it is. Dris and I are having fun. We’re from two different worlds and thinking anything different will lead to a world of hurt.”

“As far as I know there is one world—earth. That is unless you all know something I don’t,” Aja said.

Colby and Storm shook their heads.

“I thought so.” Aja leaned forward and grabbed Lila’s chin between her thumb and forefinger. “What I think is that you already feel more than you want to admit but are afraid to face it, even in your subconscious.”

“Stop being a shrink.” Lila pulled out of her hold then she rose. “Are we going to play pool and then do some dancing as you all wanted to or not?” She moved away.

“Yep. A whole big ole plate of denial.” Aja stood and stalked toward her. “Get your head out your butt and hold onto that man who cares about you.”


“You better not be about to say mind my business,” Aja warned in a soft tone.

“Fuck you,” Lila replied.

“Back at ya.” Aja came to her then hugged her. “I love you and want you to be happy.”

“We all do.” Colby hugged her too.

“God, at this rate I’m gonna have to give up my man card.” Storm blew out a breath. “Fine, I want you to fuck like bunnies and have all the happiness when you do. There, that makes it about sex. That reaffirms my maleness.”

“You nut.” Lila chuckled as Storm hugged all of them.

“Why do you need to affirm your maleness?” Driscoll asked.

“Dris.” Lila pulled away from her friends and turned.

Driscoll stood in the doorway looking very sexy.

“Yep, she is in denial,” Aja whispered behind her. “Quick, snap a picture so we can show her how she looks when she sees him.”

“Do it yourself,” Storm said in an equally soft voice. “I’m not getting in the middle of this.”

“I’ll do it,” Colby said.

“Stop.” Lila reached behind and smacked at each of them. To Driscoll, she said, “When did you get back? I thought you would be gone another three days.”

“Six hours,” Aja said.

“Eight minutes,” Storm added.

“Twenty-six seconds. Now it’s twenty-two,” Colby said. “She was counting the time down to the second.”

“I was not.” Lila glared at her friends.

They grinned at her. She snorted then lifted a finger, poking it into each of their chests.

“I’m gonna remember this when you all are dating.”

“Teasing is part of the fun of having good friends,” Driscoll said behind her.

She turned and gazed up at him. “Hi.”

“Hey.” He leaned down and kissed her.

“Ohhh…” Aja moaned. “I need some ice water.”

“I’m about to gag,” Storm said.

“I want me some.” Colby chuckled. “Damn, Lila, don’t swallow the man’s tongue.”

She pulled back and glared at them. “I hate you.”

“You love us,” the trio said together.

“Yeah I do. But at this moment, I really hate you.” Lila laughed.

Driscoll hugged her from behind. “So is someone gonna tell me why Storm wants to affirm his maleness?”

“Because my brother is out of town and deserted me with all the estrogen of these women. He’s usually here with me to help balance it out. We can talk manly things while these three act all girly.” Storm dodged Aja’s kick then Colby hit him in the shoulder. “Shit, Colby. You know you hit like a brick.”

“Good.” She lifted her fist. “Next time it’ll be upside your head.”

BOOK: Unexpected Encounter (Singleton)
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