Read UnholyCravings Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

UnholyCravings (7 page)

BOOK: UnholyCravings
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Chapter Seven



Tara heard Donar rustle behind her. What was he doing? She
turned her head to take a look. Soren grabbed her chin and dragged her head
back so that she faced the wall.

“I said don’t move.” Soren’s voice was deep and commanding,
much more commanding than she had ever heard him before. It seemed as if the
praise from Donar had made him come alive. His eyes shone brighter, his
expression more intense. He searched her face with a hunger that made Tara wet
and needy.

“What are you going to do to me?” Tara asked.

The sound of a zipper being pulled down ripped through the
air. “Soren, quiet her.”

Soren shifted beneath her, her shirt forgotten. She looked
down and shivered at the hunger in his gaze. He leaned up and closed his mouth
over hers. The kiss was firm, yet gentle. Soren tilted his head to the side and
brushed her lips with his tongue, the long, commanding strokes warming her all
the way to her toes.

Tara parted her lips and he entered her mouth. He teased and
tasted, as if he was exploring new territory and committing every inch to

Donar ran his fingers down her thighs and gently eased her
legs apart. For the moment Tara’s mind blanked as raw desire swirled through
her body. Her muscles turned to water, and she fought the sudden urge to pull
away from the wall and wrap herself around the men as if she was a blanket.
Soren tasted so good, and Donar’s fingers made her body so weak that it was difficult
for her to stand. She wanted to touch them both, feel their long, hard bodies
against hers.

Donar lifted her jacket and shirt, exposing her ass to the
cool air of the alley. “Beautiful.” He rubbed his palm over her backside,
awakening her nerve endings there. Her skin tingled and she felt damp. If this
was going to be her punishment, then she’d have to remember to keep being a
very bad girl around these men.

Pain exploded across her backside. Tara pulled
away from Soren’s lips and gasped.

“That was for not spreading your legs when I told you to,”
Donar said.

“But I told you, my pants—”

Slap. “
And that is for talking back to me. From now
on, you will refer to me as master, do you understand?”

Understand? It was hard to think of much past all of the
sensations rolling through her body. The pain of the slap on her ass vibrated
through her center, forcing her mind to blank. As the pain died, pleasure
surged. Her skin felt more sensitive and her whole body became more attuned to
each man’s presence.

Still, it was downright embarrassing being spanked by two
men in the alley. Tara tried to straighten her body, but Soren grabbed her
wrists and held her hands against the wall.

“Don’t move,” he whispered.


“It is best if you take his punishment.”

This was ridiculous. She didn’t do anything wrong. The men
were being unreasonable. She opened her mouth to tell them just that, then shut
it again. Of course, how could she be so stupid?

Soren was right. Donar was fully possessed by his
now. The darkness inside of him needed pain and sex. It also liked being in
control. If she was to deny him, then Donar would probably run off to find
fulfillment elsewhere. The thought of him being so intimate with a stranger
didn’t sit well with her. If he was going to inflict pain and pleasure, she
wanted to be on the receiving end.

Tara relaxed her body and nodded to Soren. The
let go of her wrists.

“Do you understand?” Donar repeated.


Donar slid his hand over her ass and the pain began to ease,
leaving behind a numbing pleasure.

“Good. That’s a start. You need to address me properly,

“Address you properly?”

“Call me master.”

“Why?” Tara ground her teeth as a blast of pain exploded
across her backside and vibrated up her spine. “Yes, master.”

“Better.” He rubbed his fingers once more over her backside,
caressing her skin. “You will find that when you obey, you’ll be rewarded.”

“Yes, master.” Goddess help her, his touch felt so good. The
tingles she felt as the pain eased away were more pleasurable than anything she
had felt in a long, long time.

To her surprise, she realized that she wanted him to hit her
again, only harder. What did that say about her? Was she just as screwed up in
the head as a couple of men who were possessed by evil?

Maybe. All of her life she had felt as if she was an outcast
in her own home. She was never good enough, never smart enough. Perhaps her
place wasn’t in the
home of Celestial Wood, but here, with Soren
and Donar.

“Proceed,” Donar said.

Soren reached up and framed her face with his hands. “Good
girl.” He pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was chaste, but powerful.
There was a connection there, an understanding. Tara became aware of why Soren
followed Donar’s instructions and why he called his twin “master”. Soren’s
thrived on taking orders and serving. He needed to be commanded in order to
find release.

As Soren pulled away, their gazes met and Tara confirmed her
thoughts. The longing to please was written all over his face.

“Thank you,” she said.

He held her gaze for a long moment. Tara felt the darkness
swirl inside of him. It should have scared her, but instead it made her want
him more.

“Let me help you control it,” she said.

Soren brushed his fingers over her cheek. “It’s too late for
me, sweetheart.” He looked away, breaking the connection. Tara braced herself
as he returned to his work, slowly undoing the buttons on her shirt. Tension
filled the air as he worked down her body until the last one fell apart in his
hands. He then ran his fingers up and down her torso, heating her skin wherever
he touched.

Tara closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of his
fingers. Her skin tingled with anticipation, and moisture gathered between her
thighs. Tara was no virgin, but she had never felt a craving as intense as this

“Now, if you hold still, you will be rewarded,” Donar said. “I
don’t want to see you move or hear your voice as you receive your punishment,
do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, master,” the words tumbled from her lips. She found
that she liked calling him master, liked giving up control. She also had no intension
of standing still. Tara wanted Donar to spank her again, and spank her hard.
She wiggled her hips seductively at him.

Pain exploded from her backside and vibrated up
her back. She didn’t know what instrument he was using. It felt like a long,
thick strap. It didn’t matter. Within seconds, the pain subsided, leaving her
with mind-numbing pleasure. She groaned and pushed her hips up in the air,
eager for more.

“Ah, I see that you prefer my punishment to my reward.”

“Yes, master.”

“You shall have it then.” There was no mistaking the
excitement and hunger in Donar’s voice. He needed this just as much as she did.

While Donar worked, Soren eased first one breast from her
bra, then the other. She gasped as his hot, wet mouth covered her nipple and gently
sucked. Her breasts tingled, and her nipples hardened. She groaned as fire
spread through her body, and moisture pooled between her thighs.

“Don’t make a sound,” Donar said.

Tara opened her eyes. “I—”

“You will have to learn to obey me.”

Sweet mother earth, those slaps felt good. The hits were
hard enough to stimulate, but not so hard that she would have any lasting
marks. He hit her again and again, the loud noise filling the alley. All the
while Soren teased her nipples with his expert tongue.

With each contact the temperature of her body
heated and her mind fell deeper into a numbing haze. Tara concentrated on the
pain, it sensitized her skin and made Soren’s touch that much more potent.

Tara gritted her teeth as blow after blow landed on her
backside. She never spoke, never moved, just like Donar wanted. The strikes
formed a rhythm, a primal beat to a song only the three of them could hear.
Soren nipped and rolled her nipple between his teeth. The world around them
faded as her mind focused on the wonderful sensations he was creating in her

With each passing second, her desire heightened, winding
around her muscles as if it was a thick rope. She became hyper-aware of her
channel, how it had become slick with need.

She contracted her muscles and tried to imagine what it
would feel like to have both enter her, first one, then the other. They were
large men, and she imagined her muscles stretching to accommodate each of them.

She bit back another moan as the image of Soren filling her
came to mind. He’d push himself deep inside her pussy. All the while Donar
would keep watch, overseeing the act. The image was so erotic and vivid. She
angled her hips and widened her stance, exposing her sensitive area to the
punishing hits. The contact vibrated up through her body and increased her
need. Tara had to bite her lower lip to keep from groaning with approval.

Then the spanking stopped. “Remove her clothes.”

Soren fought a smile as he turned to Tara. “You may stand.”

Tara straightened and Soren helped her remove the rest of
her clothes. Donar’s punishment made her sensitive and hot, and Soren’s touch
felt soothing against her skin. She wanted to take his clothes off, to feel his
body next to hers, and yet she refrained from touching him. Donar had yet to
allow it.

She stood perfectly still as Soren worked. When he finished,
he straightened and turned toward Donar and nodded.

Donar came up from behind and leaned in close to her ear. “You
have such a beautiful body. He snaked an arm around her waist, then dipped his
hand down between her thighs. Tara closed her eyes and widened her stance,
allowing him better access. He slid his fingers through her damp folds and
growled. It sounded animalistic, almost as though it was a purr of approval.

“You have done well, Tara,” he whispered against her ear. “You
have obeyed my command and now are wet and ready for us.”

Tara shivered at his words.

Donar stepped away from her and turned to Soren. “Place her
back against the wall.”

Soren led Tara back and placed her hands against the brick
building. Tara wanted to know what was going to happen next, but didn’t ask.
Asking would bring on another punishment and while she loved Donar’s
punishment, she was too curious and impatient to delay her reward any longer.

Soren stepped away from her body, leaving her alone.

“You have permission to proceed,” Donar said.

Tara heard some rustling behind her and turned her head to
see what was going on.

“Don’t move.” Donar’s voice was strong and
commanding. Tara shivered as she faced the wall once more.

Someone stepped up from behind and rubbed his hands over her
ass. “I have wanted to do this ever since I first saw you,” Soren said.

Do this? What was he talking about? Then Soren grabbed her
hips and curled his body over her back. He was naked, and Tara groaned as his skin
touched hers. His heat surrounded her, and his hot breath brushed against his
ear as he spoke.

“You’re mine now,” he whispered. “All mine.”

Tara turned her head to see him. He leaned lower and
captured her lips. His scent surrounded her, and Tara loved how his body
covered her torso. She concentrated on how his erection pressed into her ass
and his hands covered her belly. He felt good, but she wanted more.

Tara moaned against his mouth as he slid his hands up and
pinched her nipples with his long fingers. She gasped and arched her back,
pressing her ass deeper against his hips. His cock thickened as he pressed
forward, and she felt the hard shaft slip between her ass cheeks. She wanted
him to fill her, to ride her until both of them lost themselves into oblivion.

Soren rubbed himself up against her and palmed her breasts
as if he couldn’t get enough of her body. He squeezed and stroked, sending
sparks of both pleasure and pain racing through her system. Tara felt the world
fade away as she focused on the man behind her.

After a few minutes, cool air brushed over Tara’s back as
Soren straightened and aligned himself at her opening. Tara felt the head of
his cock inch in between her folds. She relaxed her muscles and offered herself
up to him. This was what she wanted, what she needed. A ripple of excitement
ran through her as Soren grabbed her hips and thrust deep inside her body.

Tara whimpered as he filled her. It had been a long time
since she had sex, and Soren wasn’t a small man. He plunged himself deep,
filling her channel and forcing her muscles to stretch more than they ever had
before. He felt wonderful.

He held himself still and let her adjust. Tara closed her
eyes and concentrated on the feel of his body against hers. It was so warm and
inviting. She sensed his darkness hovering on the edge of her mind. Her magic
reached toward it and she had all she could do to hold it in check.

Tara opened her eyes and stared at the wall. Her
magic chose Soren. It wanted to reach out for him, to bond with him and weave
their souls together for eternity. What was so hard with Samir was so difficult
to stop with Soren. They were destined to be together.

She curled her fingers against the wall as she realized the
implications of what they were doing. If they were destined to be spirit-mates,
then having sex would start the process of blending their bodies into one. The
first time they had sex, their emotions would blend, the second, their minds.
The third and last time their souls would be woven together, only to separate
upon death.

BOOK: UnholyCravings
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