Read Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Kristen Luciani

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Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)

BOOK: Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)
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Unlikely Venture

Copyright © 2014 by Kristen Luciani

Cover design by Regina Wamba of
Mae I Design

Editing by
Cindy Davis

Formatting by
JT Formatting




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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or restaurants referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


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Title Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four



Dear Reader

Thank You!

About the Author



JESSICA’S IPHONE CHIRPED with the dreaded fifteen-minute warning. She groaned, berating herself for stopping at Starbucks with so little time to spare. But a double shot of something caffeinated was an absolute must for this meeting.

The all-too-perky barista called her name and she grabbed the cup, hoping to find a taxi outside the café. It was an optimistic yet unrealistic expectation since she was in Palo Alto, not Manhattan.

Cars raced up and down El Camino Real and Jessica released an impatient sigh. Not one taxi in sight.
She headed toward the intersection, just in case one magically materialized out of thin air.

Her heart pounded as she concocted potential excuses for her jackass boss Charlie. If she missed the meeting— No, it just wasn’t an option. This client was too important to their consulting practice and she was a key presenter.
This is my big chance. If I land the client, he’ll have to put me up for that promotion.
I need to get there in time. Dammit, are there any taxis in this town?

Jessica sprinted to the corner in five-inch Louboutins, wincing at the uncomfortable tingling sensation in her toes.
Just ignore the pain, Jess.
It became her mantra over the past several months but she was only resisting the inevitable.
Sure, they’re manageable now but
who knows how much worse these symptoms will get?
It was a question that plagued her every day since she received the diagnosis.
My career is all I have left and this promotion represents everything I’ve been working toward. I refuse to let this disease derail me.

Walking across town to the client site was out of the question. In fact, surviving another few blocks would be nothing short of a miracle. A taxi rolled up to the red traffic light and she waved her arms to get the cabbie’s attention. The timing was perfect; it would only take about ten minutes to get down to—

“Aahhhh!” Jessica lurched forward as the unexpected impact sent her phone flying into the air. Searing coffee splashed over the side of the cup, soaking her blouse and pants. She recoiled, her hand bright red and throbbing. “What the

A strong hand gripped her shoulder and she snapped her head around to get a good look at her assailant.

“Are you okay?”

Jessica regarded him with a cold stare, ignoring his gorgeousness. “Does it
like I’m okay? Actually, let me rephrase that. Do I
presentable for a business meeting with a multimillion-dollar client, which I’m now going to be
for, by the way?”

He grinned. “Ah, no, you don’t.”

Jessica gritted her teeth. His eyes were so blue. If circumstances were different, she could float away in those pools. She clenched her fists. “What the hell are you smiling at? You crash into me and that’s all you can do? My hand is going to balloon up in about ten more seconds, and you’ve got nothing else.

“Um, I hate to break this to you, but it didn’t exactly happen like that. You crashed into
, so I think your angst is a little misdirected.” He winked.

Jessica regarded the irreparable damage to her beige suit. Taking off the jacket wouldn’t help either. She resembled a spring breaker in a wet t-shirt contest. Too bad, the view might actually help her land the client. No, no, no, she needed another suit and

“I am wearing an entire cup of scalding hot coffee because
were more concerned with your phone than with where you were walking.”

“Actually, I’m kind of surprised you even noticed, considering the fact that you barreled across the sidewalk without so much as a glance.” He raised an eyebrow, challenging her further.

Jessica gasped. Crap.
was unexpected. He didn’t look very handsome anymore. No, she wasn’t attracted to him at

She flashed a sarcastic smile. “Well, it’s been a pleasure. Thanks for such a
morning.” Flouncing off, she caught sight of a large digital clock across the street. The meeting would begin in just ten minutes and she was a complete disaster. What the hell was she going to do
? Were there any clothing stores around here that were even
? Tears formed behind her eyelids but she refused to let them fall. At the very least, her eye makeup would remain intact.

“Listen, I’m heading to Brooks Brothers. It’s right around the corner, if you’re interested. I’m sure you can find something there to change into, right?”

Jessica stiffened at the sound of his voice behind her, but quite frankly, she was desperate. Letting out a deep sigh, she turned around. “
Brothers? Not my typical style, but I suppose it’ll have to do.” She fired off a text to Charlie with an excuse that her last meeting ran over. Exactly ten seconds later, the phone rang. Jessica grunted and declined the call, not equipped to deal with his blistering commentary.

“Are you going to be okay walking in those shoes?” the young man joked, failing to lighten Jessica’s mood.

Without a word, Jessica sprinted down the street. A spark ignited between them during that collision; it was undeniable. It was clear he felt it as well because he hadn’t let her walk away. But a spark was all it could ever be. There wasn’t time for it to become anything more. And even if there was, it wouldn’t matter. She was emotionally out of commission.

Jessica raced around the corner and flung open the door to Brooks Brothers. A middle-aged saleswoman ran up to her.

“Can you please help me? I’m in such a rush. I need an outfit for an important business meeting that’s starting in exactly five minutes on the other side of town.”

The woman smiled at her stained ensemble. “Yes, of course, dear, I’m happy to help. Size four, right?”

Jessica smiled. “Yes, thank you so much!”

The young man who’d bumped into her headed into the shop. He stood there a minute, then spotted her. Before he could speak, Jessica stalked back to the fitting room.
Why can’t I stop acting like such a spoiled brat? If it weren’t for this guy with the amazing eyes, I’d be wandering around Palo Alto in coffee-stained clothes, searching for the unemployment office. Charlie would terminate me faster than I could say severance.
She let out a groan.
And Derek? He’d be a shoo-in for that promotion if I disappeared. No way am I letting that happen.

BOOK: Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)
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