Read Untamable Online

Authors: Sayde Grace

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Paranormal

Untamable (5 page)

BOOK: Untamable
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“Wait, you met some of your pack members? Did they know who you were?”

He nodded. His long brown-black hair threw a shadow over his face. “Yeah. You wouldn’t believe how weird it was over there. I mean, it’s not like here at all.”

Sidda cocked her head to the side, rubbing her hands down his arms to his chest. She couldn’t stop herself from touching him. “Hmm, weird how?” She pressed her lips to his tanned chest. His breath caught, and she smiled against him. The power she now held over him caused her to be bold, sensual with him.

“Stop that, you’re distracting me. I’m trying to explain to you about our pack.”

“I’m not a wolf. It’s your pack.” Her mind raced with thoughts of
pack. She wanted to belong to his pack. Sidda yearned to give him everything a female wolf could, but she couldn’t.

“You are part of my pack no matter what. And you can give me everything, even children. Our governments have worked to make cross breeding legal, and lots of crosses are capable of great things.”

The Luna species had come out to the world years before either Sidda or Jasper had been born. There had been little trouble between humans and wolves at the time. In fact most of the humans had accepted the wolves without problem, and many packs now consisted of human/wolf couples. But the wolves fought for dominance within their communities. Those fights had eventually spilled over into the human communities, enraging the extremists of both species and threatening war at each turn. Now the government fought to keep the wolves and humans in peace.

But war was what the current illegitimate North American Luna Alpha wanted. He was a complete and utter asshole. He hated humans, hated other packs, and was pushing war upon overseas ruling packs. His thirst for power would ultimately kill the North American Pack and more than likely most of the humans. If Dane Velham continued in the path he’d chosen for the Luna Nation, all peace would be gone.

“Hey.” Jasper smiled down at her, his fingers grazing across the bite he’d left. His touch dragged her from her thoughts of war and Dane Velham. He kissed the swollen, tender bite. She expected pain, but only tender affection met her. “Now, stop worrying and let me finish. Sometime during the last century, the wolves of that pack, our pack, split. Half believed in living among the humans in peace, the other didn’t.” His hands strayed to her hip.

She yawned and began to fade to sleep even as his voice continued to tell her stories of his time in Romania. He scooted back against the headboard, holding onto her as he did so. He leaned back, resting his weight on the bed frame. She nestled against him, resting her head on his chest. He held her hand in his above them. Gently he kissed her palm before his silent laughter drew her attention. His chest vibrated with it. She looked up to see his lips tugged in a perfect ten thousand watt smile. That smile as one she’d never seen on him before. The sight made her heart soar. Content, she drifted to sleep, loving the sound of his voice filling the room and his body against hers.

* * * *

Sidda rolled onto her back. The soft bed was warm with the lingering scents of the night before. She stretched, her back arching off the bed, legs stiff, and muscles screaming. Her neck throbbed, but not with pain. Lust. She smiled as she opened her eyes. Jasper stood next to the bed, wearing a pair of faded blue jeans which hung snug on his hips.

In all the years she’d imagined the morning-after scene, she’d never dreamt of wanting him even more. Even as her body rebelled with the thought of more, her mind and heart wanted to be one with him.

Last night, he’d lost his control over his beast. He’d flipped her over and ridden her hard, to the brink of pleasure and pain. They merged, and only when she came shattering around his cock had she been able to find true pleasure.

Yesterday, she hadn’t gotten a chance to stare at the man he’d become. She’d touched every inch of him yet hadn’t taken the time to savor his body as she wanted to. This morning he stood with the sun coming in the window behind him. His skin held a deep bronzed tint. His well-defined shoulders blocked the sun from her face so she could stare at the muscle-ripped chest. The light played with the dark brown highlights in his hair, making the color richer, warmer. Then his eyes met hers.

“Morning.” He smiled shyly at her, a very un-Jasper characteristic. He was by no means shy, but this morning his eyes showed the vulnerability within.

“Morning. Why aren’t you still in bed?” She reached out to him. The vulnerability that had been peeking out seconds ago vanished. He cocked his head to the side before smiling. In the next instant, he was out of his jeans and in bed beside her.

Sidda nestled to his side, loving his overly warm body. “What were you up to? I thought you’d be in bed with me when I woke up,” she whispered, trying to hide the insecurity rushing within.

“I was out getting breakfast. The cold milk and cereal you brought up here didn’t seem right for our first breakfast together. My mate deserves so much better.”

Oh god, his mate. No words sounded sweeter or felt sweeter. She’d never been emotional or overly affectionate, but those words from his mouth made her eyes fill with tears. She loved him, loved the fact he’d chosen her. Her blood pumped harder, faster.

She smiled, and her cheeks ached from the wideness of the smile. She was happy, genuinely happy for the first time. Everything else faded away. “Jasper,” she cupped his face in her palms, “I love you.”

She pulled him to her. His lips red were swollen from the kissing, biting, and sucking of the night before. They were going to be that way permanently if she had anything to say about it.

“I love you, too, babe. Now come here.”

* * * *

Jasper sensed her soreness, but he couldn’t feel bad for what they’d done. He loved her, and now she was his, the mark on her neck showing it for all to see. The bite on his neck had already healed. The skin was unmarred except for the small line of teeth marks that indented into his skin. Jasper growled when she ran her fingers across his mark.

“Amazing, isn’t it?” He raised his head, hair cascading across his face. She brushed his hair away. “When I first met some of my pack, they didn’t wanna open up to me about the Pack Wars, so I asked the one thing I really wanted to know most.”

Her eyes gleamed as he brushed his knuckles over her cheek, down to her mark. “I wanted to know more than anything if I could mark you as mine. What would happen? If we’d share the same effects as wolves do. They said I could mark you, but they doubted we’d ever truly bond. They were wrong.” His lips pressed to her neck.

Her eyes widened with heat and love. “That’s good because I’d hate to have to kill some werebitch over you. You’re mine.” She smiled.

His laughter filled the air. He loved the fire inside her hidden just beneath her outer calm facade. “I have no doubt you would. But for now, let’s eat. I went hunting.” He jumped from the bed. For a moment Vivian’s blonde hair and big blue eyes flashed in his mind. Sidda would shred the “werebitch” to pieces if she ever found out Viv was convinced he was her mate.

* * * *

Sidda had to fight down the urge to grab him and drag him back to bed. The lust she felt for him wasn’t something she could grasp. She’d always known she desired him, all of him, but this raw passion was different. It had to be from the bond, the animalistic nature of it too Alpha for her. She’d never had such strong primal feelings.

“Out of bed. And don’t even consider covering up.” He pinned her with a knowing look.

Exactly what she wanted to do. Damn him and his knowing self.

“Ah, maybe we should sit down and talk. There are some things I need to tell you before you start cussing me in your thoughts.”

Her heart sank. Oh god, he could read her mind. She’d always wondered. He knew everything she did and all the feelings she kept bottled up, trying to hide them even from herself.

“Not all of them, babe. Just some. There were moments in high school though where I almost attacked you.”

“Then why didn’t you?” Her voice rasped harsher than she’d intended.

“Because I knew I needed more. I had to find out about the wolf within me. Where I came from and what I had to offer you.”

Offer her? He had everything to offer her, but mostly his love. “So what did you find out?”

She sat down at the table. Her face burned with embarrassment. She wanted that damn blanket around her bad. But he would just snatch it away. When Jasper said something, he meant it. Normally she would balk, but secretly she wanted to be easily accessible for him in case the mood struck.

“It strikes every time I think about you.” He kissed the top of her head as he sat a plate of freshly cooked meat onto the table.

She looked down at the thin strips of sizzled meat. The smell was mouth watering, but she still wondered exactly what it had been.

“Rabbit. I wanted deer, but couldn’t see killing such a large animal for breakfast. Maybe if we stay overnight I will. A fresh deer steak sounds good, doesn’t it?” He licked his lips.

She laughed at his excitement. He and Cole had hunted the woods during deer season, killing enough deer to keep food in both their freezers and her mom’s for years.

“You did good. But we have to go back tonight. I’m already a few weeks behind in going to the specialist and getting my shot.” She hated to admit her health weakness, but without her shots she’d be dead. The debilitating headaches, stomach pains, and irregular heartbeat would overtax her system. If she went without having her medication any longer, she ran the risk of sending her system into failure. Already the headaches and pains in her body were becoming too much to deal with.

She picked up a piece of the small cuts of meat. The thin strip sizzled in her fingers. She brought it to her mouth. She’d had rabbit before, but it wasn’t her favorite. However, Jasper happened to be a hell of a cook. Anything he cooked turned out terrific.

Biting down, the meat flavor exploded on her taste buds. The faint taste of Cajun seasoning made the fresh game spicy.

“It’s good. Real good. Now, sit down, eat, and tell me what else happened over the last six months. You know, the months you stopped talking to me.” She glared at him from across the table.

“Ah, the first dig, huh? Well, dig all you want. You’re mine, and I will never let go again.”

She didn’t know what to say. He really couldn’t promise her things like that, but for the moment, she’d be blissfully happy anyway.

Jasper grinned. She knew he was in her head but couldn’t figure out how to stop it. “My pack had left Romania in search of a fresh start. They wanted to live with the humans. They set up their own governing laws and towns according to what the humans were doing here. But because my pack has the power to relax others, to make them feel peace, and being one of the oldest packs, we gained control. Our pack, the Blue Moon Pack, produces blue moon betas. They calm wolf and human alike.”

She swallowed hard, struggling to remember what he’d said about the Blue Moon Pack .

“The other Romanian Pack, Red Moon, showed up. Ever since then, the two packs have fought. After the Pack Wars, the remaining wolfs united under one Alpha, my great-grandfather, and our Blue Moon pack. The title passed from each Alpha in my family until my father. I’m next in line.”

Her eyes went huge in disbelief. Sidda had always known Jasper was strong, moral, and fair, three things that make a great leader, but she’d never thought for one second he was actually the Luna Nation’s Alpha, or any Alpha for that matter. Her mind still couldn’t wrap around the fact that he wasn’t the lone wolf she had come to love. He was an abandoned wolf she and Cole had found alone in the woods. No family, no roots. How could he all of a sudden be the true leader of the North American Luna’s?

“What about your family? The ones who disappeared, leaving you alone? What about them?” Her anger flared.

The harsh tone in her voice made her grimace. Damn, she had to get control over her emotions. One minute she was crying with love, the next she was ready to rip someone’s head off.

BOOK: Untamable
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