Read Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1 Online

Authors: Dorothy F. Shaw

Tags: #feisty heroine;tattooed heroine;tattoos;single father;opposites;L.A.;Los Angeles;California;office romance;redheads

Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1 (2 page)

BOOK: Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1
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Jodi gave her a slanted glance. “Girl, you’re up to no good.”

Maiya smirked. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Chapter Three

Ryan had high-tailed it out of the restaurant for a damn good reason. The short amount of time he’d spent next to Maiya at the table had been intense, and far too arousing. It was either leave and clear his head, or drag her into a corner somewhere and show her just how much her bitchiness turned him on.

The whole situation was crazy. Maiya was the type of woman he steered clear of. A rather hot stove he had no desire to touch again, yet his body didn’t seem to care about any of that. It took all of his willpower not to adjust the erection in his pants when they were sitting next to each other. Damn uncomfortable too.

Now he was heading back into the redheaded-hot burning building again because he just couldn’t stay away. He’d have to figure out a way to hang with her tonight
keep his distance from her at the same time.

Yeah, right. How the hell was that supposed to happen? She was like a damn sex magnet, all five-foot-eight of her, and his buddy in his pants was all for it. His head—the one on top of his shoulders—kept intervening to remind him she was supposed to be off limits. Not that it mattered though.

He had no issue with casual sex, but sex with Maiya would be anything but casual. The mere idea of her red hair tangled in his fist and her body bared just for him made his limbs tighten in anticipation.

Ryan ran his palm over his mouth and a muffled groan slipped past his lips. With one last command to his dick to behave, he got in his car and headed downtown to…to what?

Play with fire?

Test his control?

Yeah, that was it.

No. He could do this. Under no circumstances would he have sex with Maiya. He would not kiss her lips. He would not paddle her ass for being such a pain in his. Moreover, he absolutely would
enjoy seeing her long legs in the air while he—

“Ah, Jesus. Knock it off.” Ryan clenched his teeth and started the car.

When he neared the main strip in front of their office, he spotted the two of them walking on the sidewalk.
Well, well, well. There she is.
Slowing, he rolled down his passenger window and then stopped alongside them. “Hey, there’s trouble with a capitol M.”

Maiya’s steps slowed and she looked over. “You have
to be kidding me.” She laughed. “That’s your car?”

“What? Yes. Why? You don’t like it?”

Maiya snorted and rolled her eyes. “Typical.”

Jodi laughed and Maiya resumed her swift stride.

Ryan threw the Porsche in gear and rolled forward a bit, keeping up with her. “What do you mean typical?”

She brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “Just what I said. Typical.”

Ryan shook his head. The comment, joking or not, pricked at his nerves. He was
typical. He was anything
Damn this woman!
Was it her life mission to agitate him? He sped past them and then pulled into the lot behind the pub and parked.

When Ryan stepped into the darkness of Flanagan’s, he glanced around in search of the pair. Maiya’s familiar laugh echoed above the low music and small crowd in the pub. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end and a bolt of heat shot down his spine.

Following the sound, he moved in her direction. Ryan paused before coming into their line of sight. They were in the back at a table. The mammoth stone fireplace, bordering the back wall, danced with flames behind them.

Maiya had one leg tucked beneath her. The other crossed over her knee, with her shoe dangling off her foot. Leaning back in her seat, her elbow rested on the back of the chair, and she absently twirled her hair around one finger. She stirred her drink on the table with the fingertip of her other hand. The blaze from the fireplace illuminated her profile and she glowed in the dim light.

Keeping his eyes trained on her, Ryan took a single step forward and she turned her head in his direction.

Their gazes locked.

Maiya arched one perfect eyebrow, pulled her finger from her drink, and sucked the liquid dripping from the tip.
Holy hell.
All the blood rushed from Ryan’s brain right to his dick.

Control tested, and he’d been served, failing right out of the gate.
So much for that.
Ryan drew in a deep breath and somehow managed to get his feet moving. The seat next to her was empty. Of course it was empty.
So much for keeping my distance too.

Fine plan this turned out to be.

Maiya grinned at Ryan while he pulled the empty chair next to her away from the table and sat. The expression on his face was priceless after the little stunt with her finger. He might’ve gone a shade or two paler.

He scooted closer to the table. “Typical huh?”


Ryan waived the waitress over. “Jameson on the rocks please and uh…and a large glass of water too.” He turned to Maiya, leaned close to her ear and whispered, “I am
from typical.”

She tilted her head to the side, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. “We’ll see.”

“You will.” He pulled away and looked at her friend. “Nice to see you again, Jodi.”

“Likewise.” She smiled and then sipped her beer.

“Anyone else here?” Ryan shifted his chair closer to the table, bumping Maiya’s leg with one of his. Electric tingles ran up her thigh.

“Just saw Joe from the finance team with his girlfriend, Tiffany.” Jodi jerked her chin in the direction of where the couple was seated by the bathrooms.

Maiya looked over her shoulder, grateful for the distraction from Ryan’s leg against hers. “Didn’t even notice. He’s a nice guy.”

“His girl is a play actress, I guess. She just landed the lead in the play
” Jodi brushed her hair over her shoulder.

“No shit? As in playing the infamous Gypsy Rose Lee?” Maiya shifted in her seat and her leg rubbed against Ryan’s again.
. “I would love to see that.”

“Joe was offering tickets the other day. You can bring a friend. Like me, or someone else.” Jodi’s lips tilted into a grin and she glanced at Ryan.

“Yeah. Maybe.” Maiya pursed her lips and glanced at him too. He was staring at her, a far off look in his eyes. Another zing of electricity shot up her leg from where hers still touched his. She waved her hand in front of his face. “Hello?”

He sipped his drink. “Hmm? What’d I miss?”

“Are we boring you?” Maiya raised both brows. “Jodi was telling us about the big show Joe’s girlfriend is starring in. Did you hear any of that?”

“Yes, of course I heard it.” Leaning back, he cleared his throat. “No, you’re not boring me.” He turned his attention to Jodi. “It sounds very exciting.”

“Oh, Lord.” Jodi laughed and took a swig of beer.

Maiya snorted. “Typical.”

Ryan’s head snapped back in her direction. “You keep saying that and I’m going to be forced to show you different.” He took a long swig of his whiskey.

Maiya watched his lips close over the edge of the glass.
I dare you to show me different.
She stifled a groan. “I doubt that.”

Jodi slapped her hand on the table, breaking the moment. “On that note, you two kids have fun. I gotta get home.”

Maiya rose and gave Jodi a hug. “Thanks for walking me down here. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Get home safe. Or to the hotel rather.” Jodi winked at her. “Have a good night, Ryan.”

“You too, Jodi.” Ryan nodded.

Maiya shook her head. “I’ll be right back.” Stepping away from the table she walked Jodi to the front door and then made a beeline for the bathroom.

Equal parts arousal and frustration thrummed through her veins and her pulse beat hard in her ears. What was it about him? He was vanilla…too damn vanilla for her. Yet her body didn’t seem to care how straight-laced he was. Maiya had intended to annoy him with the
comment. It’d worked; she’d gotten to him for sure. Seeing him all agitated and in a lather amped her libido up ten more notches. Ryan Donnelly did not see himself as typical. My God, anything but.

What the hell had she been thinking, inviting him tonight? A feeble attempt to convince herself she wasn’t attracted to him? She didn’t even understand the attraction. What she
understand was now that she was next to him again she wanted to lick every inch of his body. The man got her blood boiling at least once a day; sometimes more, and managed to get her body humming with arousal at the same time. With only their phone calls.

Maiya washed and dried her hands. It was probably wise to stop fighting the magnetism. Fuck him out of her system. It was biology—simple, pent-up frustration. And it
been a while since she’d had sex. This was a no-brainer. She could have meaningless and sweaty—hopefully satisfying—sex with a colleague, and have no issue working with him the next day. Yes, she absolutely could.

Decision made, she walked back to the table.

Ryan was standing with his wallet open in his hand. “You about ready to go?”

“I suppose.” She glanced at her watch. “You going to give me a ride to my hotel or am I calling a cab?”

He crossed his arms. “You want a ride in my typical car?”

“Sure.” She shrugged. “I guess if you’d rather the car instead of the bed in my hotel room, I’m game.”

“You’re bad, Maiya.” He shook his head.

She laughed. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“I have a BMW too. Still think I’m typical?”

She flipped her hair off her shoulder and headed for the door.
Two cars? Seriously?

“Don’t get excited, they’re both ten years old. For a second I worried you might be shocked, however I have a feeling nothing shocks you, does it?” He followed her outside and then walked beside her, his arm brushing against hers while they made their way to his car.

The small contact was a brand on her skin, right through her jacket and satin blouse. “Not really. But I have a feeling I do a top-notch job of shocking you.” It was a lie, she was shocked…a little.

The corner of his mouth tipped into a crooked grin. “I’ll deny it till the bitter end. Nope. Not shocked at all.”

“What’s this? I don’t get to drive?” Maiya teased with wide eyes when he opened the passenger door for her.

“Now I know you’re in shock because you must’ve lost your damn mind.” He laughed and the sound rippled over her skin and centered between her thighs.

When she sank into the deep leather seat, Maiya crossed her legs, trying to relieve some of the tension. “I know I teased you, but I do like your car. For being ten years old, it’s in perfect condition.”

“Stop, please.” He placed his hand on his chest in a dramatic display. “I don’t think my heart can take the shock.”

She turned toward him when he slid behind the wheel. “Ha! See? I do shock you. Oh come on. I’m being serious. I
like your car.” She widened her eyes, trying to look as sincere as she could. “Porsches are badass, even if it is a Boxster. And I still think you should let me drive it.”

“You’re not driving my car.”

“Why not?”

“You’re nuts.”

“I am not. I’m serious.”

Ryan shot her a sideways glance. “Yup, totally nuts.”

“Fine, we’ll see.” She crossed her arms and stared out the windshield. “It’s a Boxster for fuck’s sake. May as well be a Miata,” she mumbled.



Ryan grumbled something back she didn’t make out and she suppressed a giggle. She was having a blast jerking his chain. He had a thing for cars, but she did too. It made her curious what else they had in common.

Ryan made the left into the hotel parking lot, and for a split second she thought he might pull into the parking garage. Instead, he looped in front of the entrance and stopped.
A twinge of disappointment curled in her gut. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the feeling away and turned in her seat to face him. “Thanks for the ride.”

He rested his elbow on the windowsill of his door and met her gaze. “Not a problem.”

Maiya ran a hand through the length of her hair. “Thanks for coming tonight too. I had a good time.”

“Me too.”

They stared at each other for a moment, and then he leaned toward her
She braced for the kiss. Instead, he bypassed her lips and came cheek to cheek with her.

With his chest pressed against hers, his heart beat against her own—which was slamming like a bass drum in a marching band. Every inch of her insides quivered from the feel of his stubbled cheek against her face and the pressure of his body against hers. Each sensation ran over and through her. Maiya closed her eyes and placed a trembling hand on his neck.

“Sweet dreams, Maiya.” The breath from his whispered words tickled her ear…and then he opened the car door behind her.

The loss of body heat was profound when he pulled away. Shivering, Maiya sighed and opened her eyes. The bastard was grinning. Grinning!

She cleared her throat and schooled her expression in an effort to hide her embarrassment. Obviously this was all one sided. “You too, Ryan.” Stepping out of the car and closing the door, she started what she considered the walk-of-shame toward the hotel entrance.

“Hey, Maiya.”

She froze at the sound of her name, and then turned around.

He’d lowered the window farther. “C’mere.”

She walked the few steps and bent forward, peering into the car. “You forget something?”

“Yeah. Come here.”

She leaned inside the car. Ryan stretched across the console, cupped her face in his hand and gave her a soft, chaste kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, he stroked the tip of his tongue over her top lip. Then he shifted back into his seat as if nothing had happened.

Half hanging in his car, shock and arousal zipped through Maiya’s body like a bottle rocket. She swallowed and licked her lips, tasting him. “Mm, thanks.” She backed out of the window and straightened next to the car. Her legs had turned to jelly. Such a soft little kiss and yet it resonated through her entire body, setting it on fire. And she wanted more.

BOOK: Unworthy Heart: The Donnellys, Book 1
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