Read Up in Flames Online

Authors: Alice Brown

Up in Flames (6 page)

BOOK: Up in Flames
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He stopped and looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow as he went. Placing his hands over hers on his head, he gently removed them before issuing his warning. “Get those hands back above your head and don’t move them unless you want to find out what a real spanking is all about.”

Her eyes popped open in surprise, but he had realized the moment he lifted his head the move had been done without conscious thought. He watched and waited for her to comply.

She obeyed, but as she placed her hands back above her head she inquired, “Why don’t you want me touching you?” It was a reasonable question for an innocent.

“Oh, you’ll be touching me plenty, sugar,” he replied with his deep Southern drawl. “But right now, you are not trying to touch me, you are trying to control the situation. There are a few things you might as well understand now.” He stopped and placed a light kiss on her mound. “First, in the bedroom, I am in control. Second, when it comes to your safety, I expect you to obey me without question. You may disagree with me, and I’ll be happy to argue the point with you
when the danger has passed
. But if I tell you to do something, and it is said to keep you safe, I expect to be obeyed.”

Obey, did he just say to obey him
? Meredith glared down at the arrogant man who was perched between her legs and whom Fate had decreed was her mate. She had been fine until she heard the last word. Then, she stopped. She was a grown adult. A grown half-vampire adult for crying out loud! And her mate expected her to
him, as if she were some two-year-old child?

She sat up quickly, attempting to close her legs as she went. “Let me up, Lucas, I’m done!” Man, talk about a bucket of cold water. She wasn’t even in the mood now that the arrogant prick had ruined everything. Would she ever find out what the big deal was with sex?

Lucas was a bit taken back by her sudden temper. “Hey, where are you going?” he asked when she sat straight up, almost clocking him in the face as she moved to get off the bed in a hurry.

“Anywhere but here, you arrogant little shit!” she yelled as she snatched up her clothing, ready to bolt out of the room.

Arrogant little shit?
He looked at her as if she had taken leave of her senses. There was nothing
about him. He quickly went back through the previous conversation, attempting to figure out what he had said to set her off so quickly. At the same time, he snaked his arm around her waist and dragged her back to the bed, not letting go until he had pulled her back in front of him.

“Lucas, so help me, get
me! I am certainly not in the mood anymore, you arrogant jerk!” While he was happy to see his woman had spunk to her, he knew her temper would do nothing to alleviate his raging hard-on.

He grabbed both of her much-smaller hands into one of his large ones when she raised one to punch him in the arm. “Enough!” he roared. Not knowing what else to do, he did the only thing he knew. He kissed her, hard. She held her ground for all of ten seconds before she became a puddle of goo in his arms. He let out a breath he didn’t even realize he had been holding. Bringing her up tight against the front of his body, her legs didn’t have a choice but to open and allow his jean-covered erection to press up tight against her moist center.

He controlled their kiss with dominance, knowing he had to stake his claim now. Otherwise, she would run roughshod over him on a constant basis. He nipped her bottom lip, anticipating her gasp at the sudden short-lived pain. He dove in and claimed her entire mouth, leaving no crevice untouched. He explored every part he could reach with his tongue.

When he finally released her mouth, he brought one hand up to hold her head steady, lightly grasping her chin between his thumb and index finger. “Now, you are going to calm down and talk to me, and tell me why you are so pissed, mate.

Her eyes flashed fire even as her body was still tightly pressed against his. “I don’t like being manhandled and I certainly don’t appreciate being told I need to obey you! I am not a child. I do not go off doing stupid things. And I don’t need a father, what I need is a mate!”

Lucas stayed calm through her rant. He had prided himself on total self-control for a long time now. In a deceptively calm voice, he replied. “Baby, I am in no way manhandling you. But as your mate, it is my job to protect you. And, darling,” he paused and raked his eyes down her body. “It is blatantly obvious that you are not a child. What I see before me is all woman. My woman,” he growled out the last few words as he snatched her up. He reached around and squeezed her ass cheeks. “My woman,” he repeated.

She cocked an eyebrow up at him, giving fair warning he was still skating on thin ice with her. He sighed deeply, loosening his hold just marginally. “Babe, look, I am worried about this situation with McDaniels. I have been a Ranger for several years now. If we get caught in a situation, I don’t want to worry about whether you will listen to me or not. I am going to protect you, babe. You might not agree with all of my decisions. That’s fine, I don’t expect you to. But, I do expect in a crisis, if I tell you to do something, just do it, okay? We can disagree, argue, and have all the makeup sex you want, but later,” he ended with a grin, hoping to salvage the situation.

Meredith looked at him for a long moment. Now that he had softened his tone and had taken the time to explain things a bit, it didn’t sound too unreasonable. Maybe she had overreacted. She had been following Walter’s orders for almost a year now. The difference was Walter always made it sound like he was giving her a choice, even though she knew he didn’t.

“You know, you could have phrased things a bit nicer the first time around.”

“Yeah, well, I plan on keeping you around so you can keep me in line.” He chuckled, and then quickly added, “You know, I am trained to apprehend the bad guys, not sweet-talk them.”

She frowned at him, but didn’t get any further than that. Holding onto her ass cheeks, he pulled their bodies tightly together. He nibbled on her chin, then trailed his tongue straight down her throat. “God, you taste good, baby.” He kissed the bottom of her throat, then laved the spot with his tongue. “At the risk of scaring the hell out of you,” he stopped and pressed his very hard, very large erection into her center, “if the beast doesn’t get released pretty soon, I think I’ll be pulling a Hulk trick and busting out of my britches.”

She grinned as she reached between them, rubbing her hand down over his erection. He felt rock hard and hot; she could feel the heat through his jeans.

“Now, you keep doing that and I am not going to last but a couple of minutes.” He moved away from her, effectively taking himself out of reach as he pulled his shirt over his head. Then, climbing off the bed completely, he gave her the best strip down show she had ever witnessed.

He toed off his boots, then standing in front of her, unbuttoned the top button on his jeans. The head of his dick peeked through the top of his jeans, making Meredith swallow loudly. Then he slowly lowered the zipper, inch by agonizing inch. The weight of his cock forced it to start falling forward when the zipper was barely half way down, and when he reached the end, it was pointing straight at her.

She licked her lips as she watched him slowly roll his jeans down his hips, his huge cock bobbing up and down in front of her. “Like what you see, babe?” he drawled, as he finished kicking off his jeans and leaned over the bed.

He grabbed her legs and pulled, causing her rear to slide across the bed, and her to fall back. He stopped when he had her ass at the very edge of the bed. Kneeling, he took both feet and placed them on the very edge, leaving her wide open for his enjoyment.

Once he had her positioned like he wanted, he glanced up at her and winked. “Just lay back and enjoy, sweets.”

He swiped his tongue from hole to clit, scooping up juices as he went. “Mmm, you taste so good, baby. I could stay here and suck down your juices for hours,” he moaned.

Every time he touched her pussy, every time he talked dirty, she could feel her juices escaping her body.
It must be the mate thing
, she concluded, because she knew she had never felt anything half as good as this.

And then Lucas got busy and she didn’t have any more time to think about it as her body started quivering like a bowstring pulled tight and ready to release its arrow. He lapped up her juices, sucking them down with relish. Poking his tongue into her extremely tight hole, he then moved upwards to flick her clit with his tongue. He clamped his lips down on the little bundle of nerves as he gently inserted a thick finger into her. The current running through her, the zinging that had her body bowing, had her hovering on a precipitance of something big, something that felt like it would consume her entirely.

“Let go, love. Come for me.” She could no more deny his soft spoken demand than she could resist him as her mate. Immediately, as if she had no control over it whatsoever, her body convulsed, the orgasm so great she began to see spots in front of her.

Lucas gentled his touch, lightly running his tongue through her slit to catch all of her juices. He interspaced soft kisses to the inside of her thighs, and gently caressed her lower abdomen with his free hand, allowing her to come down slowly off her peak.

When the last of the orgasmic tremors had wracked her body, Lucas stood, leaned over and picked her up to move her up onto the bed. He quickly followed her down, caging her in as his weight rested on his elbows on either side of her head. He leaned down and plucked one cherry-red nipple into his mouth, laving the sweet red berry with his tongue, loving her big tits.

His cock felt even larger as it was wedged between them. She tilted her pelvis upwards, wanting him to fill her. Now that he had given her that wonderful orgasm, she suddenly found herself feeling very needy. Very edgy, like her body needed her hole filled up with him inside her.

He placed the head of his cock at her opening and slowly worked his way inside. Thankfully, she was still good and wet from her release, making the way a bit easier. When he reached about halfway, he stopped, allowing her to get used to him. She might not have been a virgin, but she was as tight as one, and he wanted as little pain as possible for her. He leaned forward and kissed her. “Baby, I’m only about halfway in. Stay loosened up, and I’m going to get this over with in one move.” The words had just left his mouth when he reared up and pushed, hard, slamming up inside of her, not stopping until he was seated entirely.

Meredith yelped and froze as she attempted to breathe through the pain. “Shh, it’s okay, love. It’s over now. Your body will adjust in just a moment. Breathe for me, baby, that’s a girl, just breathe and relax. I’m not moving,” he crooned in her ear, pressing kisses down the side of her neck. When he reached the spot he wanted to mark on her, he purposely scraped his teeth across the area. “Hmm, right there is where my mark is going to go, baby.”

, she thought
. I wonder if my nursing skill will come in handy
She wondered if he knew that biting a vampire during sex would send them into immediate ecstasy. She had learned that little secret while in nursing school. It was called blood sex, and according to what she had learned, most of the time increased one’s normal orgasm, or pleasurable moment as the textbook called it, considerably. Males were known to both thicken and lengthen, and females were known to succumb to an intense, immediate orgasm that could easily last for five minutes or longer. So it was with a clear mind she tilted her head, giving him better access and whispered in his ear, “Go for it, big guy. I am yours to claim.”

His fangs dropped down immediately, and he seemed physically unable to stop himself from sinking them into her skin where her neck met her shoulder. The moment his fangs were embedded into her shoulder, she felt her pussy start pulsing as if it had a life of its own. Her juices gushed out of her, and she quickly wrapped her legs around Lucas, hooking her ankles together over his ass cheeks, as he began to move without warning. One thrust was all it took for her to fall over the cliff of ecstasy. Her entire body shook as she gave in to the orgasm, letting it take her for however long it wanted.

Her orgasm seemed to go on and on forever, and she realized Lucas was still pumping in and out of her channel like a jackrabbit. Without another thought she tilted her head and bit down on his shoulder. The moment her fangs were embedded in his skin, she felt him thicken considerably, and was amazed. Lucas Calloway had a big dick to begin with. Throw in blood sex and she would guess his dick would be something out of a porn movie. Before she could conjure up another thought, she felt jet after jet of warm liquid as his cum bathed her womb.

Once they were totally spent, and after all tremors had stopped, Lucas carefully pulled his fangs out of her skin and licked the wound closed. He felt her doing the same to him where she had sunk her fangs into his shoulder.

Rolling and falling back on his back, Lucas was amazed at how little energy he had left. The only time he had felt at such a loss of strength was two days ago when he was frying under the sun. He wondered if he was still dealing with lingering effects from the ordeal, or if he would be like this every time they had sex. If this was normal for mates having sex, he was all for it.

“Lucas, is everything okay? You’ve grown very quiet.” He could hear the weariness and unsureness in her voice. As if she had done something wrong. Little did she know, if she had done anything else more, he would have passed the fuck out in the middle of his orgasm.

He rolled over to his side, propping himself up on his elbow. He took his free arm and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her close. “Everything is fine, love. Better than fine. Amazing. You drained me. Just needed a moment to recuperate.” He kissed up the side of her neck, stopping to nibble on her earlobe for a moment.

“Oh, okay. I…I wasn’t sure.” There was still a bit of doubt in her voice, but he was fast making her lose her train of thought as he flicked her earlobe with his tongue, then ran it around the shell.

BOOK: Up in Flames
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