Read Up in Smoke Online

Authors: Alice Brown

Up in Smoke (9 page)

BOOK: Up in Smoke
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He reached over and quickly peeled down her pants and panties, all in one shot. Climbing back onto the bed, he gazed at the treasure that waited for him. “Darlin', you are absolutely beautiful.”

He knew it would take some time before she saw herself as beautiful as he saw her, but time and patience were on his side. He would love her body until she no longer had any doubt about just how beautiful she was.

His lips came down over hers, conveying to her through their kiss just how much she meant to him. While his tongue was dueling with hers, he ground his hard dick into her mound.
The thing having a mind of its own, wanting the nirvana that it knew awaited.

He broke the kiss, trailing kisses down her neck, down her chest, across both breasts, continuing downward, taking his slow sweet time as he watched her arousal spiral upward.
He nibbled his way down her bare stomach, purposely hitting the spots he knew would cause her stomach muscles to jump, her belly to clench, her cream to spill. Mmmm, heaven awaited him just a bit lower.

Putting them both through agony, he bypassed heaven and went down to her feet. Pretty, little, dainty feet, he loved nibbling on her toes as he ran a finger down her instep causing her to try to yank her foot back. “Oh no, baby.
These pretty, little, dainty feet belong to me. And cuter,
little toes I have never seen.”

He skated his fingertips up her legs, watching her shiver with delight. He ran them back down and watched as she opened her legs on his next pass upwards as an invitation. Ahhh, heaven. This time, he didn’t think he could hold back any longer.

He quickly wedged his wide shoulders between those lean, beautiful legs of hers and spread her just a bit more, giving him room to fit. Her pussy lips blossomed open for him, giving him a view of the promise land that was his for the taking. Taking a leisurely lick from bottom to top, he stopped and arched an eyebrow her way when she reached down and grabbed two handfuls of his hair.

“Nathaniel, stop teasing me. I need…”
she left off there as she fell back with a moan, because before she could finish, he took his index finger and just barely teased the opening of her hole.

“Shh now, baby. I know what we both need. Trust me to take care of us, okay?” His tongue came back out and wiggled just a bit on her clit, just enough to have another gush of cream join the copious amount already pouring out of her. She ground her hips down toward him, trying to take his finger in deeper, but his other hand steadied her as it lay across her stomach.

He scooped her cream as he made another pass from her hole upwards. Swallowing it down, he moaned as he flicked his tongue across her clit a few times. “Damn, baby.
You taste delicious.”

He bent both of her knees, bringing her feet up to his shoulders so he could open her even more to him. Dipping his tongue in and out of her hole, mimicking what he soon planned to do with his dick, he inserted it as far into her channel as he could.

She began to squirm and he moved back up to her little clit. Flicking it back and forth, he inserted one, and then two fingers into her channel.
Turning his hand, he searched for the elusive spot that would guarantee her complete surrender. Her hips started to gyrate as she finally let herself relax completely and enjoy the pleasure he was handing her.

And then she was sailing, high in the sky, as her body took over and flung her over the edge of a cliff so high she wasn’t sure when or if she would ever come back down. Her body locked onto Nathaniel’s fingers, pulsing around his digits, clinging to him, trying to suck him in deeper. Damn, his dick was going to be strangled when he finally made it inside, but what a way to go.

He gentled his touch, pressing tiny kisses to her abdomen as he watched her come back down from her peak. God, she was beautiful in the throes of orgasm.

Suddenly, he was climbing back up her body and sharing her own taste with her as he kissed her possessively. It was a claiming in a kiss. He had given her her first orgasm. He had been the one to show her pleasures in bed. Her dead husband might have been a complete idiot not to cherish what was right in front of him, but Nathaniel was not. She was his and he took care of what belonged to him.

Her legs were still spread wide while
his dick nestled up against her.
She wrapped her legs around his waist as if she didn’t want him leaving anytime soon. Silly woman. Little did she know he was there to stay,
there to love her, there to protect her. Forever.

They had yet to discuss whether she would remain human or if she wanted to be changed, but frankly, it didn’t matter to him. A few drops of his blood once a week or so would extend her lifespan tremendously and give her some of the benefits of being a vampire without changing her over. Either way was fine by him. It was her choice.

As he gathered her up in his arms, she clung to him as if her life depended on it. “Ahh, easy, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere.”

Her whispered reply of, “I love you. I don’t think I can let you go,” was pure music to his ears.

He groaned as he claimed her lips, building her fire back up as he loosened the strangled hold she had on his hips with her legs. Lining up his dick, he plunged in almost three-fourths of the way before meeting a bit of resistance. She was as tight as a glove wrapped around his dick.
He gave her a moment to adjust to his girth and length before pulling out and pushing back in, gaining a small amount of ground with each small thrust.

He reached behind him and grabbed a foot with each hand. “Relax, baby, you’ve almost got all of me. Just relax and enjoy.” He brought each foot up to his lips and nibbled on her toes before bending her knees to
her wider. He reached above her and grabbed a pillow, shoving it under her butt.
In this position, it tilted her cervix a bit, allowing him to gain the final ground he needed to become fully seated within her. He stopped again when he bottomed out, giving her a chance to become accustomed to him.

He had leaned down and snatched a nipple into his mouth, tormenting it by gently scraping his teeth around it and then soothing it with his tongue.

“Hmmm?” Damn, but he didn’t want to let go.

“Move!” Susan’s directions came accompanied by her fingernails raking down his back.
A move he knew was purely instinctive on her part.
did that feels good

He released her nipple with a pop. “So, my little, sexy kitten has claws, does she?”

She looked up at him a bit wide-eyed. “Did I—” She never got the chance to finish before he interrupted.

“And I fucking love it, sweetheart! Feel free to do that all you want,” he punctuated his statement by withdrawing almost all the way out of her, leaving just the very tip of his dick inside her, before slamming back home.

“Oh, yes!” She moaned long and hard as he plunged back in deep, swiveling his hips and hitting her clit as he bottomed out.

He chuckled in her ear. “Hmm, you like that, do you? Let’s try this.”
He took both of her feet and licked the instep of each dainty foot, nibbled on a couple of toes, and then placed both feet around his neck. This brought them into alignment even better than before, and again, he pulled almost completely out before slamming back into her, adding a swivel of his hips as he came plunging forward.

Her pussy walls tightened and pulsed a few times around his dick, almost sending him over himself. But he held on, barely. He wanted this to be so good for her that she never questioned herself again. He wanted her to know without a shadow of a doubt that she was a beautiful, open, giving woman. And he would gladly spend the rest of her life giving her mind-blowing orgasms.

Her hands clutched at the sheets as her body worked itself into a frenzy. Nathaniel slowly picked up speed until he was pounding her into the mattress. He knew she was close, damn close. He brought his thumb up to his mouth and licked it, then placed it on her knotted little clit. Once, twice, three times he flicked it with his thumb and she exploded around him. Three more plunges later and he was following her over, feeling weaker than a baby, but never had he ever been this happy, this fulfilled, this satisfied. His cum shot out of his dick in hard squirts as he ground himself against her, wanting to be up in her as far as he could be.

He gently lowered her legs from around his neck while raining kisses across her damp forehead, eyelids, tip of her nose, and finally, her lips. He sipped from her lips sweetly, not demanding anything, but trying to convey his love for her. “Ahh, darlin', you have made me one very happy man. Thank you for coming into my life. I feel like I have waited a lifetime for you, and now that I’ve found you, I’m never letting you go. I love you.”

Chapter Five


The next afternoon when Lucas and Nathaniel came strolling back into the office, the look of pure, black fury on Nathaniel’s face was hard to miss. He walked straight up to the front desk, snatched Susan up out of her seat, and kissed her hard.

When he finally let her take a breath, he looked deep into her eyes.
She wondered what in the world had made him so mad. Had she done something? “Nathaniel, what is it? Have I done something to upset you?” She should have known that happily ever after only existed in fairy tales. Oh well, she figured it was better that things broke off now before she was even more invested in the situation.

“Stop!” he barked. “I can smell your fear.
You should know by now I would never hurt you.”

“Put me down, you’re hurting me!”

Walter stepped out of his office. “Susan, Nathaniel, a moment in my office now, please.” Although spoken calmly, Susan got a glimpse of her employer’s eyes as she headed for the office and could see the dark storm clouds building.
, was he going to fire her?

Behind her, Nathaniel was growling…actually growling!
Great, lose a mate and my job all in less than twenty minutes.
Now, that has got to be a record!

Susan walked into the office and sat down in an empty seat. When Nathaniel sat down in the chair next to her and reached over to pick her up, she moved her seat further away from him. He was not going to manhandle her anymore. She would take Walter telling her she was fired like a big girl. She glanced over to Nathaniel to see his eyes narrowed at her. Too damn bad. He could just get over himself.

Walter sat down and frowned at both of them. “Someone want to tell me what is going on between you two? And, Nathaniel, quit the caveman act and stop growling. The only thing you’re doing is scaring your mate.”

Susan dropped her eyes to the floor and clasped her hands in front of her. What was she going to say? She had no idea why Nathaniel had acted the way he did. Prior to him coming in, she had been sitting at her desk, doing her work, minding her own business.

“Walter, I think it might be best if I turned in my resignation,” she choked out in a hoarse whisper.

Total silence met her. The only thing she could hear was her own labored breathing as she felt the tears pricking the backs of her eyes.
Just hold off a little while longer.
Just don’t break down here where they both can see you.

Then, in a tone pitched low and soothing, she heard Walter’s voice. “Susan, please look at me.” When she did, the tears were forming fast in her eyes and she blinked several times in an attempt to hold them back. “What did my numbskull brother do to you? Do you need me to call Sissy?” Walter would be the very first to admit he didn’t deal with emotional females very well, which was the main reason his wife was spoiled rotten. The tears forming in his secretary’s eyes were almost his undoing. He liked this little slip of a human. She had gained his respect over the past few months and he had no intention of letting her leave the department. And he would tell her that, right after he pummeled his brother into next week for being a jackass.

Susan shook her head at him, but then her eyes fell right back down to the floor. He looked over at his brother and cocked his eyebrow at him. Whatever Nathaniel had done, Susan’s tears were currently eating a hole in him, at least if the look on his face was anything to go by.

Instead of answering his brother, Nathaniel stood and turned, dropping to his knees in front of Susan. “Ahh, baby, I’m so sorry. I’m not upset or mad at you at all.”

Trying her best to keep herself put together, she never even looked up as she whispered, “You certainly could have fooled me.”

Behind him, Nathaniel heard his brother. “Nathaniel, explain yourself, and quickly.”

He ignored his brother for the moment. This was his mate and he had upset her. He had to make sure she was okay, and then he’d explain everything. “Baby, will you please let me hold you? You are killing me here.” He clutched his chest to make his point.

When she didn’t move or acknowledge him, he took matters into his own hands and stood, leaning over and plucking her out of her seat. He turned, sat down in the same seat she had just been occupying, making sure to wrap both arms tightly around her. He didn’t want her going anywhere, especially away from him.

When he was assured that she was comfortable on his lap, he placed a kiss on her brow before whispering the words, “I love you.”
He looked over at his brother. “We uncovered a bit of disturbing news this afternoon. It looks like Joe’s brother, Parker, is one of us.”

BOOK: Up in Smoke
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