Van, Becca - Her Norland Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Her Norland Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Jess stared into Hakon’s eyes and felt herself drowning within their depths. Her breath was panting out of her mouth, and it felt as if all the air in the room had been sucked up just by them being there. Her breasts swelled, and her nipples puckered, reaching for them as if begging for their touch. Fuck, she was in trouble.
Why am I lusting after these strangers?

“You like it when I touch you. Just imagine what it will feel like when I sink my hard cock into that hot, wet pussy. Dagr will take your ass, and Loki will fuck your mouth. You are such a beautiful female. I can see the passion you’re trying to hide in your eyes.”

“Wh–What? What did you say?” Jess squeaked, trying to pull her ankle from his grasp.

“Hakon said we want to join our bodies with yours. You are very beautiful, and you are our bond mate, little one,” Dagr stated, his voice laced with gentle determination.

Jess watched warily as Dagr crawled onto the bed, on the other side of Hakon, effectively trapping her. She didn’t know if she wanted to get away from the three sexy men or jump their bones. She flicked her eyes toward Loki as he moved up onto the bed between his brothers. They were so hot. Their sharp cheekbones, high foreheads, prominent beak-like noses, full lips, and square jaws reminded her of the historical Norse men from the early second century. Then she realized what Dagr had just said, which had her ire rising to flash point in seconds.

“You’re lying. I’m not beautiful. How can you say that when all the other women have such delicate, fine features, blonde hair, and blue eyes? I know that is what a man likes to see. You’re just trying to get into my pants by flattering me. Well, it’s not going to work,” Jess stated belligerently, then eyed the three brothers warily as they looked at each other. She could have sworn they were communicating with each other, but that was just not possible.
Was it?

* * * *

I can’t believe she actually believes what she is saying. How can she not think she is beautiful?”
Loki projected that thought to his brothers.

I do not know. We are going to have to convince her otherwise. When we get home to Norland tonight, we will have to show her how gorgeous she is. For now, I think we should just talk with her and touch her so she can become accustomed to our presence. Are we agreed?”
Hakon asked.

Loki affirmed at the same time Dagr did.

“What is it you do on your planet Earth?” Loki asked.

“I…I work in my mother’s antique store.”

“How many years of age are you, Jessamine?” Dagr asked. Loki watched as Dagr clasped her other ankle in his hand and began to remove her small boot.

“What are you doing?”

“Just making you more comfortable,” Dagr replied, and Loki saw his brother begin to massage her now-bare foot.

“Answer my question,” Dagr commanded in a quiet voice, and Loki noticed Dagr’s fingers working into the tight muscles of her foot.

“Wh–What was the question?” Jess squeaked. “Your years of life, little one,” Dagr reminded, and Loki hid his smile of satisfaction as she responded to his brother’s touch.

“Twenty-two,” Jess squeaked. Loki heard her moan when Hakon began to massage her other bare foot and knew she hadn’t even been aware of his brother removing her boot.

“I am thirty-five cycles in life, Dagr is thirty-three, and Loki is thirty-one cycles,” Hakon announced.

“Do you not want to know what it is we do on our planet Norland?” Dagr asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes,” she cried out, and Loki knew Dagr’s fingers had hit a sensitive spot on the arch of her foot. “Well, are you going to tell me or not?”

“You are a feisty little thing. You will do very well with us. We are warriors. We keep the peace amongst the males of our planet,” Dagr explained.

I want to see our bond mate reach her peak. She is so sexy, and I can feel her desire beating at me,”
Loki said to his brothers, reaching out to take a hold of her hands. He threaded their fingers together and held in a smile when he felt her shiver.

I would also like to see our woman climax, but we do not touch her intimately. We don’t want to make her more wary than she already is. Just massage her pressure points, and we will see her woman’s delight,”
Hakon replied.

Loki knew Jess was having a hard time controlling her body’s reaction to their touch. He could feel warmth and desire permeating her body, and she couldn’t hide her shiver at his first stroke. He and his brothers were all caressing her now, and her body was on fire. Her arousal surrounded him and his brothers. He and his brothers were empaths, but Loki had always been able to feel more than his siblings. He wanted to bury himself into her body and feel her cunt clenching around him as she climaxed, and this reaction was just from having her hand in his. What was it going to be like to make love to her?

He watched as Jess threw her head back, making a loud thunk as her head connected with the wall behind her. She was so hot he could see perspiration breaking out over her skin. He nodded to his brothers then they all applied more pressure to her feet and hand, making her wriggle with her need. He could smell her cream dripping from her cunt, and he pushed a little harder on her pressure point and groaned when she screamed as she reached her peak. Her whole body shook as she climaxed. Once the final shudder left her body, he saw how embarrassed she was. His little mate probably had no idea she could climax just from having certain pressure points administered to.

“You are a delight, Jessamine. You are so responsive to our touch. Just like a bond mate is supposed to be,” Hakon stated as he released her foot and stood up.

Loki was aware of Jess letting her eyes wander the length of his and his brothers’ bodies. Her eyes snagged on the massive bulge straining against the leather of his pants. She gulped, her eyes sliding to the left then right when her gaze landed on the crotches of his now-standing brothers. She looked up at him, and he let her see his humor, but also his desire. The confused look on her face made him realize she’d never had anyone look at her that way before, and he could feel her uncertainty beating at him.

“We will leave you to rest, Jessamine. We will be on our home planet of Norland within two of your Earth hours. Please, make yourself at home,” Dagr stated.

* * * *

Jess watched until the door swished closed behind them, then swallowed loudly. She was screwed. Literally and figuratively. She had barely restrained herself from jumping their bones as they massaged her into climax. Jess leaned her head down onto her knees and groaned. She was so confused. She had never felt this way before and didn’t know what to do about it. And what did they mean by bond mate? They hadn’t really answered her question. She moved across the bed, picked up her cup, and gulped the rest of the fruity liquid. She sighed and tried to push her confusing thoughts and emotions aside.

Chapter Three

Jess must have fallen asleep, because when she awoke, she found herself in a large room. She lay upon the biggest bed she’d ever seen in her life. Doors and windows were open to the light summer breeze, gauze curtains moving in white, billowing clouds of fabric. She stretched out, yawning without bothering to cover her mouth, taking in her surroundings.

Everything was white. The floor, the walls, the ceiling, even the bedding was white. It was so stark it was blinding, but there was a lilac tinge to it all. Jess rose from the bed and walked to the open doors. She gasped with awe at the scenery. Everything was so different from Earth. The sky was a light purple, the grass was pink, and the trees and unusual plants and flowers were a kaleidoscope of colors. Every hue of the rainbow was before her astounded eyes. Her brain couldn’t seem to take it in. It was all so different. There were no high-rise buildings, no traffic she could hear, and no smog. She breathed deeply, inhaling a multitude of perfumes no doubt coming from the unusual flora.

Jess took a tentative step, waiting for someone to call out and stop her. Then she took another and another, until she felt the heat of the sun warming her skin. She wandered around the gardens, oblivious to her bare feet, her head moving from side to side, taking everything in. She felt as if her world had turned upside down, as though she were adrift in a boat, floating on a vast sea. She had never seen anything so beautiful and so unusual. She walked around the paved pathway, looking at the flowers, drifting in a dream world. She halted when she came to the center of the garden, her mouth agape as she stared at a large statue with water flowing from its hands.

The statue reminded her of the Greek God Aphrodite. The marble had been sculptured into a flow of lines and curves. The upper part of the statue’s body was bent back, her breasts thrust up, her hair flowing out behind her in a seductive curtain. The woman was full figured, her hips curvy, her breasts opulent. The statue was the epitome of lust, sex, love, and woman. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Jess sank down onto the marble bench and stared. The water tinkling from the statue’s hands as it hit the pool below relaxed her in a way she never would have thought. She had no idea how long she sat there staring, until she became aware of a large shadow next to her.

“Beautiful, is it not?” Dagr asked, as he too stared at the statue.

“Yes. Whoever carved her is extremely talented.”

“Yes, Loki is very adept at carving. You will have to tell him you like his work.”

“Loki did this? Wow, he’s…just wow.”

Dagr chuckled and then held out a hand toward her. “Come. You are in need of sustenance. We will go to the eating room.”

Jess looked up at Dagr, not wanting to touch him again, afraid of what she would feel. She rose to her feet, ignoring his outstretched hand, skirted around him, and began to walk back to the house.

She was grateful when Dagr fell into step beside her, keeping his hands behind his back, making it easier for her to relax.

“Where are the others from the ship? And who carried me to that room?”

“I carried you, Jessamine, and made sure you were comfortable. I could do nothing less since you are our bond mate.”

“What is a bond mate?”

“Yes, I keep forgetting some Earthlings have not heard of Norland or its people. A bond mate is the equivalent to a husband or wife on your planet,” Dagr answered.

“What?” Jess came to a screeching halt. “You and your brothers want to marry me? You have got to be shitting me? I can’t believe…”

“Jessamine,” Dagr began, only to be interrupted.

“And stop calling me Jessamine. Only my mother calls me that. My name is Jess!” She knew she was being unreasonable, but she had just had a shock. She’d had no idea a mate was the equivalent to a husband or wife.

“Calm down, Jess. I know you need time to process this information, but please try not to be so upset.”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t just expect me to accept you,” Jess stated calmly now. “I don’t even know you or your brothers. I want to see the others you rescued. I need to know they are here.”

Jess watched warily as Dagr turned to her. He reached out, took her upper arms in his massive hands, and pulled her up against his large, brawny chest. His warm body and his hard abs brushing against her breasts, made Jess’s nipples tingle and become more turgid. She mentally cursed her body for its betrayal.

“We will put all of your needs before our own, little Jess. You will have your every wish, your every desire fulfilled if you will bond with us. We will protect you with our lives,” Dagr stated fiercely.

Jess sighed. He was so dominant and determined, but she wasn’t about to let the three Sigmund brothers take her body just because they wanted to. She had always imagined falling in love and being taken away to live with her man happily for the rest of her life. Maybe she had read too many of the ancient erotic digi-books she had found in her mother’s antique shop. She had dreamed of being rescued by her white knight or knights, which in a sense is what had just happened, but having to face her rescuers was another matter. She vowed to keep them at arm’s length with every breath she took, but then her perfidious body had other ideas.

Jess could feel her body softening, and her cunt began to weep as Dagr stroked his hand over her hair and down her back. She pulled herself away and glared at him, then turned and headed to the house once more.

Jess followed Dagr as he led her through a myriad of long hallways with strange runic signs along the walls. She wished she knew what the signs meant. Maybe then she would be able to find her way about the place without needing someone to lead or guide her.

BOOK: Van, Becca - Her Norland Warriors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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