Read Waking Sebastian Online

Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Waking Sebastian (9 page)

BOOK: Waking Sebastian
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“If I am, it has taken me one hundred and eighty six years to achieve that milestone.” He waved his hand and a blanket appeared on the ground near the rose bushes. At the same time there was a voice from the open back door.

“Did someone order a pizza?”

* * * *

Sebastian leaned toward the round object in front of him and sniffed. The smell was heavenly, a mixture of things he couldn’t quite place. The only thing that smelled better was Michelle. He savored the strawberry scent that clung to her hair, and the aroma of her skin was like sweet pomegranates. He wanted to make love to her on this blanket, in the middle of this garden, but he didn’t want to do seem as if that was the only thing he wanted.

Despite their activities during the last few sunrises, he wasn’t sure exactly how she felt. The idea of hurting her, as he’d done with Sarya, and eventually his family, was something that he couldn’t handle. If they made love, he wanted her to be the aggressor.

“Tell me what this is again.”

“Pizza. It’s Italian, baked crust with tomato sauce and cheese. This one has pepperoni, mushrooms, black olives, green pepper and sausage on it.” She pulled a triangle of the pie out, then turned it so the skinny part was near her mouth. When she took it inside her mouth he thought he would climax. Never had eating looked so sexy.

“Try one,” she said as she chewed. “It’s delicious.”

He looked down at it again. He hadn’t eaten anything in so long. Truthfully he hadn’t missed it. The witch’s spell had frozen his body, essentially. Food was not something he’d desired since the binding. Until now.

Sebastian mimicked her actions, sliding the warm food into his mouth. Smells and tastes assaulted his senses as he bit and chewed, and then rolled his eyes in delight. He’d never tasted anything like this in his life. It was at spicy, yet the cheese was creamy, giving it a texture that he wanted to indulge in again. He took another bite, chewing quickly.

“Do you live here?”

“Yes, I do, or I did.” She looked around the garden and he could see sadness in her eyes.

“The man, is he your husband?”

“No.” She put down her pizza. “We broke up a few months ago. I suppose in keeping with my ‘request’ you had to rescue me from someone, and he’s the only really bad guy I know.”

“What did he do?” Sebastian finished off his slice of pizza and picked up another. He examined it carefully before biting off a huge hunk. It truly was delicious.

“He used me.” Her words were so low it was almost hard to hear her, but the look on her face told the whole story. “I thought he loved me. I was wrong.”

“It is the way I treated people that caused me to be cursed,” he said. “Perhaps we should hunt for Tarsa, have her teach him a lesson. I know it worked for me.”

“Tarsa’s dead.” She cleared her throat and a glass of water appeared in her hand.

He watched her throat muscles work, fighting the urge to lean over and kiss her neck as she drank.

“I kinda like this dream, all you have to do is wish for something and there it is. Anyway, your father had her killed, when he found out she’d hurt you.”

Sadness crossed over him and he put his pizza down. “I am sorry to hear that. She was right in trying to show me the evil of my ways. I did not love Sarya, only desired her body. One person cannot own another in that way. I know that now.”

Sebastian watched her face, knew she was struggling to form words to reply. She took several deep breaths before blurting out her response quickly. “Marta says we can break the curse with the kiss of true love. She says it’s why you can see me, because we’re destined to love each other. I guess we just have to work it all out. I know I’m not as skinny as Sarya probably was, but I think…”

She yelped when he tackled her, crushing his lips down onto hers. It took him a few seconds to realize their clothing had disappeared.

Her skin was soft and warm under him as he stroked her sides, his fingers trailing up to her breasts, finding hardened little nubs that seemed to pulse he gently stroked them.

“So beautiful,” he whispered. “If being cursed meant I have to wait one hundred and eighty six years to feel you under me I’d do it a thousand times more.”

He kissed her again, then moved his thumb to her cheeks, wiping away the tears that flowed from her eyes. “I want to be inside you. May I love you?”

Michelle nodded, and his desire increased as she nibbled on her lower lip. His cock throbbed as she spread her thighs and he settled between them. He was cradled in her warmth, her supple skin caressing him as he lifted up on his elbows.

“Take me, Sebastian. Make me yours.”

He thrust into her tenderly, her sinuous flesh welcoming him, grabbing at him as if to urge him to move deeper inside her. He took her slowly, although every part of him urged him to be quick, to thrust harder and find completion.

But he did not want it to end. When he climaxed would the dream end? His heart broke at the idea, but he would try not to think of that now. The only thing he needed to concentrate on was the beautiful woman who gazed up at him, her eyes full of tenderness and wonder.

He moved slowly, stopping when he knew she’d taken every inch of him. He pulsed inside her and their gazes locked. He felt as if he could see into her soul, see the very essence of her being. Never had someone touched him so, and he wanted to stay inside her forever, to hold her in his arms and keep her safe from any dragon that needed slaying, like the person they’d encountered inside.

Their loving was slow and they stroked each other’s bodies with sweet caresses that made them both shiver. He kissed her as he moved his hips, and when he could feel the sensation of climax, he flipped them, pulling her on top of him in one quick, easy movement.

She put her hands on his chest and rode him at leisurely pace, keeping him right on the edge, prolonging the most perfect act of love he’d ever felt. His fingers trailed down her stomach, parted the wet folds of her quim. He found her hardened nub easily and stroked it, one hand on her hip, encouraging her to move faster.

His beautiful Michelle followed his suggestion, increasing her pace, taking him in and out faster and faster. When her breath came in short, hard gasps he gently tweaked her nub, felt her contract around him as her orgasm spread.


Her passion sent him over the edge. She clasped him tightly, wrapping her legs and arms around him, keeping her close to her body. He pumped his hips, felt his seed leave his body and find a new home inside her. He also felt a tingling that he knew meant the dream was at an end. He didn’t want it to end. He wanted to take her again and again, feel her around him. He wanted to sit in the sunshine and eat pizza and smell the flowers.

Tears filled his eyes and he fought to hold them back. When he traced one as it disappeared into his hair, he knew he’d failed.

“We’ll find a way,” she said, her voice trembling. “Or I will dream with you the rest of my life.”

He nodded as the tingling intensified, and then suddenly everything went black.

Chapter Nine



“Sebastian, don’t leave me.” She lifted her head from the bench. The sun was high in the sky and Marta stood near the edge of the ocean, looking out. Michelle stood quickly and ran to her, her head spinning. “Why didn’t you wake me! Did he come?”

The small woman turned a grin to her. “To be crude, I could ask you the same question.”

Michelle’s face heated as she thought about Sebastian’s touch, his hands on her breasts, the feel of his hardness inside her. “Marta.” The dam burst and Michelle buried her head in her hands, her shoulders heaving as she sobbed.

Marta wrapped her arms around her and held her close. For as small as she was, the hug seemed to encompass all of her. It made her feel safe, and combated the fear that had taken hold of her belly at the idea of never being able to free Sebastian.

“I kissed him, in true love. Why is he not here?”

“You kissed an image of him.”

“No. It was real, I felt him.” Even as Marta shook her head Michelle nodded. “It was real!”

“Yes, you were together, but it was his soul, not his physical form. As Princess Charming, you have to kiss him in his lair, where he sleeps.”

Michelle looked around, her eyes studying each tree, wondering if it concealed a path that led to Sebastian’s home. “Let’s go now. Right now.”

“We cannot. The cave cannot be opened during the day, only at night.” Marta stroked her arm. “I have been talking with my sisters, and they are coming tonight. They are strong, and we will combine our power to help you achieve your goal. It will work.”

Fear gripped Michelle’s heart even as hope tried to push through. “What if it doesn’t?”

“It will. Think positively, Michelle.” The older woman smiled at her. “I saw him, you know.”

Michelle shivered and hugged herself close. “What?”

“This morning, I came to the cove to cast the spell for your dream and I saw him standing over you, stroking your hair as you slept. The look of love on his face was potent. He grows stronger the more time you spend with him. That will help in the morning.”

Michelle wanted to believe that all it would take was one kiss. But there was a skeptical part of her that fought to push the idea aside. She loved Sebastian; she knew that now. It was obviously a love that was fated, one that she wrote about day after day but had failed to see when placed right in front of her. Didn’t it always work that way?

But she saw it now. If it was taken away from her, she wasn’t sure she would be able to live on her own.

The two of them silently walked back to the house together.

When they neared the entrance, Marta put her hand on Michelle’s arm. “I’m not sure what will happen tonight. The spell could happen easily, or it could be hard. Tarsa was very strong, and the fact that none of my ancestors have been able to break the curse says a lot. You need to rest, be prepared for anything.”

Michelle agreed, then went up to her third floor room. She found Charles lounging on the edge of the bed, a bored look on his face. “Sorry, I’ve been a little busy.”

He nodded and didn’t chastise her.

“You want to play?” He perked up and she laughed. “We’re getting close to the end, and I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep today. Maybe we just need to do a marathon session and finish the book. What do you say?”

“Well, to paraphrase what you asked the other day, I’m hard and ready.”

“You’re always hard, Charles. That’s one of your better qualities.”

After taking a quick shower and changing into loose clothing, Michelle sat down at the computer. Her fingers went to work immediately. Charles prodded at her mind even as memories of having Sebastian inside her tugged at her heart.

It may have been a dream but the loving was real. Her body was sore, pleasantly so, and she hoped that backed up what Marta had said, that Sebastian grew stronger each time they were together. Buoyed by her new feelings, her fingers flew over the keyboard. Charles and Hannah enjoyed two rousing bouts of sex and several more tender scenes, ending the book with the announcement that Hannah was expecting their first child.

When she looked over at Charles, he had tears of joy streaking down his face.
“Thank you, sweet Michelle. I wish all the happiness in the world for you and your Sebastian.”
He disappeared and Michelle hugged herself even as her own tears fell.

“I hope you’re right, Charles. There is nothing I want more right now.” She glanced at the clock to see it was just after eight. She tried unsuccessfully to connect to the Internet. Since she still hadn’t heard from Kate and Mark, she knew she couldn’t get onto his system. There were too many pages to fax, and Sandra wouldn’t appreciate the huge mound of paper that would likely result.

That meant Michelle would have to take a trip to the library again tomorrow, hook into their WiFi and send Sandra the file. She knew she should read it over once more, but her eyes were tired, and she needed to rest before sunrise.

She tossed and turned at first, but soon found herself relaxing. Sebastian greeted her as sleep overtook her. He pulled her to her feet and kissed her gently, then expertly undid her buttons and hooks, leaving her naked before him.

Michelle grasped his hardened cock in her hand, pumping it as he kissed her. “If I’d known you would be here, I would have slept all day,” she said as the kiss broke.

“So beautiful,” he murmured as he leaned over and captured a nipple, sucking it in hard.

She arched into him, his cock still firmly encased in her hand. She stroked him tenderly, savoring the feel of his hardness, reveling in the deep groans that escaped his lips as she squeezed him, sliding up and over the head and back down.

“Take me, Sebastian. Please, take me hard and fast.”

He pushed her back onto the bed, grabbing her legs and flipping her onto her stomach. Then he grasped her hips and pulled her into a kneeling position. He was behind her in seconds, claiming her in a primitive fashion that made her shiver with delight.

He pumped into her hard and fast, his cock stroking in and out, making her body quiver in bliss. Michelle clawed at the sheets as he rode her, the sensations centering in her womb before bursting out and spreading to each part of her body. She screamed over and over, bucking into him, relishing the fullness he provided, never ever wanting to let him go.

BOOK: Waking Sebastian
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