Read Wallflowers Online

Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

Wallflowers (6 page)

BOOK: Wallflowers
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Ry didn't argue with him, instead he pushed his tongue into DJ's mouth. He shoved Ryan back onto his couch, wrapping his lips around Ryan's tongue, sucking hard. Moaning, Ryan bucked up against him, hands clutching at him.

God, he needed. He needed Ryan's cock, hands, heart.

Ryan grabbed his shirt and yanked, pulling it open, and sending buttons pinging across the room.

"Yours, too." He scooted down, knees on the floor. "God, baby. Yours, too."

Ry whimpered at his words and began undressing. He tugged off Ryan's shoes, the socks, laughing when the man's pants hit the ground.

"One of us is overdressed now." Ry's fingers were rough as they tugged at his jeans.

"Uh-huh." He reached for Ry, fingers sliding on Ryan's belly. Ry's abs rippled beneath his touch, another moan filling the air. "I have a bed." Not that they couldn't do this on the couch. He liked the couch.

"Just want you, DJ."

"Right here." He pushed between Ryan's legs, cheek sliding on the man's cock.

"Fuck! Yes. Please, DJ." Ryan's hands slid through his hair, over his head.

He nodded, then simply opened up and took Ryan in, letting the man in deep. Ryan cried out, hips bucking, pushing the hard prick deeper. It was the easiest thing ever, to slide his hands under Ryan's ass, pull hard.

"Fuck! Fuck!" He didn't have to pull for long. Ryan shouted again and spunk poured down his throat.

He drank his lover--could it be true? Could Ryan be his? Finally?--down.

Ryan panted, the prick in his mouth twitching. DJ cleaned the sweet cock off, humming and nuzzling and giving it all he had. Ry's hands slid through his hair, sweet sounds coming down on him like blessings. Then Ryan pulled him up, dragging him onto the sofa and into those warm arms.

"Want you, DJ. No. No, I need you."

"I'm right here." He brought their lips together, knowing Ryan could taste himself there.

Groaning, Ryan deepened the kiss, tongue sliding through his mouth as Ry's hands slid down his back to grab his ass. He ground down, his cock sliding on Ryan's belly.

"Take me to your bed, DJ? I want to love you properly."

"God, yes. Please." He kissed Ryan's chin. "The comforter is wonderful, but don't ask me what color it is."

"I'll tell you what color it is. If you care." Ryan moved them so they were standing.

He might have still wondered if this was real, but Ry kept touching him, holding onto his hand. He led Ryan into the big bedroom. It was simple, but huge, with a door to the balcony for Walter.

"It's blue, like your eyes. The comforter, I mean."

"My assistant picked it out."

"She's got good taste. Do I need to be jealous?"

"Possibly. Marlena has a beautiful brand new grandson. I hear he's the most wonderful thing ever."

Ry had tightened up when he'd first started talking, but then he relaxed and laughed. "Tease."

"I told you, I'm looking for Mr. Right. I want forever." He wanted a partner, a lover, a husband. A life.

"And I'm looking for you. I thought my career meant more than anything, but instead it didn't mean anything without you. I love you, DJ. Forever."

"I hope you're sure."

"I hope you'll believe it one day."

"Me, too." He drew Ryan down into the sheets.

Ryan lay on top of him, pressing him into his comforter and rubbing against him, body hot and solid. It felt like every inch of his skin was being explored, adored. Soft kisses pressed over his lips, then his jaw, Ry making his way down, very slowly. Those hands mapped him, tickling his ribs, circling his nipples, spreading his thighs.

He could feel Ry's prick slowly firm up again, going from half to fully hard and hot as Ry explored him.

"Needy man."

There was no denial; Ry's agreement was immediate. "Fuck, yes."

DJ snorted, reached down, fingers searching Ryan's face. Ryan bit at his fingertips, then soothed them with his tongue.

"You're really here." He'd been dreaming it, but he knew this had to be real. He could see when he dreamed.

"I am." Ry pulled one of his fingers in, the suction going straight to his balls.

"You are..." His ass left the bed. His prick slid along Ry's chest, hit his chin. "Ryan." Oh, fuck. He was close.

"You want me, DJ?" Ry licked the tip of his cock.

"More than I've ever wanted anything."

Ryan kissed his belly. "Where's your stuff?'

"There's slick in the drawer in the headboard. Rubbers are in the bathroom." He hoped.

Ryan gave him a short, hard kiss. "Back in a second."

He pulled the comforter back, the fresh sheets. Were they doing this? Really?

Ryan was there a moment later, stepping up against his back. All he could do was moan, arch into the heat.

"Can't wait to feel you inside me, Danny." Only Ryan had ever called him that. Ever.

"Are you going to ride me?" The idea of burying himself in Ryan's ass made him need to tug his balls.

"You know it. Gonna make you come inside me." Ry pushed him down onto the bed, dropped down next to him.

He settled on his back, thighs spreading, his cock slapping his belly. Ry shifted and the next thing he knew his prick was swallowed up, Ry's head bobbing a couple of times before coming off again with a wet sounding pop.

Then Ry put slick on DJ's fingers. His eyes searched the darkness, the need to see Ryan instinctive.

Ryan straddled his waist and drew his fingers down, placed them against Ry's crack. "Get me ready, Danny. Please."

"No one's called me Danny since you."

"Good. That's ours."

He slid his fingers down, fingertips sliding around that tight hole. "Ours."

"Uh-huh. Come on, I want to feel you." Ry pushed against his fingers.

His fingertips pushed in, spreading, surrounded by heat.

"Oh fuck!" Ry groaned, so tight around his fingers.

"Baby. Baby, you're squeezing me. You're going to be tight around my cock."

Ry's answer was a moan, hands landing on his chest.

His fingers went deep and he curled them in the muscled channel, searching for Ryan's gland.


Bingo! DJ kept working it, focusing on nothing but touching and stroking, over and over.

"Oh, God. Oh, fuck." Ry kept vocalizing, moving with him. "Shit, you're going to make me shoot if you're not careful."

"Wait for me. Wait

til I'm in you. I need you." His fucking balls ached, his cock leaking.

Ry rose up, letting his fingers go, and a condom was smoothed down over his cock by Ry's trembling fingers.

"Please, baby." His balls drew up tight, aching.

Ry grabbed hold of his cock again, pressed it against that tight hole. "In me, Danny. In me."

Hands flailing for a moment, DJ searched for a place for them to land, to settle. Grabbing his hands, Ry put one on his hip, the other one on the man's hot prick.

"So hard for me." His hips rolled up.

A low, needy moan sounded, Ryan taking him all in. Oh, fuck. Hot. Tight. For a second DJ couldn't even breathe.

"Danny. Danny. Oh, God. Oh, God." Ryan sounded desperate.

His shoulders left the mattress, bucked up, pushing deep. Crying out, Ryan came down hard on him. Shit, yes. They found a restless, awkward rhythm, the mattress soft underneath him. He jacked that sweet cock, pulling more moans, more shudders out of Ryan.

Bending forward, Ry brought their mouths together, the kiss wet and sloppy and perfect. He worked the tip of Ry's cock, his own need so close to the surface that he couldn't bear it much longer.

Ry pulled up and started bouncing on him, little movements that matched the sounds Ryan made.

"Soon. Soon, baby." He couldn't hold on.

"Yeah. Please. Oh, God." Ryan slammed down on him one more time, and come sprayed out of him.

DJ sobbed, head tossing as he bucked up, drove into Ryan's perfect body. The ripples drew up, all around his cock, pulling his come out of him.

Ryan collapsed down onto him, breath panting over his neck. "Danny. Love. Fuck."

"Uh-huh." Also, wow.

They panted together for awhile, and then Ryan shifted, sliding off him and getting rid of the condom from around his prick.

"I... Have you eaten, baby?"

"Are you hungry?" countered Ryan. "We could order Chinese or Italian or something."

"I'd love that. I have Mama Lu's on speed dial."

"Perfect. I don't care what you order for mains, as long as there's tiramisu for dessert."

"I'll see what Kim says." He sat up, reached for his phone, and pressed one.

* * * *

Something wet was licking his face. Wet and cold-nosed. Ryan groaned and batted at his own face, connecting with a furry muzzle. What the-- Oh. Right. Walter. He was at DJ's. In fact, he was in bed with DJ.

He wrinkled his nose when his lips were licked again. "Go

way, Walter."

"Walter, go outside and do your business." DJ sat up, hair going every which way. "You sleep okay?"

Ry blinked as Walter did as he was told, going out onto the balcony through what turned out was a doggie door.

"Yeah, really good. You?" He slid his hand through DJ's hair.

"You snuggle. It's wonderful."

He chuckled. He hadn't known he was a snuggler. He'd never really had a chance. Even when he and DJ had been together, there'd always been the fear they'd be caught. This was new, being able to linger, touch, not worry. It was...luxurious. It was magical. It was fucking his.

Danny's room was big, open, with lots of wall space for someone with an interest in art, with a collection of weird neon signs. He wondered how DJ might feel about sharing this place with him someday.

He'd been so worried ever since he'd decided to really do this. Talking to the owner, and then his immediate boss, hadn't really alleviated that. Only DJ had. He'd been more worried about Danny rejecting him than coming out, and that was saying something.

"Man, I want to kiss you, but your dog just macked all over me."

DJ snorted, then started laughing, hard. "God, I missed you!"

He popped DJ in the arm and got up. "Back in a minute. I'm gonna steal your toothbrush."

"There should be a stash of travel toiletries in there. Just don't move anything."


He found the en suite just off the bedroom and found the travel toothbrush. He did his teeth and his business and hightailed it back to his lover. His lover.

DJ was standing at the window, the light not making the man flinch at all. He was going to have to learn all the things DJ needed, how to help, how to make things easier; he could live with that.

He went up to DJ and stood behind him, mouth dropping to the warm neck.

"No regrets?" DJ leaned into him, rested hard.

"Yeah, I've got one." He felt DJ stiffen, but refused to let go of the man. "I should have done this sooner."

DJ's fingers twined with his, holding on.

"Sorry it took so long. I can be a bit...uh, stubborn."

His Danny snorted. "No... You?"

"Don't make me beat you."

"I'm not scared of you, Ry. Not a bit." Danny leaned back into him, a warm smile on his face. "How long can you stay?"

"I have to be at work at two. I should be done around nine tonight, though."

"Yeah? You want to have supper?"

"Uh-huh. I can pick something up on the way over." He pressed kisses along DJ's shoulders and neck.

"Oh. Okay, that sounds..." DJ's head fell forward, a soft moan sounded. He licked and nibbled, humming at the flavor.

He wanted this--every morning, every night. He wanted to be able to touch, laugh, be a part of something bigger, damn it. Something bigger with Danny.

He hadn't realized just how big a burden being in the closet was until now that it was gone. Yeah, he was stressed about how people were going to take it, about whether or not he was still going to have a job, but that was still lighter than the tension he hadn't realized had lived inside him until now, when he didn't have it anymore.

"Would you... You interested in going out for breakfast? Together?" DJ's words were soft, tentative.

Ryan took a deep breath and nodded, then stopped himself to answer out loud instead. "I'd like that." He had to get used to it, right? Besides, it would make DJ happy.

"You don't have to. I have eggs, a microwave."

"No, we'll go out. I'm not ashamed to be seen with you." He wasn't. He loved this man and having people know was way better than being too scared to be seen together in public. Being scared sucked. Being in love didn't.

"Are you sure?"

"Danny..." He growled a little and smacked DJ's ass. "Get dressed already."

"Bastard." DJ reached back, pinched him. "Be good."

He made an unmanly sound at the pinch and took a couple of steps back. "And here I thought I
being good." Grinning, he looked around for his own clothes. "I think my stuff is still in the living room."

"Yep. Slut boy." DJ's lips were twisted, the laughter right there.

He grabbed a pillow, shouted "incoming," and tossed it at DJ's back. Walter came barrelling in, grabbed the pillow with his teeth and shook it, wagging furiously. Ryan laughed, leaning against the doorjamb as he watched the dog battle the pillow. DJ sat on the bed, cackling, then grunting as Walter pushed into the man's arms for love.

Still smiling, Ryan went into the living room, picking up his and DJ's clothes and bringing them back into the bedroom. "I'm going to have to go commando." He wasn't putting yesterday's underwear back on.

"I do have a washer and dryer. Also, I have a bunch of clean pairs."

"You don't like the thought of me going commando? Where's your sense of adventure?" He pulled his jeans on and considered his shirt. "I will take a T-shirt, though."

"Sure. In the third drawer down."

He walked over and the shirts were in there--one row black, one row navy blue, one row dark gray. "Danny. I am so buying you T-shirts. Birthdays, Christmas, Arbor Day..."

"What? I have T-shirts, don't I?"

"Sure. Plain black, plain blue, and plain dark gray." He grabbed one of the black ones and put it on. He was stretching it a bit, but not a whole lot. "Boring, DJ."

BOOK: Wallflowers
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