Wasting Away in Deadsville (2 page)

BOOK: Wasting Away in Deadsville
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A loud thump from above woke Ginny. She sat straight up and rubbed her eyes. Looking up at a monitor she blinked. Night had fallen.

Another loud bang met her ears. She groaned. At least she didn't have any hunger pains, thanks to her snack. For the next twenty-four hours she’d be satisfied.

She walked down the hall to the guest bedroom, turned the knob and went in. She crossed her arms and leaned against the doorway. Jordan, wrapped in a sheet, stood on top of the bed, banging on the ceiling.

Pieces of plaster covering the bed and a broken lamp lay the floor.

"Jordan, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get down from there."

Jordan grabbed hold of the sheet as it slipped, showing a peek of her nipple.

Ginny licked her lips and clenched her fists from rushing forward and embedding her teeth in Jordan’s neck.

"H-how do you know my name?" Jordan whispered.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she smiled. The woman’s voice sounded delightful, much like a summer breeze drifting across a field of daisies.

She cleared her throat and took a step forward. "You told me your name last night when I put you to bed. I'm Ginny. I’m pleased to make your acquaintance."

Jordan knelt back down slowly on the bed. "Where are we? I thought I was headed up north, not south."

Ginny was a tad bit confused. Maybe the virus was acting faster than she thought? "You're in New York, well, what's left of Manhattan. I found you on a boat in the middle of the Hudson."

"Manhattan?" Jordan squeaked and stepped off the bed. She pointed a finger. "There's no humans left in Manhattan. It's overrun with zombies. How can you be


"Sugar, maybe instead of explainin' I can just show you." She flashed her fangs.

Jordan screeched and stood in a fighting stance. "Stay back, you bloodsucker!"

"Oh for goodness sake! If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so hours ago. It's a good thing I have years of restraint or I would've torn you apart the moment I saw you. Now calm yourself down. You're safe."

Jordan swallowed and looked around the room. "Zombies can't get in here?"

Ginny sat on the edge of the bed. "Why don't you sit down and take a load off?" She patted the mattress. "I know you're probably scared to death with those flesh eaters out there and now inside with a hungry vampire who's been living off the mindless undead since the whole world went to shit. But keep in mind I did save you."

"You saved me because you want me for food." Jordan sat back against the headboard and held up her bit arm. "Well you're shit out of luck because I'm going to turn into one of those disgusting monsters soon."

Jordan fingered her zombie bite. A tear fell down her cheek and she sniffed. Ginny reached out to catch the tear. Jordan sat there silent as Ginny stuck out her tongue and licked her finger.

"Hmmm…lovely. Now here’s what were gonna do. Go freshen up in the bathroom and I'll make you something to eat. I have a whole basement full of canned goods just wastin’ away. I think we have a solution to your problem that can stop you from becoming a mindless rotting moaner."

"And what’s that?" Jordan wiped her nose.

"You become a vampire like me." Ginny beamed.




Born in the Deep South, Ginny had been taught from girlhood to be the best hostess possible. She went out of her way to cook some of the canned vegetables she kept for no reason she could think of, even though most were past their expiration date. But she wanted to impress Jordan and used her lacking cooking skills to the best of her ability.

Jordan didn't seem to mind as she scarfed down the food and drank close to a gallon of water in under twenty minutes.

Ginny was very open about who she was, including her past and why she was the last remaining mentally conscious being in Manhattan. Jordan was less forthcoming, but disclosed she had lived with father, but after their protective fence was breached, her father was killed by a zombie mob. She was bitten, but made it aboard their boat that was their means of escape.

The moment that lone tear slipped down the vulnerable young woman’s cheek, she decided she wouldn't end up killing her. Ginny would give her the gift of immortality and do anything in her power to protect Jordan from being hurt ever again.

"Feeling better now?" she asked.

Jordan nodded and wiped her nose as she pushed her plate away. "I hadn't eaten anything in almost four days. After I was attacked, I guess I passed out."

"One of the first symptoms of the zombie virus." Ginny took Jordan's hand and squeezed it.

"I don't wanna die! But what's the use? The moment I step outside, I'm doomed." Jordan dropped her head down on her folded arms.

"Honey, you're done for whichever way you look at it. For every hour that goes by, the virus is spreadin' through your body. By next week, you'll be overcome with chills, a very high fever, and you won't be able to move from the bed. I won't go into any more details about what happens after that because it's really nasty. But I think you already have a good idea seein’ as you've been around it for so long."

"I know." Jordan's mouth trembled. "I miss my dad."

"I understand. But you have me now." Ginny pushed away a stray piece of hair sticking to the corner of Jordan's eye.

"Why do you care? Vampires are only a step above zombies. You should just kill me and get it over with."

"Hey now, none of that. From the moment I first found you sleeping, I knew you were special. I said to myself, Ginny, this woman is an angel from heaven. I think it's fate you came into my life and me into yours."

"You really think so?" Jordan asked and drew circles with her finger on top of the kitchen table.

"Yes, I really do. That's why I want to change you into a vampire. The process can be scary and you may think you're better off dead, but I have a plan. If all goes well, we can leave her safely and head up North where some of my people are."

"What do I have to do?"

She smiled and cupped Jordan's cheek. "Nothing at all darlin'. You'd just lie there and I'll take care of everything."




Jordan was spread out naked on the bed in one of the bedrooms with her wrists tied to the headboard. Ginny explained this was to stop her from hurting them both because as she died, Jordan would channel Linda Blair from
The Exorcist
. Jordan looked freaked out by that, so Ginny told her she was teasing in order to keep the truth from her.

Ginny straddled Jordan’s hips and circled her throat with a long rose colored nail. "Relax and enjoy yourself. Everything leading up to your initial death will be marvelous. Have you ever been with a woman before?"

Jordan nodded. "I was with my partner for five years. We were going to marry but then…" She looked away and closed her eyes.

"Okay, dear. I’ll make this feel as good as I can." Ginny pushed off her white satin robe and squeezed her breasts. She rotated her hips, enjoying the way her mound felt against Jordan’s dampening one.

“Want one of these babies?” She offered up a breast.

Jordan nodded and opened her mouth. Ginny gave her a breast to suck on.

She moaned as Jordan flicked her tongue over her tit. She caressed Jordan's breast and tugged on her nipple, bring it into a hard point. She rocked against Jordan's pussy, watching the lust build in Jordan’s eyes. She tugged her breast out of Jordan's mouth and shifted down, giving her open mouth kisses on her moist lips.

Jordan moved back and forth with Ginny's humping. She moaned when Ginny bit down on her mouth, making her bleed. Ginny's grew damp from Jordan's woman's musk and her stomach growled in hunger.

"This is only the beginning," she whispered, continuing to kiss Jordan.

After some time, she broke the kiss and her mouth roamed across Jordan's neck, breasts, stomach and finally her cunt. Her tongue lapped across Jordan's pussy bush and licked her like a cat grooming its fur. Overcome with desire, she stuck her tongue deep into Jordan’s cunt and lapped away. Her teeth nibbled
Jordan’s swollen clit and
scraped over
it while kissing her moist folds. Jordan came fast and hard, screaming Ginny’s name.

This was the moment for Ginny to strike. She grabbed hold of Jordan's leg, and with a hiss, jabbed her fangs into Jordan's jugular. She sucked down hard. Jordan screamed loudly until her cries changed into hoarse whimpers.

Ginny drank heavily, almost losing her mind as she fed, but staying in control. With Jordan's heartbeat slowing down, she moved her face over Jordan's pussy, spread open her lips and feasted there. Ginny stuck her fangs and tongue in deep. Soon her face was covered with Jordan's blood. She drank until her stomach felt like it was going to explode.

Jordan was barely breathing and her eyes were open and glossy. Ginny slashed open her wrist with her thumb nail, exposing her vein. She placed a hand under Jordan's head and pressed her wrist to her mouth.

"Drink. Embrace this new life I am offering you," Ginny repeated the same speech that was given to her over one-hundred years ago. She held back a joyful laugh as Jordan drank greedily of her blood, offering her a new life away from the hell she'd been living in.

As Jordan continued to drink, Ginny tapped a finger over her clit and rocked slowly, welcoming the climax that took over her body.

Jordan dropped her wrist, let out a wail and thrashed from side to side.

Ginny sat back and watched her creation die for the next hour. Tears came to her eyes when Jordan's screams petered out and she became silent, staring blankly off to the side. Ginny pressed her ear over Jordan's mouth. No breath brushed over her cheek. Jordan's heart had stopped beating.

She celebrated by going up to the roof with her semi automatic shotgun and blasted away more than two-hundred zombies until the rising sun made her go inside. She went back to Jordan, wrapped her arms around her new lover and slept the sleep of the dead.




"Did you see that shooting star a moment ago?" Ginny asked Jordan. They both stood on top of the roof, looking up at the night's sky.

"Do you think we'll be able to see the stars like this in Canada?" Jordan held up the shotgun to her face and pulled the trigger. The sound of a body falling floated up along with the recognizable moans that never stopped.

"I bet we will. Nice shot, sugar," Ginny complimented her lover and gave her a kiss.

Jordan smiled and rubbed her cheek against Ginny's.

"Are you ready to face the world again?" She placed a kiss on Jordan's mouth and held out her hand. Jordan's smile slipped.

"Do you think I'm ready? What if those

"Dear, it's been over a month. You're heart isn't beating and you're not breathing." Ginny tapped her lips with her nail. "Maybe you can tell me why I only have five blood bags remainin’, 'cause I sure didn't drink them all."

Jordan cracked her knuckles and nodded. "Let's do this then."

She squeezed Jordan's arm. "I'll be by your side the entire time. Let's hit the road."

She curved an arm around Jordan's waist and made their way down the stairs and into the foyer where their bags were packed. She shut down the security system and generator. The house went silent.

Jordan stuck close to her as she walked out on the front steps. Groups of zombies wandered around. None of them came rushing over to attack.

"See? Nothing to be afraid of. You're invisible to them." She tugged on one of Jordan's blonde curls and walked down the steps.

Jordan lifted up the cooler with the remaining human blood, including the bag of firearms and walked over to the Hummer. Before she could open the door, Ginny called out.

"What do you say about taking a walk through the park and down to the boat instead of driving?"

Jordan walked over to Ginny and smiled. "Sure, why not? I've never been to Central Park before."

She started down the sidewalk when Laura lumbered out from behind the side of the building. She moaned and stared off in the distance.

"Give me one of the bags from the cooler."

Jordan did what she was told. Ginny walked up to the zombie, drew out a long hunting knife from her belt, cut into the bag and threw it up in the air. She stepped back as the blood rained down. The zombie let out a growl, and when the bag landed on the concrete, she stumbled down and grabbed it, smashing the plastic into her mouth and gulping down the blood.

Ginny began whistling and took hold of Jordan's arm. "Now we can enjoy a nice evening stroll together. Walking through the park is very romantic, if I do say so myself."

Jordan wrapped her arm around Ginny's. They both walked down the street and into the park, swallowed up by the darkness.

The moans of tens of thousands of zombies followed the two women as they went on their merry way, except for one zombie sitting on the former vampire's front stoop enjoying her meal with hungry slurps under a sky full of twinkling stars.

BOOK: Wasting Away in Deadsville
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