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Authors: Kate Watterson

Tags: #Siren Publishing, #Inc.

Watcher (7 page)

BOOK: Watcher
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He hadn’t ever really lost his erection—even after his explosive release—so that was no problem. Just the suggestive timbre of her voice sent blood rushing to his groin. His cock stiffened as they kissed, and though the time before had been rushed, heated, and without any finesse, this time the frantic urgency was no longer a factor. If he had his way, they would take their time.

Jake held her close, gently cradling her against his chest as their mouths melded together. He tasted every corner, rubbed the tip of his tongue against hers, and learned the smooth contours of her teeth and lips. Lightly, reverently, his hands moved across her skin, exploring her body, and he followed with his mouth, touching every hollow, every warm curve.

The small dark patch of pubic hair between her slender thighs was neatly trimmed into a perfect triangle shape, He ran his fingers through the damp curls, and urged her legs apart. With both thumbs he parted her labia, exposing the tender pink flesh beneath, and the slightly swollen bud of her clitoris. Jana watched him


through heavy-lidded eyes, and since he knew how much she’d liked it the night before, he smiled as he began to delicately stimulate it with just the teasing tip of his tongue.

She climaxed easily, swiftly, and with a very satisfying scream.

Jake brought her off twice more—because he loved the way she absolutely lost control—before he moved up her quivering body and sank his hard cock in her wet pussy.

He lasted maybe three thrusts before he went over the edge, so aroused from touching and tasting her that he couldn’t help it.

Tangled together erotically, breathless, they lay quietly and he felt both exhilarated and content.

Jana lightly ran her hands down his back and gave his ass a small squeeze. “That was a very effective reminder,” she whispered, lightly licking his shoulder in a slow languid movement of her tongue.

“I aim to please, Professor,” he said, his face still buried in the outspread silk of her hair, the faint fragrance of flowers tickling his nose.

How the hell could that small flick of her tongue be arousing

He’d just come as forcefully as he ever remembered.

“On Monday it is going to be very hard to act as if nothing has happened, isn’t it?”

The last thing he wanted was her thinking too much about the situation at this very moment, in the aftermath of a hot, wickedly wild orgasm, giving it the cool analytical approach that characterized everything she did.

Except sex. There was nothing cool about her approach to that.

Jake lifted his head and looked into her eyes, noting the almost wistful smile on her lips. “Don’t worry about it. No one will know, if that’s what you want. When I’m at work, I work. As far as I can tell, you seem to have the same attitude. Nothing there has changed.”


Kate Watterson

“I suppose so.” She sighed, her hands still cupping his ass.

“There’s this little refrain in my head that keeps repeating your age, over and over.”

“Don’t listen to it.” He grazed her smooth temple with his mouth. “Think of it this way, there is one advantage to being with a twenty-five year old guy. I’ll be able to
you again in a little while. Just give me a few minutes.”

A small smile curved her soft mouth and her incredible sapphire eyes held a glint of amusement. “I suppose that is one way of looking at it.”

* * * *

The bedside clock said it was after eight. A little startled, because she rarely slept past six, Jana stirred and came fully awake.

Next to her, Jake was still sound asleep, his bare chest lifting easily in an even rhythm, one arm curved over the top of his dark head. The sheet was only drawn up to his waist, and she couldn’t help but admire his entirely male beauty. Ridiculously long dark lashes rested on his sculpted cheekbones, and his mouth—that very talented mouth—was just slightly open as he lightly exhaled.

It was nice to wake up next to someone, and that realization scared her a little. To feel the warmth of his tall body in her bed, to hear him breathe, to know she wasn’t entirely alone.

Actually, it scared the hell out of her that she felt that way. No doubt she was vulnerable because of having had a long-term happy marriage she missed with an inner ache that never seemed to completely ease. However, it seemed unlikely that a twenty-five year old student, no matter how intelligent, charming, and fantastic in bed, was the answer to her current state of being both single and a little lonely.



She was fairly sure she was too practical to fall in love with Jake Quinn. On the other hand, she would have been absolutely certain just two days ago that she would never sleep with him either.

Good grief. She and Brian always had season tickets to the symphony. Jake probably went to rock concerts.

She saved diligently for retirement, invested her money, and had a mortgage. He still didn’t have his first real job.

She was a widow who had been married for thirteen years, and for all she knew, he had never had a steady girlfriend. Obviously, he had sufficient sexual experience with women or he wouldn’t be so good in bed, but had he ever been in a committed, adult relationship?

That was the other thing. Even after two nights of unbridled, uninhibited intercourse, she didn’t really know him well. Yes, she enjoyed talking to him, and he seemed to be on the surface a nice, smart young man who spoke with open fondness of his family, was polite and hard-working, and ambitious enough he was going to make his way in the world without any problem, but…

It takes a lot more than having sex with someone to know them,

If she had an affair with him and everyone at the university found out, it would be embarrassing because of the age difference, and would make her fair game for every male student and faculty member who wanted to make a pass in the future. She got hit on enough as it was, but most of her colleagues respected the fact she kept work and her personal life entirely separate. Sleeping with a student, no matter how gorgeous and persuasive, was really pretty stupid.

Unfortunately, the Incredible Quinn had that effect on her.

Brain activity suspended, body strictly in charge.

With a small sigh, she slid out of bed and padded toward the bathroom. Quietly she closed the door and turned on the shower, 56

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contemplating how many times she had gotten out of bed early and tried not to wake Brian. Sunday mornings were the only ones he slept in, and she had done her best not to disturb him.

Gazing in the mirror, she gave her body a critical look as the water heated up. Thanks to exercise—and she did work out three times a week without fail—and good genes, she had stayed slim and decently firm in the right places. Not the body of a twenty year old, but at thirty-six, who would expect it?

Her nipples were tender and a little red, which wasn’t a surprise. Her young lover was obviously a breast man, and he had touched, licked, and sucked until she had almost come just from that. Her pussy, too felt slightly sore from all the sexual excess, but she doubted there was a woman on the planet who would feel sorry for her for the minor discomfort.

Jana stepped into the tiled shower and felt the gush of the hot water over her sensitive skin.

He was still asleep when she emerged a half an hour later from the bathroom. Sprawled so carelessly across the bed, he looked more delicious than ever. She had to wonder with wry inner amusement if any of the girls who already panted over him saw Jake now, gloriously naked, beautifully asleep, what they would think.

That she was one lucky woman, probably.

It remained an open issue.

* * * *

Second day in a row, morning coffee with the delectable Dr.


Oh yeah

Jake leaned back and sipped from his cup, wondering what price he was going to have to pay for this good fortune. Nothing was free. At least he’d never found life to be that way. That was


fine, he was willing to make good if it meant he sat in the breakfast nook off Jana’s kitchen, sipping really good coffee and smiling at her across the table.

In the morning light, she looked fresh and desirable as always, her hair shining, her skin clear and fresh. She wore the same jeans, a simple cotton tee-shirt with the university logo on it, and could have passed for being about half her age.

No bra, just like his recommendation.

He had to wonder if her husband had felt this same way, a constant level of sexual awareness that she seemed to inspire. Even before this lucky-as-hell weekend, he’d felt it, even when she did little more than say hello as they passed in the hall or maybe exchanged a few pleasant words after a faculty meeting.

For breakfast she’d set out bagels and fresh fruit, and as they ate, he wondered if she had regrets again. As always, she was outwardly reserved, even when dressed like a gorgeous teenager and after a night of uninhibited sex.

Not certain about his next move at all, Jake took a final sip of coffee. “I’d better go, I suppose. I still have a bunch of papers to grade.”

She nodded, her blue eyes unreadable. “I have a genetics midterm to get ready. That exam always sneaks up on me.”

He hesitated for a moment, toying with his empty cup. “It goes without saying I want to see you again.”

She glanced away. The informal eating area was rounded and had tall beautiful windows. She seemed to find the scarlet leaves of a tree just beginning to turn outside fascinating. Finally, she said slowly, “I am not sure how I feel about all this.”

“We seem to have some pretty powerful chemistry, Jana.”

“Physically, yes, we do.” She looked away from the tree and at him with what seemed like reluctance. “But there is a lot more to a relationship. I think we are in very different places in our lives.

Job, house, marriage, children? I’ve crossed all those milestones 58

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except the last one, and I’m…settled. I’m middle-aged, and you have five years before you’ll even be thirty.”

“All right,” he acquiesced. “That’s all true. But your point is invalid, Professor. Lots of men my age are married, have a mortgage, and kids. Getting my doctorate—as you well know—is the only reason I don’t have a full-time job, and I’m glad you’re settled in a life that suits you. Wouldn’t it be even better if you could have a little more fun in your personal life?”


“I’ve already promised, no pressure, and no one at the university has to even know we’re seeing each other. It isn’t their business anyway, so I have no trouble with that. We like each other and have a terrific time in bed. It’s pretty simple from my point of view.”

Jana brushed back her hair and gave him a wry smile. “Jake, when is it ever simple between a man and a woman?”

He grinned back, hoping he’d made his point, feeling possible victory from the softened expression on her face. “Okay, well, you’ve got me there, I suppose. But we’re both intelligent, mature people, and I am definitely not into drama in any relationship. To be honest, I don’t have much of a social life either, because I’m stuck between two worlds right now. I have no desire to go to the bars—I’m way past that—which is how most of the students define a good time, and neither do I have a family. Pretty much, I work, teach, and go home each night. I’m fairly settled myself, but something is missing. In my opinion, last night was the stellar date of all time. Great food, great conversation, and great sex. I’m not an idiot. Why wouldn’t I want to see you again? I didn’t come to get laid, Jana. I came over to be with you.”

It might be a crude way of saying it, but it was the absolute truth.



After a moment, Jana reached for her coffee cup and quirked her brows slightly. “Has anyone ever mentioned that you can be damned persuasive, Incredible Quinn?”

“Hell, I hope so. Is that a yes?”

“It’s a ‘maybe we’ll give it a try,’ how’s that?”

“The best news I’ve ever had.” Not wanting to push his luck, Jake stood up. “I’ll call you then, okay?”

“I’ll give you my cell number.”


He kissed her good-bye, a memorable melding of their mouths that he hoped was a reminder of what had happened the night before in her big bed. He couldn’t help but whistle as he walked to his car, and he probably had a really stupid grin on his face as he unlocked it and slid in.

Pulling out of her driveway, he was thinking about the next possible time he could see her. This coming week was a bitch, and he hadn’t lied, he should have graded exams yesterday.

The light blue truck sat in front of the house three doors down, and he normally would not have paid the least attention to it.

However, it caught his eye with a jolt of recognition, and though this time there was no one in it reading a newspaper, he recognized the spot of rust above the bumper and the out of state license plate.

Well, that was odd as shit, he thought as he slowly drove away.

He was pretty sure it was the same truck that had been sitting in the faculty lot when he’d dropped Jana off at her car the morning before. At the time he’d wondered if it belonged to a maintenance worker, and it certainly didn’t belong in this particular ritzy neighborhood.


Jake shrugged off the uneasy feeling. Well, maybe.


Kate Watterson

Chapter 6

She got out of her car and walked toward the building, just like
she did every day. So normal, so beautiful with her shining dark
hair and that perfect face.

It empowered him to realize she didn’t even know she’d made a
fatal mistake.

He was in charge of everything about her now, her destiny, her

The young lover was just a prop, a pretty part of the scenery
with a hard dick. The Watcher knew killing him would only bring a
small measure of satisfaction.

BOOK: Watcher
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