Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)
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She grabs my shirt. "Cason, can you lay with me for a while?" she whispers.

Kissing her once more, I climb into the bed and snuggle in behind her. As her breathing starts to even out, I feel the need to tell her how I feel. I haven't had that feeling hit me this hard before.


She looks up at me with a sad, yet peaceful smile on her lips. Right then and there, I want to give this girl the world. I trail my fingers down her face and she leans into my touch.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, baby. I will put anyone that even tries in the ground." She looks a little uneasy at my statement, but she needs to know how I feel.

After staring at me for what seems like an eternity, she finally says something, "I don't want to be with someone who thinks it’s okay to cheat on his girlfriend. I know the type of men your club has. I won't settle for that."

Her voice is quiet, but determined. She doesn't know that once I find a really good girl to keep by my side, I don't want to mess with any of the whores.

Hell, look at Nick and Brantley. Those two would rather die than lose the women they love. Shit, before I lost Avie, I felt the same way. For the first time in years, Henley is making me feel that way again.

I smile at her and nuzzle my face into her neck. "Henley, when I make you mine, there will be no sharing. You’re mine and I'm yours. That's it.”

I sneak a peek at her face and I see her eyes light up. She wraps her arms around my neck. "Does this mean I get to work with you on the case again?" she asks with a devious smile.

I nod and lick my lips. Her eyes zero in on my tongue, and I can't help but smile.

"Good, because I can see us having some long nights ahead of us,” she smirks.

I lick her top lip. “Oh, yeah?"

She nods, biting her lip. Her eyes are still glassy, but I’m glad she’s getting her sassy side back. I kiss her until we’re both breathless, then tuck her into my body and close my eyes. I feel her sigh and kiss my chest.

Her grip around my neck tightens, almost like she's afraid I'll disappear.

"Sleep, babe. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

She sighs and cuddles into me even more. First thing tomorrow, I’m going to find out who’s trailing her.




Chapter Fourteen

When Brantley forced me to go to Cason's after we found the note on my car, I had no idea his daughter would be there. Brantley promised to make sure no one else would see the note. The minute I saw Cason, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep the tears at bay any longer. As soon as we walked inside, the tears wanted to fall. I steeled my expression for as long as I could, but when I saw the camera, I thought I was going to be sick.

I hurried into the bathroom and tried to compose myself.

In all my time working as a lawyer, I have never been so terrified of a nasty message. Whoever this person was had a private photo of Cason and me. Who knows how many copies are out there right now. Who is stupid enough to sneak into this house to take a photo? Surely not anyone I want to know.

"Henley, are you okay, sweets?" I hear through the door.

I don't know why, but this makes me cry even more. I've never had anyone care about how I was feeling before. Well, not since my parents died. I went to college to make them proud, but they died before I could graduate. I just hope they
proud of my accomplishments.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I reply, sniffling.

I hear someone else by the door. It kind of sounds like Brantley, but I'm not sure. They are whispering something to each other, but I'm just glad they aren't talking to me.

"Henley, if you need anything, call me. I am more than happy to just listen,” she says before walking away.

Could I really open up to Cason's daughter like that? Would it be weird?

After a few minutes of silence, I hear someone walking towards the bathroom. When the door opens, I sniffle and wipe the tears from my eyes. Cason looks unsure of what to say, but just having him with me makes me feel better.

"Cason…," I whisper.

It's the only word I can get out. He walks into the bathroom and kneels beside me. I probably look like a mess, but he doesn't seem put off by it. 

When I start to cry again, he wraps his strong arms around me and I bury my face into his chest. I hate showing how weak I am, but there is nothing I can do to stop the tears. I'm terrified someone is going to come after me. What will happen if Cason isn't there to protect me?

"Hen, I won't let anyone hurt you."

I want to believe him, but I don’t know how. I just pray he will be around when the time comes.

Once my tears stop falling, he picks me up and carries me into his room. When he starts to leave, my heart breaks. I want to cling to him like he's the last breath in me. I know it's not fair, but I'm not ready for him to leave my side just yet.

I grab his shirt and ask him to stay with me. When he does and wraps his arms around me, I feel the safest I've ever felt in my life.

The next morning, I wake up to Cason's impressive erection poking my stomach, his arms wrapped around me. I try to wiggle out of his arms so I can use the restroom, but he just tightens his hold and groans.

"Angel, if you don't stop wiggling against my dick, I won't be responsible for what happens next."

I smirk and run my hands down his stomach. When I wrap my fingers around his cock, it jumps to attention. I can't help the little moan that slips out of my mouth.

"You just gonna tease me, baby, or are you gonna get to work?" he says with a crooked smile. He releases me and I slink down his body. When I come face to face with the smooth tip of his cock, I can't help but lick my lips in anticipation. I swipe my tongue over the head and collect the bead of come gathering at the tip.

I swirl my tongue around him before I take him in my mouth. I never imagined myself wanting to do this for a man, but Cason makes me want to do crazy things. I take him as deep as I can without gagging. When the tip of his cock hits the back of my throat, I moan. I'm getting so turned on. His hands wrap themselves in my hair and he pulls me even harder onto his cock with each thrust of his hips.

"Fuck, Henley,” he groans.

I relish in the power I have over him right at this moment. He thrusts his hips up as I take his whole length into my mouth.

"Fuck, baby. I don't want to come in your mouth,” he says through gritted teeth.

I continue to bob my head, but he pulls me off of his cock and drags me up his body. His mouth seeks mine, kissing me passionately. The only thing I can think about after the kiss is wanting his cock inside me.  

Before I can even tell him what I want, he thrusts inside of me. We both moan in appreciation. I've had sex before, but it has never felt this good. He uses his thumb to rub my clit, as I slam my hips back down on him. He knows exactly where to touch to get me crazy with lust. He kisses down my chest and I can't help the moan that slips out of my mouth.

He thrusts into me with even strokes, making me want to fall apart. When his finger starts to travel towards my ass, I start to tense up. I've never had anything there and I don't
anything to ever go there. His finger trails back up and he dips it inside me to get some of my wetness. He kisses me as his finger moves back to my ass. When he pushes his finger into my puckered hole, I can't help but jerk in response.

"Henley, just relax,” he whispers against my lips.

I take a deep breath and relax as much as I can. When I feel him move his finger back to my ass, I try to breathe through the initial pain. At first, it feels so weird, almost like it won’t fit. As he moves his finger a bit, stretching me out, I start to feel my orgasm coming on.

Holy shit. I never knew that would feel as good as it does. He starts to thrust into me again in tandem with his finger. I can feel my walls tightening around his cock, and I groan out his name.

Everything feels so good, I'm not sure how much more I can take. He nips along my chest and moans when I rotate my hips on his cock. His free hand grips my hip hard and my release takes over all of my actions. I grind into his him, and he moans out his release. I've never been able to come at the same time as a man, and it feels amazing. This is a high I surely want to relive over and over again.

He slowly pulls his finger from my ass and pulls me down for a long kiss.

When he breaks away, I lay my head on his chest and try to catch my breath.

After a few minutes, he starts to draw on my back with his fingertip. "Shit, girl. That is definitely a nice way to wake up."

I giggle and pull myself up, looking at him. "Yes, it was. Now, I have to pee." I slide off of his cock and slip out of bed.

Once I pee, I wash my hands, then rinse out my mouth with the mouthwash in his bathroom. When I’m done, I stand in the doorway and watch Cason staring at his phone. He looks pissed.

When I walk into the room, he motions me to come back to bed. I slide under the covers and cuddle into Cason’s side. Glancing at his phone, I see why he’s so upset.




Chapter Fifteen

Just when I thought I was finally rid of having to deal with Anslie’s mom, she finds a way to slither her way back into my life. She’s like a fucking disease and I can’t shake her. I can tell Henley is curious to who Selena is, but I don’t want them to have anything to do with each other.

Cason, I need your help. Please, you owe me that much

Bitch, I don’t owe you fucking shit. You did nothing but fuck up our daughter’s life. So fuck you

I know what he did to my husband. If you want me to keep the secret, you better help me.

You want to fucking threaten me and my club? Bring it on, you stupid cunt

After a few minutes, my phone rings. Hitting the ANSWER button, I don’t even say hello.

“Cason, I haven’t asked you for anything. The least you can do is help me. Your club is responsible for Steve’s death and I will collect,” she huffs out. This bitch is fucking stupid. Like I would really do anything for her. She’s the whole fucking reason Anslie had a bad childhood. Shit, that bastard deserved a fucking bullet for what he did to my daughter. Brant snapping his neck did him a favor. I would have done a whole lot worse if I got my hands on him.

“Are you really that stupid to think I’d do anything for you? Bitch, you made our daughter’s life a living hell. You brought that motherfucker into her life and I’m
glad Brantley put him down like the fucking dog he was.”

I can feel Henley tense up next to me. She places her head in my lap, which helps me calm down a bit. Running my fingers through her curly brown hair puts me at ease.

“You fucking took my support away from me. How the hell am I supposed to get by now, you asshole!”

I don’t know what I ever saw in this bitch. She is getting on my last fucking nerve.

“Bitch, how the fuck is that my problem? We ain’t together anymore, and I will not fucking support your drug habits. Hell, I won’t ever support your whore ass again. For sixteen years, I gave you money every month and you wouldn’t even spend any of it on our kid. Go find yourself a new victim and sink your claws into that poor bastard.”

I hit the END CALL button and throw the phone to the end of my bed. That fucking whore is crazy if she thinks I’m going to do shit for her.


I look down at Henley lying in my lap. Fuck, this woman is beautiful. I run my fingers along her jaw. “Yeah, angel?”

“Was that your ex-wife?”

I laugh. “Baby, that bitch is nothing but a whore. She never held my last name.” I look into her eyes. “That was Anslie’s mother. The only good thing that bitch gave me was my daughter.”

She looks at me, nodding. “Will you tell me about your kids?”

I smile at her. Nobody has ever wanted to know about my kids. All bitches want from me is status. Henley wants to know me, the real me.

I nod. “I have four boys and a girl. Anslie is the little girl I always wanted. I just hate that she has a bitch of a mother. My boys’ mother was the first girl I ever fell in love with. Hell, she was everything to me. She died when the boys were young, and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with. From oldest to youngest, I have Dominic, Robbie, Raef, Bentley, and Anslie.”

I see a smile form on her face. “What about you, angel. You have any kids?”

She shakes her head, but I can see that she wants to be a mother. Maybe she just never met the right man.

“So why don’t you have any curly-haired babies running around? I’m sure you’d make a great mother.”

“I don’t know. I’ve wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember, but life just got in the way. I got my degree and started working as a lawyer, and I just never had the time to look for the right guy.” She looks away.

“Are kids something you still want?”

I’m curious. Plus, I’m sure any kid she has would be smart and beautiful, just like her.

“Yeah, I think so,” she hesitantly states.

I nod. “Kids are the best gift in this life. They are probably my greatest accomplishment.”

I lean down and kiss her head. I hear my phone beep, but I ignore it. Everything else can wait. I am exactly where I want to be.

BOOK: Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)
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