Werewolf Mates [Pack Law 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Mates [Pack Law 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She was absolutely gorgeous. With long brown hair and smooth, white, creamy skin, she was petite and small in stature, but she had curves in all the right places. He could only see a partial profile, but from what he could see of her lips, oh man, he had to stop himself from going up to her and tasting those full, lush, and naturally red cupid bows.

Stalking toward the empty stool beside her, he took a seat, and even though he wanted to turn and stare at her, to take in her features until he had every minute detail burned into his brain, he restrained himself. Not wanting to scare her off with his intensity, Roan ordered a coffee and was only vaguely aware of the elderly waitress leaving to get his drink. Keeping his head facing straight ahead, he surreptitiously watched her out of the corner of his eye from beneath slightly lowered lashes.

He wanted to know everything about her. Where she came from, what her name was, what her favorite color was, if she was staying in Aztec, and if so for how long. He wanted to breathe her in and keep her by his side until he was permanently etched into her heart, body, and soul. He wanted to pick her up and take her back to the den and then bury himself in that small, lush body until neither of them could walk.

But he knew if he told her what he was feeling she would likely run screaming from him with horror or look at him like he was delusional. Humans sometimes had a hard time with the idea of being mated to three men, let alone werewolves. He followed after a few minutes and kept her in his sights. Hiding behind a thick tree trunk, he studied her intently.

She ducked into a store then reappeared moments later. She hesitated on the sidewalk. His mate looked so upset. Had that sales clerk given her shit? If so, Roan would give her a piece of his mind. His mate turned toward him, and his enhanced sight caught the shimmer of tears in her eyes. He wanted to rush over to her and enfold her in his arms, wanted to offer her comfort. He wanted to know what made her so sad and what had caused the pain in her eyes.

Roan followed her until she entered a room in the new Aztec Motel. Sighing with resignation, he turned on his heel and hurried back toward his car, which he had left outside of the Aztec Club. He needed to see his brothers and let them know he had found their mate.

Roan got into his car and, instead of driving toward the pack house, eased out of the parking lot and headed toward the Aztec Motel. The thought of leaving his mate when she might disappear was too much to bear. He parked his car and sat watching her door.

Heaving another sigh, he knew he couldn’t delay any longer. He was going to need his brothers’ help if they were going to have a chance with their mate.
“Chet, Justin, I have found our mate,”
Roan said through their personal mind link.
“She’s holed up in the Aztec Motel, where I’m currently sitting in my car.”

“How do you know for sure she’s our mate?”
asked Chet.

“You wouldn’t ask me that if you’d smelled her scent or had to control your beast from trying to claim her.”

“What does she look like?”
Justin inquired.

“Oh man, she’s beautiful. She has long brown hair, the sweetest brown eyes, and mmm-hmm, curves just begging to be caressed. From what I could tell, her ass is a ripe peach just begging to have a bite taken out of it, and even though she’s not very tall, boy does she had a set of legs on her.”

“Do you know where she’s from?”
Chet asked.

“No. I didn’t get a chance to talk to her. I found her in the diner, and she left a minute after I arrived. I followed her to the motel.”

“Shit, Roan, what if she’s only stopped for the night? How the hell are we going to get her to stay?”
Justin queried.

“I don’t know. I haven’t worked that out yet.”

“It’s a pity she didn’t take a room at the club. We could have watched her from there. You can’t stay in the motel parking lot all night. You’ll cause suspicion,”
Chet speculated.

“What the hell do you want me to do? I’m not leaving. She could check out at any time.”

“We’ll figure that out if it happens
,” Justin replied.
“Once we get there, we can form a plan.”

So, how long before you get here?”

“We’re already on our way.
We should be there in twenty minutes.”

“Did you inform the Alphas? And don’t forget to bring me some clothes.”

“Already taken care of.”

Roan figured his brothers must have begun preparations as soon as he told them about their mate. The three of them had all been restless since the Alphas of Friess Pack had found their mate. And then one after the other, the Betas, the second layer of pack hierarchy, had found their mates as well. As he watched their cousins the Domain brothers and both sets of Friess brothers find their mates, Roan had felt divided between happiness and envy. It was so hard watching his family claim the one true female meant for them, since he and his brothers were still waiting for their own mate. The yearning to have the love of his life in his arms had been there for a long time, but as each of his family members found their own woman, it had made him realize how lonely he truly was.

One night he had heard his pack leaders and Beta cousins talking about the way their werewolf powers had been enhanced once they had claimed their mates. It seemed their already-augmented hearing, sight, strength, and speed increased even further, but he couldn’t fathom such a thing. Being werewolves, he and the members of the pack already had phenomenal strength compared to the average human male. Roan and his brothers would experience the same increase in strength if they persuaded their woman to mate with them. But there was a long way to go before he could imagine that happening.

The powers were a bonus, but they weren’t the real reason Roan longed to go into her room and pull her into his arms. To wrap her in his love and protection. He and his brothers wanted to have a woman in their lives to love and nurture. To fill the empty places in their hearts only a mate ever could.

Roan sat up straight in his seat when the door to his woman’s room opened. There she was. God, she was beautiful. The setting sun shone down on her head as she walked toward the reception office of the motel, and he could see red and blonde strands of hair highlighted throughout her tresses as the ends caressed the top of her ass. What he wouldn’t give to be able to run his fingers through that mane and see if it was as soft as it looked. Groaning with arousal, imagining that hair sweeping across his thighs and cock, he adjusted his hard dick. He wanted to wrap those strands around his wrist and hold her steady as he fucked her mouth. Taking a deep breath to control his raging libido and his persistent wolf, who was once again pushing at him to make a claim, he shifted in his seat and got out of his truck.

As soon as he stepped into the office, her scent wrapped around him once more, taking his breath away. He sidled up to her and listened as she conversed with the elderly woman behind the counter. She was asking about employment. Joy filled his heart, because if she found work, that meant she was going to be staying in Aztec, at least for a while.

“No, I’m sorry. I don’t have any positions available right now,” the elderly woman replied.

“Well, thanks anyway,” his mate said.

Roan couldn’t let such an opportunity pass him by, so when she began to turn to head out, he quickly sidestepped, and she bumped right into him.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you standing there,” she apologized.

. Her voice had a low, husky cadence which immediately put his mind in the gutter. He wondered if it would go lower when she was aroused or on the verge of climax. And her eyes were what he thought would be called bedroom eyes. Her lids looked like they were half-closed, the dark, sooty lashes giving her a sensual appeal, and her irises were a deep, soulful brown.

“No problem,” he rasped. “I couldn’t help overhearing that you’re looking for work. I have a job you may be interested in.”


“My name is Roan Domain, and I work at the Aztec Club down the street. We have need for a waitperson if you’re interested. Room and board are provided in the package,” he stated, extending his hand to her.

She took his proffered hand, and he saw those sexy eyelids flicker up. Her eyes seemed to light from within, and her pupils dilated slightly. Tugging her hand away from him as if he’d burned her, she licked her lips nervously, drawing his gaze to her mouth, and took a quick step back.

Oh yeah. She’d felt it, too. That little zing of electricity which had passed between them. His nostrils flared as his wolf picked up her scent of arousal and began butting at him from inside.

“Samantha Winters, but call me Sam,” she stated in a deep, husky voice, which grabbed hold of his cock, making it pulse against his zipper.

“Why don’t we go on over to the club and get some dinner? We can talk about the particulars, and you can ask what you want to know,” Roan suggested.

“Um, uh…sure.”

“Change of plans, guys. I’ve just made contact and offered her a job at the club. She’s coming to have dinner there with me to talk over the particulars,”
Roan explained.

“We’re nearly there. We were just about to pass by,”
Chet replied.
“We’ll grab our usual table.”

“She’s nervous, so take it easy on her, Justin,”
Roan commanded.

“I’m not stupid, Roan. I’m not going to boss her around.”

“Yeah well, that might be easier said than done, bro. Once she’s near, your wolf is gonna want to take over. And since you’re the eldest and the most dominant, I just want you to be prepared.”

“Just shut up and get over here,”
Jason demanded with a growl.

“See, that’s what I’m talking about. You need to back off tonight.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Roan stepped up closer to Sam and took her elbow in his hand. She had to tilt her head back to look up at him, and he could see the apprehension in her gaze when her eyes connected with his.

“Come on, Samantha. Let’s go get some food,” Roan said and guided her out to his truck. Opening the passenger door, he noticed her eyeing the high step. Not giving her a chance to protest, he clasped her waist and lifted her onto the seat.

“Thanks,” she said in a higher-pitched voice.

“You’re welcome.” Roan closed the door and walked around to the truck, inhaling as much fresh air as he could so he could try and suppress his raging arousal. It was going to be pure torture in the confined space of his vehicle. The last thing he wanted was for his eyes to begin glowing in her vicinity.

Chapter Two


Sam wondered how she had ended up sitting between two tall, muscular, hunky men with another sitting across from her.

Roan had led her to a booth in the back of the club and introduced her to his brothers, Justin and Chet. Even though she was wary of them, she felt drawn to these men as well. When she had shaken both their hands, the zap of electricity she had felt with their brother had coursed through her body again. First Justin and then Chet had perused her body from head to toe, causing cream to leak from her pussy and her clit to throb. She had tried to withdraw from them and kept her voice cool, hoping they didn’t realize how they all affected her. But she was having a hard time hiding her arousal, and the sexual tension was so thick she could have cut it with a knife.

No matter how sexy the three of them were, though, she doubted she would even have given Roan the time of day if she hadn’t been so desperate for a job. She was over men and the way they treated women, and she’d had enough of the opposite sex to last her a lifetime. But these three men kept drawing her eyes back to them again and again.

Shit, Roan was so damn hot, with his shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes. As she was short, his height of six two made her feel small and petite. She had never thought about how she felt next to tall men until now, when she was surrounded by them. Roan had wide shoulders which tapered down to a slim, taut abdomen and hips with long, lithe legs and looked strong and muscular in a rangy, athletic type of way.

His brother, Chet, looked to be the youngest of the three but also the tallest at about six foot six. He moved to the end of his seat and stood, staring at her. She slid her gaze away, in case he thought she was ogling him, to where she wrung her fingers and glanced upward at him through her lashes. His tight T-shirt accentuated the rippling muscles beneath the cotton as he shifted, and he looked at her expectantly. His hair was a dark brown, almost the color of chocolate, and his eyes were hazel, a mix of green with brown and gold flecks.

“What would you like to drink, darlin’?” Chet asked.

Goose bumps rose on her skin as the deep cadence of his voice washed over her, and she squirmed in her seat when her pussy clenched and leaked juices onto her panties.
God, Sam, what the hell? You’ve only just met these men and your body’s ripening from the sound of their voices. Get a grip, girl!

“W–Water, please,” she answered, hearing the breathless quality of her voice, and lowered her eyes again quickly.

Shifting her eyes to Justin, her breath caught in her throat. His irises were a deep, stormy gray, and he was looking at her as if he wanted to devour her whole. His hair was dark enough to be almost black, but she could see traces of brown throughout. His shoulders were very wide, his biceps looked to be larger than she would be able to encompass with two hands, and he was packed full of rippling muscles. She didn’t think he was as tall as Chet or shorter than Roan in height, but until she saw him standing she wouldn’t be sure.

BOOK: Werewolf Mates [Pack Law 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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