Werewolf Rebel Tamed (Werewolf Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Rebel Tamed (Werewolf Romance)
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I let my wolf wash over me and followed him. Hunter’s musk filled my nose, smelling like home.


Hunter beat me to the cabin of course. He may have been bigger and heavier than me, but that also meant his stride length was easily twice as long as mine. I was fast, but I couldn’t cover ground like he could.

When I got there, he was already inside. I leaped onto the porch and changed, taking a moment to stop and catch my breath. The night air was cool on my overheated skin and an owl hooted in the distance. I winced at the sonic screech of a bat passing overhead. Unpleasant sounds were the downside to superhuman hearing.

Inside the cabin, Hunter had set up the camp lanterns and they cast a warm glow on the log walls. The cabins all consisted of one room except for the bathroom. There was a small sitting area with two chairs in front of a fireplace, a bed against the back wall, and a miniscule kitchen to the side. Hunter greeted me with a sensual kiss, hands moving to pin my wrists behind me as he walked me back to the bed.

A thrill of excitement went through me as he assumed control. I marveled at the complete lack of any rebellion on my part. Usually the more someone pushed for me to go one way, the harder I fought to go the other.
But not anymore
, I thought to myself with a sense of wonder. Now I had Hunter. I had a pack. I had a home where I didn’t have to fight or run. I understood that now in a way I never had before.

He pushed me back onto the bed and I lay with a sigh. My eyes widened slightly when he secured my hands over my head with the same rope he’d used before.

“What’s with tying me up all the time?” I asked.

He shrugged. “It’s an alpha thing. We like to feel dominant.” He pulled on the rope, testing the integrity of the knots and said, “Do you trust me,

I inhaled, breathing in his essence as deeply as I could. “Yes, I do.” And I meant it. Because all along he’d pushed me, not to be mean or cruel, but to broaden my perspective. Guilt pricked my conscience as I realized Tony had tried to do the same for me, but his methods had caused me to shut down. Unlike Hunter, Tony never forced me to break through the emotions holding me back. Hunter had chased me down until the only way out was his way.

When I blinked, I caught a glimpse of my wolf on the back of my eyelids. She had a sly expression on her face as if to say ‘see I told you so.’
No you didn’t,
I mentally shouted at her.
Hey, let’s not forget you’re the one who thought it would be grand to eat a dead guy. Your instincts are suspect.
She just opened her mouth in a smirking canine grin, her pink tongue lolling out the side. Still a traitorous bitch. That much hadn’t changed.

I didn’t have time to dwell on it, however,  as Hunter kissed his way down my body. He sucked my lips into his mouth. My body arched off the bed, pressing against him as if trying to melt into him. He nuzzled my neck, hitting the spot there that made me shiver. From there he made his way down to my breasts, sucking on the nipples, teeth gently grazing the sensitive flesh.

I gasped and pulled on my bonds, wishing I could touch him. I wanted to run my hands over his skin, through his thick hair and tease his nipples to hard points.

But he’d asked me to submit, to do it his way and I wouldn’t fight him. Not anymore. I was his to take.

His tongue circled my belly button, his hands skimming the sides of my rib cage. My hips twisted trying to relieve the rush of heat burning between my legs. When he parted my legs and kissed me at my core, I cried out in relief and anticipation. His tongue caressed me and once my hips were gyrating, frantic with pleasure, he sucked the sensitive nub into his mouth, biting it firmly and growling.

I howled as he drove me over the edge into an abyss of hot pleasure. My stomach clenched down and my body shuddered with the force of the orgasm. The scent of my arousal hung in the air, mixing with his testosterone-laden musk.

Hunter gave me a wolfish smile and rose to stand between my spread legs. His cock was hard and if he hadn’t already been inside me once before, I would’ve wondered how he would fit. Cupping his hands under my ass, he lifted me off the bed slightly and drove into me. The rush of him filling me stole my breath.

“Oh God,” I managed to gasp out.

“Not God, baby. Pure alpha wolf. That’s what’s between your legs. You feel what you do to me?” At my nod, he pulled back and thrust into me again, grinding his pelvis into mine. “Feel what I do to you?”

I nodded again as sparks of pleasure burst in my core, tugging at my stomach. My body was still spent from my recent orgasm, but Hunter’s complete and total possession of me had reawakened my heat and it burned hotter than ever. He was going to make me come again.

Hunter pumped in and out of my body. My hips reached for him on every stroke and my core fluttered around his hardness, trying to hold onto him. The next orgasm crested within me and I bit my lip, holding it back, wanting to wait until Hunter came.

My mewling gasps must’ve given him a clue to how close I was though, because he started to move faster. Every time our bodies connected, when he was buried to the hilt in my core, pleasure arced through me like an electrical current. My nipples tightened reflexively and it seemed like my whole body convulsed.

Suddenly he was moving so fast, he was a blur. The hits of pleasure between my legs piled up, faster than I could register them, too fast for me to even breathe. The climax welled up within me and I screamed as it flooded my system. At the same time, Hunter howled his own release, slamming into me, hands pushing my hips down his length as far as they could go. His cock swelled, pushing against my slick walls and then jumped inside me at the force of his orgasm.

When we were sufficiently recovered enough to move, Hunter untied me and we lay together on the bed. I ran a hand idly over his chest, pleased that I was finally free to touch him. “Thank you for caring. For understanding me even when I didn’t.”

He kissed me on the head. “That’s what pack is for, Randa.”

I snuggled against him and relished the way his scent filled my senses. I had a place to call home. I didn’t have to be the smartass from the streets anymore. A languid peace filled me. I tilted my head back and howled, startling the owls and bats outside the cabin into stunned silence.
Most humans think wolves sound forlorn, but werewolves can hear the nuance that turns the vocalizations into a language. There was no longing in my voice, but rather simple gratitude infused with happy relief.

Hunter raised his voice to join mine and we keened together until sleep claimed us, our limbs intertwined because neither one of us wanted to let go.

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Also by bestselling author Michelle Fox:


Werewolf BDSM

Sabrina’s been a naughty werewolf and she must be punished.

Kindle UK


Burning for Him

When submitting to hell is the only way to heaven.

A paranormal romance novella.

Kindle UK

Blood Rush

A vampire erotic romance novella.

Top 100 best seller!



Blood Bound

Sequel to the best selling
vampire romance Blood Rush.

Top 100 best seller!



To the Limit

A sensual spanking novella
in the same vein as Fifty Shades of Grey.

Kindle Top 100 book!

Kindle UK

BOOK: Werewolf Rebel Tamed (Werewolf Romance)
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