Read Werewolf Sings the Blues Online

Authors: Jennifer Harlow

Werewolf Sings the Blues (32 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Sings the Blues
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I have to thank the usual suspects.

First, my agent Sandy Lu. This one's for you.

Thanks to the Beta Bunch: Jill Kardell, Susan Dowis, Ginny Dowis, Theresa Friedrich for their suggestions. I love you all.

Thanks to Terri Bischoff for agreeing to allow me to go down the road less traveled with this series. Also thanks to Connie Hill and everyone else at Midnight Ink for your continued support.

To the Prince William Public Library System and the Fairfax
County Library Systems for giving me a place to work. I would never
leave my house without you.

To all the bloggers who hosted me through the years. I hope you continue to let me grace your sites so I can hawk my books. May I never bore you or your readers.

Finally, to my father, who is nothing like the fathers in any of my books except that, without question, he would die for me. Thank you for sticking around, supporting me in every way possible, and building my self-confidence up. You may sometimes regret the last one, but it was all you and Mom. I love you both more than words can cover.

about the author

Jennifer Harlow (Manassas, VA) earned a BA from the University of Virginia in Psychology. Her eclectic work experience ranges from government investigator to radio DJ to lab assistant. Visit her website to read her blog,
Tales From the Darkside
; listen to the soundtrack to this book; and more.

Author photo by Bill Fitz-Patrick.

BOOK: Werewolf Sings the Blues
8.66Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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