Read What Remains_Reckoning Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

What Remains_Reckoning (3 page)

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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“Couldn’t ask for anything more than a chance.” He pushed to his feet, offering his hand to Beau.

The man shook it, visibly pleased by Gunner’s actions. “We’ll get you settled after the meal. Welcome to Eden.”

Gunner nodded his thanks, trying not to gag on the man’s last words. Eden. Fuck. While he didn’t have a strong religious background, he was pretty damn sure that place hadn’t ended all that great the first time. He only hoped Beau was being more metaphorical than literal. Gunner regained his seat, studying the men and the surroundings one more time. At least he’d bought them a few days to get to the bottom of what was really going on in the camp. He just prayed it didn’t end in blood.


Chapter Two




Damn it.

Hamilton Phillips pressed his back against the rough wood siding, watching the men in front of the barn pause to light up a couple of cigarettes. The matches flashed bright in the darkness, the orange flames dancing in the air before winking out. Even fifty feet away, Ham caught the hint of sulfur from the smoke, the familiar scent mocking everything they’d endured over the past year and a half. Hell, he couldn’t remember the last time he or the guys had allowed themselves to relax that much. Not when even the glow of the ashes was a possible beacon for infected, especially this new breed. It made him wonder if there was more to this place than they’d thought. Though he had to admit, a cold beer certainly would have hit the spot.

He sighed, willing the men to look the other way and finally give him a chance to get a peek inside the large building. For the past three days, he, Wolfe and Gunner had been taking turns staking out the two barns, trying to determine what Beau and his group were hiding. They’d finally gained entry into the other barn the previous night. And while the amount of food and weapons stored inside the wooden walls was impressive, it wasn’t anything worth confronting the men over. Not when they suspected far darker motivations behind the padlocks. And this barn was the only one still shrouded in mystery. It didn’t help that there was round-the-clock surveillance on the place, with four men taking shifts walking the perimeter. Or that every window had been boarded over, including the second story ones. Hell, Ham could have scaled the damn walls if the group hadn’t been as thorough. But as it stood, there weren’t any obvious ways in or out of the barn that didn’t involve going through the men. And Gunner was hesitant to violate the small measure of trust they’d gained without proof their concern was warranted.


Hamilton scanned the area, wondering if there was a way onto the roof when the door to the barn creaked open. Two men stumbled out, dragging a woman between them. Sandy-colored hair shone in the firelight cast by a nearby trashcan, her smaller body nearly suspended off the ground. Ill-tempered curses rose above the crackle of wood as she fought against their hold, making them stop in order to better contain her. She seized the opportunity, slamming her foot down on the inside of one of the men’s knees before kicking the other in the groin. Both men released her arms, and she tumbled onto her knees when her balance shifted. She hit hard, billowing up a cloud of dust. And though her face was still turned away from Hamilton, there was no mistaking the rope binding her hands together.

Ham removed his gun, quickly checking the area one last time before stepping out. Damn cold day in hell when he’d sit back and watch two assholes hurt a lady, trust or not. Though based on the way she’d downed the men, she looked as if she could kick both their asses even with her hands tied.

He darted forward—focus alternating between the men she’d kicked and the other two thugs standing guard, seemingly enjoying the show—when a streak of movement caught his attention. He glanced at the far corner of the barn as a flicker of gray flashed through a stream of moonlight before disappearing into the shadows beside the barn. He called out a warning a moment before a familiar growl resonated through the air, the creature’s footsteps pounding along the dirt.

He aimed, killing the first zombie as it entered the pool of light, the dark blood spattering across the dry ground. He caught another as it stumbled around the corner, lips drawn back into a snarl as it raced toward them, its gait disturbingly steady. The guards remained frozen until the second creature landed in a twisted mound at their feet, more blood staining the dirt. Both men turned, guns drawn, hammers cocked as a group of infected ran across the compound, the thundering footsteps like a herd of horses.

Hamilton stopped just short of them, popping off another two rounds. “Don’t fucking stand there. Take them down.”

He shoved each man, downing four before the men finally hit one, knocking it onto its knees without fully killing it. Hamilton muttered under his breath, shooting the last two before spinning around. The woman had gained her feet, her gaze centered on the zombies sprawled across the ground. Then her attention swung to him, the confusion in her eyes impossible to miss. She furrowed her brow then turned and ran, heading for the darkness on the far side of the barn.

Ham dashed after her. “Wait!”

He got within a few feet when Beau stepped out from behind the building, grabbing her roughly by the arm. She tried to spin away, but the force of his hold tossed her on the ground again, her head cracking against the dry mud. Hamilton growled, shifting his direction mid-stride as he caught Beau across the jaw, sending the man flying. Strong hands wrapped around his arms and chest, tackling him to the dirt. Ham managed to tuck his shoulder and use their momentum against them, rolling free before kicking them each in the chest. The men fell backwards, more dust ballooning into the air.

Hamilton made a lunge for the girl, heaving her off the ground and behind his back before Beau pressed onto his hands and knees. The two guys Ham had knocked on their asses staggered upright just as Gunner and Wolfe crashed out of the other barn and four of Beau’s men tore across the open yard where the zombies had attacked moments before.

Hamilton leveled his gun at the gathering of men, keeping the woman blocked from view as everyone stopped in a small semi-circle around him, his friends dodging left and putting themselves between him and Beau. Barrels pointed at his chest, but no one spoke as Beau slowly got to his feet, rubbing the length of his jaw as he eyed Hamilton.

Beau held Ham’s stare for several moments before his lips lifted into a grin. “You pack quite a punch not to mention the fact you’ve got more moves than I’ve seen in a long time.” He glanced at Gunner and Wolfe. “Betting you two are just as skilled. Thinking my original assumption was right.” He nodded at his men. “Looks like we’ve got some ex-military boys in our ranks, gentlemen.”

Gunner grumbled beside Hamilton, sparing him a quick glance before pointing at the dead corpses. “Shouldn’t we worry more about how these motherfuckers got in than what we may or may not have been in our past lives?”

Beau’s smile flourished. “Already taken care of it. I caught sight of them climbing over a low part of the fence. Knifed the few that didn’t quite make it over and I’ve got a contingency of men fixing the issue as we speak. Shouldn’t be another breach anytime soon.” He crossed his arms on his chest. “Back to you.”

Gunner gave the man an even smile. “Nothing much to say. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to recall you never confirmed or denied whether you were local law enforcement when I first mentioned it.”

Beau chuckled. “Fair enough. My father was actually the sheriff. Me and some of the boys were deputies. Unfortunately, the man didn’t make it, and the good folks just naturally turned to me for guidance in those early days.”

“Naturally.” He motioned to Wolfe and Hamilton. “We actually owned a construction company together but spent the last several years as part of the army reserves.”

Hamilton glanced at Gunner. While he knew the man hadn’t wanted to give too much away, he’d thought his friend would come clean under the circumstances, and the simple fact Gunner hadn’t increased the tension still straining Ham’s shoulders. It meant Gunner thought the situation was critical.

Beau raised his brows. “Reserves?”

“You’d be surprised how encompassing the program is.”

“So your man’s training…”

“Just saved you and your camp.” Gunner stared at Beau’s men. “Exactly how many did you boys manage to kill?”

One of the men huffed, kicking at the dirt. “We had it under control. Your friend went mental. Started shooting at everything.”

“Mental?” Hamilton laughed. “You assholes would have been bitten long before you got off a damn round. Hell, you only wounded one of them.”

“They surprised us is all.” The guy glanced at Beau. “We had it under control.”

Beau raised his hand, stopping any further discussion. “Doesn’t matter who eliminated the threat. As long as those bastards get taken out.” He eyed Ham. “And I suppose I owe you our thanks. Again, you displayed a high level of skill. Though that doesn’t explain why you’re trying to hide something that belongs to me.”

The woman stiffened behind him as she breathed a hushed curse. Hamilton brushed his fingers down her arm, trying to reassure her, though he wasn’t quite certain why. She seemed almost indifferent about the entire situation.

He stared at Beau. “Last time I checked, we abolished slavery a hundred and fifty years ago.”

His mouth tightened slightly. “We never hid the fact that we’re protective of our ladies.”

“Protective?” Hamilton scoffed at the man. “Two of your men were dragging her god knows where with her hands bound.
knocked her down.”

“I was merely trying to prevent her from running off and getting herself hurt.”

Hamilton growled, taking a calculated step forward. “Because keeping her bound is a great way to ensure she stays safe.”

Gunner grunted quietly beside him, leaning in. “Easy, Ham. We’re guests here… Might not have all the information we need so let’s not jump to conclusions.”

Hamilton turned, giving Gunner a raise of his brow when he saw the tight press of Gunner’s lip. The man shifted his eyes toward the adjoining barn roof. Ham made a show of visibly relaxing before giving the area a quick scan. An armed sniper had a fix on them from one roofline while another silhouette moved along the top of the log building.

He clenched his jaw, hissing out his breath as he plastered on a phony grin, finally holstering his weapon. “My apologies. Sometimes I forget that the world we knew ended. That more drastic measures are often necessary to protect that which we treasure.”

Beau’s smile faded as he studied each of the three men in turn. “That it does.” He waved at Ham’s back. “The girl.”

Rage burned hot in his gut as he exhaled a long breath. Every muscle protested as he clenched his jaw then stepped aside, allowing Beau to manhandle the woman out from behind him. She didn’t even flinch when Beau handed her to the men, pointing to the barn. She took a few steps away then looked back at him for one heart-stopping moment, the hurt in her eyes nearly taking Hamilton to his knees, before she firmed her expression as she followed the men. She didn’t fight this time as the led her into the building, the familiar creak of the door loud in the noticeable quiet.

Hamilton fought the urge to lash out, fisting his hands at his sides as the remaining men closed in. He didn’t know why her seeming disappointment in him bothered him so much. Hell, until a few minutes ago, he didn’t even know she existed. Yet the look in her eyes bled him to the core, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to rest until he proven he could be the man she needed him to be. The man he wanted to be.

Gunner tapped his thigh, a signal to stand down. Ham gave a single nod, returning his focus to Beau. The man stared at them, mouth pinched tight, eyes narrowed. He seemed lost in thought, as if he wasn’t sure what to make of their actions.

Gunner stepped up beside Hamilton, raising his hands on either side. “It appears we’ve insulted you, whether that was our intention or not. Just give us a few minutes to gather our packs and we’ll leave.”

Beau matched Gunner’s move, nearly bumping into Gunner’s chest. “No one said you had to leave. In fact, I think I’d feel better if you stayed a bit longer.” Beau leaned closer. “To ensure you don’t try to do anything to destroy our way of thinking.”

Gunner arched a brow, glancing at Beau’s men as the lined up around them. “What way is that?”

Beau shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll agree that preserving life is our utmost priority in this new age. Increasing that life a damn close second. To that end, we’ve found it necessary to keep some of the women…contained.” He smiled. “Just until they realize the severity of the situation and understand we’re merely doing what’s best for humanity as a species.”

“What exactly do you mean by…contained?”

“Perhaps it’s time we showed you.” He eased back, waving his hand in the direction of the barn. “If you’ll follow me.”

Beau strode off, not bothering to glance over his shoulder to see if the three of them were going to obey his request. Not that they had much of a choice. As soon as Beau turned, his men closed in around them, ensuring there were at least three per man. Hamilton glared at one guy when he gripped his arm, staring the man down until uncertainty flared in the guy’s eyes, and he let go. Gunner nudged his shoulder, silently telling him to play along.

Ham nodded, looking one last time at the snipers still poised on the rooftops before taking a deep breath and walking inside the barn. Oil lamps hung on wooden posts throughout the building, the warm, yellow light chasing away the shadows. A series of stalls lined each side, the entrances blocked by large doors.

Beau led them to one of the compartments. “Have a look.”

Bile burned the back of Hamilton’s throat as he stepped forward, peering through the bars at the contents. The box had been altered into a single, small cell, complete with bed and side table. A rough mat lined the floor while a white washbasin rested on top of the table. Hollow, dull eyes turned to stare at him, fear clouding the brown depths. The woman wore a simple dress that looked a few sizes too large, with plain canvas shoes on her feet. She recoiled at the sight of him, cowering in the back corner of the bed as she pulled a wool blanket over her body. Anger tightened Ham’s features, and he spared Gunner a quick glance before turning around.

BOOK: What Remains_Reckoning
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