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Authors: Rose Pressey

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What the Hex? (A Paranormal P.I. Mystery Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: What the Hex? (A Paranormal P.I. Mystery Book 1)
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Chapter 6


Derek and I stood frozen. Steve’s mouth twisted into an angry snarl. He hadn’t grabbed us up like ragdolls yet, so maybe he would control his anger and not pulverize us. How would we come up with an excuse to get out of there? I’d told Derek we would get caught, but once again he hadn’t listened to me. Hell, I hadn’t listened to the little voice in the back of my head telling me to run. That same voice that told me not to date Bradley Price. Within a week of our first date, he had started planning our wedding. I’d practically had to fake my own death to get away from the guy. Okay, now I was rambling. The fear was making me bonkers.

Steve crossed the room in one giant step. “You have two seconds to tell me what you’re doing here before I crush you both like a couple of cockroaches.”

A rush of adrenaline shot through me. Steve drilled his index finger into Derek’s chest. Derek’s expression remained calm. However, in one quick motion Derek’s hand flexed into a fist as he pulled his arm back.

Before Derek could swing the punch, I dove in between the men. A risky move, sure, but completely necessary. Derek stumbled backward. I’d give this brute a kick to the groin if I had to.

“Just calm down, it’s not what it seems.” I spread my arms out in front of Derek, blocking Steve from reaching him.

Of course, if Steve really wanted Derek, he could probably just toss me to the side. I placed my hands on Steve’s chest to push him back. I gave a shove and groaned. He didn’t budge. It was as if I’d tried to move a brick wall. Nevertheless, Derek owed me one for saving his butt. Would that be enough to settle our money debt? Yeah, probably not.

I batted my eyelashes. “You know, we decided to join your club after all. It was little ol’ me who decided to look in the office.”

Apparently turning on the Southern charm did nothing for him. Steve’s nostrils still flared and the veins in his temples still bulged. His face was slightly less red now though, so I thought he was possibly calming down. The idea that we were ready to hand him some cash changed everything.

“You better not be yanking my chain,” Steve said.

With my hands on my hips, I said in my Southern accent, “Well, darlin’, if you really don’t want us to join we won’t. There are other gyms.”

He glared at us for a few seconds longer. “You should have come to get me if you wanted to join. This office is for employees only. What were you looking for in the drawers?”

“A sign-up form, of course.” I gave him the same annoyed look my teenage niece gave my sister when my sister asked what time she’d be home. Maybe I should have punctuated my sentence with a,

Steve moved over and sat behind the desk. “If you want to join, I’ll sign you up.” He reached into the desk drawer and pulled out a couple of forms.

Now I really was going to have to start a workout routine. Derek yet again had gotten me into a situation that I didn’t care to be in. Like the other night when Derek had turned on the light in the car and the person we were staking out had noticed us, stomped over, and started throwing punches. If it hadn’t been for my purse-swinging skills, we might not have gotten out of there alive.

Steve’s hands seemed a little shaky as he was filling out forms. I inched over to the chair in front of the desk and slid down, as if Steve might change his mind and lunge at us at any moment.

I cleared my throat and then said, “You take care of the gym for Morgan when she’s gone? She takes off like this often, right?”

He looked up at me. “Yes, that’s what I said. I run the place, among other things.”

At least now I had a little bit of a dialogue going. Derek pulled the chair back from the desk a little and then sat down. Steve didn’t bother to look over at him.

“What other things do you do?” I pushed.

“Morgan’s my girlfriend. We live together, so I do a lot of things for her.”

I glanced over at Derek. His blue eyes were still narrowed and his gaze locked on Steve’s face. I hoped Derek didn’t get any bright ideas to go after Steve for the chest-poking incident.
Shake it off, Derek.

Steve and Morgan were living together? This changed things a lot. Had he seen her last night?

“When was the last time you saw her?” I asked.

Steve looked up. “I thought you said you weren’t the cops?”

“We’re not,” Derek said.

Steve shoved the forms toward us. “Add your bank account info at the bottom and sign.”

How much was this going to cost me? My checking account was looking a little sparse at the moment. I wouldn’t have to worry about working out if I didn’t have money for food. I shot Derek a dirty look and signed on the dotted line. I just wanted to get out of this confined space with my life.

Derek scribbled his signature and then asked, “Does this membership come with spandex shorts or are those extra?”

Anger flared in Steve’s eyes. Did Derek have to push Steve’s buttons? It was as if Derek had a death wish.

I pushed the paper across the desk back at Steve. “You didn’t go to the party with Morgan?”

Steve’s face remained hard and unyielding as he stared at me. “I had to get ready for a bodybuilding competition that’s coming up. I don’t have time for a party.”

I knew Derek wouldn’t agree with that statement. He thought there was always time for a party.

“You missed a signature.” Steve pointed and pushed the paper back toward me.

I wasn’t even sure of what I was signing. I could be donating my organs for all I knew. And I didn’t mean after death either.

He snatched the papers up when I finished and examined them. “Let me know if you want a personal trainer. I can set you up with someone. We’ll have those scrawny muscles in shape in no time.”

Why did he look at me when he said that? This guy wasn’t making a friend in me. By the look on his face, I guess he didn’t care though.

I smirked. “I’ll make sure to let you know.”

“Whatever,” Steve said.

“I do yoga,” I whispered to Derek.

“Suit yourself.” Steve shoved the papers into a drawer and pushed to his feet. “No skin off my back.”

This guy had terrible management skills.

Steve marched to the door and motioned for us to follow. “I’ll show you all around the gym.”

Derek and I followed him out of the office and over to the cardio section. It was as if I’d escaped being sealed in a plastic bag and could now breathe again. At least we’d gotten out of there alive and with no broken bones. Of course, I might not make it through a workout session, but I digress.

“Here are the treadmills, elliptical machines, stationary bikes, etc. Use them.” Steve walked away toward the weight area.

Derek and I looked at each other. I had a feeling this would be a quick trip around the gym. It was a good thing I didn’t want a real tour.

Steve stopped in front of the weights. “I guess this is kind of self-explanatory. Those are the weights. You don’t need my help with this.”

Steve didn’t know if I needed help. He just didn’t care if I needed assistance. That was fine with me though. Derek and I were wasting precious time that could be used looking for Morgan. Again, how had I let Derek get me into this? Was it that tilted grin of his? The gorgeous baby blues? Or the way my name rolled off his tongue with that sexy Southern drawl? Nope. None of those things. I was just a pushover. That really needed to stop. When would I learn to take control?

Steve punched Derek in the arm, a pretend-friendly pat that almost knocked him over. “You need the weights. Bulk you up a little bit.” His attention shifted to me. “You could stand some toning up.”

I wasn’t even giving him the satisfaction of a response. “Thanks for the help. Please tell Morgan we said hello when you see her.”

“Let me know if you need anything,” Steve said through gritted teeth.

As he walked away, I called out, “Will do, Steve!”

“I think we’ve made a friend.” Derek lifted a twenty-pound weight and curled it.

“You noticed her staring at us too?” I pointed at the auburn-haired beauty watching us from across the room.

Chapter 7


Derek set the weight down. “I was talking about Steve.”

I picked up a five-pound weight and pretended that I hadn’t noticed the woman who had set her sights on us. If I pretended to work out maybe I’d blend in. “I mean that woman over there watching us. The pretty one over there.”

Derek held his hands up. “I swear I don’t know her.”

“That’s a shocker. What does she want?”

Derek quirked an eyebrow and scanned the room. “Well, you’re not going to have to guess for much longer because she’s headed this way. Maybe she wants that five-pound weight in your hand.” Derek motioned.

I set the dumbbell down. “Try to act casual. I know that’s hard for you.”

Derek winked. “You got it, boss.”

“Excuse me,” the woman said when she grew near. “I couldn’t help but notice that you all look a little lost.”

Did I have a sign on my forehead? She wore black yoga pants and a purple bra top that showcased her generous cleavage. Of course her toned abs were on display too.

“Sometimes I jog too,” I whispered to Derek.

Derek flashed that sexy smile at her. “We’ve just joined.”

Did he have to be so charming?

She pointed at me. “Haven’t I seen you before?”

Had she seen my performance as Marilyn? Since I wore a wig, I doubted she would recognize me. Or did she think I looked like Morgan too?

I shook my head. “I don’t think we’ve met.”

She touched Derek’s arm. “If you need help, I’m a personal trainer. I work here and I can show you around.”

I just bet she could show Derek around. Was I invisible?

“I think we’ll be okay.” Was the frustration evident in my tone?

“You know, maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have someone show us the ropes.” Derek smiled. 

I would get him back for this.

The redhead clapped her hands together. “Great. We can set something up. I’ll get you my card and we can schedule something.” She looked me up and down. “I’ll be right back.”

When she strolled away I asked, “What are you doing? Can’t you be professional and not hit on her?”

Derek raked his hand through his hair. “I did nothing wrong. And if you’ll give me a second, I’ll explain. She works here. We need an in. She can give us information.”

I stared at him. Damn it. He was right. Never would I admit that to him though.

“Okay, but I’m not wearing workout gear like hers.”

A sly smile spread across his face. “Too bad.” Derek gestured toward the front desk. “Look, she’s talking to Steve now.”

Steve and the trainer glanced our way and I quickly averted my attention.

After a couple seconds, the woman bounced back. “My name’s Tabitha Gibson.” She handed Derek a card. “I have Wednesday evening available if that will work for you.”

Why did she not look at me when she spoke? Her attention was solely on Derek. He was good-looking, I got it. And evening? This wasn’t a date.

“That sounds great.” Derek took the card and looked around. I knew he was about to make his move. “This is a great gym. Do you own it?” Derek asked.

Tabitha chuckled. “No, he does.” She pointed toward Steve. “I mean, Morgan owns it, but Steve does all the work.”

I cast a look at Derek, but he was now watching Steve.

“Morgan is another trainer here?” Derek asked.

I hoped she didn’t get suspicious of Derek’s questions.

Tabitha frowned. “No, she just owns the place.”

“Sorry, we haven’t met her,” I said.

“She’s not around right now anyway.” Tabitha crossed her arms in front of her tiny waist.

I smiled. “Oh, maybe we can meet her soon.”

She scoffed. “I wouldn’t count on it.”

This time Derek looked at me.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“She’s busy, I guess. I’m not sure when she’ll be around again.” Tabitha glanced toward the front of the club again.

It sounded as if she knew more than Steve was telling us. She also seemed tired of answering our questions.

“Is she out of town?” I tried to sound casual.

Derek shifted from one foot to the other, looking uncomfortable, as if I was asking too many questions.

Tabitha slid her gaze toward Steve again. He was watching us. “I’m not sure where she is.” Tabitha fidgeted.

“It looks as if Steve has everything under control though,” Derek said.

Tabitha forced a smile. “Yes, he’s great. Anyway, I have to go. Call me.”

With that, she sashayed away. Her eyes had lit up every time she’d spoken Steve’s name. Apparently, he was a lot nicer to her than to us.

“We’re probably not going to get more info today. We should leave,” I said and took off toward the front of the gym.

Derek hurried beside me. “What’s going on in your head now? I can tell by the look in your eyes that you have another plan already.”

“I always have a plan.”

BOOK: What the Hex? (A Paranormal P.I. Mystery Book 1)
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