When Kat's Away [Sequel to Anna Doubles Down] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: When Kat's Away [Sequel to Anna Doubles Down] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Kat frowned. “Like what?”

Anna leaned back and put her feet up. “No tampons. Hell, it’s only been a little over two years since we could get disposable sanitary napkins, and I have to order them from St. Louis. No telephone, leastways not in this part of the country. And we can’t even send a telegraph unless we ride to Treasure City. That’s the closest telegraph office.

“There are no automobiles out here, although you could find it a little more civilized if you traveled to New York. There are no spas where you can get a bikini wax and a massage. Hell, just getting your legs shaved here is an exercise in perseverance. There’s no Pepsi, or Baskin Robbins, or Taco Bell. You’ve entered another dimension, my friend.”

Kat sighed and folded her arms across her stomach. “I keep thinking this is a dream and I’ll wake up.”

Anna moved closer and put her arm around her. “It’s not a dream, honey. I’ll do everything in my power to help you. I promise everything will be okay. Just trust me, please.”

The door opened, and David stuck his head in. “Is everything okay now?”

Kat stared at the handsome young man. “Yes, just needed to clarify a few things with your mother, but it’s all worked out now.”

He walked closer to the bed. “Are you feeling better?”

She nodded. “Yes, I’m feeling much better.”

He grinned. “Good. We want you to feel good.”

Win came in and moved to stand next to David. “We’ll do everything we can to make sure you’re comfortable.”

When Beau and Zeke walked in, Kat turned to Anna. “Do you live here?”

Anna shook her head. “No, we have a house down the street.”

“Am I gonna be staying with you?”

David took a step closer. “You can’t. They don’t have any spare rooms. They only have two bedrooms and my sister lives with them.”

Kat looked at Anna. “Your daughter lives with you?”

Zeke moved closer. “Yes, Eva still lives with us.” He glanced around the room. “This is actually a boarding house as well as a saloon. You’re welcome to a room here for as long as you want. The boys run things now, but Beau and I are still partners.”

“Absolutely. She can stay here as long as she wants,” David said.

Anna stood up. “Maybe she’d be more comfortable if she came home with us. We could always ask Eva to stay here for a while.”

Beau shook his head. “No, I’d rather not do that. That Canders feller—what’s his name?”

“Timothy,” said Zeke.

“Yeah, Timothy Canders has been pestering her, and she told me that he’s scared her a few times. I’d rather have her home where we can keep an eye on things.”

Anna frowned. “What kind of trouble has he been dishing out? He’d better leave my little girl alone.”

David snorted. “Ma, Eva is not a little girl. She’s twenty-three years old and already past the normal age for marrying. Maybe he wants to court her.”

“No daughter of mine is gonna be courted by anyone named Canders, and I don’t want to hear another word about it.” Anna scowled and looked away. “The boys are right. You’ll be comfortable here, Kat, and I’m only a few doors away. We can all have meals together and I’ll help you any way I can.” She looked at Beau. “We’re gonna need to make a shopping trip to Treasure City. Kat will need some clothes of her own. Mine are all going to be too big.”

“We can take her in a couple of days, after she has time to catch her breath.” Win moved closer. “We have an order coming in on the train that we need to pick up, anyway.” He turned to Beau. “Can you watch the Silver Rush for the day?”

“No problem, as long as you pick up some things for me and Zeke as well.”

Win slapped him on the back. “That we can do.” He turned to Kat. “Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat.”

She shook her head. “No, I just feel exhausted and I have a little bit of a headache.”

“Okay, everybody out.” Anna shooed everyone toward the door. “We’re gonna let her get some sleep.” She turned back to Kat. “There’s a thunder pot under the bed, or the privy’s out back. There’s a door at the end of the hall under the stairs that leads to it.”

Kat’s mouth dropped open. “A what pot? And is the privy what I shudder to think it is?”

David snickered. “If you need to relieve yourself, there’s a little building out back. Don’t worry. We keep it supplied in paper for you to clean yourself.”

Anna stifled a laugh. “Under the bed is a metal pot. If you need to go during the night, and you don’t want to go outside, just use the pot and put the cover back on. It can be emptied in the morning. And the privy is the same as the latrines in those Girl Scout camps we went to years ago.”

Kat closed her eyes. “I’m never going to the bathroom again.”

Beau laughed, and Kat opened her eyes to see him standing in the doorway. He held out a bundle to Anna. “Here, honey. I went back to the house and got Kat a nightgown. I figure you can find something for her to wear on the shopping trip yourself, but the gown ought to fit her.”

Anna took the bundle and handed it to Kat. “You should change out of your clothes so you can be comfortable. This’ll fit and we’ll get you some of your own things when you go to Treasure City.”

Kat took the gown and held it close to her chest. “Okay, I guess I should get some sleep now.” She gazed up at Anna. “I need some alone time, please. I need to process all this.”

Anna pointed toward the door. “Everyone out and nobody’s to disturb her for anything. If she needs something she’ll come looking for you.”

David turned back. “If you need anything just knock on the last door on the left.” He walked out with the other men.

Anna paused by the door. “Get some rest, Kat. I promise things will look better tomorrow.” She closed the door, leaving Kat alone.

She held the gown up to her face, inhaling the scent of sunshine and fresh air. The soft, slightly threadbare flannel had a small lace collar. She stripped off her shorts and shirt and then slid the gown over her body.

“Just my luck, the first guys in a long time to light any fires has to be my best friend’s son and his partner. It sounds like a damn movie of the week.”

She blew out the lamp and climbed between the crisp sheets. “I’m gonna close my eyes, and when they open, I’ll be in the hotel, sharing a room with Anna.”

Chapter 2


David walked into the room he shared with Win and quietly closed the door. “I can’t believe she’s here.” He admired Win’s smooth muscled chest as he started stripping off his clothes. His gaze wandered down past Win’s tapered waist to the full erection jutting from a nest of curly black hair. “Damn, you’re looking good. I love your hair like that.” Win’s hair was as black as night, long and silky over his shoulders.

Win dropped his clothes on the chair. “We’re going to have to back down some. Your mother was practically breathing fire tonight.”

“She’ll have to get over it. You know how long we’ve wanted Kat.”

“Since we were young boys. We saw her photograph and we’ve been obsessed with her ever since.” He walked over and took David’s arm. “You have to think about your mother’s feelings, David. She’s not going to be happy if we make a play for her best friend. In her mind, they are still the same age. She’s going to think it’s wrong for the three of us to be together.” He dropped his gaze to the floor. “David, are you going to want to make a life with her now?”

David studied his friend and lover and felt a cold chill. “Not without you. I’ve always imagined us a team, like Mom and my dads. I want you to love her too. Do you think that’s possible?”

“It’s more than possible. I’ve been staring at the same picture you stole from your mother’s wallet for over twenty years. I’ve had night visions of the three of us together. She’s been in my heart beside you for a long time.”

David moved closer and took Win in his arms. “Were the visions as good as the two of us together?”

“Nothing is as good as us.”

David gave Win a gentle kiss that grew deeper, their lips parting. The moment their lips met, Win’s tongue was pushing past his lips, demanding entry into his mouth, while his fingers tightened in David’s hair. He caught and sucked at Win’s tongue, relishing in his lover’s taste.

He felt Win’s lips against the skin on his neck as he pressed his groin against his thigh. “I want you naked, Win, and on this bed.” David began to unbutton his shirt as he watched Win go for the buttons on his own pants. “Stroke me through the fabric.”

Win cupped David’s bulging erection through the denim and squeezed. He leaned forward, his hot, wet mouth at David’s right nipple while David’s nimble fingers worked on his buttons. He tugged David’s shirt from his pants, his fingers sliding up his chest. David groaned as Win’s tickling fingers tangled with his chest hair. His breath caught when Win’s tongue dragged across his chest to give his other nipple the same treatment.

David trailed his hands down Win’s back, nipping at his lips. He nudged his fingers into the crease of Win’s ass, letting his fingertips play over his taut entrance. David could feel Win’s ass muscles clench. Win’s fingers hooked under the waistband of his pants and pulled down carefully, freeing his erection. His cock was fully erect, long, thick, and solid.

David looked down and ran his hand down Win’s rock-hard shaft and heard him groan. He began stroking the firm column of flesh in his hand, letting his thumb rake across the slit in the top.

“Don’t tease me,” begged Win.

David cupped Win’s soft sac, rolling it gently between his fingers. “You keep quiet. This is my show.” He smiled when Win’s eyes went dark with pleasure. He bent and closed his mouth over the head of Win’s cock.

“God, I love the feel of your mouth.” Win groaned deep in his chest.

David got to his knees and dragged his tongue up the underside in a long, slow swipe and then flicked it rapidly at the junction of the crown. His lips closed over the head, sucking long and hard.

“Damn, I’m going to come if you keep that up.”

David alternated between licking and running his mouth over the shaft of Win’s cock. He swallowed repeatedly, sucking and licking the pulsing length as Win continued slow, shallow thrusts into his mouth. Suddenly, he writhed and moaned, bucking hard against David’s mouth. His body began to quake.

“I’m gonna come,” Win cried.

“Come for me. Let me taste you,” David mumbled around Win’s cock. Then, his flavor exploded on David’s tongue, salty and male. “That’s it,” he whispered as he licked him clean. He let go of the semierect dick in his mouth and smacked Win’s butt. “Get on the bed, your knees underneath you and your ass in the air.”

David watched Win get into position and then leaned forward, pulling apart his cheeks and sliding his tongue around the puckered skin. David reached for the jar of Vaseline they kept on the table by the bed and coated one of his fingers. He gently slipped the oiled finger into Win while continuing to stroke his balls. Win moaned as David pushed in deeper. He cupped Win’s balls and squeezed then added another finger, working it in slowly with the first, scissoring them back and forth and loosening Win up.

“You’ve got such a tight, little hole. So damn good.”

Win chuckled, a deep masculine sound. “Come on. Don’t make me wait.”

David aligned the tip of his penis with Win’s hole and slowly pressed in until his balls snuggled up against his lover’s ass. He buried his mouth in Win’s neck, licking and sucking, his teeth nipping at the tender skin.

Impaled on David’s thick cock, Win groaned. “Such a good burn.”

“Oh, fuck, you’re so tight.”

By the time he’d worked his way completely in they were both shaking. His hips began thrusting slow and deep, his angle changing each time. David struggled to suppress the growing sensations that pulsed below his belly, wanting their union to last a long time. He fucked Win fast and hard, driving into him, and felt a large hand reach around his hip, squeezing his ass. Their lower bodies rocked together in a rhythmic wave, his balls drawing tight.

A moan escaped Win, escalating into a strident cry as he climaxed, hot semen shooting over his stomach and chest, his entire body jerking and rocking. The pain in David’s balls morphed into pleasure racking his body as seed shot from him. Pulse after pulse, he emptied into his lover’s body. Moaning, he pulled Win’s head around and pressed their lips together, his tongue flicking out.

Slowly, his senses returned to normal. David slowly slid from Win’s body and then pulled his lover onto the bed in a loose embrace. He pressed a kiss to Win’s forehead.

“Don’t move a muscle. I’ll be right back.” He rose from the bed and dampened a cloth in the pitcher of water on the washstand. He gently cleaned his lover and then himself before climbing back into the bed. He pulled Win close and rested his head on his arm. “I never want us to be apart, Win. You’re a part of me, and I’m not letting you go.”

Win let his fingers trail through David’s hair. “Rest easy, David. I’m not going anywhere. Tomorrow, we’ll start showing Kat how good we can make her life.”

David nodded. “Tomorrow,” he whispered.


* * * *


Kat’s eyes popped open, and she groaned. “Damn,” she whispered. “It wasn’t a dream.”

BOOK: When Kat's Away [Sequel to Anna Doubles Down] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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