Where There is Hope [Taos Wolven Mates 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Where There is Hope [Taos Wolven Mates 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Sooner or later, they would come across someone who would give their game away, and until they did, Hope decided she would play along. This was the chance of a lifetime. No matter how much it hurt her when it finally came to an end, she was determined to have fun while it lasted. After all, it wasn’t every day that a frumpy forty-eight-year-old got a chance to make it with two

She just needed to keep telling herself that they
men. If they wanted to pretend they were older than her, who was she to end their fantasy? Hell, if they were going to keep up this charade, there was no reason she couldn’t get a fantasy or two of her own fulfilled, was there?

After another hour of sharing a horse with Braxton, Hope was almost ready to scream. Every sway of the horse set her on edge. Every time he stumbled or hopped over a gully had her groin pressed tighter against Braxton’s hard length.

She wanted to turn around, to watch where they were going, but Braxton didn’t seem inclined to let her go and she was tired of arguing. If he wanted to hold her like this and torture them both, she would help him.

With a secret smile she hid against his chest, Hope snuggled closer, lifted her legs and wrapped them around him. If they insisted on playing this game, Hope was determined to play it to the max.

Braxton groaned when the heat of her nether parts rested against his cock. She almost giggled when it throbbed beneath her until he leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

“You’re playing with fire, baby.”

His words sent shivers through her. When was the last time anyone had called her baby in such a sexy tone of voice? Hope wasn’t sure anyone ever had. Bob certainly hadn’t. Her ex’s voice had been more whiney than sexy at any given time. The thought made her frown. Why hadn’t she noticed that before?

Deciding to take a giant leap, Hope leaned forward and pulled his earlobe into her mouth. “I’m counting on it,” she whispered in his ear. If they really wanted to share her, they could start right now as far as she was concerned. It wasn’t as though she could get pregnant. However, the thought of disease scared her, and she didn’t think they would own up to the fact that they were human and agree to use a condom.

With the decidedly strange direction her life had gone over the last few hours, Hope resolved herself to the fact that, for whatever reason, these two
men had kidnapped her. They could make things pleasant for her or unpleasant. Since she couldn’t stop herself from imagining them all in bed together, she hoped they meant to make things pleasant. Who knows? She might just enjoy herself. How many times had she lain in bed, alone, wishing for some handsome man to sweep her off her feet since Bob left? Here she was with two. She was living the fantasy. What was wrong with grabbing onto the proverbial brass ring for once?

She closed her eyes with a sigh, finally giving in to the impulse to be spontaneous for once in her life. Just this once she wouldn’t be Hopeful Ackerman, prude. Just this once, she would step up and do the wild thing. Literally.

Braxton groaned when she stuck her tongue in his ear. She smiled, thinking of all the ways she could drive him wild before they reached town and before he could find a place where they could be alone.

Her eyes widened then closed when he reached beneath her skirt to press his thumb against her clit. Arrows of delight shot straight to her womb. Her nipples drew tighter as they rubbed against his hard chest and she bit her lip, reaching for her second orgasm on horseback today.

One thing was certain, if they weren’t as old as they claimed, they had the patience of men who were ancient when it came to self-gratification. As far as she knew, neither of them had a release yet today and now, she thought as she screamed against Braxton’s muscular chest, she’d had two in the last couple of hours. On horseback no less!

After her second release of the day, Hope reached between them and freed Braxton from the confines of his jeans. She didn’t know what she planned. She only knew she had the most urgent need to give as good as she got.

Wrapping her fist around his hard shaft, she moved her hand up and down its smooth length. This was what had been missing in her life. This spontaneity. Bob never would have made her come outside. Hell, she could barely get him to do it in the bedroom.

“I shouldn’t do this.” Braxton closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. “Hell, two of my friends have just been murdered and all I can think of is how long will it be before I can sheathe myself within your tight cunt.”

Hope moaned as he breathed the words in her ear. She loved it when a man talked dirty to her as they made love. Something about it turned her on more than she’d thought possible. It was another first. A small giggle escaped when she thought of that.

“What’s so funny, love?”

“I just realized something.” She moaned when Braxton stuck his tongue in her ear. “I have had more sexual firsts in the last few hours than I had in my entire marriage.” She shivered when his expert lips trailed from her ear to move down over her throat. “I suppose that should have told me something, but how can you miss what you have never had?”

“There are going to be a
of firsts with us, baby.” Braxton grasped her by the waist, picked her up, and brought her breast to his greedy mouth.

Hope gasped. She wrapped her arms around his neck, cupped the back of his head and held him to her. It wasn’t until he reached between them, broke the scrap of material between her legs, and lowered her down over his massive hard-on, that she realized what he’d had in mind.

“We can’t do this here!” She hissed the words in his ear. This wasn’t what she had planned. She’d wanted to tease him for a bit, get to know him a little better before they did this.

“Why not?” Braxton looked at her, gave her one of those wolfish grins, and urged his horse into a canter.

“Good God, Braxton! You’re going to kill me.”

Chapter Ten


“No, baby. Killing you isn’t what I had in mind, though I hope you experience something that takes you to heaven, for at least a little while.”

Braxton smiled down into Hope’s face. She looked so beautiful as they cantered, his cock buried deep within her flesh, the horse unknowingly doing most of the work as they moved along.

Not once in the time that they lived here on this world had this idea crossed his mind, but then he hadn’t had sex for several years before they arrived here on Earth. It had stopped appealing to him about seventy years ago. After two hundred years or so, sex just held no appeal. Some wolves lost the urge faster than others, but the result always remained the same.

He didn’t want their first time to be like this. He’d wanted to take his time, love her, make her his slowly so she would know how much they cherished her. He hadn’t wanted to take her like this, so fast and furious that he would burn out in a matter of minutes.

He had wanted to take his time undressing her, peeling each layer of clothing from her succulent body like the paper wrapping from a gift. He’d wanted to taste her pert nipples and feel them grow harder in his mouth.

Mostly, though, he’d wanted to bury his head deep between her thighs and lap at her thick cream. His mouth practically watered as he wondered if she would taste as sweet as she smelled.

Already he could feel her walls clamping tight around his cock, his balls drawing tight against his body as he continued his wild ride toward his first orgasm in a long, long time. He hadn’t wanted it like this, but he was old enough to realize that one didn’t always get what one wanted.

This intense desire for Hope was something he hadn’t counted on. This wonderful, all-consuming need to feel his cock balls-deep inside a woman, his woman, had come as a complete surprise. The realization hit him like a locomotive when she’d released his engorged shaft from the confines of his pants. All bets were off when Hope wrapped her tight fist around his erection and slid her fingers up and down its hard length.

Braxton watched the emotions chase across her face at each deep stroke as they cantered over the countryside. Every time the horse landed, each time she slammed down onto his thighs, her tight channel gripping his flesh felt like a little slice of heaven.

Using his wolven strength, Braxton leaned her back in his arms, all the while helping her move over him. He watched as her face flushed with desire, her beautiful blue eyes glazed over, and her mouth opened and closed a few times as though unable to form words.

Wine-red hair flew around them as her wet, silken walls clamped around his cock, pulling against his flesh every time he lifted her up, only to slam her back down over him, driving him deeper and deeper into her waiting flesh.

When Hope closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip, Braxton knew it was time. Still supporting her with one arm, he reached between them and thrummed her clit.

Hope screamed as he fucked her, his cock jerking inside her. His balls drew tight against him, and he howled. With his cock buried deep inside Hope, his world drew down to this one moment in time, this one woman, and he came. His wolf had finally found its mate, and buried deep in its mate’s tight cunt, he’d found his home.

Braxton drew her forward, letting her rest against his chest as he slowed Diablo to a walk. He held her to him as her breath returned to normal and he’d regained control of his wolf that was ready to go and wanted another round. Somehow, he knew Hope wasn’t ready. This had been too much for her too soon. He could never regret taking her the way he did because it felt too right. However, he knew that some part of Hope still believed they were barely men, young enough to be her children.

The scent of her exhaustion and guilt rolled off her in waves along with the sweet smell of her arousal and the orgasms he’d given her. She’d come like a woman unused to the act. What a useless man she had married that he had never seen to her pleasure first.

He sighed when he spotted the town in the distance, knowing he must disturb his mate so she could straighten her clothing and turn around in front of him before they had witnesses. He knew that she would never forgive herself, or him, if anyone besides Joran saw them in their compromising position.

Pressing his lips against her ear, he whispered, “Wake up, baby.” He smiled when she shivered and shook her head.

“I can’t. I think I’m dying.”

“Well, sweetheart, I don’t mind the way you’re sitting, but you might scandalize the townsfolk when we get to town.”

Hope sat upright, her spine ramrod straight. “Oh, no! She reached up, trying to smooth her wild hair. “I can’t let anyone see me like this!”

Struggling, she attempted to turn herself around and growled with frustration when her dress tangled around her. “Damn dresses! I hate dresses. If I never see another dress as long as I live it will be too soon.”

With a chuckle, Braxton lifted her and helped her turn around in the saddle.

“I don’t know how you do that.” She glanced back at him. “You’re much stronger than you look.”

“It’s the wolven in me.”

“Yeah, right,” she said with a snort.

“Why can you not believe what you have seen with your very eyes, Hope?” He didn’t understand how she could continue to deny what they were when she had seen the evidence of it for herself.

“Because you gave me something that knocked me unconscious, and I refuse to believe that I wasn’t hallucinating on some drug when you kidnapped me.” She reached up and tried to put her hair in order again. The long red mass fought her attempts, falling around her face in long spiral curls.

“Just because I decided to have a fling with you two while I’m here doesn’t mean that I believe everything you’ve told me.”

“You’ve decided to have a fling with us, huh?” Joran asked with a grin as he reined in his horse to fall into step beside Diablo.

“Crap.” She gave Joran a sideways glance. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”

“I heard everything, baby.” He waggled his brows. “I love the way you make those little noises just before you come.”

“Shut up.” Her face turned red as she glared at Joran. “Just shut up.”

Chapter Eleven


Hope sat in front of Braxton, her face burning with mortification. What had come over her in the last few hours? Had she gone insane, or was she just dreaming all of this was happening to her?

If only this was all a dream, she could chalk it up to having some sort of strange wet dream and forget any of this ever happened. Somehow, though, she knew it was real. Somehow she
somewhere out west with these two strange and beautiful men, and she had suddenly turned into some sort of floozy.

There was no way to explain what happened to her other than these two men kidnapped her. Yet if that was the case, why didn’t she
kidnapped? She felt a lot of things, but kidnapped wasn’t one of them. She felt cherished, accepted, wanted and above all, for the first time in her life, she felt totally satisfied.

Was it because Braxton knew what the hell he was doing with a woman or was it because of that strange mystic
they spoke of? Did she really belong with these two men?

Hope snuck a glance at Joran with his muscular build, dark hair with sky-blue eyes. For a minute, she stared at his perfect, young face. What could they possibly want with her other than uncommitted sex? After all, she didn’t
want to spend the rest of her life with two men who were young enough to be her sons, did she? How long would it be before they got tired of her like Bob did? How long before their eyes began to stray while they were out together and how long would it take before they started sleeping with younger, prettier women?

BOOK: Where There is Hope [Taos Wolven Mates 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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