Who Do You Love?: Trapped in Love with a Thug (5 page)

BOOK: Who Do You Love?: Trapped in Love with a Thug
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I was devastated and he told me he just didn’t want to hurt her feelings but the damage was already done.  I stopped talking to him for about a month, but I just couldn’t get him off my mind and it made it easier for me to hit him up when I saw an Instagram post of him saying that he was single.

I guess he was right when he said it wouldn’t last.  He was happy to hear from me and told me that he was sorry over and over again before I finally believed him.  I should’ve known then that he was a no good nigga but I gave him a shot anyways. 

We started dating and I thought I was in love.  We were the shit in my high school.  We were everyone’s Relationship Goals.  I thought that I could finally change him to not be a hoe anymore.  But I guess once a hoe ass nigga always a hoe ass nigga. 

I had only had sex with my first and I didn’t want to go down that road anymore for a while, so I never wanted to have sex with Michael.  He acted like he was cool with it for a while but he started to change.  We did other things like, I sucked his dick all the time and he ate my pussy, but that was as far as it went.

It’s not like I gave him hope that we would fuck anytime soon.  I let him know that we weren’t fucking until I was ready, from the jump.  He started pressuring me but when he saw that I was sticking to my guns, is when everything went downhill. 

He started fucking with this freshman bitch named Kaleena and would always lie to me about it.  One day he even came to my house with hickeys on his neck and the bitch’s jacket on, looking like a damn faggot with that tight ass shit on.  He was fucking her and blatantly disrespecting me.

I went to visit Tanesha one day after school and I asked her to take me by her house because I saw him driving with Kaleena in his car.  Of course, Tanesha did it because she was always TTG. 

I went in his room to see him fucking the bitch and I was so hurt.  I fucked both of them bitches up and was afraid to love ever since then.

Just listening to her tell me that story made me want to go find this nigga, Michael and fuck his ass up. That’s when I realized how much I actually cared about her. 

I never wanted to hurt her; she didn’t deserve to be hurt again.  I was so deep in thought I didn’t even realize that we had made it to the house already.  We got out the car and headed inside.  As soon as I saw my baby, my blood started to boil.  She had a bruise on her pretty makeup free face, and Tanesha had a couple scratches on her face.  They had to have gotten into a fight with someone and I had a feeling who that someone was.

“Baby, what the fuck happened to your face!” Ace yelled at Tanesha before I could even get a word out.  We didn’t play about what belonged to us and it seemed as though niggas kept fucking with just that.

Tanesha just looked at Mo and said, “I think that Mo and Brandon need to talk in privacy.  The food is almost ready baby, so let’s go upstairs and get you cleaned up for dinner.”  I couldn’t help but to notice that Tanesha was getting a little thicker. 
I guess my nigga Ace been putting it down on her
, I laughed to myself. 

I looked at my baby Mo and searched her eyes for the answer that I already had in mind.  From the way she was looking, I already knew that it was that bitch Tyesha.

“Who the fuck is Tyesha?” she yelled.  I fucking knew it.  That was a dead bitch walking, I knew that, too.  She would be murked sooner rather than later. “The bitch came in my shop talking that shit saying that you her man and whatnot.  She was popping off at the mouth until Tanesha popped her in the mouth and whooped her ass.  The security got T off of her but then she started talking that shit to me and she obviously didn’t know how I got down, so I went toe to toe with the hoe and whooped her ass some more. Then she got carried out, talking about she gonna fuck me up the next time that she saw me.

I took her hand and sat her down to tell her about it, and hopefully she doesn’t get mad at me anymore than she already is.

“Baby, that is a hoe that I used to fuck with a while ago.  She just can’t let me go so she always pops ups when I get with another person.  Don’t worry though, you know I don’t play about mine, so it’s handled.  And baby, I promise you will never have to worry about a thing anymore,” I told her and from the look in her eyes, I knew that she believed me.

I took her face gently in my hands and looked at the bruise on her face, gently rubbing it with my fingers.  I kissed the bruise then made my way to her lips.  Her eyes started to water but I couldn’t have my woman crying.  I kissed the tears off of her face then took her into the guest room that was down the hall.  I knew we were about to eat dinner but I wanted to eat dessert first.

I pulled off her jumpsuit and my dick jumped as I saw her fat pussy.  I loved when it was so fat that the panties she wore didn’t even cover it all the way.  I sucked and licked her nipples one by one, careful to show them each an equal amount of attention.  She didn’t like her titties but I was never a tittie man, so her B-cups didn’t bother me.  I made my way down to her belly button and licked and blew on it.  I started down to her wet heaven and she sat up and said, “Nope! You on punishment for tonight!” 

I looked at her in shock because she loved head and always asked me for it, so for her to turn it down, I knew that she was still feeling some type of way. So, I knew to leave her alone for the moment.  Hell, I couldn’t even be mad because I should’ve handled Tyesha’s ass a long time ago. 

She was always catching a nigga slipping but I bet that would be the last time.

Chapter 10


“So you gone tell me what the fuck happened?” my baby asked. I know he was already pissed about the whole DeShon thing and I left this out while we were on the phone purposely so that he wouldn’t say anything to Brandon before Mo had a chance to talk to him. I could only hope that they are working everything out with that situation.

“Baby, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you because I wanted them to talk first.  This bitch named Tyesha came out to Mo’s shop talking about you fucking with my man this that and the third.  She was calling Mo all out her name and shit and you know that I don’t play that, so I got tired of the hoe talking and just hit the bitch. She called herself tryna fight back so we started fighting and I whooped her ass.  Simple as that,” I said to him.  I could still see the anger written on his face and I could tell that he was not happy with my ass but so what.

Ever since we were younger, I have always been overprotective of Mo and I always would be, so he can either get with it or get lost.  Lately my emotions have been everywhere and it ain’t nothing to cut a nigga off.

“Did you say Tyesha?” was all Ace said.  If looks could kill that motherfucker would be dead right now.  How the fuck does he know that bitch Tyesha?  Before I could ask him, out of nowhere I got this bad ass migraine. I’m talking bad as fuck!  So I told him let’s go downstairs and eat because I figured that’s why I was getting a migraine; I hadn’t eaten all day.

We went downstairs just in time to see Mo and Brandon coming out our guest room.  I laughed to myself. Mo was a horny bitch.  “So y’all just gone fuck in our guest room without our permission?” I said to them.

“Ain’t nobody fucking, bitch!  He wanted a taste and I told his ass no!” Mo said. I guess she was still pissed.  Scratch that, I knew she was pissed because that bitch didn’t turn down receiving or giving head ever.  She loved head.  So I wondered what happened between them.

I hoped like hell that they were still together because I knew how much they loved each other and I know that he is the one for her even though he had a hoe come up to our place of business.  I wanted to get to the bottom of this shit so I could know if I had to beat Miss Tyesha’s ass yet again.

Before I said anything, I made everyone’s plates and drinks because like I said, I was having a bad migraine and the faster I ate the faster my headache would disappear.  We all sat at the table and started eating.  After I was satisfied with a few bites, I decided to go ahead and ask what happened. 

“So wassup B? Who is this bitch Tyesha and do I have to beat her ass again?” I started off.

“First of all, you ain’t getting into any more fights while you with me,” Ace had the nerve to say.  Shit I wanted to fight him!

“Anyways, who is she?” I ignored Ace and asked again.

“Well, tell her! Don’t be quiet now,” Mo said.

“She is this hoe I used to fuck way back when, and then I stopped fucking with her years ago.  Now, every time I start fucking with a new bitch, she always pops up on some Kathy shit.  But to answer your question T, no, you do not have to beat her ass again because I got her handled.  I’m sick of her ass popping up trying to ruin shit.  I’ll be damned if she ruins what I got going on with Mo.  I love her too much to lose her,” Brandon said.  I believed him but I couldn’t help but wonder if the dick was that good he had bitches stalking him.

I saw Mo smile when he said that, so I knew that she wouldn’t be mad for long and that’s good.  I’m glad that she is in a happy relationship, especially after that nigga Michael.  I wonder if she told him.  She probably did though.

“Okay, that’s good.  Mo and I had to beat that hoe’s ass earlier.  You should’ve seen it.  And shut up, Ace! I will fight whoever the fuck I want to and if you say something crazy like that again, my next victim may be your ass,” I said and we all laughed and finished our dinner like a big family, not even knowing that we were being watched.


Guess who it is!  Yeah, I’m still alive and now I’m showing my face.  Following Tanesha and Mo is one of the smallest things that I am going to be doing.  Oh yeah, I got it in for them.  I know that y’all are probably thinking I’m a bitch for fucking with them, but so what.

That bitch ass nigga gone steal my girl and shoot me?  I got something for they asses.  I loved Tanesha and she took her love away from me and gave it to the next nigga.  Now, I’m gonna take what she loves and see how she likes that.

Chapter 11


Rinnggg, Ringggg!

I woke up and turned off my alarm.  I quietly got up so that I wouldn’t wake Ace up.  He was not a morning person at all and I did not feel like hearing his mouth about how I don’t need to go to work today or ever. 

He always is talking about how I need to stop working and how he is gonna take care of me for the rest of my life. But I didn’t have no ring on my finger and I was too independent for that.  If he wanna take care of me for the rest of my life, that’s fine, but I didn’t have the time to be waiting on a man for money.  Nahh, I’m good on that.

I ran the water in the Jacuzzi tub and started to pour my Bath and Body Works Amber Blush into it.  As soon as I poured it in there, I got nauseous and ran to the toilet to throw up.  I can’t wait until all this shit with DeShon was over with because it had me feeling all crazy and shit.

I went and got in the tub. I needed to relax and it felt so damn good.  My back had been hurting lately because this is just what I needed. I started thinking about Valentine’s Day because I knew it was coming up.  I was actually excited for this Valentine’s Day because I’m with someone new, who actually cared about me.  DeShon didn’t like Valentine’s Day because he thinks that it’s just a dumb ass holiday that women made up to get gifts.
What a dumb ass
, I thought while washing myself off.   I couldn’t stay in there long because I had to get to work, but me and this Jacuzzi would be meeting again and that’s for sure.

I got out, washed my face, brushed my teeth and applied some makeup.  I owned a salon and to work there, you always had to be beat for the gawds.  My salon was like a beauty bar. We had people that does your makeup, you can get your lash extensions, nails done, and your waxing done as well.  It was a store for women who loved to be pampered.

I tried to put on this Balenciaga dress, but the shit was too small.  “What the fuck?” I said to myself.  First I’m throwing up and now I’m gaining weight.  Yeah, this nigga had to go.  I couldn’t risk my sexiness for him.

I put on another jumpsuit from Mo’s clothing line it was cute and comfortable.  I put on some Red Bottoms and parted my hair down the middle and made it bone straight.  Yes, your girl was looking right. Now on to work.

I turned out the bathroom and ran right into the love of my life.

“Good morning, baby. You look good, mama,” he said to me and I smiled.

“Good morning to you too, daddy.  I’m headed to work so you go back to sleep,” I said to him.  He looks so damn good in the morning. 

“Baby, why don’t you stay home today, I got a surprise for you.  You know Valentine’s Day is tomorrow.”  I rolled my eyes.  See, he always wanted me to stay home from work.  He was right, Valentine’s Day was tomorrow which is why I needed to go to work because this is one of our busiest times.  I was already late because of him and I hated being late to work. How was I supposed to be the owner and tell them to be on time if I wasn’t on time? 

“How about this, if we finish all our appointments on time then I will leave early for my surprise, baby.  You know I don’t like missing work,” I said and he sighed heavily.  I hated making him sad but shit, I love my job.  I love what I do, man.

“Okay baby,” he said and gave me a kiss goodbye.

I went outside and jumped in Ace’s car because he was taking mine to get an oil change, and was off to Arlington.  I wondered what he had in store for me.  My first appointment wasn’t until 10:30 AM so I was going to check in with them and make sure that everything was okay and take Mo with me to pick our men out something for Valentine’s Day.

When I got there, the little bitch wasn’t even there.  She opened up her shop and left.  She didn’t even text me or anything this morning, to let me know what was going on. 

Oh bitch you couldn’t let me know that you wasn’t coming in today?
I texted her.

Lol, my bad T.  I will be there later on today,
she replied.

Well, since she won’t be here, I guess I can go get my man’s gifts all alone.  I’ll probably get done faster anyways.  Before I left, I made sure that the customers were all checked in and I told Chanel, one of my workers, that I would be back in a moment.  I headed to the Rolex store to buy Ace a big face.  He loves watches; I noticed that he collects them so I want to add to his collection.  I also bought him a few outfits as well. After I finished, I headed to put the stuff in the trunk and made my way to my client.

“Hey girl, how are you?” I asked my client.

“I’m fine, just trying to hurry up today,” she responded with an attitude.  That’s one thing that I hated about working customer service jobs, you get rude customers from time to time.

“Okay, what look are you going for?” I asked trying to hurry up too, ‘cause I was not trying to deal with a smart mouth for more than 30 minutes.

“I want a bold red lip—that’s for sure. Surprise me with the rest,” she said.  I loved when my clients trusted me enough to let me do my magic.  I primed her face and went to work.  I gave her a bold winged eyeliner to go with the bold red lip. I showed her and she loved it.  I took that attitude right off her face.  She actually looked really pretty. 

“Oh my God! Thank you so much Tanesha!  It’s so pretty.  I look good! Wait until my man sees me!” she cried.  That’s why I loved my job.  I loved making my clients happy and making them feel good about themselves.

She paid and left then I did the rest of my clients.  It was around 3 PM when Ace walked into my store, looking good as fuck.  Every time I see this man I remember how much I just love his ass.

“Hey baby, let’s go, we got a flight to catch.” I looked at him like he was stupid.  What the hell was he talking about?

“Umm, what do you mean?” I asked.

“What part of ‘we got a flight to catch’ don’t you understand? Now come outside, the car is waiting on us and I don’t want to hear any back talk.”

“Nigga, who you thi—” I started and he picked me up in his arms and kissed me.  He took my arms and walked me out the store.

“Chanel, lock up today!” I managed to say before I walked out of the store.

As we were walking out, I saw Mo smiling at me.  So this heifer knew about this the whole time.  That’s why she didn’t want to see me because she knew she would’ve spilled the beans.  My friend is more loyal to my man than me and I hate that. 

We made it outside and what I saw blew my mind. 


“Baby! No you didn’t!” Tanesha screamed as she saw her early gift waiting outside.  She ran to it and was smiling from ear to ear. 

“You really listen to me,” she said smiling.  Of course I listened to her.  I’m a listener.  I always sit back and really listen to my baby, and that’s how I knew that she really wanted this gift.  I remember her telling me about this about a month ago so I decided to make it happen.  Her wish is my command.

I took her Mercedes G-Wagon and turned it inside out.  The exterior paint was lavender and the inside was all black.  Her tires were black with lavender lining around.  The shit was nice!  I knew she would love it and I managed to get it done in a couple of days.  I would do anything to see this smile on her face.

“Do you like it?” I asked her already knowing the answer to my question.  She shook her head yes.

“I’m going to get our driver to take it home babe, because we really do have a flight to catch,” I told her.

“Baby, thank you so much!  I really love it and thank you for listening to me.  I love you so much baby! Where are we going?” she asked.  If she thought for one second that I was going to tell her where we were going, she thought wrong. I was taking her to Paris for Valentine’s Day.  She always talked about wanting to go there and go shopping so like I said, her wish is my command. 

“You’ll see when we get there,” I told her.  I wasn’t giving away any details to her nosy ass.

We made it to the airport just in time.  We didn’t have any bags; she had a fit with that one.  She never just listens to what I say; she always has to back talk me. She always wants to know why and that kills me because I always end up telling her, but not this time.

“Close your eyes and go to sleep baby, we have a long flight ahead of us,” I told her.  Today was a very special day for us and I had a lot of things planned for her.  Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday.  I love to see smiles on my loved ones faces.  I feel like Valentine’s Day is a day to really show how much you love and appreciate your partner and that’s exactly what I planned on doing today and the rest of the week that we are here.

“Baby, I don’t want to go to sleep just yet.  I have something else in mind,” she said as she slowly walked over to me smiling.

“Oh shit, really mama?” I asked as I watched her kneel between my legs and lick her lips.  One thing that I really loved about my woman was that she really knew how to please her man and she loved to suck dick more than she liked to have sex.  You don’t find many women like that in the world today.  They always want to get their pussy licked but never wanted to return the favor, but not Tanesha.  She would suck my dick all day if I let her freaky ass. 

“Just sit back and relax, daddy,” she told me, and I did just that.  She unbuckled my belt, pulled out my dick, and went to work.  She didn’t even have to get me hard I was hard since we got on the plane. 

She slowly started sucking my balls and I got even harder. I didn’t even know that was possible considering I was already rock hard.  She licked up the shaft and that shit had a nigga going crazy. She reached the top and then sucked my head like it was the last time she would ever do it.  I don’t know what has gotten into her but I’m loving it.  She was slowly sucking the whole thing and I didn’t know how long I was going to last.

“Sir, would yo—” The stewardess walked in about to ask something just as I was about to nut, and Tanesha was so wrapped up in what she was doing she didn’t even notice her. “I’m sorry; let me know if you need me,” she said and quickly walked away. I laughed and pulled Tanesha’s head up.  She was about to get the favor returned.

I pulled off her jumpsuit. I hated when she wore them things in times like this when I wanted to get to her fast.  She smiled an apology when she saw my face scowl up; she knew that I hated those things when I’m trying to get my feast on.  I laughed and sat her on my face and went to work, until she came three times. I sucked it all up then laid her on my chest as we quickly fell asleep.

BOOK: Who Do You Love?: Trapped in Love with a Thug
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