Wild Darkness (A Bound By Magick Novel) (10 page)

BOOK: Wild Darkness (A Bound By Magick Novel)
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Chapter 10

waited to see if she was on board and she didn’t argue, thank the heavens.

She was hurt and he wanted to go slow, reined himself in the best he could as he got to his knees and started to pull his shirt off.

But he should have known Helena would have her own ideas. Quicker than he’d expected, she grabbed his wrist, moving to get to her knees facing him. “No. I want to.”

She leaned in close, breathing him in at his neck, sending gooseflesh skittering over his skin. After he’d laid himself bare before her, after he’d seen those walls of hers break and the tears come, he needed this more than he could articulate. Needed to connect with her on a whole new level.

“Have at it.” Even to his own ears, his words were breathy and a little shaky. She rendered him into a nervous, needy mass. Even with Lydia it hadn’t been like this.

She pulled his shirt up and off, tossing it to the side, skimming her palms over his chest. “I love these.” She pressed kisses over his marks. “Four hundred years of your life, all over your skin.”

With each major achievement in a Lycian’s life, he or she received ink from the family elders, turning each Lycian into a walking record of their honor and service. He and his siblings were the most marked in Lycia other than their father. He wore his skin with a great deal of pride. That she found it beautiful only made him want to preen for her gaze.

That she
just how much it meant made him rejoice that he’d found this female.

She traced over the trails of ink. Over dates and words, over animals and maps, kissing here and there as she did. It was difficult not to push her back and feast on her skin, but he managed to hold still, his beast taking over and standing proudly for her to examine him.

“Your body is ridiculous.” She looked up into his gaze, a smile marking her lips.

He didn’t resist the urge to dip and take a taste of her mouth, his fingers sliding through her hair, taking it down from the ponytail. He breathed her in, the scent of her hair, of her skin, of everything that made her. His beast stirred, satisfied, but demanding more.

“Ridiculous bad or ridiculous good?”

She laughed, her head tipping back, and he feasted on the line of her neck, warm and supple skin, heavy with her scent and the tang of her magick.

“So, even four-hundred-year-old males who look like you do fish for compliments?”

“Only from the most beautiful women in the world.”

He unbuttoned her blouse and eased it away from her body, pausing to take in the sight of the pale silk camisole she wore underneath. “You have marks too?” He figured she would. He knew her sister had them; he’d seen them when she’d come to Lycia for the binding ceremony and had worn a backless gown.

She hummed her delight as he kissed her shoulders and over to her neck. “Yes. Lark and I wanted to honor all the big moments. It sort of became a competition to see who got what tattoo first.”

“You and your sister are very competitive.” He brushed his fingertips over a scar on her side and another on her upper arm.

“Rogue wolf,” she gasped as he licked over the inside of her arm, at the elbow.

“And where is that wolf today?”


He smiled against her skin. So fierce. “You should probably know up front just how sexy I find it when you say such things.”

He pulled the right strap down, kissing to her elbow, then followed up with the left. But he leaned back, speechless after he’d pulled the camisole free of her body and she knelt there, her upper body in nothing but her bra. And the beginnings of a wash of bruises. He’d be angry about that later.

“We’ve competed at everything I can remember since we were little kids. Never in a mean-spirited way. I’ve always felt that we push each other to be our best. Sometimes we manage to do it right.”

“You and I are going to have to discuss this guilt you seem to carry over things you can’t possibly really be guilty for. After.”

His annoyance at her self-blame dissolved like smoke as he took her in. Long and lean, fit. Layers of muscle defined her upper arms. Her tits were freaking magnificent in a barely there wisp of a pale blue bra.

“I don’t say a lot, but fifty thousand pages of poetry could be written about you.”

The harsher edges of need on her features eased into a flattered smile. And a blush.

“Do you know I can smell you when you blush?” He slid his thumbs over her nipples through the bra and she arched into his touch.


He popped the hooks at the back and removed the bra, exposing all that glorious tawny skin to his gaze. “Am I distracting you?” He gently laid her back on the bed, pulling the soft pants from her long-as-sin legs. Her panties were in the boy-short style, accentuating her belly and thighs and most likely her ass.

But she’d have to stand up for him to see and he didn’t want that. Not right then. He pulled her underpants from her, leaving her totally naked.

“When you blush it heats your skin and your scent rises. I’ve never smelled anything like you before. Your magick smells like snowflakes and pomegranate. And sex. Heaven help me, when you heat up my beast wants to drop to his knees and worship you.”

“Wow, you’re lethal with your mouth.”

He laughed, loving the way her gaze never left his hands at his waistband as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and shimmied from them and his shorts.

“I haven’t even begun to show you just how talented I am with my mouth.”

She sucked in a breath. “I can’t wait.”

Helena knew, somewhere in the back of her mind, the place she was actively ignoring, that having sex with Faine was a monumentally bad idea.

But he was too much. Big and tall, broad shouldered. Covered in ink and muscles and tight skin. She sighed happily as she took him in. He smiled, knowing she was objectifying him. Totally digging it, and who was she to judge? The way his gaze ate up every bit of her body thrilled her to her toes.

He kissed her slow and deep, his lips were sure and gentle. At first. But once he lay against her, skin to skin, he hissed as she arched. His skin was hot, nearly scalding hers, and yet she couldn’t get more. Her magick seemed to wake and radiate outward in a way that left her dizzy.

And that gentle, sure kiss deepened. He’d teased her mouth open but now he took. Demanded more as his tongue slid into her mouth, sliding against hers. She held on, her nails digging into the skin of his back, urging him closer.

He growled. Like, really growled. His beast making itself known, and she hadn’t had any idea how much she’d like it.

But she really,
liked it. There was something dangerous about what lurked just beneath the smooth, debonair surface of this male. That she had no fear at all he’d ever use it to harm her was . . .
to say the least.

He’d made the comment that she knew they’d have awesome sexytimes and he’d been right. She’d had the feeling it would be combustible. But this was something else. The way not only her body reacted, but her magick rose to meld with his, wasn’t something she’d experienced before.

His mouth left hers, cruising down her jaw, pausing at the hollow of her throat, licking over the skin there until she made a sound she had no idea she could make.

More kisses. Down over each breast, down her belly, those big hands pressed her thighs wide open and he took a long lick. And then another. Over and over and he did, indeed, show her just how talented he was with his mouth.


She was still shaking with her second climax when he slid the head of his cock through her and then barely inside.

Her lethargy was replaced by renewed need.

“More.” She rolled her hips, taking a bit more of him.

to take it slow, but you’re making it hard.”

She laughed, opening her eyes so she could look up at him.

“What are you laughing at?”

“I’m supposed to make it hard. That’s the point.”

He got it, laughing, bending to kiss her quickly. “Funny.”

“You can tell if I’m, um, fertile and stuff, right? Lark said you guys have some sort of Spidey-sense about that.”

“Spidey-sense? Like the comic book?” He shook his head. “You’re very fertile. So fertile it’s a struggle not to sniff you all the time. But you’re not in a time of your cycle when you can get pregnant.”

“This is a weird conversation. Fuck me instead.”

He grinned and pressed all the way inside until she gave him a low moan. “Your wish is mine to make a reality.”

He really was good with words.

But even better with his body.

She wrapped her thighs around his waist and grabbed two handfuls of his rock-hard ass and held on as he kept his thrusts deep and slow. She tried to speed him up, but he simply gave her a raised brow and did exactly what he wanted.

She’d probably never admit it out loud, but it was hot when he was that way.

Time seemed to stretch until there was nothing but the feel of him inside her, his weight against her, the scent of his skin, of clean sweat and sex. There was only Faine and Helena, and she liked that more than she wanted to really think on deeply.

“I think I’m ready,” he murmured as he began to speed up. He changed his angle and suddenly each thrust brushed the length of his cock over her clit and built her up again until she came once more, so hard her teeth tingled. He snarled and followed, capturing her mouth as he climaxed with a long groan.

seemed totally redundant, but she found herself sighing it as he pulled her close, burying his face in her hair. She felt the curve of his lips against her neck as he smiled.


•   •   •

tapped on her door a few minutes later and Helena was glad she’d had the time to get dressed again. Though Faine still lounged in her bed and seemed to have no intention of moving.

Not that she had any complaints about all that gorgeous and naked. Damn.

Helena opened the door, smiling when she saw Molly.

She moved into the hall, closing the door in her wake, but Molly’s facial expression told her she’d seen Faine in bed.

Well now
. How are you feeling?”

Helena couldn’t help it, she laughed. “Um, better. What’s up?”

“I’m just letting you know I’ve done a call in to a national news show. It’ll air during their breaking news spots and later this evening on the evening news cycle. They’ve asked me in for a face-to-face interview but Gage said no.”

Helena nodded. “Smart man you’ve got there. Molly, they’re trying to kill you. Let’s not give them any chances. At least not any more today.”

“I know. Would it be all right if they sent a camera crew here? I feel like we need to respond to this and if we don’t, the vacuum is filled by others like PURITY.”

“Are those assholes claiming responsibility?”

“No. They’re saying we did it to harm the human protesters.”


“Come on. Let me get you up to date on everything that’s happened in the last two hours.”

Helena pulled her hair up into a ponytail as she followed. She
feel better, like the time with Faine had filled her reserves in a way nothing else could have. Sex as a restorative? All righty then.

“Tosh has called, everyone there is okay. They’ve got extra guards on him, Delilah and Parrish. There are Others who still haven’t come out. They may not at this point given the threats and the holes in capitol security. He appeared on television about half an hour ago and hailed you as a hero for saving all those bystanders.”


Molly turned, taking Helena’s hand. “You. Helena, you risked your life to save hundreds of people. All in full view. This will change a lot of people’s minds about us. You did the right thing even though they’d just been calling out insults and threatening to shoot you in the head. That changes people’s perceptions.”

“Glad my near death can help PR.”

Molly frowned. “I didn’t mean it that way. But the fact is, it did.”

“I know you didn’t. I’m sorry for snapping at you. You should know I’m going to recommend to The Gennessee and Meriel that we end this traveling road show. The security risks are too great and in the end, we endanger even more people. I know you believe in this, but I can’t stand behind it after today.”

Molly nodded. “I understand.” They went into the living room, which had been transformed into a makeshift media room. Laptops sat on multiple surfaces. Caspar stood when she came in and began to clap. People looked up, smiling when they saw her and got up, clapping as well.

Warmth rushed through her. Humility chasing it.

She put a hand up to stop them. “Thank you, all. I appreciate it. But the fact remains that a hole in security created that situation today. And we lost two good people because of that. Each of you did your job and that saved lives. If anyone deserves applause, it’s you all.”

Molly grinned and they sat, Molly continuing to fill her in.

The president had made a statement condemning the bombings. She’d also stated her belief that Others were citizens and had the same rights everyone else had, including the right to address their grievances to their government without being bombed. She called for calm and a cease in the escalation in violence.

“How about she signs an Executive Order saying so?” Helena appreciated the nice statement, but for goodness’ sake, it was time to back that up with the power of the presidency.

“I know. My sources say she’s trying to let this all work out through states and up to her before she does anything like that. She wants to help, but she’s got a big job.”

“Fuck that. If she wanted to help, she’d help. All this talk is getting us killed. We need her to be a leader now.”

Molly nodded. “I agree.”

Tosh had also done a news conference with Parrish Carroll and Delilah Sperry at his side. In it they hailed Helena as a hero who’d selflessly risked her life to save all the people on the steps, including the ones protesting her very existence. The FBI, headed by Anderson’s task force, had issued a brief statement as well, saying preliminary evidence indicated the attack was domestic terrorism
a la
suicide vests.

BOOK: Wild Darkness (A Bound By Magick Novel)
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