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Authors: Debbie Deering

Wild Desert Princess (2 page)

BOOK: Wild Desert Princess
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Malek stepped forward, his voice hard. “Do not harm her, Jahan. I would hate to bring our country to the brink of war.”

Jahan stopped his head long flight down the stairs, turning to face his old friend. “You would do this?”

“If you harm my daughter, I will have no choice.”

Gritting his teeth, he vowed, “She will not be harmed.”

Malek sighed with relief, his arm snaking out to clasp Amanda around the waist.

Furious at
Malek and Jahan, she jerked away. “I was worried all those years ago when you agreed to this arranged marriage, but you assured me it would be fine. Now he is going to hunt her down like an animal.”

stared down into her turbulent emerald eyes and say how angry she was. “He said he won’t harm her, ‘Manda.”

“He’s going to keep her out there until he breaks her spirit,
Malek. She’ll fight him and he’ll use his physical strength to subdue her, probably force himself on her.” Tears sparkled in her eyes as she spun from him and stomped away.

wanted to follow her and comfort her. From past experience knew he’d best give her some time alone to work through the anger. Damn! She hadn’t been this angry since they were first married. He hoped Jahan would not harm Chia. He’d meant what he said about a war between their territories.

Chapter Three

Jahan threw his saddle on Cabal, not bothering to wait on the groom. Once he was on his way, and Cabal was easily racing across the hot desert sands, he pulled out his cell phone and contacted David, his right hand man. He had a good idea where she’d run too. She must have thought the small oasis was a secret. If she wasn’t there, he’d broaden the search.

Rage at her temerity in daring to run from him warred with pride at her fiery spirit. She would not come willingly to his bed. His cock hardened in anticipation of conquering her rounded flesh. A generous lover, he would make sure she received pleasure from their union. Knowing she was no virgin, he would not have to be as gentle with her the first time they came together. He wasn’t sure his control would allow him to be gentle.
He needed his fiery mate beneath him.

David would set up the tents and furnish everything they needed for a comfortable, prolonged stay. And stay they would until she accepted him as her rightful mate. He’d allowed her freedom for a year too long and now she would come to him no longer a virgin. Unbeknownst to her parents, he’d had her watched as she’d finished her last year at university. Her wild ways and easy familiarity with men led the P. I. to state in his report that he couldn’t say for sure but was practically positive she
had been intimate with at least one young man. Jahan had been livid, cursing himself that he’d been a fool to give her so much time.

Jahan spotted his people at work as he rode over the last hill and found Chia sound asleep and Lady munching contently on the lush grass. For a few moments he watched her as she slept, a frown pulling his face into harsh lines as he saw the reddened skin of her fair face. The little fool ha
d run out without her hat. He approached her carefully, his attention focused on the slight movement of her full breasts pressed so lushly against the thin material of her white shirt. Belatedly, he noticed her eyes narrowed into slits of rage as her leg swept out and knocked his feet out from under him. He landed on his ass with a startled grunt and scrambled to catch her as she lurched to her feet. He grabbed her by the shoulder and spun around only to jump back as her dagger sliced a thin line across his forearm.

Satisfaction glittered in her cat’s eyes before he roughly tackled her and covered her thrashing form with his heavier weight.  “Be still!” he commanded.

“Let me go!” she growled, her hands flying up to rake at his face.

Jahan’s patience ran out and he grabbed her hands mere seconds before her nails would have found his eyes. “Hellion!”

“Bastard!” Chia squirmed uselessly against the large body squishing her into the ground. She could barely breathe.

Jahan caught her wrists in one large hand and bound her with his scarf. She put up a good battle, but soon he had her hands and feet tied. Cursing, he left her panting on the ground and washed the blood from his cut. He was lucky it was just a shallow cut, but it stung like the very dickens. He ripped off his shirt and made a make shift bandage.

Chia stared at the glistening skin of his hard muscles chest. He was magnificent, if only he wasn’t such a jackass, she might let herself dream they could be together.

Jahan felt her hot gaze on his chest and turned to her, his left brow arching. “Do you like what you see, wild cat?”

“You wish,” she spat and deliberately ran her eyes over his body, lingering at the swelling bulge at his groin.

“Well, you know how to incite a man’s passions. How many men did you have, Chia?” Anger at her brazenness caused him to jerk her roughly to her feet and toss her over Cabal’s back. He vaulted up behind her and led Lady over the hill, pleased to see David and the men had finished and were long gone. Idly, he caressed the lush roundness of her full bottom.

Chia squirmed and tried to angle her head to bite his thigh. She screamed as his hand came down hard on her ass.

“Behave,” he warned, halting Cabal with a flourish and lifting her to the ground with barely restrained anger. He left her on the ground as he cared for the horses. Bending, he lifted her and carried her into the large tent.

Chia’s eyes widened at the large bed in the corner. “My father will kill you if you dishonor me.”

“You have no honor and your father knows I will claim you here.” Jahan informed her silkily, his voice harsh with latent passion as he released her from her bonds.

Chia rubbed her wrists and ankles, wishing she had the energy to run again. “You assume too much, Jahan. I shall never be yours,” she promised, her heart fluttering with fear as he strode towards her, his intent plain from the sensuous tilt of his full lips.

“I assure you, Chia, you will be mine before the night is out,” he promised and reached out to unbutton her shirt.

Fear galvanized Chia into action. She fought him like a wild cat, inflicting multiple bruises and scratches on his chest and arms.

Jahan grew weary of fighting her, trying not to harm her. Finally, he tossed her on the bed and covered her body with his. Chia was terrified, he was going to take her. Part of her wanted him to take
her, the rational side knew she needed to tell him of her virginity. She opened her mouth, “Jahan wait,” she began and whimpered as he gagged her with a silken scarf.

“No more talk. Soon you will be mine. Swiftly, he cut her clothes from her, his eyes caressing her heavy breasts, the softly rounded belly, the fiery auburn curls covering her sweet cunt, with fierce possession.

Unable to wait any longer, he stripped off his trousers. He was suddenly grateful she was not an innocent. He did not think he had the will power to go slowly with her this first time. He wanted her too badly to go slowly. 

Terror struck at Chia’s heart. Her gaze locked onto Jahan’s erection. No way was something that big going to fit inside her. Damn, he’d rip her apart. Pride froze her for a moment. No way would she let him see her fear.

Jahan knelt between her spread thighs and stared at her creamy white flesh. She was so beautiful, so sexy and she was his. His fingers slid up to mold her full breasts, pulling at the dusky pink nipples until the tips tightened. His patience at an end, his caresses became faster and harder, rougher. His lust was taking over, his need for her was fierce. He had wanted her forever and now she was his.

Male satisfaction soared through him at her harsh breathing. Her sweet pussy wept with desire for his possession. He eased two fingers inside her tight sheath, groaning as her inner flesh gripped him. Unable to wait a moment longer, her guided the tip of his cock to her small opening and thrust upward. Shock froze him at her tightness as he thrust through the barrier of her innocence so abruptly.

Chia refused to cry, her body arched away from him as far as his weight on her would allow. The burning pain was nearly unbearable. Damn, how could anyone enjoy this kind of agony? All the desire he had built faded with the burn of his possession.

Jahan stared down into Chia’s pain washed eyes and slowed his movements, wincing at the reddened marks on her breasts.  Keeping his cock locked deep inside her tight channel, he bent his head and gently caught her swollen lips, stroking inside until her tongue darted out to duel with his. His hands tenderly molded the firm mounds of her large breasts, plucking carefully at the beaded tips.

I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t know,” he whispered softly in her ear. He ruthlessly clamped down on his lust, waiting until she grew moist around his shaft before he took her with gentler strokes. He brought himself to release quickly, knowing she did not find her completion. He rolled away from her, chagrined to see her virgin’s blood splattered on his cock and her thighs.

“I had no idea you were still a virgin, Chia. My P.I. reported you had at least two lovers. I have misjudged you. We will be married as I have wished from the start,” he informed her with regal pride. He deeply regretted his brutal taking of her innocence, but in his heart he rejoiced that his was the only touch she will ever know.

Standing, he glanced at Chia’s furious face. “I will never marry you now!”

“Oh, but you will. Before we leave here you will be carrying my son.”

“Why would I want to marry someone who has no respect for me?” Chia wished he would tell he loved her. She had loved him for so long. It hurt to know she was just another conquest to him.

Jahan turned away, refusing to let her see how deep her barb struck his heart. Crossing to a small basin, he wet a soft cloth and knelt between her thighs, reverently cleaning the blood of her innocence and his seed from her ravaged flesh.  His nose flared as he caught a whiff of her earlier arousal. Leaning forward he lapped at her swollen lips.

“Jahan,” Chia protested, her blood burning in her veins at his gentle assault.

“Let me show you how it will be between us, love.”

“What can there be but pain, Jahan?” Chia fought her body’s reaction to his touch. He was the lover of her heart.

Jahan teased her swollen flesh with his mouth, gently licking and sucking her clit. Her hips arched into his mouth as he eased a finger inside her tight flesh. Looking up he saw her slight wince, knowing she was sore. In and out he fucked her, until her cream poured from her. Lifting her hips, he inserted another finger, sucking harder on her tight little clit. A scream was ripped from Chia’s throat as her climax hit.

Chia felt incredible liquid heat flood her cunt as her arousal spiked with the gentle sucking of Jahan’s lips on her. Sensing her second orgasm nearing, Jahan moved slowly upwards to cover her body, using his cock to caress her damp lips. Chia’s body tightened as she neared her peak. Jahan slid inside, watching her face for any sign of pain. She was still so incredibly tight, he could tell it was a bit painful for her. He shifted to pull out, Chia caught his hips and pulled him deeper. He groaned and lifted her hips, pressing deeper inside her sweet flesh. Moaning, Chia convulsed around him as her orgasm started deep inside her body.

“God, babe,” Jahan growl
ed as her inner muscles squeezed him, drawing him with her in ecstasy. Tenderly he kissed her, “You are mine!”

Furious, Chia buck
ed against him, trying to throw him off her. It’s all about possessing her. Her movements only succeeded in inflaming Jahan’s lusts again. Her pussy was hot and slick with their previous joinings, making it easier for Jahan to take her. Pushing deeper with each thrust, Jahan caught her legs over his shoulders, opening her to his deeper strokes. Chia was very uncomfortable, her body was too new to sex and Jahan’s cock was thick and long. She was feeling stretched and raw.

Jahan want
ed to prove to Chia that she was his, he made it last, drawing out his pleasure, wanting her to know his brand of possession. The tight tremors of her pussy pushed him over the edge. Finally he allowed his body to reach completion. Reveling in the pull of her tender flesh, he finally saw the tracks of her tears as he pulled out.

Chia refused to look at Jahan unabl
e to hide her flinch as he pulled out of her body. Once more Jahan gently cleaned her with a cloth and watched her bite her lip in agony.

“You’ll be sore for a bit, Chia. Yo
ur body is new to the touch of a man.” Picking up a small jar of cream, he spread Chia’s pussy lips and carefully coated the raw flesh. “This will sting for just a minute, Chia, but the cream will help.” Jahan eased his cream coated finger inside her, clenching his teeth as her muscles clamped down on him.

Chia was
humiliated at his casual touch on her body. Rolling away, she finally let her tears fall. 

Sobbing, she curl
ed up in a miserable ball, fearing she will never be free of him and wondering if she even wanted to be free.


“Don’t, Jahan,” Chia moaned

Jahan’s heart clenche
d at her pain. His body hardened for her again. This was not how he wanted to start his new life with her.


BOOK: Wild Desert Princess
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