Wild Lover Complete Series (3 page)

BOOK: Wild Lover Complete Series
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He picked up the phone and called her number. She answered on the fourth ring. “Hello?”


“Oh. I don’t want to talk to you.”

Accent gives me away with one word
, he thought, but he said, “I’m sorry for today. I know you’re not that kind of girl. It was my fault. I—I just couldn’t control myself around you.”

Silence on her end, but at least she hadn’t hung up.

“Will you give me another chance? To prove I can be a gentleman.”

She sighed. “I don’t know, Blaine. I’m in a really weird place right now.”

“I know. I just want to spend time with you.” He found that he meant it as he said it. “Nothing has to happen.”

“It’s not just that. It’s me, too. I…” He could almost see her blushing through her tan. “I’m not sure I trust myself around you.”

He pushed the phone to his face, as if he might get closer to her. “That’s good. We feel the same way—but I can keep us both in line. Let me just get to know you better.”

“I’m afraid I already know you,” she said.

Blaine’s heart stopped in his chest. Could she know? He hadn’t told anyone. Not a soul, in his three weeks in Fort Lauderdale.

She went on. “You’re that handsome guy that always gets the girl. You only want me because I’m putting you off.”

He exhaled in relief. “I’ll be honest with you. You surprised me when you stormed out. But truly, Mia, there’s something different about you. Will you let me find out what it really is?”

His heartbeat sounded loud in his own ears as he waited for her reply. “Okay,” she said. “When?”

“Come to my apartment. Tomorrow evening. No boat to make you sick.”

“Alright,” she said.

He gave her the address and they said goodnight. His mind raced. He had one chance to impress this woman. And prove to both of them that he could control himself.


Mia chose a flowy maxi dress for her first visit to Blaine’s apartment. She figured it was pretty but not overtly sexy. She wanted to dampen the fire, not extinguish it. She pulled into the parking lot across from the marina. Sports cars and garish SUV’s surrounded a cluster of high-end condos overlooking the harbor. The buildings were pink and yellow and powder blue, and palm trees marked the stone paths that lead to two-story lobbies.

“Jeez,” she said to herself. Charter fishing must be a good living.

She punched the number Blaine had given her into the security pad by the door. It buzzed and the door opened. She took the elevator to the top floor, seven stories up. When it opened she stepped out in confusion. She seemed to be in someone’s foyer.

Blaine rounded the corner. He wore a white button down shirt and dark jeans. As always, his feet where bare. “You made it,” he said. He kissed both her cheeks, as if she were an English nun.

“Yes,” she said. “I didn’t know where I was when the elevator opened—“

“Private elevator,” he said. “It’s nice. No one traipsing by your door at all hours.”

“Right,” said Mia. Her own three-story condo building didn’t even have elevators. She dreaded lugging her groceries from her car, up the stairs, and into her apartment. Blaine didn’t seem to have that worry.

He led her into a spacious kitchen in a sleek modern style, all sparkly granite and stainless steel. A bouquet of yellow roses sat on the counter. “For you,” he said.

She smiled in appreciation. “Thank you!”

“Aren’t you going to read the card?”

She opened the lumpy envelope that he’d stuck in between the stems. The card had two smiling fish with googly eyes on the front. She opened it and a packet fell into her hand. She held it up. “Dramamine!”

“For our next boating adventure,” he said. He poured her a glass of white wine. “Would you mind going back outside before we eat?”

“Of course not. It’s a beautiful evening. Not as hot as yesterday.” She blushed when she said it.

They clinked glasses. “Here’s to it not being so hot,” he said. “Cheers.”

They took the elevator to the first floor and left the building via the back door.  Mia followed Blaine toward a covered dock that jutted out into the clear water. He’d brought the bottle of wine, and stuck it into the bucket some magic ice fairy seemed to have left for them. The fairy had also brought cheese and crackers, two fishing poles and a bucket of bait.

“I thought we could try again,” he said, almost shyly. “If you want to.”

She grinned at him. “Yes! This is perfect. The prefect introduction.”

He handed her a pole and reached into the bait bucket. “You might not want to look,” he said. “Worms. Big nasty ones.”

“Gross,” Mia said. She shook her head and took a deep breath. “No, it’s okay. I can handle it.”

“You want to bait the hook?” He held up a gigantic, squiggling worm.

“No! No, no.” She stepped back. “I’ll look, but I won’t touch.”

He laughed, and she joined him. “That would be asking too much,” she said.

“I thought so,” he said. He turned away from her, so she mercifully couldn’t see what he was doing. When he turned around the hook seemed to be neatly coated with a worm that wasn’t squirming any more.

“That wasn’t so bad,” she said. He stood behind her and helped her cast the line into the harbor. He baited his own hook and threw out his cast.

“What now?” she asked.
“We wait,” he said. “And drink.”

The sun slowly dipped as they chatted and laughed and sipped wine. Every ten minutes or

so Blaine reminded Mia to cast again. He was easy to talk to, and funny, but she noticed it seemed like he asked all the questions. By the time it was dark, he knew everything about Mia: her family, her education, her childhood pets, her birthday and favorite colors and movies, and her love of children and teaching.
              “I really admire you,” he said. “Teaching those small children. It takes so much patience and creativity.

“I love them like my own. I’d like to have at least three someday.” She smiled at him. “How about you? Do you want kids?”

He shrugged. “I’m not very patient.”

“It’s harder when they’re not your children. I think everyone is more patient with their own kids.”

“How far away is your apartment?” he asked.

She was becoming used to him turning the conversation away from himself, but that didn’t mean it didn’t bother her. “Fifteen minute drive. Out past the outlets.” She pointed up at the penthouse condo and tried again to get some information out of him. “How long have you been in this place? It’s amazing.”

He shrugged. “It belongs to a friend. I’m just staying here for a while. Not sure what I’m doing long term.”

“Oh. So you might not be here long—” A tug at her line distracted her. “Oh—look! Look at my line!”

The end of the pole dipped and wiggled and ran zigzags around the water below them. Blaine set his own pole aside. He stood behind her and helped her reel in her line.

“It must be huge!” she said, giddy with excitement. “It’s so strong—it’s going to break the line! It’s—“

The fish broke the surface, a square silver thing that couldn’t have been more than six inches long. Blaine reached for it.

“You’re kidding!” Mia said. She giggled. “That tiny thing? I thought it was going to pull me over the railing.”

He smiled and squeezed the hook from the little fish’s cheek. “They fight hard. Even the little ones. They know what’s coming if they don’t. A little mullet.”

“What?” Mia pictured the long-in-back, short-on-top hairstyle that her dad had sported when she was a little girl.

“That’s the kind of fish. A mullet.” He held it out to her. “Want to touch him?”

She swallowed, but it seemed like she should at least shake hands with her opponent. She ran her finger along the fish’s side. “Throw him back, before he suffocates.”

Blaine did and the little mullet disappeared almost before he hit the water. Blaine grabbed a bottle of hand sanitizer. He offered it to Mia.

“You’re a man after my own heart,” she said, as they both cleaned up.
              “You hungry?”

She nodded.

“Leave all this here. I’ll get it tomorrow.” He squeezed her shoulder. “Let’s not forget the wine.”

They returned to the apartment and enjoyed a homemade lasagna and salad. After they ate she joined him on a dark leather sofa. They sat at opposite ends, as if the space might dull the sexual energy that buzzed between them. The more wine she consumed, the more doubtful Mia was that she and Blaine would be able to keep their promise. She didn’t even know if she cared. Blaine broached the topic first.

“So… we’ve done well so far.” He tugged at his jeans.

She scooted closer to him. “Yeah.” Closer still. She rested her hand on his knee. “We’ve done a great job. Very platonic.”

He put his hand over hers. “I’m serious, Mia. We’re not making love tonight.”

“I know. I agree.” She spoke, but her body took over. She climbed into his lap and straddled him.
What the hell am I doing?
She thought.
After all my blah-blah-blah about controlling myself?
              He ran a hand through her hair. “Look… this isn’t… I mean I can’t be expected to…”             

She touched his lips. “Shhh. We can just kiss? Touch a little?”

He bit her finger, gently. “Right. We don’t have to go all the way.”

She nodded.

That was all Blaine needed, apparently. He put both hands on her cheeks, and then dug his fingers into her hair. He pulled her mouth toward his, and kissed her. His tongue was alternately gentle and just rough enough. His hands worked their way from the base of her neck over her bare shoulders, and he kissed her chest. She blessed her dress’ strapless design. The skin above her breasts tingled.

“Just kiss… or maybe…” He pulled the bodice of her dress over her breasts. The dress had a built in bra, and he moaned at the site of her bare, erect nipples. He suckled each one. She watched his tongue dance over them. She directed his head with her hands in his hair. She ground her crotch into his, and her hands went to his belt.

His cock was already hard, and peeked a solid three inches over the edge of his belt. She pulled his shirt loose and unbuckled his belt. “Maybe…” she said.

She slipped down into his lap and let his dick free with a quick unzipping. She took it in her hand. To her amazement she found she couldn’t touch her fingers to her thumb, he was that thick. Once again, he own bravado astounded her. She licked his cock, slow quick strokes, and took him into her mouth.

“No—don’t.” He said. He gently pushed her onto her back. “I can’t take it if you do that. If we’re not going to go all the way, just let me take care of you.”

She nodded a rested back on the couch. He pushed her long skirt over her knees and then spread her legs. “So beautiful,” he murmured. She felt his tongue. Long strokes, and then short ones. She ran her hands over her own thighs. Jeff had sometimes tried to go down on her, but she’d never understood what all her friends thought was so great about it. She was about to find out.

Blaine kept licking her swollen clit as he inserted one finger inside her. “I’m going to touch you… somewhere else. Just tell me if it’s okay.”

“Somewhere else?” She looked down into his deep blue eyes. His pupils had dilated, as if he were drunk on the taste of her. She felt his fingers roaming lower, and he brushed her anus.  Spasms shot though her body. “Wait—I—I don’t know about that.”
              His hand retreated. “I’ll stop. Don’t worry.”

He kept licking and stroking, and as the tension built, she found herself wishing he’d try her backdoor again. She didn’t know how to tell him, so she took his hand instead. She pressed his finger into that same spot and whimpered.

He grinned up at her. “Aw, sweet baby,” he said. “You liked it, didn’t you?”

Mia turned away, embarrassed.

“Don’t’ be shy.” Blaine leaned over her and kissed her. “Do you want me to touch you there? It’s okay. Most women are nervous about that, the first time.”

BOOK: Wild Lover Complete Series
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