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Authors: Marla Monroe

Wild Montana Nights (33 page)

BOOK: Wild Montana Nights
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as long as they could be themselves. She didn’t want lap dogs. She

wanted the two men who’d taken her to heaven and back. And it

looked like they’d returned for good.

“I love you two guys,” she whispered still out of breath.

“We love you, too,” they both told her.

“I think we’re going to be very happy together.”

She laughed when they whooped with joy and fought to each kiss

her. This is what she wanted. Her men back and those wild Montana

nights they gave her.




Marla Monroe lives in the southern part of the United States. She

writes sexy romance from the heart and often puts a twist of suspense in her books. She is a nurse and works in a busy hospital but finds

plenty of time to follow her two passions, reading and writing. You

can find her in a bookstore or a library at any given time when she is not at work or writing. Marla would love for you to visit her at her

blog, and leave a comment, or visit her


Also by Marla Monroe

Siren Classic:
Hot and Bothered

Ménage Amour:
Trusting Them

Siren Classic: The Protectors 1:
Long, Lonely Nights

Siren Classic: The Protectors 2:
In The Still of the Night

Available at


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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BOOK: Wild Montana Nights
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