Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy (23 page)

BOOK: Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy
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She tilted her head in confusion.  Then her eyes popped wide.
He was jealous of Vern?  Seriously?  God there was no other man on the planet that could affect her with a mere look like he could.

“So you see.”

It wasn’t a question.  He’d seen her look of revelation. “Oh, Lance.  You have nothing to worry about.”

“Vern’s a good looking man.  He’s single, and very capable of looking after someone like you.”

“Are you
”  That was like comparing apples and oranges to her.

“He easily warms to you too.  This is something I haven’t seen before, and he’s been with me going on eight years. Usually he’s indifferent towards my girlfriends.”

this makes sense.  Still, there’s no comparison here.  Did he think that now he opened up her world to sex that she wanted to try everyone out?  The thought should have angered her but instead she found herself smiling.  Lance was actually
.  Lance’s stoic legendary composure had a chink in the armor.

He raised a single brow seeing her expression.

“I thought I was the only green-eyed monster here.”

He chuckled, seeming to relax.  “I told you this was uncharted territory for me.”

“I seemed to remember saying the same.”

I just don’t want another man to touch you.  I was the only one to have you and it has jolted me.”

“Maybe you needed a little jolting.  I know I did.”

He nodded again. “Perhaps.”

She could see the return of his control.  He certainly did recover well.  She was still unbalanced after their first night together.  She undid her seatbelt and moved onto his lap hoping he didn’t protest, and he didn’t. His arms went around her and she kissed him.  Lance responded possessively, kissing her hard, devouring her offered mouth.  She whimpered against him and he finally, reluctantly eased her away. 

They just stared at one another for a long time.  She felt her insides melt as their eyes met and held.  She didn’t want this to end, but knew it would, sooner or later.  Then there was the guilt.  He’d been honest with her, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth, that she was in love with him, and always had been.  Yet, she seemed to forget that he was really good at reading people, especially her.  He just seemed to lack the insight to what emotion that she kept hidden.

“What’s wrong?”

She shook her head.

“You look guilty.”

“It’s not what you think.”

“What do I think?” he said softly, thoughtfully.

“You think it’s because I noticed Vern, the way I notice you.  That’s not it.”

“Actually I wasn’t thinking that.” he smiled. “I believed you when you said there was nothing.”

“Well, you have to give me time on this one then.”

He seemed to contemplate that for a moment, his eyes searching her expression. “All right.”

That seemed too easy.  Since when did he let things go? Thankfully he explained.

“At first I thought it was the ruse we are putting on for your family because you are so ethical, but we’ve established your guilt over that.  This seems deeper. I’ll give you time, but not much. I told you before that I’m impatient when it comes to you, so I do expect you to tell me what is bothering you. ”

“I would be surprised if you didn’t.”  Obviously he knew this wasn’t the time to press her.  She was grateful.  Yes, she’d made up her mind, that she would tell him how she felt, but not so soon.  Not yet.

“Now on to something more appealing.  These jeans make your ass look fantastic.” His hand moved over her hip and cupped one of her cheeks.


His eyes darkened. “If you knew how damn hot it was seeing that exquisite piece of anatomy naked and move against me, you wouldn’t tease.”

Her expression dropped and she was certain she felt a tightening deep in her pelvis.

“What’s even sexier is the fact that I’ve been the only one to have my hands on the bare skin of it.  Hell Tammy, it turns me on just thinking about it.”

Her mouth parted again.  She was doing her best to remember to breathe.

“What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that I wish I wore a dress.” Her eyes met his, full of desire.

He chuckled. “You never cease to amazing me.” He kissed her again.

Tammy felt the car ease to a halt and knew they were at their destination.  She sighed in disappointment.

“It’s okay.  Tonight will be all the sweeter with this sexual anticipation between us.”

“If you say so.”

He chuckled and reached into the inside pocket of his suit withdrawing his wallet then the familiar black credit card.

Tammy reluctantly moved off his lap and studied the expensive boutiques along the sidewalk.

He handed her his credit card. “Surprise me.”

Her brows rose. “Oh, so you’re not going to tell me what to buy?”

He chuckled, “No.  You have elegant tastes. You know what looks good with your body, so you don’t need me. I trust you.”

. Again the guilt.  Why couldn’t she just blurt it out and get it over with?  Well, because she was too scared thinking he’d end it, that’s why. She took his card just as Vern opened the door.

“We’ll wait.  Take your time.”

She nodded and got out of the car, smiled at Vern and went into one of the boutiques. 

She started feeling guilty because she’d walked in and out of three stores without getting that gut feeling that anything in there would suit her. She honestly was looking for something sexy, yet classy.  Something that would make Marianne take a back seat to her tonight. Vern just maneuvered the car every time she came out of a shop and into the next one.  Finally, in the fourth store, she saw what she wanted.  It was a long stunning dress with a bustier bodice of nude material, elegantly beaded and trailed down to a long black skirt.  She was glad Lance stayed in the car because she didn’t want him to see this.  She wanted to knock his socks off tonight.  Also, he was too darn good looking.  The sales ladies probably wouldn’t have been as attentive if he was in there with her.

In the dressing room it fit her perfectly.  She looked at the price tag and near fell over. It cost over two thousand dollars. How could she possibly accept that from Lance?  She rubbed her forehead and looked in the mirror.  “Remember Tammy.  You are on a mission here,” she said to herself. Then she puffed out a breath for courage. The dress was as elegant as could be without making her look desperate.  It made her figure stand out and that was the deciding factor.  She couldn’t pay Lance back but she had to get the dress.

Vern was standing beside the car when she emerged.  He instantly took the long opaque bag from her.  She thanked him, and he opened the door.  She slid in beside Lance.

“So?”  he asked tucking his phone away into his inside suit jacket pocket.

Vern shut the door behind her.

“So what?” she teased

A smiled pulled at his mouth. “Oh, it’s going to be like that.”

She handed him his card back.  “I owe you a lot of money.”

“Good girl.” He smirked as he tucked the card away in his wallet.

“Doesn’t it bother you a little?”

“I won’t miss it.”

“That’s not the point.”

He gave her his undivided attention. “Tammy, you aren’t like that.  You went out of your way to abandon this lifestyle, so you could give back to people what you thought you’d taken from them.  I assure you, you do not need to feel guilty about this.  I would buy you a whole new wardrobe, but I know you won’t let me.”

“I just don’t like to feel beholden to someone.”

“I free you of that right now. You owe me nothing,” he teased.

“It’s not like you can wave a magic wand Lance.  It’s who I am.”

He tilted his head. “You take the guilt of your mother’s and Richard’s condescending behavior towards others, and who knows how many more people. You carry it all on your shoulders. You need to stop doing that.  It’s not your fault.”

She bit her lip and turned away.

“You were meant to be bathed in beautiful things Tammy,” he added softly. “You are elegant, smart, sexy and any man would be privileged to have you.”

Gosh she could just cry.  He was just so perfect.  He made her feel like she actually deserved his attention.


She felt his strong fingers under her chin turning her head to face him. “You have no reason to carry that burden.  You have nothing to prove anymore.  Your friends, we, love you for who you are.”

Love?  As in family love, friendship love?  She wanted love love. The type of love she finally knew existed, like between Elaina and Colt, and Tess and Jacob.  That kind of devoted love.

“I want you to accept this as a gift and not feel like you owe me.”

“I’ll try.”

He smiled slightly still knowing it still bothered her.

The car started to move again.  She resolved to staring back out the side window.  She could feel his eyes on her, but chose to stay in her own world for the moment.  She knew he was concerned, but there’s nothing he could say that made her feel better at the moment, and from his lack of trying, he knew it too.

“I have to take you home.  I’m needed at the event.  I’ll come back for you in a few hours.”

She nodded not saying anything.  He would be there with Marianne, all buxom, beautiful, and flattering.

“You don’t need to worry,” he said suddenly as if reading her thoughts.

She turned and looked at him. “Okay.”

He lifted his hand and ran two fingers down her cheek. “Let me tell you why. You are more beautiful than she is; you are kind, generous, and you make love with total abandon. Your body is very responsive to my touch to the likes of which I’ve never experienced before.  I don’t think you realize how rare those qualities are. I wouldn’t ruin that.”

“Lance, I don’t have enough to base my performance on, and you have so much, so I’m really insecure over it.  That’s not easy for me to admit.”

“I know, so what I said is the truth.  You need to trust me.”

“I’m trying.”

He stared at her in that thoughtful way that made her heart triple its pace.  Then he pulled his sleeve back and looked at his watch.

Her eyes followed the gesture with curiosity. “What?”

“I guess I’m wondering if I have enough time to convince you. I suppose being late isn’t going to kill me.”

She felt a thrill go through her.  Lance was
late for anything.  He was meticulous.

Oh and by the time he left the penthouse, he was over an hour late.  An hour late, and sated.  Oh yes, he’d convinced her and left her in a tousled mess, naked in his bed.  She was asleep and didn’t even hear him leave.

Before she knew it, Vern was knocking on the door of his room.  She lifted her head and looked around trying to gauge her surroundings.  Her hair fell over her face, and she blew it off.


She rubbed her forehead and sat up staring at the large double doors.  She gathered the sheet over her breasts feeling suddenly exposed. “Yes?”

“Mr. Hartley called.  He’s running late and asked me to fetch you.  He’ll meet you at the entrance of the event,” came Vern’s muffled voice through the heavy doors.

“Oh dear.  Of course! Twenty minutes?”  She threw back the covers and hopped out of bed.

“That will be perfect.”


Okay, she wasn’t expecting a gathering this big.  She’d never been to the IVOC charity dinner, but it felt as though she was attending a Hollywood premier with the amount of press and people present. 

Vern glided the car up to the entrance and someone opened the door for her and offered her his hand.  She accepted and got out to flashes of light.  Gosh, she certainly wasn’t a celebrity but she supposed they were taking pictures just to make sure they didn’t miss anyone important. 

After a moment the flashes started to subside because another stretched limo pulled up to the entrance and they focused on those occupants. She saw Lance then.  He was standing beside Marianne and she had her arm looped through his.  It looked like they were being interview by a reporter. He was still a vision of masculine perfection though. How he ended up in a tuxedo from the suit he had on a few short hours ago surprised her.  Did he change here?  Maybe he changed at Marianne’s?  Oh, why was she being like this?  Surely there was nothing left in him after he’d left her that afternoon.  She felt herself smile.

It was at that exact moment another flash went off in her face.  Then Lance saw her.  His expression barely revealed it, but she could see it clearly now because she knew him better—desire. Unmistakable, red-hot, desire. His eyes went down her body slowly and a carnal look appeared in his eyes.  When they met hers again there was a mixture of that and possessiveness. She walked toward him just as the interview ended.  There were many other people along the entrance way, arriving the same time as her, but she never even noticed any of them.

BOOK: Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy
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