Read Windows Online

Authors: Emily Minton

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Young Adult

Windows (7 page)

BOOK: Windows
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"Oh, fuck. I have never felt anything so amazing in my life. It’s like your pussy was made just for me."

He glides in and out of me, gaining speed with each stroke. It doesn’t take long before I feel myself start to tighten, and I know it’s going to be big. I wrap my legs around his ass and pull myself up each time he thrusts in. Before long my whole body is shaking. I have never felt anything like this before. It feels like I am coming apart, but it also feels amazing. I am just catching my breath, when he lets out a loud groan. Then he spills his seed deep within me.

We lay connected for a few more minutes before he slips himself out of me and rolls over. Pulling me into his side again,
he groans, "I didn’t pull out."

"I know," I whisper.

"I’m sorry. It just felt so damn good that I forgot." He doesn’t sound the least bit sorry.

I chuckle. "It’s fine. It’s an okay time of the month, if you know what I mean." I may be as close to a virgin as someone can get, but I did take my share of health classes in high school and college. So I know t
hat I am not fertile right now.

"You need to get on birth control. I will wrap up if I have to, but I don’t want to. I do not want a damn thing between you and me."

"Okay," I say through a yawn. I bury myself into his side. I am just starting to fall to sleep, when I hear him say that he loves me again. I start to say it back, but sleep takes me before I can even open my mouth.





"You have to be more careful. That shark could have bit you," Lucas shouts, as he pulls Lindy from the water.

"I thought I was being careful. I just didn’t see it," she says.

"Pay more attention next time. I don’t want to lose you," Lucas yells, as he stomps off.






Waking up with Lindy was the best feeling in the whole fucking world. Well, other than being deep inside her. That was beyond wonderful. I know it might make me the biggest prick in the world, but I wanted to pound my chest when she said that she hadn’t been with anyone but me. I still cannot believe that I lost my shit towards the end. I kept telling myself to pull out, but the thought of Lindy having my kid had me pouring myself into her. I won’t even deny that I felt a little disappointed when she said that it was the wrong time for her to get pregnant. I know we are not ready yet, but someday she will be the mother of my children.

I had never gone bareback before, and it was fucking amazing. Well that is not exactly true, I did once. Four years ago, with Lindy. I was so drunk that I don’t remember much other than hurting her. That is something I try to forget.

I am not sure why last night was so much better than before. I don’t know if it was because we were skin to skin or if it was just Lindy. If I had to bet, I would say that it was Lindy. She was perfect. I could tell that she wasn’t experienced, and that just made it all the better. I cannot wait to teach her everything I know.

I dropped her off at Chris’ before I came to work. She wanted to check on Tara, and I don’t want her staying at home alone until the wacko that broke into our house is caught. I told her to stay at Chris and Abbie’s until I picked her up, but she said she had to get some things done around town. I am fine with that, but she better not go home alone. If she does, I will spank that hot ass of hers. Hell, I may do that anyway. I have a feeling that Lindy might like it.

I am working on a 2003 Indian Spirit Roadmaster, when I hear heels clinking across the garage floor. There is only one bitch I know that would wear heels into this shop. I look up, and Kelsey is standing there with a fake ass smile plastered on her face.

"Hey baby, I thought you might want to grab some lunch."

This bitch is fucking nuts. "I thought I made it clear that I don’t want to see your ass any more the last time we talked."

"I know you didn’t mean what you said. You would never leave me like that," she says and reaches out to run her hand down my arm.

I jerk away. "Are you fucking insane? Bitch, the only reason that I put up with your ass as long as I did was because the fucking condom didn’t do its damn job."

She laughs my words off. "I know you love me, Luke. You always have."

What? I love her? That is enough to make me laugh. "I have only loved one woman in my entire life, and that is not you. You need to stay the hell away from me."

Kelsey stomps her foot like some two year old. "No, she will not win. You are mine."

I shake my head at her words. "Bitch, you listen to me. I will only say this one more time. I do not want you. I never did. If I hadn’t heard that you gave good head, I would never have fucked you in the first place. And I have to tell you, I got better blow jobs when I was fifteen. If you could have got me off with your mouth, I would have never gone near that skank ass cunt of yours."

Kelsey starts pulling her hair and screaming like a mad woman. I swear this woman is completely whacked. I look over to Daniel and nod my head to her. "Get this bitch out of here, before I call my dad to haul her ass in."

I try to go back to work, but I am shaking so bad that I can’t even hold a damn wrench. So I walk into the office, grab a beer out of the refrigerator and head to the couch. As soon as I sit down, Daniel walks in.

"So, you finally pulled your head out of your ass?" he says, as he grabs his own beer and sits down on the other end of the sofa.

"What are you talking about?"

He takes a drink and shoots me a half-assed smile. "You kicked Kelsey’s bitch ass to the curb and finally got your woman back."

I smile back. "Yeah, I did."

"You know, I have always regretted the way we treated Melinda back in school. She was always such a nice girl. Did you know that if it wasn’t for her, I would have never graduated on time?" I shake my head at him. "Yeah, I was failing Algebra. If I didn’t pass, I would have had to go to summer school. Mr. Dickerson had Melinda tutor me. She spent hours teaching me that shit. The more I got to know her, the more I liked her. I kind of think I was halfway in love with her by the end of the year. That’s why I gave you so much shit at the party. I was pissed that she would be with you but wouldn’t give me the time of day."

"You better not even think about it, man. She is mine," I growl.

"Shit, Luke! Even back then, I knew she was your girl. I didn’t go there then, and I won’t go there now. But if you change your mind about her, let me know," he says with a chuckle.

I pop him in the side of the head. "That is not going to happen. Ever!"

He looks at me with a serious expression on his face. "You know that you are going to have to tell her about Kelsey and the baby."

I nod my head. "I know I do, but I don’t know how."

"I know it will be hard, but you better get it done fast. You don’t want her hearing about it from someone else. This is a small town. People talk," Daniel reminds me as he stands up and walks back towards the garage.

I close my eyes and lean my head on the back of the couch. Shit. How in the hell am I supposed to tell Lindy that I almost had a baby with someone else?






"Did Lucas finally knock the cobwebs off your coochie?" Tara asks, with a smile.

I don’t answer, but I do nod.

"Oh, my God! Really?" she asks in shock.


Tara is bouncing around on her bed, like she didn’t just get out of the hospital this morning. "I want all the dirty details."

"It was wonderful."

She shakes her head. "Oh no, girl. I have been waiting on him to redeem himself for nearly four years. I need to know everything."

I end up telling her almost everything. Amost, just not all. Some stuff was just too personal to share. There was no way in the world that I would ever tell her that we didn’t use a condom. Not after years of me bitching at her about practicing safe sex.

I have just finished telling her that he said he loved me, when there’s a knock at Tara’s bedroom door. Abbie sticks her head in the room. "Melinda, someone is here to see you."

"Who’s here?" I have no idea who would come to Tara’s parents’ home to see me. Only Mom and Lucas even know that I am over here today.

"That Kelsey girl," she says, while scrunching her nose up. Guess Abbie doesn’t like her much either.

"Just send her in here, Mom," Tara says from the bed.

"Oh no. You are not up to dealing with her kind of poison today. I can either run her off, or Melinda can talk to her in the living room."

"I don’t want Lindy to have to deal with that bit—, I mean witch on her own," Tara explains.

I start to say that I can handle Kelsey, but Abbie cuts me off. "She won’t have to. I will be right by her side." Abbie looks over at me. "I can make her leave if you want me to, but I think you should stand up to her now. If not, she will push you around just like she did before you went to college."

I nod my head in agreement, stand up, and walk with Abbie to the living room. Kelsey is sitting on the couch. I cannot believe the way she is dressed. She has a short pink skirt that barely covers her panties. Her top has a deep V, that shows more than its fair share of cleavage, and she is wearing silver shoes with a four inch heel. She looks like she should be wrapped around a pole instead of sitting on a floral covered couch.

"What do you want?" I ask, trying to get this over with as quickly as possible.

"I want you to stay away from Luke," she says, her voice tight with fury.

"If you have a problem with Lucas, you need to talk to him not me."

"I don’t have a problem with Luke. I have a problem with you," Kelsey says, as she stands up and stalks towards me. I start to back up, because she looks like she is going to attack me.

Abbie steps between us and shakes her head. "Not in my house, little girl."

Abbie can be one bad ass bitch when she wants to be. She was a police officer when she and Chris got married, but she quit when she got pregnant with Tara. She could probably have Kelsey on her ass in less than two seconds.

"Fine," Kelsey says to her. Then she looks at me. "Did Luke tell you that he is the father of my baby?"

I can’t hold back my gasp. My God. Why didn’t he tell me? My heart starts to pound so hard that I can hear it echo in my ear. My stomach starts to roll, and I know that am going to be sick if Kelsey doesn’t leave soon.  "Please just leave," I whisper.

"Get out of my house now!" Abbie shouts, as she pulls Kelsey out the door. Kelsey is screaming the entire way.

I am sitting on the couch crying when Abbie walks back in. She sits down beside me and wraps her arms around my shoulder. "Don’t cry, baby doll. That is exactly what she wants."

"She’s pregnant?" I ask between sobs.

Abbie shakes her head. "Not anymore. She lost the baby a few months ago."

I start to cry even harder. "Why didn’t Lucas tell me about it?"

"Is there a reason he should have told you something so personal? Is there something going on between the two of you?"

I end up telling Abbie everything, and I mean everything. Starting with Lucas crawling through my window when we were just kids and ending with last night. I even tell her about what happened at the party. I have never told anyone but Tara about that. But for some reason, I had to tell Abbie. I just needed to get it all off my chest.

"I am going to rip off his balls and make him eat them," Abbie growls.

For some reason, I start to smile. I guess it’s because I know she could do it if she wanted too.

"Do you love him?" she asks in a whisper.

I nod. "I always have."

"Well then, you need to talk to him. Ask him why he didn’t tell you about the baby," she says. "But if you ever want to have his children, never tell Chris or Paul what you just told me."






It’s just after lunch, when my phone rings. I swear if it is that bitch Kelsey again, I am going to flip the hell out. She has called six times since she left two hours ago. I ignored her each time, but I’ve had enough. If this is her again, I am going to go off on her ass.

When I look at the screen, I see that it is Abbie. So I click talk. "Hello."

"You need to get home right now," She says in a pissed off voice.

I don’t even stop to talk to my boss. I just head straight to my bike. "What happened?"

"Kelsey happened that’s what."

Oh, fuck! "What did she do?"

Abbie sighs into the phone. "She told Melinda about the baby. She went out of her way to make Melinda think that she is pregnant now. She’s not, is she?"

"Hell, no!" I shout into the phone.

"Are you sure?"

"She might be pregnant, but I can promise you there is no way in hell that bitch is pregnant by me," I shout in frustration.

"Well, you should have already told Melinda about Kelsey being pregnant and losing the baby. Especially after last night."

I ignore the remark and climb on my bike. "How is Lindy?"

"How do you think she is? She made me take her home. She said she needed to be alone for a while. But she doesn’t need to be there on her own right now, so you better get your ass over there and fix this."

I hang up without saying goodbye, start up my bike, and head home. I run every light between the shop and the house, making it home in less than fifteen minutes.

I walk into our house, expecting to see Lindy sitting in the living room. But she’s not there. I start to walk into the kitchen, when I hear movement coming from her room. I walk straight to her door and see her climbing onto her bed. She is carrying an old shoe box. As soon as she sits back, she pulls the top off of the box and starts pulling out pictures, tons of pictures. I quietly make my way to her bed and look at the photos she has laying around her. They are all pictures of us. There are a few of Tara with us, but it’s mostly just me and Lindy alone. She picks up one of the two of us at the beach. We were young, but even then we looked like we were meant to be together.

"Do you remember the day this was taken?"

Her voice makes me jump. "I didn’t think you knew I was here."

Lindy laughs. "I knew as soon as you walked through the door. No one but you makes that much noise just walking."

BOOK: Windows
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