Read Wishful Thinking Online

Authors: Sandra Sookoo

Wishful Thinking (5 page)

BOOK: Wishful Thinking
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“Very acceptable, my dove.” He rolled her distended nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Shivery sensation ebbed outward, consuming her with fire. Her neglected breast ached with need. “And if all that fails, what will you do?”

Wishing her top half were as bare to his fingers as her lower parts, she shook her head. “I can’t. You don’t understand.”

“You will. I do understand, only to well. There will come a time you'll need to make a tough decision. I also know you are destined for more than essentially being a slave to that dick of a boss.” Slowly, he stroked a finger along her slit then just as slowly, he dipped that finger into her channel.

Her inner muscles worked to keep him embedded even as his naughty digit explored. "I need the money from this job."

“You have the brains for business. If you walk out of this company, there will be another waiting with open arms. You are talented, my dove. Let go of your fears.”

“Oh, Rand.” She shuddered, tried to squirm away. He moved his arm around her waist like a band of iron. A thin film of sweat beaded on her upper lip, tangy and salty, as she concentrated on his new version of torture.

In and out his finger glided. Over and over he sought to bring forth her moisture. Faster and faster he plunged, adding another finger to the rhythm, pressing up against her feminine wall to touch the elusive spot that made her eyes cross then close.

“If you are not promoted on your own efforts, you will quit this dismal job.” He didn’t let up on the torment. "Say it."

“I’ll quit.” Jovie whispered the words. She arched her back and thrust her rear higher so he had better access. “Oh, please, more.”

“Tell me you’ll respect yourself.”

“I promise I will!” When he withdrew his fingers, she whimpered, still aching for release from the terrible tension. “If they don’t give me that promotion, I’ll quit. Hell, I’ll do it anyway. There
better jobs out there for me. I know that now.”

Rand pinched the tiny bundle of nerves, circling it with a finger, and maintained his domination of her body until she feared she’d shake apart from the unresolved pressure building inside. “You are good enough for any position out there.”

good enough.” Jovie rocked her hips, rolling them against his hand. “I will stop keeping myself a prisoner due to fear.”

“Excellent, little one. I am pleased with your progress. Remember this lesson and the confidence you gained from it.” He withdrew from her pubic area fully. “Turn around so that I may see the expression in your gorgeous blue eyes as you come for me.”

Shaking as hard as a leaf in a whirlwind, she did as he asked. Her skirt fluttered down around her hips. She didn’t care. The man before her, whether real or imagined, had taught her something new about herself. She truly did care about her future and knew beyond all doubt that she wouldn’t let anyone else take advantage of her.

No more of Clinton's work would be dumped on her desk. No more would she be passed over for promotions. No longer would she be an object of ridicule and shame. She had a spine and it had been rediscovered thanks to Rand and his gentle prodding.

“I’m ready.” For everything that would come her way.

"Everything has consequences, my pet. You do understand."

"Yes, whatever." She'd ask him about it later. Jovie dug her fingers into his shoulders as he braced her back against the door. “Finish me.” She gazed into his green eyes, taken aback by the sheer brilliance of them.

“I will merely start you on the beginning.” With a mischievous grin, he slid a hand down her left leg and drew it up around his waist. His free hand went to the apex of her thighs, his fingers sliding easily through her curls to find her slick channel. He ground the heel of his hand against her, rubbing her clit until she moaned her approval. “Own the pleasure, my heart. It belongs solely to you.”

She gripped the collar of his polo shirt and rode the waves of bliss he invoked inside her. He pumped his fingers deep into her core, keeping constant contact on her clit, as he stared into her eyes with the same expectant smile on his lips he’d worn the whole evening. “I…I…”

Her body shook. She tensed, caught up in the intense pressure coiling in her core. Pressing his hand tighter against her, the first early tremors convulsed through her. She squeezed her inner muscles around his fingers. Rand’s breath steamed her ear. His wicked chuckle rang in her head like a requiem as he continued to work his magic.

Her breath stilled in her throat. Wave after wave of white-hot bliss crashed over her. Pulses became intense convulsions of such veracity she staggered, slumping against Rand’s solid form, glad for his stalwart strength. When the bulk of the contractions slacked off, he teased her again with a mere few strokes, which set off another avalanche of ecstasy.

This time, Jovie’s world tilted sideways and she slid to the floor a jumble of quivering flesh, revving heartbeat and spent energy. She couldn’t summon enough power to care that her skirt was bunched around her waist or that her naughty bits were sitting directly on the carpet which hadn’t been shampooed for months. Stunned and speechless, she gazed at her creamer pot genie-turned-sex god-miracle-worker in wonder.

“How is that possible?” She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat. “I’ve never had such an orgasm before. I never knew I was capable of one that powerful or all the little ones that followed.” With her brain the consistency of cooked oatmeal, she stared at the beige sling back heel on her right foot and wondered where the hell her other shoe went.

“My poor, doubting lamb.” Rand reached out a hand and, when she slipped her fingers into his, hefted her up. “When you stopped beating yourself up and took control of your destiny, your stress level lessened which resulted in a well-deserved release.”

did it.
gave it to me.” Weakly, and on wobbly legs, she followed him to the table and slumped into the chair he indicated. She’d never had a satisfying orgasm, even with a vibrator. Maybe he was right.

“No, Jovie. It was all you. I was merely the tool.” He chucked her under the chin. “Sleep now, my sweet. You will need your strength to complete this night’s trials.” He turned away, but not before she caught the fathomless sadness in his eyes.

“What does that mean?”

"I can only speak in hints, thanks to the rules that bind me."


When he didn’t answer, she made a move to leave the chair. Her limbs felt heavy. She couldn’t lift them though she tried. “You’ve enchanted me to sleep, didn’t you?” Her movements became sluggish. As she abandoned the idea of leaving the buttery soft haven, Rand gathered the scattered contracts into one big stack. Just as her eyes drifted closed, a golden flash illuminated the room, followed by a shimmer of sparkling dust, and then blackness claimed her.

Chapter Six

When the door crashed open against the wall, Jovie flinched and woke from her doze. Through sleep blurry eyes, she took in the gold bars in the center of the table, arranged into another pyramid of six. Near her hand laid a new list of clients anxious to book parties for the Christmas season. Clinton stood on the room’s threshold with his hands curled into fists and fury snapping in his dark eyes. He’d removed his suit jacket and rolled his shirtsleeves to his elbows. Rand was nowhere to be found.

His absence left a hollow pit in her chest.

“I can’t believe you managed to do it again.” Clinton strode into the room. Anger rolled from him in waves as he looked beneath the table, behind the door, into all corners before turning to her once more. “You had help.”

“Why do you say that? Is it too much to think maybe I have a skill you didn’t know about?” Slowly rising, the skirt of her suit scratched against her bare, sensitive flesh. Prickles of arousal shot straight through her core and she shivered, barely stifling a grin as she remembered Rand’s lesson.

She missed him; had so much to ask her mysterious lover that she longed for his return yet wondered at the vague unease that gripped her stomach as she thought about the unspecified consequences.

“What the hell is so funny?” Clinton touched a finger to a brick on the new pile. “I want to know how you’re doing this.” Swinging around, he closed the distance between them and grabbed her upper arms. “Right now.” He shook her for emphasis.

The old familiar fear came creeping in to shadow her newfound confidence. “I … I didn’t—”

“You didn’t what, Jovie? All I know is two boxes of old paperwork have been turned into gold bars and there’s no discernable reason. I want to know why and how. Stop screwing around.”

“Mmm. To my way of thinking, she hasn’t been screwed nearly enough.”

Jovie gasped and glanced toward the table where Rand’s voice had sounded. “Did you hear that?” Not seeing anything, she yanked out of Clinton’s grasp.

“Who did you hope to see? A fairy godmother?”

“I’m hardly a fairy of any kind.”

“Rand.” She whispered the word, her heart pounding. Her cheeks warmed as her magical helper flickered into view. “Oh, my.” Heat flooded her insides, flowed through her veins to gather between her thighs in one strong push of desire that stole her breath.

He lounged on the conference table, balanced on his side with one elbow propped up and his head in his hand, stark naked, fully erect and aroused. “I’d hoped to hear much more of a reaction from you, but this will do for now as your appreciation is stifled by your company. I’ve been told I’m quite stunning without clothes.”

Jovie’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. Her throat grew dry as she raked her gaze over the planes and contours of his chest and abdomen, the tapering black ribbon of hair which flowed over his flat lower belly and gave way to a thick, vein-covered cock that sprang from a dark nest of curls. The sight of his muscled thighs caused an involuntary sigh of appreciation to escape her lips.

“What are you staring at?” Clinton waved a hand in front of her face. “Are you high on something, Jovie? I’ve never seen you like this.”

Oh yeah, high on that beautiful piece of man-meat. God, she wanted to pour cream all over him and spend endless seconds lapping it up.

"Jovie?" Anger simmered in Clinton's voice.

"Shut up, Clinton." She ignored him to focus on Rand, who smiled and stroked his fingers up and down his erection. Her mouth watered. Her skin flushed and prickled as if he’d rubbed his body against hers.

He’s the most gorgeous piece of eye candy I’ve ever seen.
Involuntarily licking her lips, she swallowed, wishing Clinton would go away so she could act out her erotic plans.

“Don’t worry, my dove. Your idiot co-worker cannot see me. Only you have that honor.” He wrapped his hand around his cock and moaned. “This is for you. You alone make me so hard I could drill a hole through that wall.” He grinned and his green eyes twinkled. “Would a woman without confidence be able to do this to me?”

“No.” The paralyzing fear drained from her as if she’d stepped from underneath a dark cloud. Knowing that Rand believed in her gave her the boost she needed. “Clinton, I’m afraid I can’t reveal my secret. In fact, I had nothing whatsoever to do in making this gold. You’ll have to let me out." She glanced again at Rand. He pumped his cock. Her legs tried to buckle, but she locked her knees.
Damn, I want to take you home.
With extreme effort, she focused on Clinton. "I’ve got better things to do with the rest of my evening than to pander to your vanity and whims.”

A cruel grin twisted his lips. “You haven’t begun to pander.” His hand flashed out and he caught her hair in his fist. “Dan went out for food.” He pulled her close. “But I’m hungry for your mouth around my dick. I’ll bet you can give one hell of a blow job. You fat chicks usually do since you're desperate to please any man.”

Jovie mumbled a protest while throwing a frantic glance to the conference table. Rand wasn’t there anymore. Her heart plummeted into her pitching stomach. Only she could defend herself.
I can do this.
"Let me go, you piece of slime."

“I've had enough games. Once Dan gets back, it’s another box of paperwork then your time to negotiate is over.” Clinton released her hair. He fumbled at his belt buckle and fly.

Bile rose in her throat until she felt Rand’s presence behind her. He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her tight to his front. His rock-hard cock pressed urgently against the small of her back.

“Don’t let him get away with intimidation, sweet one. The only dick your lips will ever go around will be mine.” His breath warmed her ear. “Tell him what he can do with himself.”

A tiny moan escaped when she imagined licking Rand's thick shaft, teasing him, making him jerk with need and tormenting him as much as he'd done to her. She shook her head, scattering the lustful thoughts.
I can do this. I’m better than the situation, as weird as it is
. Squaring her shoulders, she shoved at Clinton’s chest. “If you want to get off on something, you’d better start looking for a blow-up doll. Either get the hell out of this room or let me go home.”

“I love it when you stand up for yourself,” Rand whispered into her other ear, following the encouragement with a nip to her lobe that sent delicious tingles zipping through her bloodstream. “Independence looks good on you; confidence even better.”

Jovie smiled. “What’s it gonna be, Clinton?” Her self-assurance soared, buoyed her as if she were as high as Clinton claimed. “I’ve got another piece of news for you. You can keep me here all you want, but sooner or later the rest of the office will come back. What then? Will you buy my silence? Get Dan to give me a promotion to shut me up?” She drilled a finger into his chest, forcing him to take quick steps backward toward the door. “When it comes down to it, you’re a coward, Clinton. Your only talent is bullying people into doing your work. It’s you who should be afraid because I'm gunning for

“You’re insane. And you’re weird.” Clinton’s gaze roved around the room. “I don’t know what’s in here, ghosts, fairies, goblins, whatever, but they can all stay here.” He stumbled through the doorway, his eyes huge. He returned a few seconds later with a third copy paper box which he dropped on the floor. “You transform this one and you can go home. No questions. No more harassment. Hell, I’ll even have Dan transfer you to a different department if you want. I won't bother you again.”

BOOK: Wishful Thinking
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