Read Witching Hour Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

Witching Hour (14 page)

BOOK: Witching Hour
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Cal shifted his hands, once again cupping her hips as he held her above him, pounding into her from below. Her breasts shimmied with every punishing stroke, her pussy clenching hard around his invasion. He kept moving, giving into the fire swirling along his veins as his cock flared once then pulsed, each thrust emptying more of his seed inside her.

Their combined releases coated his shaft, easing his way as he jerked against her, his orgasm finally starting to ebb. He held her above him, her body pliant until his strength gave out, and he lowered her onto his chest, her hair silky soft against his skin. He gathered some of it in his hand, the smooth feel easing the rawness coursing through him. He’d never come that hard. Never made himself that vulnerable. And despite the uncertainty of the situation, he felt at peace.

Jordan sighed, snuggling into him. “Wow. Just wow.”

He chuckled. “Ditto. You’re amazing, sweetheart.”

“We are. Together. I’m just glad you finally came to your senses. I almost thought I’d have to blindside you and cast a spell on you.”

“I’m almost certain you did. Luckily, I don’t mind.” He gave her a squeeze. “Guess this means we need another shower.”

“Mmm. Will it be a repeat of the last one?”

He tapped her ass. “Wench. Is there no satisfying you?”

“I’m sure I’ll grow tired of you in forty or fifty years.”

His breath caught before he lifted his lips into a wide grin. “I was thinking more along the lines of sixty. Seventy if I can manage it.”

Her eyes glistened, but she held the tears back, dropping a kiss on his chest. “All we have to do is figure out this mystery, and we can get started on that.”


“Hey. How hard can it be? There’s two of us and only one of her. And now we have her secret little black book.”

“A book that nearly cost you your life. Twice.”

“But it didn’t. And I’m ready to give her a taste of her own damn medicine. So you’d best get that brain of yours working, Doctor Smith, because after I take advantage of you in the shower, it’s all work until we figure this thing out.”

Cal levered up, taking her with him as he swung his feet over the edge, launching to his feet. “Deal. Now let’s get to the part where you take advantage of me in the shower.”


Chapter Nine




Jordan laughed as Cal shuffled her against his chest, carrying her into the other room. His muscles flexed beneath her hands, coiling a new rush of need low in her belly. God help her, but she still wanted him. Despite the mind-blowing orgasms and the exhaustion, she still wanted to wrap her arms around him, feeling him move within her. Or maybe she’d just finish what she started before his patience waned.

She smiled at the idea, smoothing her hands down his chest when he placed her on her feet. His gaze narrowed as if he were reading her thoughts before he gave her a sly grin, reaching into the shower to turn on the water. The hollow echo of the water splashing against the tiles filled the room, the first billow of steam cresting the air. Cal adjusted the knobs then grabbed fresh towels, hanging them over the radiator. He put his hand beneath the spray, obviously testing the temperature before stepping inside, offering his hand to her.

She accepted, and he immediately pulled her flush to his chest. He circled his arms around her waist, claiming her mouth with his. The kiss was equal parts raw need and smoldering passion, leaving her breathless when he finally released her, resting his forehead on hers. His sigh grazed her cheek, the cool rustle sending a cascade of gooseflesh along her arms. She inhaled the scent of man and musk, content to simply stand there, his arms holding her, the water sluicing down her back.

Cal brushed a kiss on her cheek, pulling back as he grabbed the soap, rubbing it in his hands until they bubbled with a white lather. “Face the tiles for me, sweetheart.”

She shifted, curious as to his motivations, when his hands cupped her shoulders, his fingers massaging her muscles as he swirled the suds along her skin. She groaned, bowing her head against the tiles as he kneaded her back, finding every knot hiding between her blades.

He continued lower, palming her buttocks, relieving aches she hadn’t even realized were there. Then he moved around to her hips before gently gliding through her crease, washing away any evidence of their lovemaking. She inhaled when he flicked across her clit, the sensuous touch reigniting her desire, pooling fresh juice from her slit.

Cal moaned, nipping at her neck as he leaned in close, his fingers now teasing her taut bud. “Damn, Jordan. You keep creaming my hand, and I’ll have no other option but to take matters further.”

“So what’s stopping you?”

He growled, slapping her butt this time. “Fuck. You’re more dangerous than the damn witch.” He pushed one knee between her legs. “Widen your legs and bend over for me, hands braced on the wall.”

Flutters of anticipation rolled through her stomach as she glanced back at him, giving him a wide smile before shuffling her feet apart and bending over as she palmed the wall beside her head. Cal cushioned her ass against his groin, helping her balance. The long ridge of his cock hardened against her crease, making her clit tremble. Damn, but the man was impressive. She only hoped she could keep up.

He smoothed his hands along her cheeks, drawing them down the back of her thighs then up again. There was something in the way he touched her that warned her he wanted more than just to take her from behind. Her suspicions rang true when he trailed a single, soap-covered finger down her crease, circling her puckered opening.

“God, you have such a beautiful ass. The way your jeans hug it. It’s enough to make me come in my pants, sweetheart.” He pressed against the hole again, this time slipping the first knuckle inside her. “Fuck. So damn tight.”

Jordan’s back bowed at the dark caress, the new sensation making her heart jackhammer in her chest. She took shallow breaths, waiting to see if the penetration would hurt, only to hiss out a breath as the tight feeling burned into pleasure, deeper than anything she’d felt before.

Cal curled over her back. “I get the sense this is new to you. Just relax. If you don’t like it, or you want to stop, just tell me. I only want to do what feels good to you.”


The word was low and raspy, taking all of her concentration just to get it to form on her tongue. She was too caught up in the feel of his finger sliding in and out of her ass, sending sparks of desire shooting through her groin.

He hummed. “It’s different, isn’t it? Dark. Deep. Addictive. Let’s see what happens when I add in this.”

His other hand grazed over her mound, easing into her slit as his thumb found her clit. She cried out as he rubbed the hard nub, tightening the coil in her belly as his other finger slowly eased forward, taking her ass in a steady plunge.

“God. Cal. I…”

She couldn’t get the words out. Couldn’t talk past the need to moan as his palm cupped her ass, his finger fully inside her tight channel. He nipped at her shoulder, easing back as he continued the attack on her clit. Pleasure arced through her body, and she wasn’t sure whether it was centered in her pussy or ass. But as he pushed his finger in again, she knew it didn’t matter.

“I’ll take your lack of speech as an indication you’re enjoying this.”

“Yes. Damn. More.”

He chuckled, increasing his thrusts as he pinched her clit, drawing a scream from her chest. He grunted, the hand between her legs vanishing.

“No. Please, Cal…”

Her words morphed into a hiss of pleasure as his cock nudged her sex, waiting there until his other finger was fully seated in her ass before thrusting forward, filling her in a single, hard stroke. The sudden penetration sent her over, his name mixing with the steamy air as she convulsed around him. He held steady, his free hand drawing circles on her spine until the spasms eased. Then he was moving, alternating between claiming her pussy with his shaft then taking her ass with his finger, merging the sensations until they were one. She couldn’t tell which part of her body trembled. Didn’t care as long as he kept going. But just as she was poised to go over again, he pulled out of her.

Her breath caught, her protest hot on her tongue when his shaft nudged her ass, the large head pressing against the small opening. She stilled, not sure what to expect when he pushed forward. There was a moment of intense pinching before her muscles eased, allowing the head to slip inside her tight ring. Her body contorted, her head arching back as the new sensation sent a raw punch of lust straight through her. The impending climax returned, stronger than before, teetering her on the edge. Cal took her slowly. A steady thrust of his cock until his balls slapped her pussy.

“Fuck. Jordan. I can barely move you’re so damn tight. Hold on, sweetheart.”

She cried out in reply as he dragged his cock back before once again hilting himself inside. The intensity stole her breath and she felt her climax waver for one glorious second before plunging her over.

“God, I can feel you coming.”

Cal gripped her waist, holding her tight as he pounded into her, his hips bumping her ass cheeks with every stroke. The constant movement prolonged her release, sending wave after wave of heat coursing through her core, leaving her sagging against the wall. Cal grunted behind her, the sound of her name signaling his climax as his body spasmed, his shaft pulsing inside her.

Her muscles shook under the strain, and she knew she’d have collapsed on the shower floor if Cal hadn’t curled over her, holding her up as he leaned against the tiles. His frantic breathing cooled the water beading on her skin, making her shiver.

Cal sighed, gently easing out of her ass before spinning her and pulling her close, using his heat to warm her. His heart thundered in sync with hers, the frantic beating making her smile.

Cal shook his head, dropping a kiss on her hair. “It’s probably a good thing it took us so long to get together, ‘cause, sweetheart, you surely would have killed me years ago. Hell, I’m not sure how long I’ll last if you keep loving me like that.”

“You’re the one who did all the work. All I did was scream.”

He chuckled. “Trust me. You’re far more dangerous than you realize. And I love the way you scream my name.”

She smiled against his skin, finally getting the energy to look up at him. Those brilliant blue eyes of his gleamed in the artificial light, the depth of emotion making her heart clench.

She raised a hand, lightly palming his cheek. “Damn, I love you.”

Surprise widened his eyes before they darkened. “And it’s a good job you do. I’d hate to have to be the one resorting to spells.”

“None required. Now, how about you wash me properly and take me to bed. I’m exhausted.”

“Bossy. But you’ve got a deal.”

* * * *

“Cal! Damn it, Cal, open up!”

Cal groaned and pried his eyelids open, blinking against the light streaming in the window. His brain felt fuzzy, and he wasn’t even sure what had roused him. He closed his eyes, drifting back into the darkness when something banged on the door.

“I know you’re in there, Cal! Come on. Open up.”

He frowned, glancing at the table. Eight AM. He muttered under his breath, easing Jordan off his chest as he pulled back the blankets and swung his legs over the edge. He glanced around, looking for clothes only to realize he’d left them in the other room.

“Great. Just great.”

He walked across the floor, hoping whoever was beating down his door wasn’t standing by the window, not that it really mattered. He headed for the other bed, pulling on his pants before making his way to the entry. Another round of knocking sounded as he unlocked the latch and slivered open the door, leaning against it as the sun glared in his eyes.

“About bloody time. I was just about to put out an APB on you.”

Cal sighed. “Brandon. It’s eight o’clock in the morning. Didn’t it occur to you that maybe I was sleeping?”

“With a lady like Jordan sharing your room? Either you’re one lucky son of a bitch or you’ve been lying there wondering how to become one.” Brandon furrowed his brow. “You look like shit, buddy.”

“Thanks for the compliment.” He waved the man inside, closing the door behind him. “Don’t suppose you’re here to tell me that house accidentally burned down in the night, solving all our problems?”

“Afraid not.” Brandon stopped, glancing around the room before turning to face Cal. “Interesting choice of clothes scattered on the floor, including a ripped shirt. Looks like you might be a lucky bastard after all.”

“Your assessment of my character is mind-blowing.”

Brandon laughed, leaning against the edge of the table. “Would that really work? Burning the house down?”

Cal shrugged. “Honestly, I doubt it. I remember Avery telling me that this is the fourth house to sit on that site. If simply burning that house down was the answer, this spirit would have been laid to rest long ago.”

“You seriously believe that this…witch is over three hundred years old?”

“Salem. The sixteen hundreds. The heart of the witch trials. I’d be surprised if she wasn’t.”

“So how do we stop a repeat of last night from happening? I can’t prevent the owners from granting permission to other investigators or frat students.”

“I’m not convinced they want people to get hurt. That’s why they’ve forbidden investigations after midnight. We think that’s her trigger.”

“Trigger?” Brandon scrubbed his hand down his face. “Damn. This is so out of my league.”

“I thought you said you’d seen some pretty weird shit?”

“Well, last night topped it in spades.”

Cal nodded, straightening when Jordan appeared in the doorway. She’d grabbed the sheet off the bed, holding it against her chest as she leaned against the frame, an amused smile tilting her lips. Brandon glanced over his shoulder, looking away once his gaze landed on Jordan.

He cleared his throat. “Sorry. I should’ve called.”

Jordan waved him off. “It’s fine. We’ve got lots to do and sleeping isn’t one of them.” She nodded at the pile of clothes. “I just need my stuff.”

BOOK: Witching Hour
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