Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales (10 page)

BOOK: Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales
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“Dillon?” I called out. “It’s ready now.”


But nobody answered. The soft wind blew the sound of gentle cow moans from the buivatrics and nothing else. I needed this last measurement. I walked around, encircling the facility, to the point where I started. When I reached the corner all I saw was an empty space. No Dillon. Just the ground and the biuvatrics facility adjacent to the cold storage.


Where could Dillon be? I asked myself when suddenly the blue light on my device turned on, signaling that Dillon pressed the button. Strange. I saw the digital compass point to the biuvatrics facility so I started walking towards it, pressing the button again to see if I get any response. When I reached the entrance, suddenly it turned blue again. Dillon was pressing this button from somewhere inside this facility.


I stepped inside and was greeted by anxious looking cows. They were peaceful earlier. Clearly something had stirred them. It was rather dim as the light setting had been reduced to induce sleep. It was a strange feeling to be eyed suspiciously by the cows. They seemed to have huddled together in small groups as if protecting themselves from something.


“Dillon?” I called out. A trashy sound emanating from the other side caught my attention. With paced steps I walked around and saw a shadow of a man. It was a strange looking shadow, it seemed like a man and a dog in a tight embrace with the wolf-dog snapping at the man.


My eyes trailed the shadow and into the figure that casted them. My jaw fell in disbelief. It looked like Dillon had captured a white wolf in what appeared to be fishing pole contraction with a hook rope in the end. The line yard hook wrapped around the wolf’s neck, restraining it, as it pounced violently trying to getaway. I’ve seen this before, I thought. They used this contraption to ‘hook’ around the neck of cows to subdue them for their shots. I’ve seen the similar mount used by animal-control to ensnare rabid dogs in the suburbs. Either way, it seemed like a fishing pole with a rope hook in the end.


The image of the wolf was a blur, as it pounced, twisted, and twirled attempting to dislodge the hook that encircled his neck. When it stopped with its flurry of movements, my eyes widened with disbelief. The wolf, first of all, didn’t look much of a wolf. It looked more like beast wolf, unsightly, but beautifully formed. Twice the size of a regular wolf, it looked like it could’ve rivaled a cow with its size. Its muscles were bulky mounds with defined striation, which was all visible beneath its thin coat of white fur. It had a fleshy look to it, an odd combination that reminded me more of human than wolf. A long snout marked its head; and pulled back lips displayed bristling fangs as it looked towards Dillon as if he was meat.


Its eyes were triangular slits full of malignant anger. Fire, crimson in color, shot from its eyes. Not an actual fire, but a dim glow of red as if it had an energy source from within. For a split-second I saw those fiery eyes glance towards me. It gave me a look, which seemed like it recognized me. I felt an immediate connection with this animal. Unsheathing its claws, again it sprung at Dillon.


A forceful snap of Dillon’s rod turned the animal to the ground, pinning and crashing it down to its side. It was rather painful to look at. The wolf tried to get up, but the leverage of the rod slammed the wolf down harder each time. This thing was made to subjugate cow, surely it was overkill to use for a wolf.


“Dillon!” I cried out.


“Cindee! I need you to stay back. This wolf is a rather strong one, I don’t think I can pin it down any longer. This wolf had been attacking our cattle; I caught him here just in time before he snapped one of our prizes for a meal. I’m not going to waste any more time with this wolf. I’m going to bring it down.”


He twisted the rod down, pinning the wolf neck to the ground with such pressure that its head was sinking to the ground. The wolf tried to get-up again fighting against the force of pressure, but Dillon raised his arms and drove the rod straight to the wolf’s neck. Either the neck would burst from the direct pressure of the rod or the tightening of the hook would strangle it.


“Dillon! Don’t do it. We’ll just call animal control.”


I felt bad for the wolf. But Dillon was now overwhelmed in a panicked rage. I was sure he would kill this wolf. Again the wolf got up, but this time, Dillon maneuvered the hook so that it clenched even tighter on the wolf’s neck. It yelped in pain. And I saw that it was choking on the ground.


“Dillon! Please! You have to let this animal go! This isn’t the way to go.” I called out. My eyes filling with tears.


I felt emotional about this wolf, I didn’t particularly know why. But Dillon didn’t stop, he even clenched the rod harder so that the animal’s chocking turned violent. Then when violent spasm stopped, its eyes closed, which signaled its succumbing to the fate of death. A heavy feeling of dread hit me as I picked up the futuristic looking gun from where Dillon had left it. The wolf looked at me for the last time before it closed it eyes.


I didn’t want to do it, but I pointed at Dillon. I’d only have one shot at this, a few more seconds to save this animal. With lightning quickness I pointed at Dillon’s leg and pulled the trigger.


Dillon didn’t even notice what had hit him. But I saw it with my own eyes. A red feathered dart stuck to his hind leg. Dillon immediately started relaxing his hold on the wolf, staggering a few steps back looking confused. Then he fell on the ground. He tried to fight it, I saw him try, but the sedative was quickly working around his system. He was still conscious when the wolf opened its eyes and pushed his body up.


Then the most amazing thing happened. Different parts of the wolf started to move and form into bumps. It was like there was something from within the wolf that made its body spike and move in waves. My eyes widened with utmost disbelief when its body morphed into human. I almost fainted when the final transformation of its head morphed to a human’s head, with a face that hit me from the core of my being.


It was Hideshi! His face, slim and taunt, and exotic arose from the ground. His naked masculine body shone in delicious sweat. The angular chiseled panels of his chest was crowned by broad muscular shoulders. His torso narrowed down to his waist trailed by the rock hard leanness of corrugated abdominals. He stood erect for a second, chest out, and shoulders back. He inhaled a lung full of air before again fixating his gaze on Dillon. Grabbing the rope that hung around his neck, he unhooked himself, tossing the rod contraption to the ground.


There was still that same primal malignant hatred that shone from his eyes, as if the wolf in him had still not been completely lost. Taking wide, determined steps of authority towards Dillon. Hideshi looked straight at Dillon’s eyes as if he were still wolf and Dillon was his wounded prey. He grabbed Dillon by the neck and with just one arm lifted him clean off the ground. Dillon was completely off the ground with his neck being crunched by Hideki’s powerful arms. Thoughts of the locker room again entered my mind.


Dillon’s choking was of the same violence of the wolf that he had captured earlier. I was too mesmerized to do something, but from the looks of things, a singular outcome would follow. Hideshi will kill Dillon. I was absolutely certain that was his intention. The rage in his face showed no remorse or inkling of control. He was on blood lust.


I called out. “Hideshi!”


I was ignored. I called out again, “Hideshi! Please stop! It’s me Cindee!”


There was a spark in his eyes as he glanced towards me, reminding me of the old Hideshi that I had first met. He looked at me with a gentle expression, but it wasn’t enough. His animal side must have claimed him again as he looked at Dillon and tightened his grip. There seemed to be a battle in his mind; there was still a chance for me to rescue Dillon.


My body felt heavy as I crashed to Hideshi in a sudden lunge. But it was futile. I crashed on the ground taken aback by how solid of a man Hideshi was. I reeled from the ground and cried out, “Hideshi please stop!!!!”


He looked at me again but this time he lowered his grip. Dillon had already passed out but he was still breathing. Hideshi looked at me and I could see that a part of his humanity reclaiming itself and coming back to him. His grip softened a bit.


“Cindee?” he said in a soft voice with his alluring eastern accent.


His eyes softened more. I said in a more cautious tone, “Yes, Hideshi, it’s Cindee.”


The cows must have been spooked because they suddenly turned silent. The silence was only amplified by the thud of Dillon’s body as it hit the ground. “Cindee..”


“Oh fathers from the heavens above, what have I done?” Hideshi said as he looked at his hands as if contemplating what he had done.


The well-defined muscles of his body shivered. It was as if he was trying to find himself, but unable. I could sense that not only was he in a state of shock, but also that his anguish was calling him back to his wolf form. I saw a slight ripple form from his muscular sides. Was he going to shift again?


I ran towards him as his knees touched the ground. The waves forming on his body became more violent, but when I touched him, these waves retreated back and disappeared within him. Hideshi rested his head on my breast. My arms wrapped around him as his hands clutched me. I couldn’t help myself when I looked down at his gorgeous manhood between his legs.


I quickly looked away. “What happened Hideshi?”


He looked at me in the eyes, finding comfort in my eyes. “I can’t contain it anymore,” he said as he buried his face again in my chest. I liked the feeling of Hideshi’s warm face resting on my soft breast.


“Well don’t worry Hiddie. I’m here now.” I said as I started caressing the hard panels on his back.


“Listen Cindee,” Hideshi started, “You might be in Danger. I need you to leave me. I don’t know how stable I am.”


“You seem pretty stable to me now Hideshi.” I said.


Our attention was suddenly called by the moaning of Dillon who was still fighting the tranquilizer shot.


“Hrrmmmm.. what’s happening?” he said. Then suddenly, another dart flew to the side of his neck. Almost instantly Dillon crashed to the ground like a ragdoll.


Not a full second had
passed when I felt a slight pinching pain in my arm. When I looked I saw a red-feathered dart stuck on my shoulder. Things started blurring and I felt a drowsing sensation coursing through my body. I was still conscious when the cows started making frightened noises and then I heard a deep growl of a wolf. Blackness formed with the futility of fighting the closing of my heavy eye-lids.




I was standing in the middle of a group of cows, when a pair of hands dragged me out. Ten boys wearing overalls and hardhats stood there looking at me. Their leader pinned me down on the ground, while I watched in horror as the rest looked at me laughing.


He slid his hands down under my shirt, then yanked out the bra that contained my fleshy mounds. My bra he tossed in the air while I tried to get away from his tight hold. Nobody made a move. Everyone was glued at me. Everyone was enjoying my torment. Large cow eyes glared as witness to my suffering.


The moment’s torment quickly turned to a flurry of white fur, which toppled my assailant away from me. A wolf stood above me, protecting me from attackers. The deepest, boldest growl was heard before it lunged with its sharp fangs, whose fierceness caused everyone including my attacker to scatter immediately. The wolf looked at me with the rage of its face peeling away, revealing a look of gentle satisfaction.


It neared me in small steps, head down on the ground, sniffing the insides of my chest. The comfort of its head rested on my exposed breasts. I grabbed on to its muscular neck, hugging it tightly. Thanking it. Kissing it. The sensation of the softness of fur turned to the smoothness of skin --- Hideshi! A young version of Hideshi arose from the wolf. He looked at me intently, then without saying a word, kissed my cheek, stood up and walked away. I called out to him, but his fading image went through the cattle and disappeared forever.


When I awoke I felt a pang of heavy dread course through me. Adjusting to the light, I tried to make sense of where I was. I figured I was in a type of living quarters, a rectangular expanse, sparse in design with a writing desk. I was lying on the floor on a tatami matt, whose simple rigidity I found comforting. Adorning the walls were drawings of lotus flowers, temples, and samurais. I saw, in one of the drawings, a girl that looked strangely similar to me.


The room was large with metal walls. It was as if I was inside a converted storage unit. A large vault-looking door with sharp marks etched in its perimeter was the only visible entrance. My growing confusion was comforted by the soothing familiarity of a man’s voice.


“Cindee,” Hideki said softly. “How are you feeling?”


He said while wiping my forehead with a small damp towel. He was dressed in the traditional Japanese silken robe. I thought he was rather cute to look at. I looked at myself, and saw that I too was wearing a traditional Japanese robe. “Here, drink this. It’ll help you.”


He offered me a small cup of hot tea. The cup itself was uniquely Japanese, white porcelin with a simple engraving of a wolf – the Tadaki banner.


I accepted the cup, inhaling the aroma of the fresh black tea. I loved this type of tea. My lips touched the edge of steaming water, whose reflection casted the eyes of Hideshi. Taking a small sip of the bitter-sweet hot liquid instantly warmed and refreshed my core. He was right, it did help. I sighed of relief and felt a calming smoothness envelope me.


“I’m sure you have questions,” he started. I couldn’t help notice that his voice was now ridiculously low-toned masculine. Puberty had done its magic.


“I... I...” stammering I tried forcing the words.


There were so many thoughts rushing to me now. I wanted to ask him about what happened when he left. And admit how I’ve always kept on to his memory. How in the back of mind, our reuniting was an unfathomable need. And what about the wolf? How was that even possible?


“I’ll start it,” Hideshi took control of the conversation after sensing my mental anguish. “Sometimes the moon hides behind the cloud. But when it peeks through, you will see the light of its truth.”


“When I rescued you in that locker room, I failed a test. I let out a side of me which should had been locked up. My father sent me to America knowing full well that I would encounter these things. My test was whether I could contain myself, let misunderstanding course through me undisturbed. Calmly accepting the nature of things.” He said as he looked away.


I touched Hideshi on the face, but he turned away. I said, “when you saved me you mean?”


“Yes,” he said. “I just couldn’t bare seeing someone as delicate as you hurt. It was a choice that I took, and I don’t care what my father thought. But news of it travelled fast; and as soon as my father knew that I had unleashed myself, he thought it would harm the family if word got out.”


“I pleaded with him. He relented by letting me stay and sending me a bodyguard. But again I betrayed his trust.” Hideshi said as he inched one of his fingers between my fingers. I giggled inside like a high school girl.


“Another part of me wanted to follow him, but another part of me, felt an overwhelming emotion of… affinity… of desire… of love.” He said glancing down my neck then to my breast then darting his eyes to the ground. “I felt something for you… Cindee…”


That schoolgirl feeling came back as my cheeks reddened. No matter how grown up I had thought myself to be, deep inside there was still a young girl in me. It never dies, first love never dies they say.


Hideshi continued, “And I wanted to be with you. I wanted to be with you as a lotus wants to bloom.
But my father found out about my affection for you. He grew scared that it might somehow put us in jeopardy. You see there’s a lot more to this that you need to know.”


He must have referred to his transformation to a wolf. I put my hands on the hard planks of his chest. It was obvious that I wanted him, and from the looks of it, there was a chance that he wanted me too.


“My father sent for me to be returned back to Japan, to our prefecture. But I never forgot about you. How can swordsman forget the feel of a sword? I never once to this very day had a day when I did not think about you.” There was pain in this voice when he said that.


“I’ve learned to rebel against my father. I didn’t want to be held to his outdated ways of thinking. I wanted to do what I want to do with my life. From that moment on, instead of following the footsteps my father, I decided to venture out on my own. Nobody was shocked by this because my family had been known to be rebellious. We’re known to be foolish and strong-willed and unyielding. They said the west had made us this way.”


My fingers passed underneath his robe, outlining the shape of his chest down to his chiseled abs. He didn’t seem to mind it. Continuing down to the knot of his robe, which I unraveled easily due to its silken material.


“I left the city, and my comfortable life under my father’s keep, and wandered in the countryside; my bodyguard, Tanagi, who was bound to my life by virtue of his oath was my only company. We stayed in a small countryside of
, along the hills at the very edge of our island nation. It was there that I worked as a massager of cattle. It may seem odd to you, but cattle beef is highly revered commodity in my country since we do not have much lands. A massage supposedly relieves muscle tension thus our cattle had a large degree of marble in its meat.” He said sounding a little upbeat.


“From my time in America, I knew that there was a market in America. And I knew that this could be a way back here to you.” I started massaging his inner-thigh, his muscles were tensed then it relaxed.


“So I managed to perfect a new technology and was able to pioneer the perfect combination of the Angus with the
breed – thus my hybrid company was born. It was a great time for me. But my father’s warnings came heavy over me. I started shifting to a wolf, usually during moments of high distress. My family had a history of being shifters. It started with an ancestors visit to Europe something to do with a relationship with a duchess of France. The details are lost to me now. But it had been a family secret for many centuries. So you could imagine my family’s dismay when I was toying with a situation which could let this go public.”


I knew the story before he could even finish. I was filled with even more desire to be with him. A hot exotic Asian werewolf shifter. Only one thing remained unclear, “but who shot me and where are we?”


“That would be Tanagi, my bodyguard. He had always been there to protect me. We distributed those dart guns to the workers to shoot me with a tranquilizer instead of live ammunition. He would do what is required next, which is to lock me up here in this masked storage-facility until I shifted back. I suppose he saw you and thought I was in danger. You saw me shift. I do hope you understand that you carry a secret with you. And it is my understanding that this is why you are my fated mate. Do you what fated mate means?”


I replied, “It means that we are destined to be together. That our story had crossed for a reason; that we are meant to be.” I felt cheesy saying that, but it was critical concept that I learned from reading about his history and his culture. I didn’t want to tell him yet. About how I never really moved on.


“I knew you would find this place here,” he continued. “This structure that I purposely had erased from the plans. I knew you would find it, I knew that somehow, when I looked for you in the agency that I knew somehow that our paths would cross. I just didn’t want it to be like that, as a wolf. But now you know it. And I’m glad. A wolf wants to be seen sometimes. You’re safe here; I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. You calm me.”


I brought lips to meet his. A small peck at first, until I found a willing tongue. Our tongues danced in a gliding celebration of unity. The uniting was even brought closer by my grabbing of his silky head, as I pushed more of him towards me. His small lips were tight in comparison to my luscious lips, but they were soft. Softer than feather and sweeter than


Sweet feminine fingers unrobed what little remained of the silk that draped him. Exposing the chiseled hard panels of steel that was his chest. Masculine fingers responded. Sliding a finger through the silk edge of my robe he gently but purposely traced his finger through my shoulder. The silk that draped my skin dropped effortlessly down the arches of my back, revealing my tender creamy skin.


“Hideshi...” I muttered, lost in the warm point of his fingers. It moved down the edges of my aching breasts, encircling, and teasing them. The tatami matt crunched from the arching of my back. I lustfully lifted my twin tips to meet him. In response, an invigorating hand, built on time massaging, started kneading, rolling my breasts together then stretching them apart.


A growing desire for him to suckle my breast was quenched. With his soft lips he enveloped my mounds in a wet blissful agony releasing a slight gasp from my lips. The firm suckling of my tips was followed by light licks on the underside of my breasts.


Reaching for his back, my mellow hands glided through the freeway of his spine to the muscular bumps of his butt. I loved how his butt was muscular but alluringly tender. I squeezed the firm meat packs in the same vigorous motion as he used to knead my breasts.


I didn’t mind we were on the ground. It was rather comfortable these tatami mats. It pushed us closer to other. I felt the hardness of his body, whose smell was of pine, ground, and overwhelmingly masculine.


He was planked top of me. I followed the curvature of his hips down to the center of his legs. When my fingers touched the massiveness of his veiny, blood engorged cock, a smile formed in my lips. More than a full grip in width, I wondered if he would fit. I stroked the entire length and started having doubts, for I have not been penetrated by anything as large. Sensing his massiveness, a warm moisture formed in the center of my legs with the lips of my flower spreading, slowly blossoming to receive him.


Hideshi maneuvered himself so that the head of his massive shaft peered at the outside of my pleasure center. I was dripping wet already. I had waited for so long and I only wish that he would finally penetrate me as quickly as he could. I wanted to feel him deep inside me. I wanted him to make love to me like an animal.


In one deep efficient thrust he was inside me. Legs squirmed as I tried finding an accommodating angle to receive him fully. I didn’t. He was just too large, so he filled me up completely. I arched my spine to meet his slamming thrusts, whose rhythmic pounding slowly intensified.

BOOK: Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales
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