Worshipped (Worshipped Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Worshipped (Worshipped Series Book 1)
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I laugh at Karen, but she knows exactly what is on my mind. I pay for our bill, and head to Isaac’s company. I pulled up at D&W Industries impressed at the building. It’s like something out of a movie. It has at least a hundred stories, all glass windows. The inside is extraordinary. I can tell right away Isaac has lots of money. I walk up to the secretary, and ask her to let Isaac know I am on my way up. She is more than happy to help, and even shows me how to get to his office.

Once I reach his office, I am a bit nervous about going inside. I’m not entirely sure why, I mean the man has seen me completely naked. Not once, not twice, but three times now. I am about to knock, and Isaac opens the door.

“Riley, I was just coming to find you. It can be a bit confusing to get here.”

“You should give your front desk secretary a raise. She was more than helpful with showing me how to get here.”

“Is everything all right?” he asks, just like Isaac to think something is wrong.

“Are you busy?” I ask.

“No, not at the moment, but I do have a meeting in thirty minutes.”

“Good, we have plenty of time then.”

With that being said, I push him inside, letting him know exactly what I’m there for.

“I couldn’t wait any longer, Isaac.”

He replies back by picking me up and pushing me against the wall. Apparently he feels the same way. It’s a good thing I decided to go with a skirt today. It makes this so much easier. As he is kissing me, he rips off my panties, and tosses them to the side.

“Whoever invented those damn things needs to be shot,” he says playfully. I giggle at him, knowing he is right. He has my skirt raised up on my waist and his pants around his ankles in less than a minute. I wrap both legs around him, making it easier for him. Before he does anything, he caresses my sensitive clit telling me, “Riley, I love how you’re always ready for me.”

He fills me then, expanding me, pushing me to that pleasure/pain feeling. “We have to be quick, I can’t be late,” he tells me.

I know it won’t take either one of us long. He thrusts so hard and deep it takes only minutes before I explode around him, feeling him come with me. It’s pure ecstasy.

I tell Isaac goodbye and he promises to call me later. I’m pleased with how things were turning out between us. He makes me feel wanted, beautiful, and desired. Any woman would be lucky just to feel one of those emotions. I get inside the elevator and push the lobby button. I always hated elevators because they are slow, and when it stops to let someone on I inwardly curse. The doors “ping” open and none other than Conner Davidson steps inside. Just great. All I need is another awkward moment with him.

We instantly lock gazes and he gives me a world winning smile. “I didn’t expect to see you here, Riley. This is quite the surprise,” he says to me in that husky voice of his.

I can’t tell him why I was really here so I lie and say, “I was just in the neighborhood and thought I would bring Isaac lunch.”

Conner laughs and says, “Well, I guess he was hungry for something else since we just got back from our lunch.”

Well shit, there went that lie. He knows I’m lying, but at least he doesn’t call me out too much on the white lie. Finally, the elevator reaches the lobby area and I bolt out of there. I don’t know what to say, so I just smile and leave. Conner has this way of making me feel things I shouldn’t. Especially if I’m dating someone, and that someone is his business partner/best friend. I really need therapy.

I’m caught up in my own world while walking back to my car that I don’t see the person I bump into until it is too late. “Oh, I am so sorry ma’am…Cammie?”

Well, isn’t fate just a bitch. “Hi, Riley. How are you?” she asks.

I really didn’t expect to see her. It has been three weeks since I last saw or spoke to her. I know I need to talk to her, but I’m not ready just yet. Plus, I can tell I hurt her. She looks like she hasn’t slept in weeks. She isn’t dressed as her normal girly self, either. She has this baggy sweater on with jeans and her hair is in a messy bun.

“Cam, I….I need to run. I’ll see you around,” I quickly tell her and all but run to my SUV. I know it is cowardly of me to run, but I can’t bear another second of seeing her hurt because of me.

I drive the long way home, hoping to clear my head some more. I know I am going to have to face Cammie sooner or later. I was just hoping for the later. When I get back to the house, I unload the groceries, and all the other household items. I was hoping that Isaac would’ve called by now. I was getting antsy waiting on him. I knew he was probably busy, but I still couldn’t shake the anxiety building.

I decide to relax a little, so I pop some popcorn, and turn on the TV. About an hour later, my phone finally rings. “Hello?” I answer.

“Hey, baby.” It’s Isaac. I do a mental happy dance when I hear his voice.

“Hey yourself. I was beginning to think you forgot about little old me,” I tease him.

“Riley, I could never forget about you. I was hoping you and I could grab some dinner tonight. Let’s say around seven? I’ll come pick you up.”

“Sounds good to me, I’ll see you then.” We hang up then. I realize Isaac must have been extra busy today.

I get up a couple hours later to start getting ready. I feel like a teenager again getting ready for Isaac. I can’t help but notice the smile that is permanently glued to my face. I don’t mind. It was so long ago since I felt any kind of happiness.

I get dressed in my chevron green dress and black heels. Isaac seemed to like me in heels our last date. I sit back down on the couch, getting impatient. Isaac isn’t the type to be late, so when thirty minutes pass by, I begin to worry. Is he standing me up? No, he would never do that to me. Isaac doesn’t come off as an inconsiderate asshole.

My stomach does a flip when I finally hear the doorbell ring. Finally, I thought. To my surprise, it isn’t Isaac at the door, it’s Conner. “What are you doing here?” I ask him.

He looks so hot, not something any girl could miss. His brownish blond hair is messy, like he just finished having a good fuck, and he is wearing a simple grey shirt with blue jeans. How can a man wear so little, but be so hot at the same time?

He laughs and says, “Isaac called me. He had to fly out of town, so here I am to take his place as your date tonight.”

I’m shocked. How could Isaac forget to tell me this? I decide that it isn’t worth getting upset over, and I take Conner up on his offer. “I guess you will do for one night,” I tease. Might as well make the best of the situation, I think to myself.

“Come, the limo is waiting,” he commands. What is it with these men ordering me around? My body, on the other hand, goes into overdrive. My nipples harden, my sex throbs, and wetness starts dripping down my thighs. Conner seems to notice, because at that exact moment, his grey eyes darken. His pupils dilate, and he moves right in front of me.

I stand very still, not knowing what to do at this point. I don’t understand why my body is betraying me this way. “We should go,” he says.

I agree. I quickly follow him to the limo, trying to put any distance between us. What the hell is going on? Isaac will freak if he ever hears about that. I decide it is best to keep all thoughts to myself.

We ride in silence; the sexual tension between us is killing me. Plus, I have no idea what to say to him. We arrive shortly after at this little pub and bar. I have never been here before, so it is a nice change. We seat ourselves in the bar section where a band is playing. I find that comforting knowing we can’t really have a conversation over the music.

Conner’s mood seems to lighten, as if he can read my mind. He gets the waitress’s attention and orders us a couple of beers. After we order our food, the band takes a break. “Crap,” I think. I have no idea how to handle this.

Thankfully, Conner speaks first. “So tell me, Riley, how does a beautiful woman like you stay single for so long?”

His question puzzles me. I give him a weary look, and respond with, “If you must know, I was married for seven years. We divorced almost three years ago.” I’m sure why I feel the need to tell him that. I never talk about Robert to anyone other than Karen.

“I’m sorry to hear that. A woman like you shouldn’t have to worry about things like that.”

“What do you mean?”

He gives me his warm smile and says, “You are too beautiful, smart, and downright sexy as hell to have to worry about a man leaving you. I am assuming this jerk didn’t know what he had.”

“I couldn’t agree more. He was a jerk, but enough about me. Tell me something about you,” I say. I mainly want to take this conversation elsewhere. Talking about Robert opens up to many wounds for me to handle right now.

He seems to like that idea. He begins to tell me about his hometown and how he and Isaac met. He goes on and on about the company. Conner is quite the talker, unlike his friend Isaac.

He finally gives me a break and asks, “Would you like to dance?” I nod and smile at him. He is an excellent dancer. Much like Isaac. It dawns on me how similar these two are. Almost if they are the same person.

We move to the music and Conner has me dancing all over the dance floor. When the bar says last call, I see a hint of sadness in Conner’s eyes. Almost as if he never wanted this date, or whatever this is, to end.

He pays our tab, and we go back to the limo. We again ride home in silence. That is good for me. I need to focus on not getting myself into trouble. I had it all wrong about Conner. He is very sweet and so easy to hang around. I realize I judged him too quickly and I’m glad we got to spend time together. The only thing is, I can’t even look his way. Every time I do, I imagine him on top of me, between my legs, and even fucking me from behind.

I can almost see what he would look like coming for me, screaming my name. I shake my head; I really needed some professional help. Conner senses my mood change again. He clears his throat almost if he was watching my mind play out the scenarios. I can’t help it; I bust out laughing, almost in tears from laughing so hard.

Conner is beyond confused by my reaction. “Did I do something amusing?” he asks.

“I’m sorry. I must have had a bit more to drink than I thought,” I lie. How can I tell him what I was thinking? Oh trust me, I want to. I feel like I can tell Conner anything. He is Isaac’s friend, almost like a brother he once said, so how could I do that to him? I am in no way going to ruin what the two men share.

We finally get back to my place and I invite Conner inside, asking him if he would like a drink. “I would love some red wine if you have some,” he responds.

I pour both of us a glass and we sit down on the couch. “Your house is amazing. Does the fireplace work?” Conner asks me.

“Yes, but I never light it. It doesn’t get cold enough here to worry with it.”

Conner gets up and heads over to the fireplace. He turns on the gas, and lights the fireplace for us. It is absolutely romantic. The crackling of the fireplace, the wine, and a sexy man I am lusting after right beside me makes me wish we could go further.

Conner moves so close to me, I just know he can hear my heart pounding. As I stare into his eyes, I could have sworn I could see into his soul. He leans in to kiss me, and I still. My mind is racing, going nuts for me to pull away. As my mind can’t decide why I let this happen, my body, on the other hand, takes control. I have my hands in his hair, not realizing what I’m doing. I can’t get enough of him, and I notice I’m pulling him closer to me. Conner moans in agreement. He caresses my face ever so tentatively, and kisses me so passionately. I am so caught up in the moment I don’t hear the door open.

“Hey, you two,” Isaac says. I jump up as quickly as I can. I just know a fight is brewing.

“Hey, man, how’d the meeting go?” Conner asks as if nothing was going on. What the hell? I look at Isaac then back to Conner. Neither one of them seem the least bit upset. I’m the only one looking like the crazy lady. Isaac sets his briefcase down and comes over to me.

“Riley, I am so sorry for standing you up. The meeting was called last minute and I had no choice,” he explains.

“It’s fine, Isaac. You had to do what you had to do. Conner was nice enough stand in your place tonight.” I’m testing him. I want to know for sure what I think is going on here.

He laughs as he says, “What a poor excuse, but I am glad you had company tonight.”

Conner doesn’t seem the least bit worried about any of this. He laughs right along with Isaac, as if they shared some short of inside joke together.

“I’m heading out now,” Conner tells us. “See you later, Riley.” Conner says his goodbyes to Isaac and leaves.

I’m so confused. How am I even going to start making sense of this? I know for a fact Isaac saw Conner and me kissing. There is no mistake in that, but why hasn’t Isaac said anything about it? Is he really that type of guy who isn’t the jealous type? My head starts to pound at all this.

I go in the kitchen to find some medicine to soothe my headache when Isaac comes up behind me. He puts his arms around me and turns me to him. He gives me the sweetest kiss, showing me how sorry he is about standing me up.

“Riley, I should’ve called you. I only had a few minutes, so I asked Conner to come keep you company,” he says.

“Isaac, it’s fine, really. All that matters is that you’re here now. So let’s make the best of it.” I urge him to drop the matter. Yeah, I’m still a little wounded, my pride that is, but nothing that a wild night with him won’t fix.

He finally understands where I’m going with it. He picks me up, high enough so he can easily kiss me, and holds me close. He takes me to my bedroom, stripping my clothes off at the same time. He lays me down on the bed, taking off his tie. He uses his quick skills and has me bound, naked, waiting for his next move.

I’m shocked when he pulls out a blindfold. I look up at him curiously, wondering what he has up his sleeve. “It will make this more intense,” he tells me. I don’t need any other explanation. The deep shooting pain I feel in my womb tells me it doesn’t matter what this man does; I want all of him.

My sex tightens, wanting to be touched. My clit is throbbing so hard it’s almost painful. I know he wants me as well; his cock is hard against his pants, his breath hard, almost panting.

BOOK: Worshipped (Worshipped Series Book 1)
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