Yours to Keep part 3: Billionaire CEO Romance (Captured and Claimed) (8 page)

BOOK: Yours to Keep part 3: Billionaire CEO Romance (Captured and Claimed)
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She brushed her clothes again. “I could feel them. They were trying to bite me.”

“Here.” He lifted her hand and held it over a vent. “This is what you probably felt. You were a child, and in the dark, the mind can turn anything into a monster.”

“She told me one of these days the rats would eat me alive. I lived in fear. I used to curl up and recite the alphabet, just to help me focus on something else.”

Emotions flashed in Quinn’s eyes. He pulled her to him and hugged her. “You were young, afraid, an innocent thirteen-year-old child who believed her because she was an adult. And adults are supposed to do what’s best, right?” She nodded and he continued, “But she let you down, Rebecca. She didn’t protect you the way she was supposed to.”

She blinked at him. “I told on her once when some ladies came to check on me, but they didn’t believe me. The punishment was worse after that.” She sniffed back the tears that were falling harder now. “I was scared of her. Too scared to ever tell again, because I didn’t know what she’d do to me.”

“I know, and I can promise you this. I will never let anything happen to you again.”

“I want to go now.”

He nodded and led her back up the stairs. When they reached the top, the front door opened and in walked Dorothy. Her eyes went wide and she dropped the small grocery bag. “What are you doing in my home?” she asked, her voice frantic, brittle. Arthritic, gnarled hands lifted the cane and pointed it at them. “Get out right now or you’ll be sorry.”

Rebecca straightened. “You don’t scare me anymore.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Rebecca?”

“Yeah, it’s me.”

She stumbled backward. “I…I…”

“You what?”

“I did it for your own good.”

A strangled sound rose from Rebecca’s throat. “What’s done is done, but the only one you have to make it right with now is your maker. Now step out of the way, we’re leaving.”

Dorothy hobbled to the living room and the second Rebecca stepped outside, she took a big breath and let it out slowly, releasing all the pain and fear she’d had bottled up inside her for so long. Her legs weakened and she gripped the rail.

Quinn held her. “I got you.”

She took in the fierceness in his eyes, along with his vow to protect her, but he’d betrayed her trust by taking her here and now things would never be the same between them.

“I want to go home.”

Quinn guided her to his vehicle, and after seeing her into the passenger seat, he slid in beside her and turned the engine over. Twenty minutes later, she was climbing out onto the sidewalk outside her condo. Quinn slipped the stick into park and joined her.

His hand closed over hers and he dropped a kiss onto her forehead. Everything in the way he touched her, looked at her, shattered her last vestige of control. After everything she’d been though with Quinn, Felix and seeing that old house again, she’d never be that same Rebecca again.

“I want to be alone,” she said.

“I’m not leaving you, Rebecca. I’m never leaving you.”

She touched his face, needing time to sort through everything she’d been through. “Please, Quinn. I just need time to myself. There are things I need to sort through.”

He squeezed his eye shut. “Can I at least come in? I’ll stay in another room and give you space.”

“No.” He was about to protest again, but she stopped him. “I need to be away from you.”

Jesus. “How far away?”


“Just tell me what you need, Rebecca. I’ll do whatever you want. If you want me to move to L.A. with my brother because being here is too near, then I’ll do it, but I need to know you’re okay.”

“What I need is to be alone,” she said and walked away.

He shook his head, and even though it went against his protective nature, he turned from her. “I’m only a call away. I’ll be here in seconds if you need me.”

She nodded, needing quiet time, because she’d never dealt with these kinds of emotions before. “I know.”

He stayed in his car until she was safely inside her condo, then she heard him roar away. Rebecca stripped off her clothes and made her way to the shower. She stayed under the hot spray for longer than normal, washing off the past—the stagnant smells of the old house, the dampness of the basement on her skin, the fear that paralyzed her. She squeezed her eyes shut, her mind sorting through everything that had happened since meeting Quinn.

Her heart raced when she thought about what he’d done for her, how he wanted to help her. And he
helped her by bringing warmth to her darkest corners as she confronted her past. She knew she’d never find in another what she’d found with him, and because of him, she was now a stronger, healthier Rebecca. Body and mind.

She felt a deep, needy ache in her core. Her whole life everyone had left her. But Quinn hadn’t. In fact, he stayed with her even when she couldn’t give him what he deserved. She let loose a breath, and for the first time in her life she wasn’t afraid of getting close, wasn’t afraid of letting down her guard. Deep in her heart she knew Quinn was never going to walk away or discard her like she was yesterday’s news.

He’d taken a risk by betraying her trust and was willing to lose her to help her. She ran through the series of events that led her to this place, this revelation. Her heart fluttered. It was worth everything they’d been through to get to this moment.

Quinn had tried so hard to change, to give up the one thing that drew her to him in the first place. Earlier that morning after seeing the collar and knowing it represented a lifestyle she was running away from, she’d decided to walk away from Quinn, because he deserved better.

A laugh lodged in her throat, because honest to God, it would be easier to give up breathing than to quit him. He was an incredible man who had taught her so much about herself, and now… Well, now everything was different.

She climbed from the shower, wrapped in a towel and made her way into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Her mind went back to the gorgeous diamond-encrusted collar, and this time she felt a little thrill to know what he was asking of her. BDSM was all about trust, and she knew before she could wear it she’d have to surrender herself to Quinn, physically and
That might have scared her before, but she believed in Quinn, trusted him with her body and her mind. She glanced at her phone as an idea began to formulate. Oh yeah, she knew just what she had to do to show him how much she trusted him, how committed she was to making this right between them—before it was too late.



Chapter Eight


“Forget it, Josh. You’ll have to find your own way to the resort. I’m not stepping foot on the island. Never again.”

“You don’t have to. I’m just asking for a lift, that’s all. You don’t even have to get out of the plane. Just drop me off and turn around.”

Jesus, why did he have such a hard time saying no to his twin. “You checked all the other charters?”

“Every one of them. There’s nothing available.”

“You have to go tonight?”

“It’s Saturday night. Come on. All you’re doing is moping around here anyway.”

Quinn looked at his watch. It had been hours since he left Rebecca and he was still waiting to hear from her.

“She already texted to say she was going to sleep. You’re not going to hear from her now. Besides, I talked to Sophie earlier, and she was on her way to Rebecca’s place. She’s in good hands, don’t worry.”

“Fine.” Quinn grabbed his phone off his desk and shoved it into his pocket. “Let’s go.” They climbed into Quinn’s car and a few hours later they were buckled in his Cessna and on the way to the resort. Quinn remained relatively quiet, worried about Rebecca. Had he pushed her to far? Pushed her right out of his life? He could deal with that, if it meant he’d helped her. But goddammit, he needed to hear from her more than he needed his next breath.

He shot a glance at Josh, who seemed out of sorts. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing. I just haven’t been here in a while. I’m probably going to need you to sign me in.”

“I told you, I’m not staying.”

“Come on, big brother,” Josh said, and Quinn rolled his eyes. Josh only played into the big brother thing when he wanted something. “What if you turn around and they close the doors on me. Just sign me in, that’s all I’m asking.”

“Fine, then I’m leaving. And you can have these too. I no longer need them.” He fished his cabana keys from his pocket and handed them over. “It’s yours.”

“You’re giving it to me.”

“Sure. I told you. I’m leaving this behind.”

Quinn circled the small island. Nighttime was upon them when he landed the plane on the small runway and powered it down.

He unlatched his seatbelt and followed his brother to the small airport, where they took a shuttle to the castle. The place was quiet, not a member to be found. Quinn looked at his watch as he climbed the steps.

“What’s going on? This place should be in full swing by now.” He tried the door and found it locked. He frowned. Had Alexander shut the place down? He turned to look out over the island and the key to the castle jingled in his pocket. He grabbed it and opened the door to find Jacob standing there. What the hell?

“What’s going on?” Quinn asked, taking in the almost amused look on the man’s face. His glance went to his brother, and when he found him smirking, Quinn squared his shoulders. “Josh?” he asked, a warning in his voice. He started to back away. “I don’t know what you’re up to but if you think bringing me here is going to—”

“You’re going to need this,” Josh said, handing his cabana key back.

“Right this way,” Jacob said, waving his hand toward the hall. “Your submissive awaits.”

Quinn’s heart started pounding, hitting his ribcage so hard it was ringing in his ears. “I don’t want a submissive. I’m with Rebecca.”

Josh gave him a little shove. “Just trust me on this.”


“Come on, big brother.”

Josh pushed him down the hall, and Quinn fought against him. “So help me, you better not have set me up with someone to prove I can’t quit the lifestyle. The only one I want is Rebecca.”

“Just keep going,” Josh said.

They stopped walking when they reached his favorite playroom. Jacob waved his hand. “Your sub awaits,” he said, then stood beside Josh.

Quinn looked into the room and what he saw next was like a physical blow to the stomach. He grabbed the doorframe for support and briefly pinched his eyes shut, expecting the vision to be gone when he opened them again.

He blinked, the beautiful sight of Rebecca tied to the cross, dressed in the red silk panties and bra he’d sent her, with a blindfold on her eyes, nearly made him sob. She’d set this up. For him.

He searched for his voice. “Rebecca,” he said, stepping up to her. He removed the blindfold, pushing it to her forehead. “You don’t have to do this,” he said, finding it harder and harder to breathe. “Not for me.”

Her face was full of warmth and admiration, trust and respect as she looked at him. “I know I don’t have to, but I want to.”

His heart hurt so bad it made it difficult to talk. “Rebecca, no you don’t need to do this. I know what happened in bed last night, but I can quit this, I promise. You don’t need to change for me. I’ll change for you.”

“This isn’t about me changing to be who you need me to be. This is who I am, Quinn. Just like you’ve been trying to be the man I needed. But all along you
the man I needed. Just the way you were.”

He cupped her face and gazed into her eyes. When he saw love shining there, everything he felt for her rocketed through him. Was this happening? Was this really happening?

He pressed his forehead to hers. “I was so scared I’d lost you.”

“You’re not getting rid of me so easily.”

“I want you, Rebecca, forever.”

“I know.” She made a gesture with her head and he turned to see the collar sitting on a chair. The world went out from underneath him.

His heart thundered and his voice was rough with emotions when he said, “Tell me how much you want this…want me.”

“I want this, and I want you,” she answered, her expression filled with pure admiration.

He touched the slip of red silk covering her hips, and when he caught the sweet tang of her arousal, possession raced through him. He crossed the room, came back with the collar. “You’re mine, Rebecca,” he said, putting the collar around her neck and clasping it from behind. “Every part of you.”

“Every part of me is yours, Quinn. Yours to keep.”



The End



Thank You!


Thank you so much for reading, Yours to Keep.  I hope you’re enjoying Rebecca and Quinn’s journey as much as I loved writing it.  Please read on, I’ve included an excerpt from
, book one in the Firefighter Heat trilogy! I hope you enjoy!


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Happy Reading,





BOOK: Yours to Keep part 3: Billionaire CEO Romance (Captured and Claimed)
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