Zane & Lucky's First Christmas (Forever Love, #5) (6 page)

BOOK: Zane & Lucky's First Christmas (Forever Love, #5)
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“You know I’m always here for you, Skylar.” I reached down and hugged her close to me.

“Hey, hey, what’s going on?” Noah sauntered into the room and his eyes widened as he surveyed the mess around us. “Did a bomb go off in here?”

“No, Noah,” Skylar giggled and ran over to him. “We’re making cookies for Lucky for when she wakes up.”

“What about me?” Noah joked. “Don’t I get any cookies as well?”

“You don’t need cookies.” She shook her head.

“Who’ve you been talking to?” He grinned and rubbed the top of her head. “I was going to offer to help you both tidy up if I was going to get some of the cookies, but I guess not.”

“You can have some, you can have some.” She squealed and I laughed as Noah picked her up and swung her around. “Put me down,” she giggled. “I’m going to get dizzy.”

“Are you going to let me have some cookies?”

“Yes, Noah,” she laughed as he finally set her back down on the floor.

“You can start with the dishes if you want.” I motioned to the sink, and Noah laughed and shook his head.

“I think not, bro. How’s about I finish the cookies, but on a baking sheet. You do know that cookies and cupcakes aren’t the same thing, right?” He nodded towards the muffin trays and I shrugged as I chuckled.

“Fine, fine. I’ll start the dishes.”

“Where’s Lucky?” he questioned as I turned on the faucets and started filling up the sink.

“She’s resting. She was a bit tired after our trip today.”

“Lots of shopping?”

“No, actually. No shopping.” I rolled my eyes. “And no sex.”

“Zane.” Noah’s eyes flashed at me as he nodded at Skylar, who was pulling out chocolate chips from the batter and eating them.

“Oops, sorry.” I made a face. “But yeah, anyways. We didn’t get much accomplished today.”

“Did you guys pick a date for the wedding?” He looked at me curiously and I shook my head.

“Nah.” I sighed. “I think it’s stressing her out.”

“That’s not good.”

“Yeah. I still think we should just got to Vegas and elope.”

“I doubt she thinks that’s romantic.” Noah rolled his eyes. “Sometimes I really wonder about you, bro.”

“What’s wrong with Vegas?”

“I’m not even going to go down this road with you.” Noah added some more flour to the mixture in the bowl. “Did you add any baking soda to this?”

“Baking soda?”

“I guess that’s a no.” He laughed and went over to the cupboard.

“When did you become the culinary king?”

“When I went into hiding,” he laughed. “I can whip up all sorts of things now.”

“Then please do. I’m getting fed up of your pizza delivery surprises,” I joked, and started washing up the dishes. “Hey, do you think I should tell Lucky that we should wait to get married until after the babies come?” I asked seriously.

“Is that what she wants?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think so.” I bit my lower lip and thought. “I think she wanted us to be legally married when the babies were born, but I know planning the wedding is stressing her out.”

“So why don’t you plan it?”

“Plan it?” I looked at him, aghast. “You’re joking, right?”

“No. No, I’m not. Why can’t you plan it? Maybe even make it a romantic surprise.”

“How am I supposed to plan a wedding?” I shook my head and scrubbed the plates. “I have no idea what to do.”

“I’m sure you know as much as she does. Just think how sweet and romantic that would be.” Noah nodded to himself. “I think that Lucky would really appreciate you surprising her like that.”

“Do you really think so?” I looked at him thoughtfully. “It may help to take a lot of pressure off of her mind.”

“Yes, do it.” He laughed. “Trust me, you will win the fiancé of the year award.”

“I need to win something like that. Or at least be entered into the contest.” I gave him a wry grin. “Anyways, enough about me. How’s it going with Robin?”

“Ugh, I don’t want to talk about it.” He made a face at me. “Let’s just say I don’t think Skylar will be calling her ‘Mom’ anytime soon.”

“Oh, sorry.” I patted him on the back. “What about your mom?” I asked softly. Surprisingly, I held no ill will when I spoke about his mom anymore. Even in my mind, the bitterness and pain was no longer there. I think that because I knew my real mom loved me, it didn’t hurt me as much any more.

“No idea.” He shrugged and turned away. “Let’s get these cookies in the oven and finish tidying up before Lucky wakes up and kills us all.”

“That sounds like a plan,” I said, laughing. I went back to washing the dishes and looked back to see Noah placing the cookie dough on a baking sheet. I felt bad that he had no relationship with his mom; she was alive and well, and even though she was a bitch I knew that she loved him. He had waited his whole life to find her, and now they had no relationship because of me. I knew in my heart that I had to do something to mend their relationship.



“These are delicious.” Lucky licked the crumbs off of her lips and Skylar giggled as she munched on the freshly baked cookies.

“Me and Uncle Zane made them for you.”

“Don’t forget me,” Noah piped up and I gave him a look.

“You can’t let me have credit for anything, can you?” I joked and we both laughed.

“You guys are all spoiling me way too much.” Lucky giggled. “I’m not going to want to do anything once the babies are born.”

“Can I play with the babies once they are born?” Skylar looked at her hopefully.

“Yes, but we will have to be very careful.” Lucky rubbed her hair and Skylar cuddled into her. “Babies are very delicate.”

“Much like me.” I grinned and she looked over at me and we shared a smile. Lucky looked beautiful and rosy as she smiled up at me with light and shining eyes. My heart expanded with love and I decided then and there that I was going to plan the wedding. It would all be a surprise.

“Let’s play a game.” Skylar looked over at me excitedly. “I
wanna play Monopoly.”

“You’re not playing anything but bedtime, young lady.” Noah shook his head and picked her up off of the couch.

“But I’m not tired!” She moaned and squealed at the same time as he tickled her.

“You have things to do
tomorrow.” He started walking towards the stairs and then paused and looked back at Lucky and I. “I’m going to read Skylar a bedtime story and then have to pop out for a bit, do you guys mind watching her?”

“Not at all.” Lucky smiled back at him and I held in a sigh. I didn’t want to look after Skylar. I wanted to make sweet love to my fiancé, but I supposed I could wait until Noah got home. I certainly wasn’t going to risk Skylar walking in on our lovemaking and screaming out in fright as Lucky and I moaned and groaned in ecstasy.

“Great, thanks.” Noah smiled and turned and went up the stairs. “You guys rock.”

“Yeah, I wish I had free, live-in babysitting services.”  I mumbled as he went up the stairs and Lucky walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek.

“What’s the problem now, Grumpy?” She teased me and grabbed my hand and led me over to the couch.

“I’m not grumpy.” I made a face at her as we sat down.

“Uh huh.” She grinned and rubbed her fingers across my cheeks and lips.

“Did you sleep well?” I smiled at her. “No nightmares from earlier, right?”

“No nightmares. I had very sweet dreams.” She slipped a finger into my mouth and I sucked on it as I stared back at her.

“Oh yeah? What did you dream?”

“I dreamt that we didn’t have any complications in the car.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.” She removed her finger and replaced it with her tongue, allowing it to trace the lines of my lips before plunging into my mouth. “I dreamt that we had no problems at all.”

“Was it everything that you imagined?” I breathed heavily as my pants suddenly felt tighter.

“Not really.” She shook her head with wide eyes. “I hadn’t imagined you bending me over the hood of the car like that.”

“What?” I mouthed back, enraptured by her words.

“Yeah,” She grinned back at me. “Sex in a car I’d imagined before. But sex in the parking lot, sprawled out on top of the car wasn’t something I’d ever thought about.”

“I’ve thought about it before.” I laughed and captured her darting tongue with my lips. “I’ve pictured your tight little ass up high in the air as I’ve fucked you from behind as you gripped onto the metal and cried out my name begging for me to never stop.”

“Really?” This time it was her breathing that was heavy and deep and she moved in closer to me. “You’ve never told me that before.”

“I didn’t want to scare you.” My hand slid up from her waist and cupped her breast. “I didn’t want you to think I was a sex fiend.”

“But I already know you’re a sex fiend.” She gasped as my fingers pinched her nipple.

“But that’s not all that I want.” I whispered against her lips.

“I know.”

“Though, sometimes I do think of pushing it further, taking it to the extreme.”

“What’s extreme?” She gasped, her pupils dilated as my other hand found its way to her other breast.

“I don’t know.” I shifted in the seat and she moved over quickly and straddled my lap. “What’s extreme to me may not be extreme to you.”

“Public sex isn’t extreme.” She smiled down as she gyrated on my lap.

“I guess it depends on how public.”

“Not where anyone can see.” She laughed and my hands played with her long hair.

“Isn’t that part of the thrill? That someone may see?”

“I don’t want anyone to see.” Her eyes were wide and I slid my hands up under her top and caressed her waist.

“No one has to see.” I shook my head. “I don’t want anyone to see you either.”

“Okay, good.”

“I was thinking we should write our own vows.” I burst out and she stopped in mid-gyration, her face looking puzzled.

“What?” She looked down at me, and I lifted her up and shifted her slightly so that she wasn’t sitting directly on my hardness. I wasn’t sure I would be able to resist fucking her on the couch if she remained in that position.

“Sorry, completely different thought, but I was thinking that maybe we can write our own vows. As opposed to just saying the words the church provides.”

“Oh okay.” She looked pleasantly surprised. “Sure, we can do that.”

“Good.” I kissed her nose. “And maybe we should stop with the public sex talk right now. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to stop myself from ripping off your clothes and taking you right here if we keep up.”

“I don’t mind.” She started moving back and forth on my lap.

“You may not mind, but I’m not sure if Noah will be too happy to walk back downstairs and see us fucking in the living room.”

“Oh yeah.” She blushed red and moved off of my lap. “I forgot.”

“You didn’t have to move away completely. I
kinda liked the feel of you on me.” I tried to pull her back on top of me and she shook her head.

“Not right now.”

“Then when?” I groaned, starting to feel a bit grumpy again.


“Promise?” I asked hopefully.

“Yes, as soon as Noah comes back we can go to the bedroom, lock the door and have our wicked ways with each other.”

“You promise to be wicked with me?” My eyes were alight with mischief, and she hit me in the shoulder as I started laughing.

“I’ll be as wicked with you as you are with me.”

“Then it promises to be a very wicked night.” I winked at her and she gave me a slightly wary look. I looked at the clock and prayed that whatever Noah had to do would be done very quickly.




I left the house feeling guilty. Zane and Lucky were on the couch looking like all they wanted to do was rip each other’s clothes off, and I was the one stopping them from doing just that. I
felt so guilty that I almost decided to stay home, but I knew that I had to go and see Robin. I needed to know where we stood. I was fed up of feeling unsure and jealous. And I was also worried that Leo was already attempting to make his move. He was Zane’s best friend and also a friend of mine, but I knew that all was fair in love and war. If Robin had affected him as much as she had affected me, then I knew that he would be trying to get her back.

I pulled up into the parking lot and sat there for a few minutes thinking about what I wanted to say. I didn
’t really know what would be appropriate. It wasn’t like I could express my undying love and wish to marry her. I wasn’t really sure if that would ever happen for us, though I hoped that one day that it could. I liked Robin a lot, and she had really touched my life, but I didn’t really know her. I wanted to know her better. I wanted to continue developing our relationship. But I didn’t know if I had already ruined that opportunity.

I got out of the car slowly, walked to her apartment, and knocked on the door with my heart in my mouth. I could hear the television on as I waited and I wondered if she would be happy or mad to see me as she opened the door.

“Coming, I’m just getting my purse.” I heard her call out and I realized she must think I was some delivery man. I smiled to myself at the thought of getting to eat some delicious food as we talked; I was slightly hungry.

“Hey, sorry about that.” She opened the door, looking sexy and frazzled with a bunch of notes in her hand. “I was just getting the money.” She looked up at me, and her e
xpression looked shocked as she made eye contact with me. “Noah.”

“Yes, it
’s me.” I laughed. “Not the food. Though, I’ll pay if you let me share it with you.”

“I didn
’t know you were coming over.” She bit her lower lip.

Can I come in?” I smiled. “I promise I don’t bite.”

I, uh, I kinda have company.” Her face flushed and my heart stilled.

Please don’t let it be Leo.

“I, uh,” she stammered and paused as we both heard footsteps walking to the door. I looked around her body and into the apartment, and saw Leo standing there with a bottle of wine in his hands.

“I see.” I nodded and gave her a sad look. “I guess I know where I stand.”

“No.” She shook her head and grabbed my hand. “It
’s not like that.”

“Uh huh.” I pulled my hand away from her and she stepped out of the door.

“He just showed up as well, but about 10 minutes ago.”

“I see.” I looked at her with doubt in my eyes.

“It’s true.” Leo walked to the door and stared at me. “I guess we both had the same idea.” I turned to look at him and he gave me a short smile, which I returned. I stared at the two of them standing there, and I knew that my next move was most probably the most important move I could make. If I left right now, I was possibly throwing them into each other’s arms. It would be like accepting defeat.

“Well, if you don
’t mind, maybe I can come in as well.” I squared my shoulders and gave Robin my most dazzling smile.

“I, uh,” she stared into my eyes and gave me a half smile.

“Great.” I grinned and walked into the door. “Good to see you, Leo. I hope you don’t mind that I’m crashing the party as well.”

“Yeah, I don
’t mind.” He frowned at me and we all stood there awkwardly for a few moments.

“Wine, anyone?” Robin walked towards the kitchen quickly without looking at either of us, and Leo and I followed behind her.

“May the best man win,” Leo gave me another short smile and I nodded.

“To the best man.”



“So Zane’s going to plan the wedding?” Robin’s eyes were wide with excitement as she stared at me. “That is so romantic.”

“Yeah, it was my idea.” I nodded, happy that I had all of her attention, even though she was sitting next to Leo on the couch. “I think it will really take the pressure off of her.”

“Wow, that’s just an awesome idea.”

“Really?” Leo frowned. “Not to be rude, but Zane knows shit about weddings. This is meant to be Lucky
’s one big day. She doesn’t want a picnic catered by McDonalds. That’s not going to be the wedding of her dreams.”

’s not going to cater his wedding with McDonalds.” I shot back at him.

“Oh yeah, better yet: Papa John’s.”

“Now, now, guys.” Robin smiled at both of us gently. “I think it’s a cute idea. I mean, there is a lot of potential for Zane to mess it up, but it’s still a good idea.”

“My brother won
’t mess it up. Plus, I’ll help him.”

“Because you know better?”
Leo laughed. “That’s the blind leading the blind.”

“At least I
’ve had a real relationship.” I gave him a pointed look.

Well, I’m not sure I want a real relationship if the girl turns out to be a drug dealer or willing to hand over her stepdaughter.” Leo shot back, and there was silence in the room. Robin gave him a disappointed look, and I shook my head at his words. “Sorry,” he sighed. “That wasn’t called for.”

“No, it wasn
’t.” I bit my lower lip. “Though, I suppose it was true. I don’t have the best track record.” I shrugged. “I’m hoping that has changed now, though.” I smiled at Robin and she gave me a shy smile in response. “I know I’ve messed up plenty of times, but I don’t want to keep making those mistakes again.”

“Okay, okay. I
’m getting the hint.” Leo shook his head and sighed. “I know when I’m not wanted.” He stood up and gave me a wry smile. “You’re a good guy, Noah. I know when I’m beaten.”

“What?” I looked up at him in shock.
This was it?

’m just leaving before I get kicked out.” He laughed and looked at Robin with regret. “I had my chance and I messed up. I’m sorry.” He gave her a meaningful glance and she smiled back at him.

’s okay.” She stood up and hugged him. “We were both in a bad place.”

“Are you leaving?” I stood up as well, not wanting them to all of a sudden have some moment.

“I don’t know that I was ever really wanted.” He ran his hands through his hair and chuckled.

“Of course you were.” Robin reassured him and then looked at me. “But just as a friend, you
’re right. I like Noah. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but right now I want to see how it goes.”

“I appreciate your honesty.” Leo sighed and my heart started racing. He gave her a sweet smile and leaned down to peck her on the lips. “If it
doesn’t work out with Noah, give me a call.”

Will do.” She smiled.

wouldn’t hold your breath.” I winked at him and Leo laughed.

’re a better man than me, Noah. I would have kicked your ass so far out of the door that you would never have come back.”

isn’t the answer. At least not when the other guy is my brother’s best friend.”

“About that.” Leo pulled out his phone. “Do let your brother know he can call me back now. The air has been cleared.”

“Will do.” I laughed and sat back on the couch as Robin escorted Leo to the front door. I wanted to go with them to make sure he didn’t try to slip in a kiss, but knew that I would be pushing my luck if I started acting like a jealous boyfriend already. I waited for Robin to come back impatiently. All I wanted to do was kiss her and hold her close.

“Hey,” she walked into the room and looked at me almost shyly. “Well, that wasn
’t awkward at all.”

“Hey, at least a fistfight
didn’t break out.”

“True,” she looked at me wickedly. “Though,
it would have been quite exciting to have two men fighting over me.”

“You want to see me with a black eye? You know that Leo has worked as a body guard.”

“You’ve got some muscles on you there.” She stared at my arms appreciatively.

Well, I try.” I jumped up and walked over to her. “I guess they could do some damage.”

“I bet.” She shivered and I
couldn’t help myself anymore. I reached over and pulled her towards me, looking into her eyes for her permission before I kissed her. She nodded slightly and that was all I needed before I pressed my lips down on hers. I felt a fever in my head as our lips met and a spark of heat flew down my spine. My body had missed her even more than I thought.

“You’re cold.” I grabbed her hands and rubbed them in mine.

“It’s a cold night.”

“Not really,” I looked up at her in concern. “Are you sick?”

“No.” She smiled. “Though I do feel feverish inside.”

“Oh no.” I raised my head to her forehead to see if she had a temperature.

“I think I need the doctor to tend to me.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes, doctor. I think you need to examine me.”

“Hmm, I think I need you naked if I’m to do a proper examination.”

“I may need help taking my clothes off.”

“I can certainly oblige with removing clothes; in fact, it’s a specialty of mine.”

“Ooh, I like being with professionals.” She giggled and I grabbed the buttons on her blouse and pulled her towards me.

“I like being with you as well.”

“So what are you going to do to me, doctor?”

“I’m going to make you all better.” I growled in her ear and she moaned as I pulled her top off. I stared at her for a few moments in her lacy cream bra and then unclasped it and pulled it off. “First, I’m going to examine your breasts and make sure everything is okay.”

“Oh, doctor, that tickles.”

“Really?” I paused. “Maybe I’m examining them incorrectly.” I bent down and traced my tongue around her breast before taking her nipple into my mouth.

“Oh, doctor.” She let out a sigh as she rested her head back and ran her hands through my hair.

“The left breast seems fine.” I grinned at her wickedly and then moved over to the right breast. “Now on to the next.”

“You’re going to make me feel like a pervert the next time I go in for a mammogram. You know that, right?”

“Just remember that your regular doctors shouldn’t be checking you this way.” I grinned up at her before nibbling on her right nipple. She cried out and I smiled. “Just testing that you still have sensitivity there.”

“Ass.” She laughed and I reached down to her pants.

“Are you ready
for further testing, Robin?”

“Yes, doctor.” She grinned excitedly and I picked her up into my arms and carried her to the bedroom.

“I’ve missed you.” I couldn’t stop myself from uttering as I laid her down.

“I’ve missed you as well.” She purred up at me.

“I mean, I’ve really missed you. I’m sorry, you know that, right? I didn’t mean to keep anything from you. I just didn’t want to…”

Shh.” She placed a finger on my lips. “Let’s not talk about this now.”

“I don’t want you to think that this is just about sex for me. It means so much more than that to me.”

“It means more to me as well.” Her eyes pleaded with me to let it go. I decided to ignore the voice in my head that said to talk before we had sex. Sex wasn’t going to absolve her fears. But I couldn’t resist myself as she wiggled in the bed below me. I stared at her perky breasts as they jiggled and brushed against my chest. I couldn’t resist her. I was attracted to her, like a moth to a flame, and right now neither of us was worried about getting burned. But that’s what sexual attraction does to people. It makes you forget about all the other problems bubbling at the surface.

“I’m going to make love to you gently and slowly and then I’m going to…”

“No need to be gentle.” She shook her head. “I’ve been a bad girl. Treat me like a bad girl.”

“You want me to spank you?”

“I want you to make me forget my own name.” Her eyes sparkled at me.

“I’ll fuck you so good that all you can think about is my name.” I pushed her back on the bed and unbuckled her pants roughly. “And I won’t let you come until you beg me.”

“Oh, Noah.” She closed her eyes and my fingers ran up her inner thigh and stopped at the edge of her panties. My finger traced an invisible line along the middle of her panties and she gasped as my finger roughly rubbed her bud.

“Touch me, Noah.”

“Shh. I’m in charge.” I looked down at her and covered her mouth with mine, enjoying the look of surprise in her eyes at my roughness.

“I need to feel you.” She whispered and I removed my fingers from her panties. She groaned in frustration and I gave her a stern look.

BOOK: Zane & Lucky's First Christmas (Forever Love, #5)
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