Zeus (Taken by Olympus Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Zeus (Taken by Olympus Book 1)
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“I commanded you to stay away from the gorgons!” Zeus’ anger was quick, all-consuming.

The few servants and others gathered along the courtyard scurried like mice before a cat.

Pegasus nickered in what seemed to be argument.

Zeus waved a hand in the air. “I don’t want to hear it. Artemis isn’t here to heal you. You sealed your own fate, old friend.”

The horse nickered again and bobbed his head toward me. I approached and marveled at the beast’s sheer size. Maybe twenty-five hands high and no telling his weight. He was a gorgeous creature. I was smitten.

“You better hope this mortal can do something for you,” Zeus stalked around the horse and rubbed a hand across his jaw. “Tara?”

I knelt down in front of Pegasus, the toga puddling around my knees. His eyes were jet black, attentive, and intelligent.

“Hi Pegasus, I’m Tara.” I held my hand out and hovered it above his nose. After a moment he raised his head and let me touch him. I could already tell he was burning up, fever racing through him like a wildfire.

I looked up at the redheaded stunner from earlier. “I need buckets of cold water and ice. Washcloths and warm water, too.”

He snapped his fingers and a handful of servants appeared. He barked orders and they dashed off.

I moved around to the creature’s side and examined the wounds on his neck. They weren’t deep, but they were blistered and already pus-filled. Some sort of toxin was at work. If I didn’t get them cleaned – and fast – his fever would keep rising. I wasn’t going to let an animal this beautiful die on me.

I stood and walked around him, taking it all in. “There are too many wounds here. Shit! Do you have any antibiotics? Maybe some sort of anti-inflammatory?”

“No, my lady. We never have need of such things.” The redhead wrung his hands.

I smoothed my hand down one of his finely feathered wings. At least they seemed to have escaped injury.

“What about plants? Anything remotely like aloe vera or something similar?”

“Get her the epolosi vine,” Zeus ordered.

“Right away, my lord,” the redhead rushed off.

The other servants arrived with the water and washcloths. “I’m going to start at his neck. I need you all to douse his rump and back with the cold water. I’m going to clean his wounds as I go. Once I get done with an area, come in behind me and keep the area cool. Got it?”

The servants nodded.

Pegasus dropped his head. The fever was wicking away his strength.

It was now or never. I stood and faced Zeus.

“I don’t work for free.”

He raised a perfect eyebrow. “What?”

“I demand payment.”

He crossed his arms over his broad chest, his pecs flexing perfectly. “I’ve already promised you anything you could ever want.”

“I know, but I need your word that you’ll grant any request of mine if I save him.”

I kept my mind clear. I couldn’t risk him reading my thoughts.

He frowned. “As I’ve already promised you anything, this is no burden.”

I shrugged. “I just want to hear you say it and I’ll get to work.”

He smiled. “Fine, my pet. Anything you ask, you shall have if you save Pegasus.” He shot a look of disgust at the creature, though I could see the worry in his eyes. “From himself. I should send him to Tartarus for this disobedience.”

I let out a shaky breath. “All right. Let’s get to work.”

It took what seemed like hours to clean each wound. Pegasus was tough, taking my treatment without so much as a whinny. Once I received the vine Zeus had mentioned and was able to crush the sap from it, it worked wonders on the wounds. Pegasus healed faster than any animal I had ever treated.

When all his gashes were clean and he was finally able to stand, he was magnificent. Bloodstained yet healthy. His fever was gone and his wounds were closing rapidly. I wiped the sweat from my brow and rubbed his nose.

“Stay out of trouble, buddy.”

He nickered, but there was a twinkle in his midnight eyes.

Zeus had stayed and watched the whole process. I couldn’t tell if he was truly interested or simply worried Hera would rip his new toy limb from limb.

“Let the salve sit in his wounds until they’ve all healed up or close to it. Then wash him down with cool water. Seems like he’ll be as good as new.”

He nickered as Zeus approached and gave him an affectionate pat. “If I so much as
you’ve gone back to battle the gorgons again, you and I will have words.”

Zeus turned to me. My heart constricted, and I found it hard to get out my next words. Leaving him was going to hurt like a motherfucker. “Zeus, I—”

“I already know. The thoughts you try to hide from me scream the loudest.” He came to me and wrapped me in his arms. “I’m not very good at not getting my way, Tara.”

I returned his embrace, the strong beat of his heart calming the frantic pace of my own.

“I would have treated you like a queen.”

“I would have been a pet.”

He laughed into my hair. “Maybe. But a well fucked and well cared for pet. I don’t see the harm in that.”

The idea of being cared for, cherished, fucked by the powerful god of lightning was almost enough to make me change my mind. Pegasus nudged his way into our embrace. His dark eyes reminded me of what I’d been called to do.

“I have to get back. Now. The Branfield mare.”

Zeus eyes swirled golden and I swore I saw a trace of pain wrinkle his brow. Then it was gone, and so was I.



Chapter Five




I rushed to my Jeep and jumped back inside. I ignored the stab of hurt that sliced through my heart. This was for the best. I couldn’t be what Zeus wanted. He was married, and I refused to be a mistress. My tears welled, slipping down my face as I drove down the dark lane. The lights of the Branfield farm were ahead, guiding me through the night.

I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt and pulled around the house, past the barn, and to the stables. Gina’s little sports car was out front. I got out and shouldered my supplies. Ty Branfield was standing at the door, shifting from one foot to the other like he had to pee. Nerves.

“How’s she?”

“Not doing so good, Doc. Foal still ain’t out. Widow won’t stop pushing.”

I sped inside and went straight to her stall. Gina was on her knees, trying to work the foal back inside and turn it so it could birth properly. I could already tell it wouldn’t be enough.

“We have to get her up. Now.”

Gina turned, her face pale and panic written in her eyes. “Up?”

“It’s the only chance we have. She has to stop pushing.”

I went to her and ran my hand down her brindle face. “We’re going to get through this Widow. I need you up.”

Gina, Ty, and I coaxed her to her feet. It was no easy task. I could feel she’d given up. It was my job to put the fight back into her.

“Widow!” I looked into her eyes. “We are doing this. I need your help.”

She whinnied in pain as we finally got her to her feet. I walked her from the stall. The foal’s legs were still dangling. I need them all the way out or all the way in.

“Gina, stand here, to her side. I don’t want her kicking you. Ty, stand on her other side. I’m going to have to manually turn the foal.”

“She may not kick us, Doc, but what about you?” Ty asked.

“It’s a chance I’ll have to take. I’m not letting her or the foal die.”

I looked into her eye and spoke softly. “Widow, I’m going to touch you. You aren’t going to like it. Don’t kick me. Stay calm.” I knew my words wouldn’t get me anywhere, but I hoped the soothing tone would work some magic on her. A kick when I was beneath her could kill me.

“Here we go. Try and keep her calm.” I knelt beside her and sat so I could get the best angle on the foal. I gripped up on each of its legs and started working them back inside. It was the only way to get the foal turned.

Widow whinnied and shifted as Ty and Gina tried to calm her. I worked and worked, but I wasn’t getting anywhere. Widow was bleeding more and more. The foal was slipping through my hands, and I thought I saw the placenta descending next to him. If the placenta was out, the foal would be lost.

I was starting to panic, but I tamped it down. I couldn’t let Widow sense I was losing the foal. Tears burned behind my eyes. I refused to lose them.

“Dean!” Gina’s voice rang out.

A pair of shitkickers appeared next to me and Dean knelt down. His presence calmed me, pushed back the rising despair.

“Can I help, Doc?”

“Yes, please. I have to get the foal back inside and turned. Understand?”

He raised an eyebrow before removing his hat and sitting on the floor next to me. “I thought giving birth worked the opposite of what you just said, but I’m not a doctor or anything.”

His levity should have pissed me off. Instead, it gave me the strength to continue fighting. “Shut up and push.”

It was a rough few minutes, Widow whinnying as we fought and struggled. But at the end of it, we had a healthy foal and a living mother. After the foal was out, I immediately treated Widow to avoid sepsis and stop the bleeding.

Two hours later, I sank onto the nearest hay bale and just breathed. My shirt and jeans were streaked with blood and fluid but I didn’t care. I was triumphant. I’d cleaned myself up as well as I could after I’d instructed Gina on Widow’s aftercare. Dean’s sister was going to be one hell of a vet some day.

Dean came over and sat next to me. He was equally soiled but still had the same delicious masculine smell as before.

“That was. Well, shit. That was fucking amazing.”

“I know. Widow did fabulous even with such a difficult delivery.” I leaned forward and massaged one of my aching shoulders.

“Widow?” He scooted closer, knocked my hand away and pulled me back so he could rub my shoulders. It was heaven. I was so tense for so long that my muscles were in knots. He continued, “I mean you. You did the impossible. I’ve seen that before, where the foal’s head was caught. Mare and the foal died. I didn’t think you had a chance in hell at saving one, much less both. But you didn’t give up.”

He kept kneading and I leaned farther back until I was almost resting against him. Exhaustion settled on me like a fine dust. I closed my eyes as he worked.

“Widow’s bleeding stopped. She’s looking good. Want to check her?” Gina walked up, a smile on her pretty face. She was exhilarated. I was glad to see it.

I gave Widow a once over, checking the stitches and making sure she was comfortable. When I was done, I stepped from the stall and was almost bowled over by a bear hug from Ty.


“I would have lost them. I don’t even know how to thank you, Doc.”

I patted him on the back awkwardly and scowled at Dean as he grinned at the scene. “I think this is plenty. And don’t worry, I’ll send my bill.”

Ty let me go and thanked me again. I went to grab my vet bag and saw that Dean already had it slung over his shoulder.

“I’ll take you home.” His dark eyes were somehow bright.

“No, I can drive.” I yawned.

He smiled. “I wasn’t asking, Doc.”

“Just let him take you, boss.” Gina winked at me.

I saw this was a losing battle. Me versus two hardheaded Sullivans. I was too tired to fight.


Dean led me from the barn, his hand on the small of my back. He laid my bag in the backseat of his truck and helped me into the front. His hands on my waist were warm, firm.

He closed my door and walked around to his side. He cranked up the car and country was on the radio. I smiled.

“My music funny?” He reversed and drove down the gravel lane.

“A little.”

“You’ll just have to get used to it.”

“Just for the twenty minutes to my house.”

He looked over at me, his eyes glittering in the dark. “Oh, for much, much longer than that.”

I leaned my head against the window and let my eyes close for just a moment.

I awoke to the feeling of arms encircling me.

In my dim porch light, I saw dark hair and a five o’clock shadow. Not Zeus. Dean.

I closed my eyes and sank back into the haze of sleep. I vaguely felt myself being stripped and put to bed. I didn’t even mind. Too much had happened. I couldn’t be bothered to care.




The sun was in my eyes. I was in my own bed. No satin, no ropes, no blue sky above. I had left that possibility in the dust. Though it made my heart ache, I knew it was the right choice. I stretched my arms out above me and turned over … right into the hard body next to me.

I pushed against the intruder and scooted away until I fell in the floor with a thunk. Saban dashed away with a hiss.

“Doc?” Dean peeked over the edge of the bed at me. Somehow, his hair was looking even more “freshly fucked” than usual. He smiled.

“You scared the shit out of me!” I covered my tits, though I was still wearing a bra and panties. He must have stripped me last night. And then just decided to what? Sleep over?

“Come on back up in the bed.” He disappeared back over the edge.

Saban stared at me from the hallway. He gave me zero input on what I should do about the handsome man who’d taken up residence in my bed.

“I ain’t going to bite you, Doc. Well, not unless you ask nicely.” He let out a low chuckle. “Come on.”

Well it was
bed. I crawled under the sheets and turned on my side to look at him. Whatever I was going to say died on my tongue. His torso was bare, the sheet pushed down to his hips. The dusting of dark hair expanded along his chest, thinned again and disappeared beneath the sheet. My gaze traced the entire trail, and I pressed my thighs together at the tingling sensation that erupted in my clit.

“You all right?”

I dragged my gaze to his eyes. “I-I uh, yes I’m …”
not staring at your body and wishing my tongue was all over it.

He smiled, sexy and slow. “I meant from where you fell.”

I laughed, awkward and short. “No, I’m fine. I fell on my ass. Plenty of cushion.”

What the hell did I just say?

He laughed, a low sound that vibrated all over the room and right down to my toes. Turning over to face me, he propped his head on his hand. “You seem different.”

“Different? How? From last night?”

“Yeah.” He reached out and smoothed a lock of my blonde hair through his long fingers. “On our date you were far away. But then at the Branfield farm, you were here. I could feel it. Something had changed.”

Yeah, I broke up with the first boyfriend I ever had – and did I mention he was a god?

“I don’t know. I guess I was just sort of … looking for something I thought I wanted. But now—”

“You don’t want it anymore?” He let my lock of hair fall and traced the line of my jaw with two of his fingers.

Heat rose and percolated in me at his gentle touch.

“No. I don’t. I thought I did for a while.”

He edged closer, encroaching on my side of the bed. “What made you change your mind?”

That was a good question. I wanted to say it was work. But that wasn’t the real reason I’d turned down Zeus. In my heart, I knew the real reason was right in front of me, stopping my breath with his intense dark gaze.

He didn’t give me time to answer, just claimed my mouth in a heady kiss. His lips mastered mine and his tongue licked and explored. He placed one hand at my back and pressed me to him, my nipples instantly hard from the heat and hardness of his chest. He groaned when our legs tangled and my thigh touched his cock. It was rock hard and substantial.

I ran my hands through his hair and pulled. He groaned and slid a hand down to my panties. He pushed the material to the side and sank a finger inside me. I cried out against him, but the sound and my breath were lost in the intensity of his kiss. His finger worked in and out, sliding on the wetness that soaked my panties.

“Dammit, Doc, feeling you like this, so wet for me.” He kissed down my neck and bit my nipple through my bra. “I want to fuck you senseless.”

Heat roared through me at his words, at the promise in his powerful body. His hot mouth teased my nipple, wetting the fabric and making the already stiff peak harder.

He climbed on top of me and spread my legs. Dragging his finger out of me slowly, he brought it to his lips and cleaned it off. I had never seen anything more erotic in my life.

His cock moved against the thin fabric between my heat and his. He pulled down the straps of my bra, revealing my breasts. He groaned and palmed one while feasting on the other. I moved my pussy along his shaft, aching for the contact. My clit demanded it. He was working up a storm inside me, one that I’d only just become familiar with in the past few months. He, on the other, seemed like an expert, knowing where to touch and how to make me crazy for him.

He trailed his hand down my body and gripped my panties. With an easy rip, they were gone and his slick head was directly against my folds. I arched my back, desperate for more.

He gripped the back of my neck and looked into my eyes as he positioned his head at my entrance. “This is mine, Tara. Only mine. I want you to say it.”

Hadn’t I made this promise to someone else?

He moved his hips against me, his back straining. “Say it, Tara. Say it and I’ll have you screaming my name today and every day after.”

I thought I heard the low rumble of thunder in the distance.

He dropped a kiss to my lips, loving and tender despite the tension in the rest of his body. When he pulled back, I was breathless.

The thunder grew louder.

His dark eyes made me promises I knew he would keep. I ached for him, all of him.

A bolt of lightning struck nearby, the thunder shaking the house.

“I’m yours,” I breathed.

“I’m going to hold you to that, Tara.”

He plunged inside. I cried out and raked my nails down his back.

He settled on top of me, kissing and sucking my neck as his cock worked me. The contact on my clit was amazing, sending shocks through my entire body with each jarring impact. The bed was shaking and more than a few things fell off my nightstand. I didn’t care. The fire he’d stoked inside me wouldn’t be denied.

He raised up and sat back, pulling me with him. My breasts jutted into the air, bouncing along with his strokes. He licked one and took the nipple in his mouth, biting down until it almost hurt. I gripped his shoulders as he fucked me with hard strokes deep inside.

BOOK: Zeus (Taken by Olympus Book 1)
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