Zola Flash (The Zola Flash Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Zola Flash (The Zola Flash Series Book 1)
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“When Dimi returned to Payohlini this time, Leena’s wealthy family was no longer in power. There was a new ruler that had two sons who were three years apart in age. The younger boy’s name escapes me at the moment, but Renz you know. Anyway, when King Dimi returned this time, he sought Yala for marriage. Her answer to him was yes, of course, just as legend predicted. Three years later, you were born. Everyone knew you were a special baby. You were unlike the Victian and the Payohlini. You had moon white hair and eyes the color of stardust. The day you were born, your eyes glowed this magnificent blue before turning stardust. That’s when people started recalling the legend.

“The Payohlini ruler, at that time, was determined to have one of his sons marry you. He met with your parents to arrange an engagement, but they refused. The ruler of Payohlini was so determined to have one of his sons marry you that he started a war. He started off by killing people. Just random bystanders. Then he promised to destroy Victian as a whole, if they didn’t set up the arrangement. So, reluctantly, your parents agreed to the mating. And that should bring you up to date.”

“My eyes glowed?”

Instead of answering, my grandfather says, “You know, my dear child, destiny has a funny way of working itself out.”

“I guess it’s up to me to stop this war, huh? I can’t be this scared child anymore. I have to stand up and fight the Payohlini tyrannical plot, or this war will never end.”

“You can’t do this alone, child.”

“I can try. I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”

“I don’t agree with that, but I understand your logic. Do what you must, my dear child, but promise me something.”

“Anything, grandfather.”

“Come back alive. I cannot bare to lose you when I’ve only just found you.”

“I promise.”

Chapter Thirty-Three

I OPEN MY EYES to find myself in a white room. It looks as if I’m still in the parallel universe. There are no windows or doors. I’m not chained down.

Am I still dreaming?

I get to my feet and walk to one of the walls but find no apparent escape. Trapped. Again. I check again and call out, “Grandfather. Grandfather. Can you hear me?”

Renz, Britney, and Rican walk into the room through a concealed door. So, there is a way out. Britney and Rican stand back, but Renz walks over to me and wraps one of his arms around my back, while his free hand removes a strand of hair from my face.

“Where am I?”

“On my ship. We’re headed to Payohlini.” Yeah, I already guessed as much. Renz turns to Rican and Britney. “Leave us. I need a moment with my bride.”

They nod and exit.

I slide down the wall opposite the door, which I still can’t see, and tuck my knees underneath my chin.

Renz slide to the floor beside me and places an arm around my shoulders. “Princess, I don’t want to hurt you.” He draws me closer against his side. “Thank you for not transforming.”

“Liar,” I say.

Renz flinches as if I physically wounded him. “Excuse me, Princess?”

“Don’t play dumb. Because I’m certainly not. I said
. You and your people have been after me ever since I was a child. All you want is that monstrosity of an heir that you believe I can produce.”

“Who told you that?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

He stares at me for a while before saying, “My people and I have sought you out, but we haven’t touched one hair on that pretty little head of yours.”

“You didn’t have to kill my parents, or my sister. You could’ve just come for me, and I would have followed without you hurting my people.”

“Stop!” Renz rises from the floor and pulls me up with him. He looks angry. How can he look me in the eyes and not see how I despise him, the Payohlini, and this damn war, legend or no legend!

“I want my family back! I want my life back! I want no wedding alliance with you.”

“Zola, I can’t return your family. But we can make one all of our own, if you cooperate.”


“You’re such a stubborn girl,” Renz says, irritated. “Look, Princess, I have duties to attend to. Tonight, when we land on Payohlini, I will be all yours. Britney will come and dress you, when it’s time. Until then, Rican will escort you to my chamber. It is much more comfortable than this cell.”

Renz exits the cell. Rican walks in and takes my hand. He has a smirk on his face as he looks down at me.

He leads me down a dark hall. It seems as though the hallway will never end. Having my hand inside of Rican’s only makes it even worse. Finally, we come upon a set of tall, red double doors. The rooms here seem more fitted for the actual palace than a ship.

Rican touches one of the doors and it opens. Inside the room, I see my adorable little kit in a cage on a big bed. My bags lay beside it, too. Pulling my hand from Rican’s, I rush over to the bed and open the cage. The baby fox bares its teeth at me. These people must have done something to him. I can feel it.

I glare back at Rican. He isn’t alone anymore. Britney and Zel stand with him.

Zel walks to where I stand and stares down at me. In this light, I can see that he’s a Payohlini. The neon green in his eyes stands out more. I must not have paid much attention back on Earth. I can’t believe I actually trusted him enough to tell him my secret.

Zel reaches his hand inside his pocket and pulls out a small knife. He runs his finger along the sharp curved blade. Watching me with empty eyes, he runs the blade slowly up my arms. The blade nearly breaks skin.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Princess,” Britney says. “We think it’s time for the king to realize he is making an awful decision. So, it’s our job to eliminate the problem. For good.”

“Are you guys really going to risk killing me and earning Renz’s displeasure? He is very keen on marrying me and fulfilling the prophecy. Go against him, and it’s the end for you, even if you slay me.”

They look at each other. They must know I’m right. Hopefully, they will change their minds. Without a word, they turn back to me and give me a look that says they don’t care about their lives.

“We decided to sacrifice our lives for our king” Britney says. “He can’t see things clearly. You mess with his mind. When you are out of the picture, things will return to normal.”

Oh boy!

Zel raises the knife, and the kit, who I need to name, seems to be absorbing the grins on everyone’s faces, like he understands the expression, and he does not look happy. The kit opens its mouth, showing all of its razor sharp teeth, and snaps down on Zel’s hand holding the knife.

Zel screams out and swings his hand wildly, hitting Britney in the face. I quickly grab the knife and kit, and run towards the door, completely disregarding Rican’s presence. With all the bad luck I have been having, he would most likely get to me before I can get out of this room.

Thankfully, though, I am out of the room and down the hall before Rican gets to the door. I continue running until I see two guards round the corner. I start to reverse my steps, but Rican and the others are coming from the other way. Getting trapped is really growing old.

Glancing back and forth between the guards and Rican, I rush inside the closest door and lock it behind me.

“What are you doing in here?”

I jump when I hear Renz’s voice.

I turn around, and he is standing before me, almost naked. Not caring how good his body looks, I turn away and glance toward the bed, my eyes burning. Being caught by the guards and Rican would have been better than this.

A nude woman sits on the bed, seemingly unbothered by my arrival as she stares at me. “Is this the orphan we’re adopting, Sweetie?” She wraps the sheet around her and walks over to Renz’s side.

“Yes, it is.” He places a kiss upon her lips. “Could you give me and my soon-to-be daughter some privacy?”

“Of course.”

The woman smiles at me as she passes by. How could she think I am an orphan he is supposed to be adopting? If she believes that, she is just as stupid as she looks.

Once the woman is out of the room, I turn my questions on Renz. “So, this is the duties you spoke of earlier? And here I thought I was taking you away from something important.”

“Why are you in here?” he asks, disregarding my sarcasm.

“Who is she?”

“Why does it matter? You have made it perfectly clear that you are not willingly going to be my mate.”

“That’s not the point. You’re still making me.”

“That is the point.” His voice rises a bit. “Until we make us official, you have no say in my life, or the women in my bed.”

“That will never happen.”

He looks me up and down. “Soon enough, Princess. Soon enough.”

A small growl escapes me. He can’t think I’ll let him touch me, when he can’t even respect me enough to not sleep around while he waits to make me his mate. “I hate you!” I hiss at him.

“I could not care less. We have a short while before we land on Payohlini. Now go and let Britney make you beautiful. Well, at least, less like a child.”


“It wasn’t an option. It’s an order. Leave as you’ve been told.”

I glare at him, but he merely points to the doors behind me, and I inwardly sigh. I hate that he makes me feel like this. Like a helpless child. 

I open the door, and Britney, Zel, and Rican stand there glaring at Renz. I glance back at him, hoping he changes his mind about sending me away with Britney. As much as I don’t want to be near Renz, at least he isn’t trying to kill me like they are.

“We’re almost home. Take Zola and get her ready,” he tells Britney. He turns to Zel and Rican and narrows his eyes on Zel’s wounded hand. “I don’t want you two around, since you can’t seem to even guard a child. Stay in your chambers until you receive further orders.”


“Why?” Zel asks, releasing his arm.

“Because I am ordering you to. Now, leave my sight. And if you step one foot near Zola, it will be the end of you.”

They nod, and as they leave, I follow Britney down the hall back towards Renz’s room.

Chapter Thirty-Four

“WHY IS IT SO easy for you?” Britney asks.

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Why do guys fawn over you? You have Renz and Pin. I have no one.”

“You just tried to kill me. Maybe that’s why.”

“Zola, I’m being serious. I had to do that, or Rican would have killed me.”

“I don’t have any of them. Rather, I don’t want them.”

“You can’t tell me that you are not in love with Pin.”

“Of course I am!” I turn around to her. “He saved my life and took care of me when I lost everything. He’s the only one that has told me anything. Do you know what it’s like to have an army searching for you and not know why? He helped me cope when I found out I’m the lost princess of Victian. But no matter what I give, he constantly rejects me.”

Britney moves from behind me and sits at the edge of the bed. “Your hair and makeup are finished. Your dress is hanging in the bathroom. I’ll return in half an hour. Be ready.”

Britney leaves the room and slams the door. She hated me for something I can’t control. I didn’t choose to be a part of this stupid prophecy.

I go into the bathroom and immediately turn around. The dress is the scariest thing I have ever seen. I thought the dress that Trevor bought was revealing. That dress has nothing on this one. I might as well walk out naked.

Back in the room, I open my bags and look for something reasonable to wear, something that shouts
“You’re too childish to be a wife.”
I have nothing though.

I go back to the bathroom and put the dress on. Britney walks through the door, and I grab a blue, denim jacket and zip it all the way up. She rolls her eyes and point down the hall.

Britney leads me to the exit of the ship and up to the entrance of the palace. My eyes widen at the structure. It’s beautiful. And huge. It’s white and gold, with statues lining the stairs. I can’t even come up with words to describe how amazing the place looks.

Looking out over the land, my attention is caught by a striking polar scene. Beautiful crystals of all colors cover the snowy mountainous land, sending the smell of salt through the air. Even though the land looks wintery, the temperature is closer to that of autumn. Not too hot, not to cold. It’s the perfect temperature.

Too bad this wonderful land is filled with such dreadful beings.

“These guards will escort you to the dining room. Renz is waiting for you there,” Britney says and retraces her steps back to the ship.

Two guards open the palace doors when I reach them, giving me entry as they follow behind. They lead me down a hall and up to doors that have the Payohlini crest embedded in them. The doors open to a dining room lit with candles, where soft music plays. The candlelit scenery shatters, though, as soon as I spot a body on the floor.


He lies there helplessly, his body badly beaten, his eyes swollen and nearly closed. The blood on his face look as if it has been painted on, meaning someone did this recently. My eyes tear as I think of someone hurting him.

This is my entire fault. Pin is hurt because of me.

Immediately taking a few steps forwards Pin, I want to pull him into my arms and comfort him. To take away the pain and suffering inflicted on him.

One of the guards grabs hold of me before another step is taken.

“Let me go!”

At the sound of my voice, Pin moves his head.

Renz emerges from the darkness, into the candlelight. He moves to Pin’s side and looks down at him, and then toward me, and I’m sure he must see the fear in my face. He yanks Pin up from the floor by his hair and glowers at him as if he’s some type of grubby creature. Although Pin doesn’t make any sound of pain, the pain he must feel shows in his twisted features and the way he stares helplessly toward the floor.

“Release the princess,” Renz yells at the guards.

The guard complies and pushes me to the hard floor. Looking up at Renz, he blows me a kiss. He then pulls out a small blade, but it isn’t just any blade. It’s made of zipher, the deadliest and most toxic mineral in the entire galaxy. It doesn’t kill right away, but the pain it causes, you’d wish you were drowning in Tiheme.

“No, please don’t!” I weep. “He has nothing to do with this!”

“He has everything to do with this. He’s the reason you can’t bring yourself to marry me!”

“If he dies, I certainly won’t marry you. I will resent you more than I already do.”

“We’ll see about that!”

Renz stabs Pin in the back with the blade multiple times. With each stab, Pin wails louder. It is pure agony to watch— I feel each stab he receives and can’t stop the tears from coming, as I collapse to the floor, clasping my chest. I hate that I am unable to provide aid or stop the blade in Renz’s hands.

Knowing the only solution, I glare at Renz and choke out, “Fine.”

“What was that, Princess?”

“Stop and let him go, and I’ll do it.”

“Only because his life is in danger, you are willing to marry me. What if I don’t want you anymore?”

“Not true, you need that child.”

“Come closer. Get on your hands and knees and beg me to marry you, to save your precious Pin. Do it. Come here and get down now.”

I rise to my feet and move to his side. When I glance at Pin, he shakes his head as if telling me he is not worth it. “It’s the only way to save you.”

Renz tosses Pin to the floor. Seizing my chance, I bend down and glide my hand across Pin’s face. My heavy heart knew his life and mine were meant to go on. I must do what I don’t want to, in order to save the love of my life.

As I confront Renz, feeling somewhat stronger, he says, “Begin your begging, child.”

There’s no way I’m getting on my knees for him, so I wrap my arms around his neck; he smiles. Hopefully, it will take very little begging, after all. Making a trail of kisses along the base of his neck, my pleading begins. “Please, please marry me. Let Pin live. It’s me you want, not him.”

“You need to beg better.”

“Tell me what you want me to say.”

“No. Seeing you plead is quite enjoyable. Continue.”

“Release Pin and take me to your room. I’m sure I can be better than the girl from earlier. I won’t be stubborn, or disobedient. No fighting, or rejecting. All you have to do is let Pin go. Please. Please. Please. I’m begging you.”

Renz grins as he releases me. He runs his thumb across my lips as he places a kiss on my forehead. My heart aches at this betrayal. I hate that Pin has to watch this.

Not wanting to remember Pin this way, not wanting to remember this moment at all, I look away.

“That’s an intriguing suggestion, Princess. Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer Pin’s death over becoming my mate?”

“My decision is final.”



“Then, there’s only one thing to do.”

“What’s that?”

Renz pulls out a small wooden box that gives off the smell of rubador, a zesty spice only found on Victian during the lunar holidays. He kneels down on one knee and opens the box. A bright blue gem glows, like a thousand stars during a cold season on Victian’s neighboring planet, Zikohna. During the cold season, Zikohna is at its darkest. No light shines from its many moons, which allows the stars to be seen.

Looking closer at the stunning gem, it’s easy to see that the gem’s glow is fake. It’s not a gem at all, but a captured crystal star. A very rare star that becomes evident only once every five centuries. A star like that was the reason Cleo was born. Or rather, the night the star came is a direct connection to Cleo’s birth.

I remember the day as if it has just happened. The crystal stars were due to arrive. My family camped out under the cool topaz and lime sky, waiting for the night stars. The night before the arrival, my parents sent me away so they could get the campsite ready.

That night, I snuck out and followed them to the grassy cliff. One star appeared early, and there was something about that one star. It was easy to see that it was going to be the brightest of them all.

Deciding the star was too worthy for other eyes to witness, my father captured it and embedded it into my mother’s wedding ring, since she love it so much. Three months later, Cleo was born.

I snatch the ring away from Renz, and he goes stumbling backwards, glaring up at me in shock. There’s no doubt that he is a terrible person, but this is an all-time low. That he would use my mother to get me to say yes to marriage is contemptible.

“Where did you get this?” I ask pushing back unwanted memories. “Don’t even answer that. It’s quite clear who owned the ring.”

“It is the perfect wedding ring. Don’t you agree?” He snatches the ring back from my hand.

My nostrils flare and my eyes narrow. “That’s my mother’s ring!”

Renz rolls his eyes. “How about I just release the star and dispose of the ring! Would that make you happy?”

! “No!”

“Then, be happy! It’s not like you’re dead. You’re alive. And if you behave, Pin will be too.”

Morph! Please morph!
“Why are you doing this to me? Is all this necessary to mate with me? Does power means so much to you that you would risk our lives for some powerful offspring you don’t even know you can control?”

Come on! Morph, Zola, morph!

For some reason, my capability to morph does not work. 

Renz forces the ring onto my finger. He kisses my forehead then each cheek.

Looking into his eyes and unable to transform, I say, “You win.”

For now!

“Never doubted I wouldn’t, sweetie.” Renz places a soft peck on my lips, and instructs the guards, “Take my brother to the dungeon.”

Confusion takes over. I turn to Pin with questioning eyes, and he looks disgusted. No way can this be true. Renz is lying. No way are they brothers. Pin’s brother?

“Brothers …?” Pin opens his mouth as if to say something then closes it.

Renz leans closer. “Yes, we’re brothers,” he whispers in my ear, but my gaze remains on Pin.

He doesn’t struggle or fight to get free of the guards, as they drag him away.

They are brothers.

“Pin lied to you,” Renz says. “He didn’t tell you he was a prince of your enemies. To be honest with you, he was to marry you. His pretense of a Payohlini Guardian was a ruse to get close to you. He knows how to get what he wants. And he’s wanted the power he was promised, ever since our father promised you to him. He had you, and you cared for him. Now the tables are turned, and you belong to me.”

He gives me permission to leave the dining room, and feeling dejected, I explore the palace to settle myself. So much to think about. Two men, one I detest, and one I can’t get out of my head. I can’t believe they’re brothers. How could Pin do this to me?

They are so different, though. Pin is sweet and caring, and controlling and protective. He betrayed his people . . . though, I guess he didn’t really betray them. It was just deception. At least, that is what I want to believe. No power in the world could make a male act the way Pin did when he found out about Trevor, surely? 

I come across a set of guards at a door. As if they recognize me, the guards bow before standing big and strong.

“Who are you hear to see?” asks the shorter guard.

“Excuse me?”

“Who are you here to see?”

Must be the dungeons
. “If this is the entrance to the dungeons, then, Pin.”

He opens the door and walks down a long narrow passageway. I follow. It is so narrow, the walls on each side rub against my shoulders. There are only few lights, so it’s quite dim.

The male stops in the middle of the skinny hall, causing me to bump into him. He pulls out a key and opens a door. I walk inside, and my heart nearly stops.

Pin is shackled to a wall. He doesn’t open his eyes when I enter. He just hangs. Although it’s awful to see him in this condition, I’m still hurt that he lied to me.

Pin finally lifts his lids, and my arms fly around his neck. “What are you doing here?” he questions.

“I needed to see you. I guess my heart don’t care that it’s betrayed.”


I step back. “What?”

“Leave! Morph and get off Payohlini. Forget about me, Zola!”

“That’s the problem, Pin! Forgetting you is too hard! I should be very angry at you, but my heart won’t let me! You’re in my thoughts all the time. No matter how many rejections, I still love you!”

“Don’t! Don’t say that!”

“No! I’m done lying to myself, because it hurts. I don’t want to hurt anymore. Just let me love you.”

“Just leave! Don’t come back. Leave me. Leave Payohlini. You won’t find what you want here.”

BOOK: Zola Flash (The Zola Flash Series Book 1)
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