Read Accidental Trifecta Online

Authors: Avery Gale

Accidental Trifecta (4 page)

BOOK: Accidental Trifecta
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Chapter Four


Carl watched the interplay between Master and slave, and wondered if the woman had any idea how much power she had in their relationship. He’d read her bio, knew she was incredibly intelligent, so it was likely she knew and simply didn’t care. She was exactly the opposite of what he’d always considered his “type” yet everything about the woman flipped his switches.

Dr. Cecelia Barnes’ dark hair and eyes made her look mysterious and her softly rounded figure made him think of cuddling beside a crackling fire. He’d make sure the room was warm enough that her bare skin wouldn’t feel any chill while he memorized every square inch of her. Oddly enough her file had included a notation that she loved Richart chocolate, so he’d made a point to pick up a large box before he and Peter made their way to Dark Desires. He’d thought it odd that a dossier had contained such a trivial detail, but after seeing her, it was easy to understand. CeCe was the type of woman men wanted to care for, nurture, and spoil with anything her heart desired. There was an Old World flair to her beauty, her high cheekbones and the slight angle of her eyes pulled him in like a moth to a flame.

Cam had never spoken much about the future during the time they’d been friends. Carl had always gotten the impression his friend hadn’t expected to live that long, and considering his reputation after joining the Navy, that had probably been an accurate assessment. Everything the man had done after joining the SEALs was classified and his time after leaving the teams was so buried most of the brass at the Pentagon probably weren’t even aware Cameron Barnes was still alive. Carl had been hearing rumors about Cam for years, but had no way to separate the stories that were based on facts from those that had simply become tales of hero worship perpetuated by admirers.


CeCe entered Cam’s office and quickly moved into her usual position at her Master’s side. Cam always made sure his office was the perfect temperature for her even though she was sure it was far too warm for his comfort. Looking up surreptitiously, she noted the light glistening of the tanned skin on the back of his hands and knew she’d been right. She kept her head down to maintain her posture while kneeling, but the sight of his strong fingers overlapping where his hands were clasped together pulled her attention and held her enthralled as her mind worked over all the plans they’d made for their vacation. Knowing the pleasure and pain those fingers could bring her, sent a slick flood of moisture to her pussy. Her Master never missed any sign from her body so it was only a matter of time before he smelled her arousal. But as he continued talking to the man sitting across from him, she found herself turning her thoughts inward and soon she was lost in her worries and lost track of their conversation entirely.

She wasn’t unnerved by the other man in the room, and even though her Master had spoken of him, he was sitting within her peripheral vision but she kept her eyes downcast so she didn’t know if she’d seen him before or not. What puzzled her was the tension she’d detected in his voice when he’d spoken, and what on earth did he mean “at least until this is resolved”? They’d never discussed adding a third to their relationship, she wasn’t particularly opposed to the idea, but she’d never been one of those people who adjusted to change easily either. Reminding herself it wasn’t hers to worry over, she evened out her breathing and let her mind drift. Handing over the worries of her life, outside her professional life, was one of the best parts of her submission.

CeCe wasn’t naïve enough to ignore the power she had in their relationship, she knew Cameron Barnes loved her every bit or more than she loved him. He’d told her one night early in their relationship that he depended upon her “goodness” to even out his bad karma. When she'd laughed, he’d shaken his head, “I’ve never been more serious, pet. Your soul is free of the burdens of my past and that innocence will be safe with me forever if I can arrange it.” They’d been drinking wine and she’d attributed his admission to the alcohol’s effect, but the next night he’d collared her and proposed. She’d barely managed to hold him off until her sister could help her plan the small ceremony, and through it all she’d gotten the sense he worried she would change her mind.

Most people saw their union as peculiar, but it worked for them…or at least she’d thought it was working. Now that she considered his words, she wondered if there had been more to them. He’d referred to the man as an old friend, but the only friend she’d ever heard Cam mention was Jax McDonald. When she felt her Master’s breath brush against her ear she realized he’d leaned close while she’d been lost in thought. “I know you have been looking forward to our trip to the beach, but in order for us to keep you safe I’m having the security system upgraded and it won’t be ready for a couple of days.”

Oh fuck me. Don’t cry

don’t cry…don’t cry.
She hadn’t even considered the fact the security problem Cam had mentioned on the phone might disrupt their plans. Blinking furiously she managed to hold back the tears, but just barely and there wasn’t a chance in hell her ultra-attentive—often to the point she wanted to pull her hair out—Master wouldn’t notice. He held her chin between his fingers and looked down into her eyes and when she dropped her gaze, he tightened his hold in warning. “Don’t hide your pain from me, pet. I own it as much as I own your pleasure. It’s all mine, do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” CeCe knew her voice shook, but his reminder that he wanted all of her, even the pieces she didn’t believe were as attractive, kept her from caring.

“Good. Now, I am going to break our usual way of doing things and give you a brief rundown of what I have planned for this evening. We’re going to play a bit now because I need to feel your hot mouth wrapped around my cock. You’re going to show our friend just how much you love pleasing your Master. During that time, he’s going to have the opportunity to pleasure you, but you will not come until one of us gives you permission to do so. You will obey him as you would me, is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir.” There was more strength in her response this time and she wasn’t sure if it was because Cam had given her time to settle, or if it was Tobi’s and Gracie’s voices replaying in her head as they expounded on the mind shattering orgasms they achieved at the hands of their two Masters. Her two friends had bragged and boasted about how fantastic the sex was with two men until CeCe had wanted to throttle them both. She wasn’t jealous by nature, but a woman could only take so much.

She heard both men chuckle and realized her response had probably sounded more like a breathy plea than an answer. Cam kept his eyes on her, but spoke to Carl, “I’d say my lovely slave is curious about whether or not all of the things her friends from the Prairie Winds Club have told her are true.” CeCe felt her spine straighten.
How did he know?
, sometimes he is annoying as all holy handball rackets. Living with someone this observant and insightful can be a real pain in my ass…ets

“I’d have to agree, she seems quite interested. Even from here I can see the acceleration in the pulse beating at the base of her throat. Her respiration rate has increased and become much shallower as well. If I was going to bet, I’d say her pussy is as juicy as a ripe Georgia peach.” The rich timbre of his voice only added to the lust she felt at Carl Phillips’ words. She hoped she didn’t go off like a rocket at his first touch. It would be mortifying to appear so untrained and embarrass her Master. CeCe wasn’t a fool, she would hold back her release as she’d been told to, but she wasn’t going to deny herself the opportunity to find out what all the ruckus was about, that would just be crazy.

CeCe felt like a deer caught in the headlights of two of the monster trucks she’d seen on freeway on her way to the club. She became aware of each breath she took, could feel every beat of her heart and every time her pussy clenched with the need to be filled. The more aroused she became the more intense the ache in her core, she felt herself beginning to spin out of control and wondered how far they’d let her go before moving things along.
Get a grip
CeCe, they haven’t even touched you yet, and you
about ready to come.
She realized their voices sounded distant and there were black spots dancing in her vision just as sharp pain lanced through her nipples. Gasping in a breath, she was shocked to realize she’d been so caught up in the moment she hadn’t even remembered to breathe.
If their words can stop me from breathing, I’m not sure I’ll survive it when they actually touch me?

This time her Master’s voice was razor sharp, “When you don’t breathe, my love, your body doesn’t focus very well, does it?” She was fairly sure it had been a rhetorical question, but she felt obligated to give her head a small shake anyway. “Above all things, I require that you take very good care of what belongs to me. Just as your safe word is there for your protection, it is in place for my peace of mind as well. I need to know that you will let me know
things are unsettling you to the point you forget to breathe, pet.” She heard so many things in his words and tone that she wasn’t sure she’d be able to sort them all out. CeCe knew he wasn’t happy that she’d lost focus so completely, but she also felt as if he was misreading the situation. She wasn’t sure he’d appreciate her assessment of the situation so she kept quiet.

“I think you may be overthinking things, Cam.” Carl’s voice sounded closer than it had a few minutes ago and she wondered if he’d actually moved or just leaned forward. “I think your lovely slave was so aroused by our observations she lost herself in the moment. From everything I’ve heard, she is a brilliant woman with an IQ that qualifies her for a Mensa membership, something neither of us will ever attain. But there are times words aren’t the best way to grasp a concept. Perhaps showing her would be more effective.”
Oh, he’s smooth. Positively silky smooth.
He’s also full of shit because
I’m betting
is IQ is every bit as high as mine.

Damn, if she got a chance she was so calling Tobi or Gracie.
Oh craptastic, I’m even starting to sound like Tobi.
They’d know the scoop on Carl Philips. Cam had said he was a part of the Prairie Winds team and that meant her friends would likely know all about him. Gracie would know because Jax was Cam’s closest friend. And CeCe knew Jax wouldn’t have sent the man here if he didn’t trust him. She also knew Jax was the head of the club’s security, but when she thought back, she realized Cam hadn’t mentioned the club, he’d said “team” and she’d heard him use the term on occasion when referring to the men he’d worked with in the military.
I wonder

When she felt a hand cup the base of her skull her mind went completely blank. Good God Gertie, how had she managed to lose focus again so quickly? Both men were going to think she was a brat of the first order, or an idiot despite what Carl had just said. “I’m not sure what is causing all this distress, love, but I
think I know the solution.” Looking up into his eyes, she was relieved to see a small curve at the corners of his mouth—just that hint of a smile put her at ease.

The truth of it was, CeCe had been struggling for months to keep her head above water. First she’d struggled with post-partum depression but had been foolish enough to keep it to herself for far too long. She’d also taken on far too many patients and that had cut so deeply into her time with Chloe, she often felt as if her daughter barely knew her. And having a full-time nanny living in their home would have been disruptive enough, but the woman was so vanilla that when Tobi had met her, she'd sworn her farts probably smelled like those cheap candles from Walmart. Not being able to relax in her own home had definitely taken a toll. She wasn’t accustomed to wearing clothing at home because Cam had always insisted she be available for his visual as well as his physical pleasure. And not being able to play had robbed her of the opportunities to work off the stress and strain that had accumulated rapidly. There had been moments when she’d felt as if she was being drawn and quartered from being pulled in so many different directions.

When they’d spoken on the phone earlier, Cam had mentioned he planned to interview a new nanny before they left. She wondered if he’d still be able to now that their plans seemed to have been scrambled. She hoped she’d have a chance to at least observe the interview, after all, Chloe was her daughter too, even if the little imp had become a daddy’s girl so quickly it was downright disgusting. She felt Cam’s finger pressing between her brows and knew she had been frowning. “What was that thought?” There was an edge to his voice and she knew he surely must be losing patience with her little mental road trips.

“I was just thinking about Chloe, and how much she loves you. She is closer to you than she is to me and I don’t really understand that.” She felt her eyes fill with tears, but she blinked them back, willing them not to fall.

His eyes softened for just a moment before he shook his head, “That is only natural, I’m her father and she is so much like you already it’s frightening. But it really is a discussion for another time.” Placing his hands around her waist, he lifted her easily as he stood. Without even pausing, he managed to fold her knees as he placed her on top of his large desk. She’d barely registered her position when he stepped right up to the edge, looking down she found herself staring directly at his crotch.
hat racks
, it looks like it’
s trying to escape and that fabric can’t hold it back for long.
“Pet?” Scrambling to keep herself propped up on the elbows while easing down the zipper of his trousers, she was careful not to damage the smooth head with the zipper’s metal teeth. She’d known he wouldn’t have bothered with boxers and she was suddenly grateful for his aversion to undergarments. Taking him in her hand, she marveled at how hot his skin felt beneath her fingers. When the musky scent of her Master wafted over her, she felt a rush of fluid fill her sex. A low chuckle from behind her reminded CeCe of Master Carl’s presence.
Oh Lord, when had she started thinking of him as Master Carl
? Don’t get ahead of yourself, Cecelia. Just focus on bringing your Master pleasur
e and let him handle the rest.
That was the last thought that went through her head before she took him to the back of her throat and moaned around his flesh. Just holding him there sent pinpricks of electrical need sparkling through her, lighting her up from the inside. And then the whole world tilted on its axis when she felt Master Carl’s fingers slide through her slick folds.

BOOK: Accidental Trifecta
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