Read Accidental Trifecta Online

Authors: Avery Gale

Accidental Trifecta (7 page)

BOOK: Accidental Trifecta
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Chapter Seven


Carl watched through the two-way mirror as Cam began questioning the young woman the agency had sent for the nanny position. “She is wearing a Dark Desires uniform. Why?” He hadn’t meant for his question to sound so abrupt, hell, he’d been retired from the SEAL teams long enough he should be able to remember not everyone communicates in such an abbreviated way. When he glanced at CeCe, he saw her studying him carefully. It was if he was a puzzle to solve and even though her scrutiny shouldn’t have mattered, it did. He didn’t ask, just raised a brow at her in question. When she flushed in embarrassment at being caught staring he knew she’d been lost in thought and now he was even more curious.

She finally managed to speak, her words were halting as if she wasn’t sure she had permission to speak, he and Cam clearly had different styles of dominance. “Lara works in the club’s deli. She is one of the subs who is allowed to work at the club part-time in order to offset their membership fee.”

Carl would never be comfortable with the level of intensity Cam had maintained in his relationship with CeCe and the sooner she learned to relax in his presence the happier they would both be. “CeCe, while Cam and I are both Doms, we have different views of how that should look in private. When you and I are alone, I’ll expect you to be respectful, but I want you to speak freely. Did you have a boyfriend in college?” Even though her eyes were still a bit wary, she nodded slowly. “Okay. Absent other instructions when we are alone, I want you to treat me the way you would treat a boyfriend in that context until we know one another better. Once we get comfortable, we’ll rewrite the parameters. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.” Carl chuckled at her automatic response and the pink that flooded her cheeks when she realized what she’d done.
Good God she is beautiful, no wonder Cam is enraptured with her.
And there was no question why his friend was completely over the moon with his lovely wife. Carl hadn’t seen Cam in years, but there were things about a person that never changed, and the genuine emotion in Cameron’s eyes was easy to see.

“Well, sweetness, I think perhaps this is something we’ll just agree to work on. The only time you’ll find I am absolutely unwilling to compromise will be when safety is the issue, and that applies to you and Chloe. At those times I’ll demand your immediate compliance.” Her heart shaped face paled, but she nodded, so he continued, “I’ll expect your obedience during play, but I’ll enjoy punishing you as well.” He was relieved when the flush that began over her heart spread all the way to her cheeks and the muscles in her shoulders appeared to relax.

“Now, while we watch the rest of this interview, I want you to become familiar with my touch. Your Master has given me carte blanche, but I think we’ll both feel better if you have a chance to acclimate a bit first.” With those words, Carl pulled her in front of him, her bare back against his chest so she faced the large window. He wrapped his arms loosely around her and began caressing her breasts with one hand while he kept the other splayed over her lower abdomen. The only thing keeping them from being completely skin-to-skin was the thin fabric of his shirt, and he was beginning to resent its presence. When he felt her begin to relax against him, he began pinching and pulling her nipples, alternating his attention between the two and pulling them into tight peaks. “Your breasts are very sensitive, aren’t they? Were they sensitive before you had Chloe?”

“Yes, Sir.” Her head was pressed against his breastbone and the airy sound of her voice went directly to his cock. The woman was every man’s wet dream fantasy come to life in Carl’s opinion—brilliant, beautiful, and a natural submissive. She wasn’t overly thin, thank God, but she was more slender now than she’d appeared in the photos he’d been given. Later he would ask Cam if she’d lost weight recently because if he had to make a guess, he’d say she’d been struggling before the threats became an issue. He certainly didn’t want her to lose any more of her sweet curves, he’d never cared to hold a women who felt like a stick. And despite the fact he didn’t really know her, Carl noticed she also seemed much paler than her photos in the file the Wests had provided. When he’d casually checked her palms, the light color of the lines told him she wasn’t eating right, and he’d be willing to bet her work schedule had prevented her from spending any time working out as well. Even though he’d technically retired from the SEALs, his work for the new contract teams the Wests had put together meant he was still training regularly so he’d be able to put together a workout for the two of them. She’d probably curse him in the beginning, but once she noticed how much more energy she had, he’d be willing to bet her complaints died quickly.

“Perfect. You and I are going to be spending a lot of time together, and I’m going to have my hands on you a lot. I love the way your skin feel beneath my fingers. Your small shivers and sweet moans are a siren’s call to a Dom.” Pressing his mouth over the pulse point below her ear, he could feel the pounding of her heart as it beat rapidly.
Aha, so the sweet sub’s calm demeanor is
a well-practiced ruse, huh? Let’s see how long she can maintain it?

Just as he slid his hand between her legs, he heard Cam asking Lara if her hard limit list was up to date. And when he asked the young woman if she was still opposed to playing with married men, CeCe’s entire body went rigid. Carl didn’t stop touching her when he spoke, “Darlin’, stop and think. Why would he ask her that question?” She’d started trembling so hard he was surprised her teeth weren’t rattling. The woman wasn’t thinking logically, this was an entirely emotional response. Pulling his fingers from her slick pussy, he turned her away from the window. Swiping his wet fingers over his jeans, Carl then used his fingers to tilt her face up to his own. Hell, if he’d thought she was pale before, her skin was almost translucent now. The vacant look in her eyes told him that her mind was racing and not in the right direction. “Cecelia, look at me.” When her dark eyes didn’t zero in as he’d hoped, he snapped, “Right now, CeCe. I want you to really look at me. Focus and use that razor sharp mind of yours.” She nodded as if the words had finally gotten through, so he continued, “I haven’t seen or talked to Cam in two and half decades and even I know exactly what he’s up to, and you will too if you’ll just stop and think.”

He was relieved when he saw the glaze recede from her eyes and turned her back to the window just as Lara explained to her boss in crystal clear terms that she didn’t—nor would she ever play with a married man. She also told him that she’d really been interested in the job, but he could keep it if it involved fooling around with him. Carl was barely able to hold back his laughter when the little spitfire Cam had been interviewing said, “I’ll have you know you have an amazing wife and beautiful daughter, and I hope to hell you don’t do anything to fuck that up.” When he saw her eyes go wide, Carl knew she realized what she’d just said to her boss, a man who also happened to be a Master in the club where she was a submissive. She pressed her lips together so tight they were actually turning blue and the color was a sharp contrast to the pale color her face had suddenly turned.

Cam merely watched her for several seconds before he smiled. “Don’t worry, Lara, that was exactly the response I was hoping for. Your loyalty to my wife and daughter are precisely what I’m interested in. And as for your sassy response, that sort of conviction to personal ideals is a trait I’d demand rather than punish in this particular instance.” Lara finally took a breath and a little bit of color reappeared in her pale cheeks.

“The job is yours if you want it. You’ll begin drawing the nanny’s salary as soon as you read and sign the paperwork,” he said, nodding toward the small stack of papers at the corner of his desk. “I’ll also see to it that your things are moved into our home immediately.” When the young woman’s eyes widened, Cam shook his head, “Stop and think, Lara. You will have a nice suite of rooms that is larger than your current apartment, and you will be far safer there. We have had a recent threat against my wife, Carl Phillips and I are taking her away for a few days while things are resolved. It would be almost impossible for anyone to mistake you and Cecelia for one another, so you’ll be safe in our home, and I’ll arrange for you to be escorted anytime you leave the penthouse. I checked your address, sweetness, and you are living in a very dangerous neighborhood, it’s time to get out of there before your luck runs out.”

Carl was having trouble holding back his amusement at Lara’s expression and looking at CeCe’s expression in the window’s reflection, he could see she was facing a similar challenge. Cam hadn’t lost his ability to steamroll people. Hell, it was more likely the life he’d been living since they’d known one another would have exacerbated the trait.

Carl knew all too well how being a part of the Teams had intensified several of his own personality quirks. His tendency to drive like a Formula One driver had certainly gotten worse, as had his habit of questioning everyone’s motives—including his own. Even now there was a huge question hanging over his head, but he was going to push it aside because he intended to take full advantage of the free reign he’d been given with CeCe. Turning her so she was facing him, Carl smoothed her hair back and waited several seconds for her to settle before speaking, “Never doubt his love for you, sweetness.”

“Why haven’t you two seen each other in so long? What happened?” Her questioned shocked him and from the look on her face, she seemed equally surprised she’d let the words slip free. He didn’t respond at first because he’d been too stunned to formulate an acceptable answer. Since he and Cam hadn’t discussed how to address this particular issue, he wouldn’t answer the question she had every right to ask. Well, he wouldn’t answer right now, so his only option was to keep her distracted.

“That’s a story for another time, sweetness. Right now, I’m going to exercise my right to enjoy that sweet mouth of yours.” To her credit she didn’t argue, she simply dropped to her knees and waited for his instructions. He was grateful for her patience because he wasn’t planning to let anyone else unzip his pants for fear his cock might make a leap toward the temptation and get caught in the zipper’s brass teeth, hell, just thinking about
scared him. “Rest your hands on my thighs, baby, and keep your eyes on mine.” He didn’t want her worrying about keeping her balance, he’d much rather she focused all of her attention on their mutual pleasure. The depth of CeCe’s submission showed in her expressions and he didn’t intend to miss anything. He would also know exactly where her head was if he could see her dark eyes.

“We’ll start slow, because you aren’t familiar with my style of dominance yet. But, baby, I have to tell you, it isn’t going to stay that way for long.” He took himself in hand and pressed the tip forward smearing the pearly drops of pre-cum over her lush lips, reveling in the shiny gloss it painted over her bow shaped mouth.
Damn, the woman
made for a man’s pleasure.
“Open for me, baby.” The warm silk of her mouth wrapped around his length and his knees nearly buckled. “Holy fucking hell.”
The woman ha
no gag reflex? None at all?
He’d never had a sub take him clear to the back of her throat on the first pass. Sweet baby Jesus, if she had swallowed before he’d pulled back he would have probably come right then.
Fuck me the woman’s mouth is deadly.

“Your mouth feels so good, I’m not sure if it’s heaven sent or devil blessed. But it’s fucking amazing either way.” He let her set the pace for the first few strokes, but when he saw her eyes glaze over with lust he knew it was time to grab the reins or she was going to take them both over far too quickly. Wrapping his hands in her hair, he gave it a quick tug when she moaned and closed her eyes, “Eyes on mine, sweetness. Don’t disobey me. I’m looking forward to paddling your sweet ass, but I’d much prefer the kind of spanking that brings you pleasure to anything resembling punishment.” The truth was he didn’t know her well enough to punish her. And he could find far better ways for them to spend the next few minutes.

Carl heard Cam enter the room, but he was sure CeCe had not. His former friend was standing to the side watching and even though Carl hadn’t looked at him directly, he could feel the heat of his gaze.
Perhaps he is remembering the last time we were together.
Before his mind could stray too far in that direction, he returned his attention on the woman kneeling in front of him. Her eyes weren’t leaving his, but they were so unfocused he was certain she wasn’t really seeing anything. “Are you wet, baby? If I slide my fingers through the soft petals of your pussy would I find them soaked with your honey?”

When CeCe nodded her head frantically, Carl placed his hands along the sides of her face taking away her peripheral vision. Stepping back he didn’t move his hands as he said, “Stand up.” When she scrambled to her feet, he turned her so her ass and bare pussy would be front and center in Cam’s view. “Spread your feet apart and bend at the waist, baby, let’s kick this up a notch.” He saw her puzzled expression but she followed his instructions without hesitation. There wasn’t any way for her to keep her eyes on his now, and he hated the fact he wouldn’t see her surprise when Cam pushed into her from behind. But she took him back in her mouth tracing the large vein running the entire length of the back of his cock with her tongue and his eyes nearly rolled to the back. Now that he thought it over, it probably didn’t matter if he couldn’t see her face since his head was lolling backward and his eyes closed in pleasure of their own volition. He had already been hard enough to pound railroad spikes into the sun-backed Texas prairie and now he was worried the whole thing might burst into flames as well.

His friend didn’t waste a moment freeing himself from his trousers and pushing in deep. The force of his thrust pushed CeCe forward so Carl’s cock hit the back of her throat. Her soft gasp of surprise vibrated around him, and almost sent him barreling over the edge. “I am pleased to see you and Master Carl are getting along so well, pet.” Carl felt her mouth tighten around him and on his next thrust she swallowed, the massaging muscles of her throat made him growl with pleasure.

BOOK: Accidental Trifecta
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